Apple's Jony Ive and Tesla's Elon Musk 'inseparable' in conversation at Oscars afterparty



  • Reply 21 of 141

    Originally Posted by winstein2010 View Post


    Not for sale.  But a "merger" perhaps?

    Never going to happen.  Musk doesn't really bring any tangible skills to the table that Apple needs.

  • Reply 22 of 141

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Um this is how things get started. Executives schmooze with other executives at cocktail parties and things like this. I'm highly skeptical that Musk pulled Ive to the side to talk about random stuff.

    Given Tim and Elon already had "that" meeting, or so we've been led to believe, I doubt the talk between Ive and Musk would be a starting point for collaboration.  Frankly speaking, I can see Elon asking Ive for help in fixing the design of the front end of the S and X.  It's been a sore point (for Tesla) for an otherwise great looking car.

  • Reply 23 of 141

    Originally Posted by toukale View Post


    Not  sure what Apple would get in buying Tesla.  Contrary to general reports Tesla is not working on new battery techs.  If anything Elon Musk is betting against new battery technology, because he does not think enough progress can be made fast enough.  Tesla is using off the shelve battery tech, nothing special.  GM and some of the other car companies are actually doing more research in that area then Tesla. So if Tesla does not have any battery tech that could give Apple an edge, why would Apple spend anywhere from 50-70 billion dollars to buy them?  If it's the engineer then they can just poached them.  Tesla advantage comes from their battery packaging and their software battery management, nothing more.  

    You hit the nail on the head.  Tesla has a very meager technology portfolio, and worse their car designs suffer from 'beige box' syndrome.

  • Reply 24 of 141
    jmgregory1 wrote: »
    Jony Ive isn't exactly the decision maker for Apple, so any conversations with Elon could simply have been related to non-business related matters. Maybe Elon is interested in the Watch? Maybe Ive wants one of the P85D cars? Although anything is possible, it's highly unlikely that their talk would have any implications on what may or may not be happening at Apple with regards to a car.

    Maybe Jony was telling Elon what was wrong with the design of his car, inside and out. And if Musk was smart he'd have taken notes. ;)
  • Reply 25 of 141

    Ooooh.  Dishy!

  • Reply 26 of 141
    razorpit wrote: »
    Jony may have style but he obviously doesn't have taste.

    Rita Hayworth gave good face?
    Madonna? Yuck!

    How does attending an after party of a celebrity indicate your taste? What do you personally have against Madonna, because it's surely not just about her music or I doubt you would have mentioned anything about it since he probably only interacted with her guests for a brief moment before going to glad-hand someone else.

    redefiler wrote: »

    You hit the nail on the head.  Tesla has a very meager technology portfolio, and worse their car designs suffer from 'beige box' syndrome.

    Huh? In what way is the Tesla Model S like a beige box "PC".
  • Reply 27 of 141
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    jmgregory1 wrote: »

    Given Tim and Elon already had "that" meeting, or so we've been led to believe, I doubt the talk between Ive and Musk would be a starting point for collaboration.  Frankly speaking, I can see Elon asking Ive for help in fixing the design of the front end of the S and X.  It's been a sore point (for Tesla) for an otherwise great looking car.

    All I'm saying is I doubt the discussion was about random stuff. Just because Apple and Tesla talked once doesn't mean they couldn't talk again.
  • Reply 28 of 141

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    Maybe Jony was telling Elon what was wrong with the design of his car, inside and out. And if Musk was smart he'd have taken notes. image

    I noted in another post something similar.  Elon knows the front end of both the S and X are a weak point in design.  They've wrestled with how to keep a visual connection to what people expect a car to have - like a front grill, on a car that in fact needs no front grill.  Past efforts by GM with their initial EV1, show just how bad a grill-less car can look, so Tesla tried to tack on something that would bring continuity and it didn't work visually. 

  • Reply 29 of 141
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    This might sound corny but I find that photo of Ive kissing his wife on the cheek to be very sweet. Good to see a couple still very much in love after 27+ years of marriage. :)
  • Reply 30 of 141
    Some kind of collaboration between Apple and Tesla seems plausible. They are close geographically, have DNA of disruptive innovation, and have core competencies that are symbiotic. Perhaps a Tesla "Apple Edition"? Tesla's entry into the 21st century "car for the rest of us."? Affordable but not cheap, small, beautifully designed, elegantly practical,
  • Reply 31 of 141

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    All I'm saying is I doubt the discussion was about random stuff. Just because Apple and Tesla talked once doesn't mean they couldn't talk again.

    For sure - both guys live and breath their work, so it would be odd for them not to talk shop.  But having it be anything of substance would be tricky at best.  Personally, I hope they can figure out some way to collaborate, and not just on software for the car.  Both companies have such similar guiding principles and battling against the old way of doing things.

  • Reply 32 of 141
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I still think it's likely that Apple and Tesla come to an agreement but until that happens or not Apple's going to plumb the well and see what they come up with.

    I see little animosity with Tesla as the landscape really is competing with incumbent auto manufacturers who aren't sitting on their hands wrt to ICE vs EV.

    It's always in my thinking that Apple and Tesla will become one or at least close partners. Any thought that Ive will work for Tesla some day?

  • Reply 33 of 141

    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    "Say, Jony, if you ever get tired of answering to no one at Apple, you could come to Tesla and answer to me."


    If anything, it would have been "Do you want to design iDevices for the rest of your life? Come with me and you can design rockets!" 


    SpaceX for the win!

  • Reply 34 of 141
    joshajosha Posts: 901member

    Apple producing an EV is as way out a rumor as when Apple was going to produce a TV.  The Apple/TV was the product.


    I'm sure Apple realizes the excellent Tesla EV is mainly a rich man's toy. 

    But how many Tesla EVs do they need for their collection ?

      No real money in that business.


    Apple producing some advanced control for EVs, possibly. 

     But hopefully it's not a self driving EV which scares most drivers.

  • Reply 35 of 141

    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post



    Actually, the conversation started like this...


    Elon: How much is Apple paying you?


    "More than you can afford, pal. Apple".

  • Reply 36 of 141
    If scientists could combine the DNA of Jony, Elon and the best parts of Steve, that person could revolutionise humanity.
    We would have colonies in different solar systems in no time.
  • Reply 37 of 141
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,439moderator
    The two were said to have exited the party together at around 5 a.m.

    This confirms it once and for all. Tesla is making a watch. Tesla's been hiring Apple engineers, they've been talking to Apple's lead Watch designer, trying to work out how to get great battery life. All we need now are some completely unrelated van sightings.

    I don't get the trend in leaving parties at that time. Why not go to bed at a reasonable time and just have another party the next day?

    Elon met Steve Jobs at a party too but things didn't go quite so well.
    "Alison van Diggelen: I’d now…let’s move on to focus on Silicon Valley. Steve Jobs was and is a wonderful Silicon Valley icon. Is he someone you’ve admired and what have you learned from Steve’s life and work?
    Elon Musk: Well he’s certainly someone I’ve admired. Although I did try to talk to him once at a party and he was super rude to me… But I don’t think it was me, I think it was par for the course.
    Alison van Diggelen: I don’t think you were the first.
    Elon Musk: No not the first. No. I was actually there with… an old friend… Larry Page. I’ve known Larry since before he got venture funding for Google. He was the one who introduced me to Steve Jobs. It’s not like I was tugging on his coat (saying), ‘please talk to me.’ But obviously he was an incredible guy and made fantastic products. The guy had a certain magic about him that was really inspiring. I think that’s really great.
    Alison van Diggelen: Is it that magic that you try to emulate?
    Elon Musk: No, I think Steve Jobs was way cooler than I am."

    I wonder what the deal is with Apple staff and the film events. Craig Federighi was at the Oscars last year.
  • Reply 38 of 141
    Marvin wrote: »
    This confirms it once and for all. Tesla is making a watch. Tesla's been hiring Apple engineers, they've been talking to Apple's lead Watch designer, trying to work out how to get great battery life. All we need now are some completely unrelated van sightings.

    They were both wearing long sleeves. Clearly they are hiding something on their wrists.
  • Reply 39 of 141
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member

    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Jony may have style but he obviously doesn't have taste. Madonna? Yuck!


    I've never understood Madonna hate. She has more talent in her little finger than most people do in their entire bodies. She writes her own music and doesn't need Autotune to sound good. Sure she's a bit weird but so are most artists. What's the issue??

  • Reply 40 of 141
    ktappektappe Posts: 824member

    Originally Posted by jmgregory1 View Post

    Jony Ive isn't exactly the decision maker for Apple


    When it comes to both hardware and software design, and product direction, he pretty much is. Tim handles management, finances, and supply chain, and leaves making awesome products to Jony.

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