Apple seeds OS X 10.10 Yosemite GM Candidate 3 to developers

in macOS edited October 2014
After releasing a second build of its OS X 10.10 Yosemite GM candidate earlier this week, Apple on Thursday issued a third seed to developers for testing ahead of an expected release later this month.

Apple's latest OS X Yosemite GM Candidate 3, dubbed build 14A388a, comes a little over one week after the company released an initial golden master candidate and just two days following a second seed on Tuesday.

Apple first issued its Yosemite Developer Preview in June and has since released a total of eight developer versions and five public betas. The company is expected to release a final public version at an upcoming special event scheduled for Oct. 16.

OS X 10.10 Yosemite promises support for Continuity and AirDrop features, which allow owners of devices running iOS 8 to perform cross-platform operations like creating ad-hoc data connections for transporting files, routing iPhone voice calls through a Mac and continuing in-app functions across devices. The next-gen operating system also incorporates a "flat" iOS-style user interface and other graphical tweaks.

Developers can download the latest OS X Yosemite build from Apple's Mac Dev Center or through the Mac App Store's Software Update mechanism.


  • Reply 1 of 27
    lowepglowepg Posts: 106member
    Are these more betas or actual RCs?
  • Reply 2 of 27

    Looking forward to the arrival of X.10.X.0.

  • Reply 3 of 27
    mubailimubaili Posts: 454member
    I have no faith in their QA now. If there is no show stopper, the code should be freezed. You shouldn't make small change for changes sake.
  • Reply 4 of 27
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by lowepg View Post

    Are these more betas or actual RCs?


    Given that they’re all “candidates” and not the actual GM, they’re betas in the same way that all prerelease software is. “Actual” release candidates are no less beta than DPs. 


    QuickLook still has problems moving back and forth between items…

  • Reply 5 of 27
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    mubaili wrote: »
    I have no faith in their QA now. If there is no show stopper, the code should be freezed. You shouldn't make small change for changes sake.

    Why would you think they are making changes just for the sake of making changes? I guarantee you they are making changes for the sake of making the code more stable.
  • Reply 6 of 27
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member
    it feels there's quite a lot of activity right before release... I'm running GM 2 but I certainly wouldn't switch to Yosemite for business hardware just yet.
  • Reply 7 of 27
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    dacloo wrote: »
    it feels there's quite a lot of activity right before release... I'm running GM 2 but I certainly wouldn't switch to Yosemite for business hardware just yet.

    It is rock solid.
  • Reply 8 of 27
    lowepglowepg Posts: 106member
    It is rock solid.

    What hardware have you been using it on?
  • Reply 9 of 27
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,385member
    Originally Posted by mubaili View Post

    I have no faith in their QA now. If there is no show stopper, the code should be freezed. You shouldn't make small change for changes sake.


    yeah, you tell em. Clearly no developer at Apple knows what the **** they're doing, you should send them an email telling them what they should and shouldnt do. OSX isn't iOS. Ive been running it for months almost flawlessly.

  • Reply 10 of 27
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    lowepg wrote: »
    What hardware have you been using it on?

    new Mac Pro 6 Core (running all Apple Pro Software and Adobe CC and CS6), Mac Book Po i7 2010, Mac Book Pro i5 2011, Mac mini i7 2013. The latter running OS X Server 4.0.
  • Reply 11 of 27
    These GM Candidates sure have started coming out fast. I've been running Yosemite on my primary Mac since the first GM Candidate (though I've had it on a test external drive since June), and though GM 1 was slow in things like waking from sleep, and had some real issues with certain aspects of the OS that didn't get in the way of my daily work (Markup extension not visible in my Standard user account, had to reboot just for it to let me download the newer GM, and other small things), GM 2 has been much more solid and snappy. I'll install this latest update tomorrow morning and see how that goes.
  • Reply 12 of 27
    It's a trap.
  • Reply 13 of 27

    Anone having problems with the Delta updates screwing up your machines. I every time I update to GMC 2, my machine constantly logs me out and I am unable to do anything. I cannot even grab a crash report. Only thing that works for me is the full installer and I don't think the GMC 2/3 have full installers yet...(?)

  • Reply 14 of 27
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It is rock solid.

    I wouldn't call it rock solid. I had a KP the other day while playing a rented movie in iTunes. That's with nothing funky installed, no 3rd party drivers etc, nothing running in kernel space except Apple code. Xcode was installed and that potentially gets it's hooks in to the system at a deeper level than other apps, but that's a special case as it is written by Apple itself.


    It will be fine though, there will be no "gate." Most people run OS X on home computers not servers, so it's not like it has to run 24/7 for 5 years with no restart.

  • Reply 15 of 27
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    ascii wrote: »
    I wouldn't call it rock solid. I had a KP the other day while playing a rented movie in iTunes. That's with nothing funky installed, no 3rd party drivers etc, nothing running in kernel space except Apple code. Xcode was installed and that potentially gets it's hooks in to the system at a deeper level than other apps, but that's a special case as it is written by Apple itself.

    It will be fine though, there will be no "gate." Most people run OS X on home computers not servers, so it's not like it has to run 24/7 for 5 years with no restart.

    Well OK I exaggerated a wee bit ... :) but it is very good. I have had a few minor issues, such as after a reboot it gets my three screens on my New Mac Pro reversed in the arrangement. It seems to reset PRAM but that could well be a deliberate Dev feature now I think about it. Of course I could switch the Thunderbolt cables over and solve the issue .. DUH! It's amazing how when you actually write down a problem the obvious solution sometimes smacks you on the forehead! :D

    Never had a KP though. I have had a mouse pointer vanish on the center screen but reappear when on either side screen and that was related to Safari. I am running ClicktoFlash and adBlock which I think were the culprits there. Quitting Safari cured the issue.

    Running OS X Server 10.10 v4 on a Mac mini has been very stable so far.
  • Reply 16 of 27
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post



    yeah, you tell em. Clearly no developer at Apple knows what the **** they're doing, you should send them an email telling them what they should and shouldnt do. OSX isn't iOS. Ive been running it for months almost flawlessly. Stop being a twit. 


    Obviously, Apple doesn't know standard QA and release procedures that have been known for 20 years... (yes, this is sacasm). I always find it funny that people actually believe that a company making tens of billions in profits, don'T have a few QA engineers.

  • Reply 17 of 27
    OT: I cannot see the release of a new photo application soon enough. iPhoto is by far the slowest and most lagging application on my machines (various MBPs, MBA and iMac). It is a pain to use.
  • Reply 18 of 27
    I'm sad to see someone reported that the Quicklook is still not working well. Because I work with photos and use QL so much, that particular bug has always caused me a lot of frustration.

    It worked so well when it was first released....
  • Reply 19 of 27
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    spunkybart wrote: »
    I'm sad to see someone reported that the Quicklook is still not working well. Because I work with photos and use QL so much, that particular bug has always caused me a lot of frustration.

    It worked so well when it was first released....

    I use Quicklook a ton every day with 10.10 Dev versions and it works fine. ... what bug is it you refer to? Is that the dev or public version?
  • Reply 20 of 27
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,787member
    slurpy wrote: »
    yeah, you tell em. Clearly no developer at Apple knows what the **** they're doing, you should send them an email telling them what they should and shouldnt do. OSX isn't iOS. Ive been running it for months almost flawlessly. Stop being a twit. 

    'freezed' should have been a clue there Slurpy .. ;)
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