Apple Pay sparks inter-bank battle to be consumers' default choice



  • Reply 41 of 165
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    ....Aaand more free advertising by the geniuses at Apple.
  • Reply 42 of 165
    Originally Posted by SirLance99 View Post



    Ummm, that's not how it works anymore. I can direct charge my CC now with Google Wallet. I just did it this morning about an hour ago. You have the choice to use what's on the virtual MasterCard or direct charge whatever CC you have loaded.

    it was the carriers that rejected google wallet the problem google has is that it implements tech too quickly doesn't really think about what it is doing strategically and just rushes out lots of crappy beta products hoping that one day one of them will stick. Google is the equivalent of Samsung - they try everything wasting resources in the process and only a few of their products stick. It's a flawed business model. They have gotten away with it because they have such deep pockets because 90% of their revenue is search click ads. Google is still not diversified enough. The business will fail unless they change it.


    But I'm really pleased with Google, they are the new incubator, they try stuff out, screw it up and Apple comes along afterwards and implements the practical real solution

  • Reply 43 of 165
    solipsismx wrote: »
    apple ][ wrote: »
    I'm wondering how it will work when using ?Pay with the ?Watch.

    There's no TouchID on the ?Watch, and Apple didn't get into any details about how exactly one would pay using their ?Watch.

    1) I read th
    at it will be slightly different. Most of it is the same but there will be a PIN you have to input after putting the watch on in order to activate ?Pay. Because of the sensors facing the wrist this will lockout ?Pay as soon as it's removed. Whether you have to use the PIN every time you make a purchase or whether they feel that is safe enough (certainly more safe than a CC in your wallet) I don't yet know.

    2) Since the ?Watch doesn't have a camera — thankfully! — and the digital crown would be a pain for inputting your card data I assume you do need an iPhone 6/6+ for adding the card data that will then be sent to the Secure Element on the ?Watch via BT or ad-hoc WiFi (but definitely through iCloud) via the ?Pay app on the 6/6+.

    One way it could work: as Sol mentioned, the AppleWatch enters an active state when it is put on the wrist -- which lasts until the watch is removed.

    To enable the watch for ApplePay, the user could use TouchID to authorize the watch one time (until de authorized or the watch is removed). As part of the authorization, the AppleWatch gets and saves the cc pseudo cc numbers.

    Then, the iPhone could go back in the pocket or purse.

    To ApplePay with an authorized AppleWatch, you select or default the cc and the watch gets the token * from the iPhone which is sent by NFC to the POST.

    If for some reason the iPhone is N/A, the watch would retrieve the previously saved pseudo cc number, and the user would enter the PIN on the iWatch.

    * the token consists of a pseudo cc number, a security code ** and possibly a time stamp.

    ** the security code is generated, ad hoc, by an algorithm known only to the bank and the iPhone 6.

    The bank is responsible for generating both the pseudo-credit card number and the security code algorithm -- then supplying them to Apple to store on the iPhone 6.
  • Reply 44 of 165
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    sog35 wrote: »
    learn to read.

    Don't be a meanie, I think it's cute how some kids can't read.
  • Reply 45 of 165
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    One way it could work: as Sol mentioned, the AppleWatch enters an active state when it is put on the wrist -- which lasts until the watch is removed.

    To enable the watch for ApplePay, the user could use TouchID to authorize the watch one time (until de authorized or the watch is removed). As part of the authorization, the AppleWatch gets and saves the cc pseudo cc numbers.

    Then, the iPhone could go back in the pocket or purse.

    To ApplePay with an authorized AppleWatch, you select or default the cc and the watch gets the token * afrom the iPhone which is sent by NFC to the POST.

    If for some reason the iPhone is N/A, the watch would retrieve the previously saved pseudo cc number, and the user would enter the PIN on the iWatch.

    * the token consists of a pseudo cc number, a security code ** and possibly a time stamp.

    ** the security code is generated, ad hoc, by an algorithm known only to the bank and the iPhone 6.

    The bank is responsible for generating both the pseudo-credit card number and the security code algorithm -- then supplying them to Apple to store on the iPhone 6.

    If Apple really wants to take it to the next level they can add a Touch ID sensor to the back of the watch which constantly reads and records your wrist until it has a detailed record of it. DONE.
  • Reply 46 of 165

    Originally Posted by DogGone View Post

    I assume most people have a main CC that they use. I do and it is the primary card because of the rewards program. So the behavior will not changed with Apple Pay. This card is used unless the seller does not take AmEx.

    It will be interesting what the banks will offer to get you to switch default cards. It would have to be a lot because the cash reward I get yearly is significant.


    Would be interesting though if Apple can leverage this like 'coin'   You put all your cc's info into your iPhone, then can specify which card to use in certain situations...   Card A for gas purchase, Card B for airline tix, etc etc and users can easily automate maximizing their perks without having to tote 10 cards around

  • Reply 47 of 165

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    OT: anyone heard why Apple is having regulatory issues with iPhone in China? The rumor I heard this morning is iPhone 6 might not launch there until next year. Must be why the stock is down today, Ouch if true.

    Could be just a b-s rumor would be my guess.

  • Reply 48 of 165
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    1) NFC ? RFID.

    2) So these "NFC" cards you have in your wallet. You had the multinationals, banks, and retailers all scrambling to support NFC for years now, eh? What country do you live in? Clearly not the US.

    They are interchangeable and there is no functional difference when paying as they use the same terminals.


    Doesn't the 'Location' field to the left with the users details provide a clue?  I live in Ireland where chip equipped, and NFC cards have been in use for ages.  I was recently in Australia and NFC seemed to be pretty ubiquitous there.


    The US is so astonishingly advanced in most areas and yet seems surprisingly backwards in others, like card and currency security.  The rest of the world has had chip and PIN cards for a decade or more and your physical currency is still insecure compared to Australia's polymer notes.

  • Reply 49 of 165

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

     I believe that iWatch will have a greater impact over the long term -- making it ridiculousy easy to buy things with ApplePay.


    I'm wondering how it will work when using ?Pay with the ?Watch.


    There's no TouchID on the ?Watch, and Apple didn't get into any details about how exactly one would pay using their ?Watch.

    Biometric data?

  • Reply 50 of 165
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,384moderator
    How about no default choices? Apple Pay doesn’t exist to whore your device out to banks for new customers. It exists to take whatever system you already have and digitize it securely.

    The default would be for convenience. I don't suppose it would be such a big deal choosing a card each time though. If you are at a checkout, it can bring up the options and you pick the one to use at the time and then use touch id to validate the purchase. I'd prefer to choose each time but I can understand frequent shoppers would just want to touch the button.
  • Reply 51 of 165

    Perhaps I've missed it, but can anyone confirm if any bank card will work if it's a Visa credit/debit card, for example?  I have to assume it will, but then I look at the banks that have signed up and I'm unsure.


    Seems to reason that my personal bank card, with the Visa logo, would be able to be added to Apple Pay/Passbook.

  • Reply 52 of 165

    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    Yeah I can't understand how I could possibly have 3 NFC equipped cards in my wallet without Apple being involved /s

    Maybe you do.  Maybe you use them all the time.  Funny though, I shop physically for many things and have not seen a SINGLE NFC payment done in front of me.  I am in the USA, so maybe elsewhere it is popular.  

  • Reply 53 of 165

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Biometric data?


    That's an interesting idea.


    There are an awful lot of sensors on the bottom of the ?Watch to merely detect heartrate.


    It would be cool if there was some kind of vein scanner on the ?Watch, and that would make ?Pay payments very easy and convenient.

  • Reply 54 of 165

    Originally Posted by allenbf View Post


    Perhaps I've missed it, but can anyone confirm if any bank card will work if it's a Visa credit/debit card, for example?  I have to assume it will, but then I look at the banks that have signed up and I'm unsure.


    Seems to reason that my personal bank card, with the Visa logo, would be able to be added to Apple Pay/Passbook.


    Your bank needs to be a part of it, I believe. It doesn't matter if you have a Visa or Mastercard if the issuer is some no-name bank that hasn't yet joined.

  • Reply 55 of 165
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    I'm wondering how it will work when using ?Pay with the ?Watch.


    There's no TouchID on the ?Watch, and Apple didn't get into any details about how exactly one would pay using their ?Watch.


    I remember reading something about authenticating when you put it on via phone, somehow, and then if you take the watch off it'll require re-authentication.


    Don't quote me, I can't find the link.  But I didn't dream that.

  • Reply 56 of 165

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post



    Your bank needs to be a part of it, I believe. It doesn't matter if you have a Visa or Mastercard if the issuer is some no-name bank that hasn't yet joined.


    Well, that just sucks then.  My bank is local credit union, they'll probably add this in 2018.  Time to shop for a new bank*


    *in truth, though, my bank is actually a local credit union in Florida.  I recently moved out of state and really should find a local option anyway.

  • Reply 57 of 165
    Originally Posted by cali View Post

    I think it's cute how some kids can't read.


    Like how you believe everything Google tells you. Exactly!

  • Reply 58 of 165

    Originally Posted by BeltsBear View Post


    Maybe you do.  Maybe you use them all the time.  Funny though, I shop physically for many things and have not seen a SINGLE NFC payment done in front of me.  I am in the USA, so maybe elsewhere it is popular.  


    Follow me around. I'll show you all the ways I use and pay with it each and every day. I'll even buy you a drink at the end of the day.

  • Reply 59 of 165
    Originally Posted by cnocbui View Post


    The US is so astonishingly advanced in most areas and yet seems surprisingly backwards in others, like card and currency security.  The rest of the world has had chip and PIN cards for a decade or more and your physical currency is still insecure compared to Australia's polymer notes.


    We are busy trying to keep gays from marrying, can't get to currency yet.  Priorities, man.  Priorities.


    edit: And in case you missed it, this is sarcasm.

  • Reply 60 of 165
    Why can't Apple sell a prepaid card and top up from bank accounts directly? Such as London Osytercard and Hong Kong Octopus card? Apple is not creative enough, I'd keep my American Express to swipe.
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