DOJ: A child will die due to Apple's iOS 8 encryption tech



  • Reply 101 of 156
    Someday, a child will die? Is this a direct quote?! If so, the DOJ is getting desperate to make their point. This contraversy was funny at first, but now it's just getting absurd. No, you cannot poke around through our data. Plain and simply. I know you'd like to. Sometimes I wish I could look through other people's belongings as well. But it's against the law. And someone's finally implemented a way to keep you honest.

    Look, we get it. It's a hindrance that changes the way you operate. But no laws are being broken. To oppose this as you're doing is to fight against the right to protect our property. This is unlawful. The day we start disregarding the "order of law" because we think the ends somehow justify the means, is the day that the law loses its meaning entirely.

    Some things are just out of your control. We can either waste time whining about it or we can choose move on to more productive matters. Secure data encryption isn't going away. Deal with it.
  • Reply 102 of 156

    Does DOJ keeps a master key to every home and every business so, just in case, it can access information that may save someone's life?


    While we are at it, I'm sure spies in the government would love to sell access to foreign governments and international criminal rings.

  • Reply 103 of 156

    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post


    Is this guy for real?  What planet is he from pluto?  My privacy has not one thing to do with children getting killed because of the encryption on my cell phone.  This guy needs to get a grip on himself.

    Sorry -- Pluto is no longer a planet. Maybe he is from Uranus? Sorry that was a dirty crack that I should go back and wipe out but come to think of it that smell is coming from Deputy Attorney General James Cole. What a pile!

  • Reply 104 of 156
    To which I quote, "[t]he tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots..." -Thomas Jefferson
  • Reply 105 of 156

    Originally Posted by shack95 View Post

    Kids dying from neglect, being poor, bad follow up from child protection services etc. No no.. we don't care about those at all. Only the ones with an iPhone in the family.

    Not too bad for a 1st post. LOL

  • Reply 106 of 156

    Next up: Operation F**k the Constitution, about how the Department of Justice, NSA and FBI manufacture a child's murder to force phone companies to decrypt their devices. Coming to a theater near you in 2017.

  • Reply 107 of 156

    Originally Posted by cornchip View Post

    Wow ai. You baited, I clicked.

    thank you! made my morning!

  • Reply 108 of 156
    I didn't realize the DOJ was a troll.
  • Reply 109 of 156
    gtbuzzgtbuzz Posts: 129member
    If DOJ concentrated on actual crimes, the world would be a better place. DOJ has so much information now they hardly know what to do with it. I fail to see how iOS8 can be the reason DOJ is a failure. They stir up more problems than they solve.
  • Reply 110 of 156


  • Reply 111 of 156
    sandorsandor Posts: 665member
    How many children's deaths is the United States government responsible for every year?

    Our politicians have already decided that the death of the innocent is a price worth paying for protection from terrorism.
  • Reply 112 of 156
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member

    Originally Posted by DewMe View Post



    This statement is disturbing on so many levels. The opinion of Mr Comey is that, by default, the government is lawfully permitted to spy on all of us using government directed digital agents and our refusal to allow this intrusion to take place is a criminal act. I believe that in this day and age our digital lives are part of the umbrella that constitutes our personal lives and are part of our "homes" and as such constitutes an intrusion that violates the Third Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:


    "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."


    If the government believes it is wholly appropriate to engage modern technology to provide remote control, point & click killing of our enemies it also needs to recognize the influences that technology has on our personal freedoms. Forcing owners to have government agents, or "software soldiers," quartered in our personal devices that are part of our physical and digital "home" is clearly a violation of the Third Amendment - in my opinion.



    Bravo !!!!

  • Reply 113 of 156
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    Originally Posted by zoffdino View Post


    Next up: Operation F**k the Constitution, ...


    Well, Emperor Obama is about to do it with his illegal lawmaking executive order on amnesty...

  • Reply 114 of 156

    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post


    So what? Let the children die.


    Freedom from tyranny is worth more than any child's life.


    Doesn't the DOJ have more important things to do, like running guns into Mexico, and sympathizing with scumbag criminals who are shot dead by the police in various small towns?:no: 


    Apple should tell the DOJ to take a hike, and it seems like they have.

    Don't forget the Teahadi terrorists like Bundy and his gang of thugs.

  • Reply 115 of 156

    Originally Posted by GTBuzz View Post

    If DOJ concentrated on actual crimes, the world would be a better place. DOJ has so much information now they hardly know what to do with it. I fail to see how iOS8 can be the reason DOJ is a failure. They stir up more problems than they solve.

    I think they and the NSA want as much data as possible so they can do Pre-Crime, like from Minority Report.




    I mean.  Doesn't encryption also help defend ourselves from corporate espionage, from predators, and Chinese hackers and the such?

  • Reply 116 of 156
    i don't like children, can more die please!
  • Reply 117 of 156
    Apple kills kittens!
  • Reply 118 of 156

    Originally Posted by wigby View Post

    So only one dead child stands between all of our privacy and security?

    Sorry kid.

    It used to be that the Communists would get our encryption and blow up the world.  Ask Phil Zimmerman about his life in the early nineties.  Use of PGP was considered probable cause.


    We are killing all sorts of people with our encryption now (you think the commands to drones are sent out using ROT13?).


    This is 'we can imagine it, because we are doing it' rationalization.

  • Reply 119 of 156

    Originally Posted by MessagePad2100 View Post


    I think they and the NSA want as much data as possible so they can do Pre-Crime, like from Minority Report.




    I mean.  Doesn't encryption also help defend ourselves from corporate espionage, from predators, and Chinese hackers and the such?

    The idea is you can encrypt to protect "America's Interests", but the Gov't must always have access to the key that they can use before they tell you they are suspecting you.  Warrantless Search.  So your 'PreCrime' statement isn't far from the truth.


    that's the issue with iMessage et al.   The keys are created and stored by the two phones in use.  The Gov't can't go to the single key escrow point (the server) and say, please give us all the messages.   They want Apple to own the keys, and the gov't will super secret FISA court order them to turn over the information they want, and keep the end subject in the dark.


    The Telcos/internet companies are all at one end of 2 strings... one receiving info from you, and one sending info to your recipient.  They are a middle man.  The NSA was built on that model and requiring they get 'The Room' in every switching facility that routed the unencrypted traffic from switch to trunkline, where The net engineers were required to provide a line from their switches, a line to their trunks, and another line they knew nothing about, which was the TAP line back to Fort Meade. 


    Apple, with their end to end control was able to just flip a switch and say 'Those messages, iCloud files... we don't have a key.' Go ask them yourselves.'   That's why Apple's name is being brought up in vain.  Samsung/Google/Microsoft can't do what Apple does.

  • Reply 120 of 156

    Originally Posted by icoco3 View Post



    Well, Emperor Obama is about to do it with his illegal lawmaking executive order on amnesty...

    Same executive orders that Reagan, Bush the first (accelerated citizenship for those who enlist), and Bush the 2nd issued (the whole issue with Central American Youth's coming to America is because Bush signed an exec order saying to give them a fair amnesty hearing)


    Don't try to make this political when it's a racial thing.

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