Goodbye, Camera Roll: Where to find your photos in iOS 8



  • Reply 81 of 137
    Originally Posted by jbelkin View Post

    so what happens if you can't upgrade to PHOTOS in OSX Yosemite?


    What do you mean?

  • Reply 82 of 137
    so what happens if you can't upgrade to PHOTOS in OSX Yosemite?

    What do you mean?

    I think he means if you have a very old computer. The answer, of course, is get a new Mac and don't be such a skinflint.
  • Reply 83 of 137
    philboogie wrote: »
    I'm failing to see the question asked about the Camera Roll: it's right in front of the Camera app. Where else should it be? Certainly not in the photos app, that has always been in the wrong place. Photos are for photos, Camera roll is for photos and videos.

    I prefer the current approach.

    I meant that I agree that it is wrong to be yanked out of the Camera app when tapping on All Photos while looking at the photos you recently took in the Camera app.
  • Reply 84 of 137

    Originally Posted by september11th View Post

    Some of you guys are so snarky. "Waaaaa waaaaa, I hate change."

    Here's why this actually does create an unnecessary new complication -

    * You're taking photos in the camera app.

    * You click the 'most recent' thumbnail to see how your photos turned out.

    * It brings you to the most recent picture, as always.

    * Now - the button at the top left is the change -

    * On iOS7 you click "Camera Roll" and it loads a page of all your new pictures.

    * On iOS8 it says "All photos" - which takes you to the earliest photo on your camera from perhaps years ago. You can either scroll through hundreds of photos, or click the tab "albums" and then click the tab "recently added" to get to where you actually wanted to be.

    This can be solved by changing the button from "All Photos" to "Recent Photos" - Instead of launching you to the very earliest photos in your entire collection every single time, it would/should launch you to the latest, which is actually most relevant.



    It's a cockroach of a bug.  I suspect Apple lost some GUI designers after Jobs' death, because this sort of clusterfreak didn't happen without consequences when he was CEO.

  • Reply 85 of 137

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Collections organizes snaps into Moments based on their capture date and the location where they were taken, which actually makes it easier to find a specific shot from the past.


    Once again, Apple is proud to announce a feature you didn't ask for and don't want. We say it's "easier." If you say it's unnecessary clutter that adds additional steps to provide a "benefit" you neither need nor want, you're using it wrong.


    The ability to sort and manage photos automatically is quite welcome. In my case, since I don't retain thousands of photos on my phone and finding a particular one is actually FASTER and EASIER when they're all in one place instead of having to remember when it was taken and/or browse through multiple albums, please just leave them all in a catch bin.


    I again find myself saying what I so often say to software -- unless I ask, please DON'T HELP. If I want automatic sorting, I'll ask for it. Otherwise, please just don't do ANYTHING.

  • Reply 86 of 137

    Something else about iOS 8 I don’t like. My music shows a random image of the artist rather than the album artwork. 




    Is there a setting for this?


    I really love the landscape album view, though. Wall of music; great stuff.

  • Reply 87 of 137

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    I don’t want a single thing to change without my express consent. I like things just the way they are. And it’s too bad Apple doesn’t innovate anymore either.

    Your express consent? ummm... did you agree to the terms and conditions when you applied the update? They have your express consent

  • Reply 88 of 137
    Originally Posted by RORWessels View Post

    These are not folders.  We all need to stop thinking in these old paradigms.  These are CLASSIFICATIONS based on the meta data of the images.


    A difference without a distinction. To the user it's still a case of images winding up in a place the user didn't put them. 


    Originally Posted by RORWessels View Post

    Anyone whining about getting something for free is just, I don't know..  […]  If you don't want it, then delete it..  How hard is that?


    If I didn't ask for it, please just don't put it on my device in the first place. How hard is THAT?


    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post


    To all the sniveling whining crybabies - one word; downgrade.  Downgrade to iOS 7 and everything is just the way you think they should be!


    To all the foul-mouthed, abusive, self-righteous assholes who seize every possible opportunity to insult others, please do it somewhere else. Your perception that anyone whose preferences differ from yours is interior is not productive to the discourse. If you can't offer something constructive, or at least interesting, please just shut up. Seriously.


    Also, maybe try knowing what you're talking about, ESPECIALLY if you're gonna be try to be a bigshot. Downgrade? Give it a try and get back to us with how that worked out for you. (You really don't have to bother -- we already know.)


    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    Maybe it's only the arrogant snobs with their heads up their butts that can't,


    First, see above about not being an asshole. Second, there's a whole lotta turf between "can't" and "don't think it's a good idea."


    Originally Posted by ibeam View Post


    They are taking much more advantage of the EXIF meta data. 


    I can see the value in that for you. I have some questions though. How would you feel if the device started sorting photos on some other criteria that you didn't choose, and the way they're organized didn't fit your particular circumstances? What happens to photos that don't include location data? How do you respond to privacy experts who suggest turning OFF geotagging (unless you have a need for it) to prevent nefarious use of that information?


    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Originally Posted by fallenjt View Post

    Then don't fking update.

    I forgot to include the sarcasm tag. My apologies but it seemed obvious to me at least. See, I want nothing to change but I want innovation too. Get it? No?


    Look at the articulate, well-reasoned post to which you're responding. I think it may be safe to assume that Grog no understand funny.


    Originally Posted by Wings View Post


    I had several photos taken in 2009 that showed up as "Today".


    There are a couple solutions Apple could apply.


    One is to let US decide what criteria to use when sorting photos into Albums (sorry, COLLECTIONS /s), like Smart Playlists in iTunes. I'd welcome and applaud that.


    The other is to just LEAVE THE DAMN PHOTOS ALONE and let US decide where to put 'em. I know a couple people who have thousands of photos on their phone. I've never heard either of them express a desire to have Apple "solve" any "problem" for them. They say "I gotta get around to organizing these" but they DON'T say, "Gee, I wish this phone would automatically sort my photos for me." In fact, they're the ones who are gonna bitch loudest when they run into this!

  • Reply 89 of 137
    Compatibility problems with 3rd party apps? How about issues with basic settings. If I don't have all of my photos going to Apple's cloud, then I can't set a photo that I took as my wallpaper if it is older than 30 days. I don't trust any cloud service for security, not should any other informed user. So, if I want to use a picture of 'fluffy' that I took 30 days ago as my wallpaper I'm SOL.

    This isn't just an issue with users saying 'boohoo my UI changed.'

    Apple is, in effect, forcing users into using Apple's cloud service if they want to use any image that was taken over a month ago.
  • Reply 90 of 137
    Compatibility problems with 3rd party apps? How about issues with basic settings. If I don't have all of my photos going to Apple's cloud, then I can't set a photo that I took as my wallpaper if it is older than 30 days. I don't trust any cloud service for security, not should any other informed user. So, if I want to use a picture of 'fluffy' that I took 30 days ago as my wallpaper I'm SOL.

    This isn't just an issue with users saying 'boohoo my UI changed.'

    Apple is, in effect, forcing users into using Apple's cloud service if they want to use any image that was taken over a month ago.
  • Reply 91 of 137

    Compatibility problems with 3rd party apps? How about issues with basic settings.


    If I don't have all of my photos going to Apple's cloud, then I can't set a photo that I took as my wallpaper if it is older than 30 days. I don't trust any cloud service for security, not should any other informed user.


    So, if I want to use a picture of 'fluffy' that I took 30+ days ago as my wallpaper I'm SOL.


    This isn't just an issue with users saying 'boohoo my UI changed.' Apple is, in effect, forcing users into using Apple's cloud service if they want to use any image that was taken by the user over a month ago for wallpaper.

  • Reply 92 of 137
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    ricmac wrote: »
    To all the sniveling whining crybabies - one word; downgrade.  Downgrade to iOS 7 and everything is just the way you think they should be!

    Thank goodness I don't have to try the impossible downgrade to iOS7.
    My iPhone4 being stuck at iOS7 forever has saved me.
  • Reply 93 of 137
    How am I going to explain these changes to my grandfather? He was born in 1866 and doesn't much like change anymore. (There are some of us who use iPhones that don't need to explain it to our 70 yo parents, since we are those parents.)
  • Reply 94 of 137
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    ricmac wrote: »
    To all the sniveling whining crybabies - one word; downgrade.  Downgrade to iOS 7 and everything is just the way you think they should be!
    Well said!

    Downgrading is not an option. Apple no longer signs iOS7.
  • Reply 95 of 137
    I have a strong feeling that Apple software is migrating into Microsoft behavior. To justify the cost of their vast array of programmers they resort to changing their software just to "keep them busy". Every version update of MS Word seems to mess with menus, organization, shortcuts and even overall look. Then when I try to use the previously easy keystroke shortcuts they have been changed or totally disappear. Resulting in having to totally relearn where everything is, from what had been a smooth organized features, now are changed for no sensible reason.
  • Reply 96 of 137
    All my edited photos went into Camera Roll before. Now my edited photos have been mixed in with all my unedited photos. And Apple has made it a pain to extract them.

    Once my edited photos went into my Camera Roll on my iPad, I could put them, whenever I wanted, into an existing or a new album: for slide shows, for business presentations, for family and friends, for photography projects.

    Now I have to make multiple steps to access my edited photos (not to mention 2000 edited photos are in mixed in with a few thousand more unedited photos, which I'm going to have manually look through in the Moments organizer to retrieve).

    I see plenty of online ads from Apple showing the iPad as a fantastic tool to let people interact with other people. They've just made it more difficult for photographers, amateur and professional, to do that.

    Why didn't Apple send out an email to people with iPads and iPhones and suggest, if they wanted to keep all their edited photos together, to create a new Camera Roll folder, put their photos there, and THEN upgrade to IOS 8?
  • Reply 97 of 137
  • Reply 98 of 137

    Originally Posted by GQB View Post


    No, you are seeing all photos on your camera, not just ones taken WITH your camera. THAT's the problem.

    Another problem: all my edited photos - I have lots of them - are now mixed in with my unedited photos. If I want to see them, I have to go look through a few thousand photos. 


    All my edited photos went automatically into the Camera Roll. From there they went into the albums I wanted them to go: for client presentations, for slides shows for my family and friends, for work projects, for posting on my professional Facebook account and online photo galleries, etc. Now all those photos I use over and over again in different ways are mixed in with all the as yet unedited photos. 


    Bring back at the Camera Roll, Apple! (I already sent in my complaint to Apple's feedback page).

  • Reply 99 of 137
    ibeamibeam Posts: 322member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    I really love the landscape album view, though. Wall of music; great stuff.

    I discovered undesirable behavior in that landscape view. If you click on an album in the wall of music and then return to the portrait view I think it should default back to the wall the next time not stay on the previous album detail.


    After thinking about it more I believe what bugs me is that it is unusual to show completely different content just by changing the orientation. It would be better in my opinion if they offered that wall of music view in both portrait and landscape views. I think the user interface design norm is to reformat the content based on orientation, not display completely different content.

  • Reply 100 of 137

    Originally Posted by RicMac View Post


    To all the sniveling whining crybabies - one word; downgrade.  Downgrade to iOS 7 and everything is just the way you think they should be!

    Oooo! Another Internet tough guy!

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