Apple's mysterious 2-story structure at site of Sept. 9 event drives frenzy even further



  • Reply 121 of 131
    palomine wrote: »
    mstone wrote: »
    Because it is a temporary structure, I doubt it will actually have a second floor. You would need a full reinforced concrete foundation to support load bearing beams. The public safely requirements would be too extensive for a multi-level building that was just to be used for one day.

    The shape doesn't seem like it would have very good acoustics for a concert either.

    Good catch. Hey, what if they did a sort of half-open multistory home mockup? People would be on the floor in the various products testing areas, yet could look up and see a cross section of several rooms on the insides of the building along the walls, testing remotes for lights and tech. It would NOT be open to stroll through, and be uninhabited, so no need for load bearing beams. Whole main floor open to the press with the home demo visible on the upper walls maybe?

    Got it!

    It's a temporary multi-storey car park for the media.
  • Reply 122 of 131

    It's an outdoor gym, stair masters, treadmills ellipticals all for health kit  monitoring demo via iWatch.

  • Reply 123 of 131
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,333moderator
    There are some images and videos of the building here:

    Given that it's protected by security, it can't be something trivial like a sound stage or an after-show party area. They probably won't ship actual Apple products until very close to the event but the delivery people and workers sign non-disclosure agreements. The building looks wide but narrow and there are two smaller areas sticking out the back:

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    That looks like the entrance there and you can see it doesn't look like it goes back very far. The comments in the above article say:

    ""It looked like a sound stage going up for a rock concert behind Flint Center," Mangini said in describing the scene two Sundays ago, with lights on a grid above the stage being built in view of a nearby fountain and duck pond.

    Mangini said the structure had become even more enormous by last Sunday's walk, with walls around the stage structure that he estimated at three stories high. Mangini, who was an electrical engineer and now teaches part time at UC Santa Cruz's Silicon Valley extension campus in Santa Clara, took note of huge power cables run through pipes to a transformer at least a couple hundred yards away.

    Mangini asked a worker about the construction project and received a terse answer.

    "We really can't say," the worker told him. "All I can say is this is one of the largest shows I've ever worked on, and I've worked on them for 30 years."

    Mangini, who moved to Cupertino in 1974 and celebrated his 50th anniversary with his wife last year, said the construction and huge amounts of electricity piped to it seems to point to some kind of light show or rock concert -- or both -- happening outside Flint Center.

    "It's a very professional job," he said Thursday. "It looks like Hollywood to me -- there's a lot of money going into this.""

    It doesn't sound like it's going to be something lame like a Homekit demo, construction workers must put up demos like those all the time. When they spoke about Homekit, they mentioned quite a lot of controls and partners:

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]

    People don't walk around their houses with their phones so it would need a wearable to control it all. A front door can unlock as you approach it while wearing the device and notify to ask to lock it if you walk away from it. A garage door can notify to ask to open as you drive a car into the driveway. You'd be able to change lighting in different areas, adjust heating and so on.

    But, like I say, this sort of thing would be lame because it's not practical for average people. This is the sort of thing Jony Ive would put in his $17m house.

    The demo could be extended to use the wearable for shopping, fitness and other things but that's still not as groundbreaking as the original Mac, iPod or iPhone.
  • Reply 124 of 131
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I'll stick with the rock / rap concert. Gotta be Beats related.
  • Reply 125 of 131
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,333moderator
    I'll stick with the rock / rap concert. Gotta be Beats related.

    Why the security though? We know they bought Beats. Maybe they don't want people finding out there's something music related in case they make the assumption there's a new Beats product. I think they're going to have to make a new model of Beats headphones.
  • Reply 126 of 131
    Marvin wrote: »
    I'll stick with the rock / rap concert. Gotta be Beats related.

    Why the security though? We know they bought Beats. Maybe they don't want people finding out there's something music related in case they make the assumption there's a new Beats product. I think they're going to have to make a new model of Beats headphones.

    I'm with your thinking. Doesn't excite me, though; if the wearable turns out to be new headphones, I doubt I'd buy it.
  • Reply 127 of 131
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member

    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post


    Add to it Jim D tweet ( and things are... Smoke'n!


    Obviously referring to the mid-2014 Mac Mini update.

  • Reply 128 of 131
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    I'll stick with the rock / rap concert. Gotta be Beats related.

    The iTunes event has been a month or so after the iPhone event.
  • Reply 129 of 131
    solipsismx wrote: »
    The iTunes event has been a month or so after the iPhone event.

    It just seems like an obvious thing to me based on the various quotes I've seen, but I'd love to be surprised by something completely unexpected.
  • Reply 131 of 131
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    WOT, but, found this:

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