'I'm proud to be gay,' Apple CEO Tim Cook says in open letter supporting equality



  • Reply 101 of 650
    ^^^ Only .04 pounds lighter? I thought it was .4?
  • Reply 102 of 650
    Frankly I'm getting tired of any minority pushing their agenda on the majority. Do what you want in the privacy of your own home, but don't hit me over the head with your choice of lifestyle.
  • Reply 103 of 650

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    If that turns out to be the case, it's their loss. I think Apple's finances and stock price can survive that. And eventually, they'll come around.

    Did a quick search online, based on what site you read it still looks like there are 76-79 countries that have Anti-Gay laws. About 8 where you could be put to death. Ranges from a fine to being stoned to death. Crazy shit. I agree I don't believe it's really going to impact Apple at this point. I just hope Tim didn't do this to become the new face of gay rights in America because that could have an impact in the US seeing there are still 30 states that do not allow gay marriage. 


    Southern states aren't very progressive when it comes to gay rights. 

  • Reply 104 of 650


    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    ^^^ Only .04 pounds lighter? I thought it was .4?

    Went from 1.0 to .96, it's not that impressive. Weight distribution changes make most of the difference.

  • Reply 105 of 650
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Apparently it is a big deal to many here, on other tech forums, and the news networks! I think that being open about being gay will offend some ...
    There are some parents reading the paper this morning wondering whether to take their Apple products away from their kids and buy Samsung.

    There are going to be people for whom the sexual orientation of the CEO of a company they buy products from will influence their purchase decisions.

    There will be repercussions for Apple. But as you say, it will be a bump in the road in the grand scheme. I doubt it will even be a measurable difference in their reported profits, since most of these people are hypocrites anyway. And any losses from those people are likely to be offset by others who throw their support behind Cook by buying Apple.

    But I guarantee you in America's heartland and some backward thinking countries, there is some hand wringing going on over what to do about this development .
  • Reply 106 of 650

    Went from 1.0 to .96, it's not that impressive. Weight distribution changes make most of the difference.

  • Reply 107 of 650
    thataveragejoe %u2013 HILLARIOUS! What makes it even funnier is we can all imagine that Samsung is actually thinking of a way to leverage this
  • Reply 108 of 650
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member

    I mean, we all pretty much knew.

  • Reply 109 of 650
    Distraction MW Definition:

    dis·trac·tion noun \di-?strak-sh?n\

    [*] something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention
    [*] something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about problems, work, etc.
    [*] a state in which you are very annoyed or upset

    I don't think that any resaoned person would claim that any of the above definitions have been demonstrated by Tim Cook as an Apple executive or by Apple as a corporate organization.

    Then, the question should be asked:

    For whom is this revelation a distraction?

  • Reply 110 of 650
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Why should he be "obligated"? His obligation is primarily to act in the best interests of Apple. I'm personally indifferent to this bit of non-news, but it just takes the focus away from the company more and more.

    "His obligation is primarily to act in the best interests of Apple."  Huh?


    There are obligations that go beyond your job, such as your obligation as a human being, or as a member of society.  Apple is, in the end, just a company, and yes there are people who work there whose lives will be affected by the CEO's decisions, but do you really think that the company one works for, runs, or even owns should be the most valued thing in a person's life?

  • Reply 111 of 650

    Originally Posted by saarek View Post


    When did I say it was? If you are happy with who you are then why feel the need to shout about it at all. He's gay, he feels attracted to men not girls. Fine, it's his life, he can live it however he wants to.


    Him being gay affects me no more than me being straight affects him.


    Why do so many people feel the need to run around "proudly" announcing that they are gay, or black, or a short Asian woman brought up by Irish nuns in the south of France with a white half sister and a colour blind uncle who suffers from narcolepsy.


    Wait until people won't hire you because you're straight; or people beat the shit out of you for being straight; or that you can't hold hands with the one you love for fear of some form of brutality...


    ... then you'll understand the courage it takes to tell people who you are and that you are proud to be that person... for the sake of all people that are just like you.

  • Reply 112 of 650

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Distraction MW Definition:

    dis·trac·tion noun \di-?strak-sh?n\

    • something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention


    • something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about problems, work, etc.


    • a state in which you are very annoyed or upset

    I don't think that any resaoned person would claim that any of the above definitions have been demonstrated by Tim Cook as an Apple executive or by Apple as a corporate organization.

    Then, the question should be asked:

    For whom is this revelation a distraction?


    Stock's down this morning, likely because there are more than a few people nervous about the increasing change in direction Cook has been making, and given that he is evidently spending a fair amount of time on this (I doubt his letter was something he hammered out on his iPad at 2AM), it's not wrong to be concerned about the direction of Apple. I'm actually considering if now is the time to sell, I'll show a profit on the stock if I get out now.

  • Reply 113 of 650
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Distraction MW Definition:

    dis·trac·tion noun \di-?strak-sh?n\

    • something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention


    • something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about problems, work, etc.


    • a state in which you are very annoyed or upset

    I don't think that any resaoned person would claim that any of the above definitions have been demonstrated by Tim Cook as an Apple executive or by Apple as a corporate organization.

    Then, the question should be asked:

    For whom is this revelation a distraction?


    I'd say it's a distraction for people who (perhaps subconsciously) are offended by the notion of homosexuality, or more pointedly, the notion of their own homosexuality.

  • Reply 114 of 650
    rogifan wrote: »
    One thing I admired about Steve was his focus. Jony Ive said he was "The most remarkably focused person I have ever met in my life". I'd like to see more of that from Tim. All this other stuff is just distractions. And there are areas where Apple needs greater focus. iOS 8 still needs a lot of work. There's still question marks around Apple's vision for iPad. Same with ?TV. Cook keeps saying it's an area of interest yet ?TV continues to languish while competitors are coming out with better products. Amazon just announced a Chromecast like USB stick for their Fire TV. Where is an ?TV USB stick? Cook says TV interfaces are stuck in the 70s. Well where is the updated ?TV interface that isn't just row upon row of apps? Siri, maps, AppStore discovery, there's so many areas where Apple can be much better. I'd like to see Tim laser focused on all that.

    I have serious doubts about the future of the iPad at the moment. I think Apple's completely dropped the ball on it since Steve died. There are still a LOT of people who say "I don't get the need for a tablet". And we haven't seen any new software for it from Apple since 2011. As much as Tim bashes on Android tablets for just having blown up phone apps, the majority of iPad apps are just that.

    Sure, there are some very good iPad apps. But they're far and few between, third party developer support is focused on the iPhone, not iPad. They're letting the iPad become a niche product, just like the Mac. This is a case where I can also say "this is something Steve wouldn't have done". His vision was about changing personal computing, Tim's vision is becoming clearer, that it's about societal change. Not sure I'm comfortable with that.

    Well said.

    The iPad is floundering. The more time has passed since Jobs's death, the more it seems to me that only Jobs 'got' the iPad.

    It's clear that Cook's passion lies in politics. The difference in enthusiasm for technology between Jobs and Cook is a gaping chasm.

    I don't think there will be another revolutionary product akin to the iPod, iPhone or iPad for about eight years and quite possibly much longer. There's nothing left to do. The Watch is a frippery.

    Only a breakthrough in energy management will allow for another transformation of computing.
  • Reply 115 of 650

    C'mon Adonis, be a bit more creative! :-)


    My main point is: I may be over in Denmark happily $cr3wing my sheep or whatever. The minute I feel the need to broadcast to the world that this is "thing" and it's really cool then I should extend the same courtesy to the other guy who wants to broadcast to the same world that his really cool thing is $cr3wing dead bodies....or the next guy who wishes to express HIS thoughts that $cr3wing sheep is really uncool!


    By the way, I find it soooo ironic and utterly amusing that Eric refers to me as a f.....ing piece of $hit (in an apparent derogatory manner) while at the same time implicitly supporting anal sex. LOL

  • Reply 116 of 650
    tundraboy wrote: »
    "His obligation is primarily to act in the best interests of Apple."  Huh?

    There are obligations that go beyond your job, such as your obligation as a human being, or as a member of society.  Apple is, in the end, is just a company, and yes there are people who work there whose lives will be affected by the CEO's decisions, but do you really think that the company one works for, runs, or even owns should be the most valued thing in a person's life?

    Tim's not being paid nearly $75 million per year to be a human being. His job is to be the relentless promoter of Apple, full stop.

    There's an old technique used in interviews when the interviewee is asked something other than what they are promoting and they still manage to redirect the line of questioning to what they are selling/promoting.

    Tim Cook is not important. Apple is important. He needs to keep the focus on Apple, always.
  • Reply 117 of 650

    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post


    Next week in Korea Times, "I'm gay too" - Samsung



    Priceless ... :smokey: 

  • Reply 118 of 650

    Originally Posted by carloblackmore View Post

    thataveragejoe %u2013 HILLARIOUS! What makes it even funnier is we can all imagine that Samsung is actually thinking of a way to leverage this


    Wait until you see Samsung's "We were gay first" ads.


    Puts a whole new meaning to "The next big thing...".

  • Reply 119 of 650
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    ^^^ Only .04 pounds lighter? I thought it was .4?

    .4 would be HUGE since the Air (1) was at 1 lbs.
  • Reply 120 of 650
    is that the reason AAPL is down today? :)
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