Samsung responds to iPhone 6 with premium metal & glass Galaxy S6, counters Apple Pay with Samsung P



  • Reply 61 of 206
    chickchick Posts: 35member
    My bank just notified me that my new mag stripe credit card will no longer be valid after April (I just received it in January.). They are sending a replacement chip card. So at least for my bank the old magnetic stripe cards will no longer work. So I imagine that will be true for most other banks in the US also probably by years end.
  • Reply 62 of 206
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Loop Pay uses magnetics to fake the reader out. not NFC yet even if the phone has NFC.
    The readers were not designed to work this way.
    A respectable technology company should not sell this crap.

    The Galaxy 6S series has NFC. Meaning, you don't have to use the LoopPay technology.

    Samsung made a good point during their presentation that magnetic swipe readers are ubiquitous, but NFC is not.

    Now, if Samsung does something stupid by not using the NFC's Secure Element to store your data or not using a representational card number for all their Samsung Pay options, despite partnering with the largest US financial institutions, then I will agree that they dropped the ball, but I can't say they have simply because they included LoopPay's tech as an option.

    edit: Could someone confirm if this info is correct or incorrect regarding magnetic swipes come October of this year?
    Yes, come the October [2015] deadline, every retailer in the U.S. will still be able to take a mag stripe card payment, and every credit card will still have a magnetic stripe. But if a retailer accepts a mag stripe payment on a card that has EMV capability, that merchant will be on the hook for any fraudulent purchases.

    That's how I understand it. Magnetic swipes aren't going away just like that. Also, I understand that it won't be until 2017 that gas pumps have to start accepting chip-and-PIN, which I assume is because of the more complex way in which their card readers are built into pumps.
  • Reply 63 of 206


    A 4" iPhone 6s? Mebbe.

    Then why do you care if Apple doesn't sell a 32GB iPhone 6? What's it to you?
  • Reply 64 of 206
    boltsfan17boltsfan17 Posts: 2,294member

    This copying Samsung continues to do is getting so ridiculous. Even the new earphones with the S6 look almost exactly like the earbuds that come with iPhones. 

  • Reply 65 of 206

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    Samsung stated that it will not bend. Do you think we're going have a bunch of people purposely prove them wrong or is it only Apple, who stated no such thing as the evil doers here?

    Can't wait to visit YouTube once those phones come out.

  • Reply 66 of 206
    customtbcustomtb Posts: 346member
    Though I have no intention of buying a Samsung, I note that they did one thing better than Apple: a 32GB base model as standard.

    MEMO TO PHIL SCHILLER: take note.

    How big is their operating system with knox these days?
  • Reply 67 of 206
    kpomkpom Posts: 660member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    edit: Could someone confirm if this info is correct or incorrect regarding magnetic swipes come October of this year?

    That's how I understand it. Magnetic swipes aren't going away just like that. Also, I understand that it won't be until 2017 that gas pumps have to start accepting chip-and-PIN, which I assume is because of the more complex way in which their card readers are built into pumps.


    I believe it does use tokenization when it is using MST. According to CNet Visa and Mastercard were able to do this because they set up all the back-end technology when making their systems compatible with Apple Pay.


    Gas pumps are one area where MST won't work. This requires the terminals where you swipe the card vertically or horizontally across a reader, rather than push the card in and out. That said, being compatible with the old system does give it an advantage, albeit one that will be diminishing significantly over the next 2 years as retailers phase out magnetic strip readers.

  • Reply 68 of 206
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Phil and no one else at Apple need to take note about anything samdung does. They make 10x more profits than samedung.

    The only ones who think so are trolls like you

    Let's see if they charge you $100 for adding 32GB whereas Apple gives you 48GB for $100… but Apple are the evil ones, or is that only Tim Cook because he's gay. Regardless, Apple is DOOOOMMMED!!!1!¡
  • Reply 69 of 206
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,225member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    And the protruding camera bump. But hey, it's only wrong when Apple does it.

    No bump on my iPhone 6P. But then I keep in a lightweight, thin profile case, just like most people. Who knew?<img class=" src="" /> 

  • Reply 70 of 206
    technarchytechnarchy Posts: 296member

    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post


    "Welcome to 2007."

    - John Gruber,, 3/1/2015


    Not really all that clever.


    This is how the iPhone 6 shipped in 2014...


    iPhone 6:

    1GB RAM

    720P display (326 ppi)

    1810 mAh Battery

    16GB starting memory option

    8MP camera

    1.2-megapixel photos

    Mind altering battery charge times

    10 hours WIFI use


    The S6 is superior than all of the's that 2007?

  • Reply 71 of 206
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    kpom wrote: »
    I believe it does use tokenization when it is using MST. According to CNet Visa and Mastercard were able to do this because they set up all the back-end technology when making their systems compatible with Apple Pay.

    That's good to hear. I've stated my hopes that Apple would not look out others, either through exclusivity contacts or patents, from piggybacking off the Apple Pay's foundational setup. This is something that will benefit everyone so I have no problem with others following in Apple's footsteps.
    Gas pumps are one area where MST won't work. This requires the terminals where you swipe the card vertically or horizontally across a reader, rather than push the card in and out. That said, being compatible with the old system does give it an advantage, albeit one that will be diminishing significantly over the next 2 years as retailers phase out magnetic strip readers.

    Two years is the typical usage of a smartphone. I would have been fine if Apple offered both NFC and a LoopPay-like option for the interim, so I can't begrudge Samsung for including it. And nice for LoopPay who were probably shitting their pants for years knowing their tech was soon becoming obsolete.
  • Reply 72 of 206
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    - Apple Pay = Samsung Pay. You can be sure that if Apple called it iPay, Samsung would have went with Spay....

    Apple will spay them alright....<img class=" src="" />

  • Reply 73 of 206
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,225member

    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post


    I love how Samsung has just thrown all the features that it used to mock iPhones in the past, in the trash[...]

    In this case, it's obvious who's the original. In other words, Samsung has clearly copied, not stolen. Nothing about the S6 is better than the iPhone 6/+.

  • Reply 74 of 206
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    technarchy wrote: »
    Not really all that clever.

    This is how the iPhone 6 shipped in 2014...

    iPhone 6:
    1GB RAM
    720P display (326 ppi)
    1810 mAh Battery
    16GB starting memory option
    8MP camera
    1.2-megapixel photos
    Mind altering battery charge times
    10 hours WIFI use

    The S6 is superior than all of the's that 2007?

    LOL Come on, you can troll better than that.
  • Reply 75 of 206
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by SolipsismY View Post

    1) You can certainly look at it to say that Samsung has no conviction behind any of the crap they touted before, but you could also look at it as Samsung, for once, is actually attempting to build good HW with useful features.

    Are you suggesting that their prior models had no useful features?


    Btw, what are some of the supposedly great new useful features with this model (since you've mentioned it more than once, above)?

  • Reply 76 of 206
    slurpy wrote: »
    I love how Samsung has just thrown all the features that it used to mock iPhones in the past, in the trash. It shows how little Samsung actually believes in these things, and in their ads, and how they're just temporary bullet points each time, with no real conviction or weight. Such an empty, dishonest company that goes the way the wind blows. 

    - Got rid of removable battery (used for wall-hugger attacks ads)
    - Got rid of waterproof feature (ice-bucket challenge attack ads)
    - God rid of SD slots
    - Moved headphone jack to bottom, just like iPhone
    - Trashed a bunch of touchwiz features that were previously the basis for attack ads
    - frame is almost identical to iPhone 6, in terms of material, curvature, arrangement of buttons, ports, and speaker grill, as well as antenna bands
    - Apple Pay = Samsung Pay. You can be sure that if Apple called it iPay, Samsung would have went with SPay, as per their previous brandings (Although Samsung Pay is based on ancient technology, and from the video the process looks hilariously awkward and convoluted)
    - Touch fingerprint reader instead of swiping, like Touch ID

    One can go on and on. You have to be reall intellectually dishonest, and a liar, not to acknowledge all this shamelessness, and the cloning of so many aspects of the newest iPhone's design direction, while doing a 360 on pretty much all the features Samsung has been advertising the last 5 years as differentiators. Yeah, you can be a troll like cnocbui, scour the thousands of phones that have been released, and post the cheap LOOK SPEAKER GRILLS EXISTED BEFORE THE IPHONE, LOOK AT THIS YELLOW LUMINA THAT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE IT FOR EVIDENCE, as if Apple uses the Lumia line, or any other line for design inspiration.

    But you will never, ever find an example of a manufacturer copying so many elements at the same time, from one other company (design, branding, naming convention, technologies, headphones, etc) and getting away with it. Nauseating. 

    It's hard not to see that the whole design direction and feature choices as a mimic of the current iPhone 6. The usual reductionists will ignore everything else and pick out some easily winnable differences like "radiused curves," but the whole package together is much more like the iPhone 6 than the Galaxy phones before it, even if not an exact copy. I don't know if it's a sign of intellectual dishonesty. The old LOL@APPLE pics were outright intellectualy dishonest. The purpose of course was to keep the flame wars going, but I also do believe it's how some of these people really think. The most you might get from these people is "everybody copies everybody" which puts Apple on the same playing field as everyone else, because they loathe to put Apple ahead of their favorite brand(s). But it is for naught, because Samsung has already admitted during the second trial that they copied Apple. I don't blame them (and HTC and Xiaomi) for trying. Apple's phones are just better designed. Now if these same people can reverse their trolling stance about sealed batteries, protruding camera bulges, and 64-bit chips, we might actually get somewhere.
  • Reply 77 of 206
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member

    Watch, like magic, how all the drooling samsung sycophants and Apple bashers will instantly drop all the talking points they've been using the bash the iPhone and promote the S series, now that the Galaxies have dropped all those 'features" too. I've already seen it, now, suddenly, "fast charge times" are an important new differentiator, even though iPhones have ALWAYS charged faster than Galaxy phones. 

  • Reply 78 of 206
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member

    Originally Posted by Chick View Post

    My bank just notified me that my new mag stripe credit card will no longer be valid after April (I just received it in January.). They are sending a replacement chip card. So at least for my bank the old magnetic stripe cards will no longer work. So I imagine that will be true for most other banks in the US also probably by years end.

    Surely, that does not mean that the magnetic stripe itself will be unusable with chip cards?

  • Reply 79 of 206
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post



    Not really all that clever.


    This is how the iPhone 6 shipped in 2014...


    iPhone 6:

    1GB RAM

    720P display (326 ppi)

    1810 mAh Battery

    16GB starting memory option

    8MP camera

    1.2-megapixel photos

    Mind altering battery charge times

    10 hours WIFI use


    The S6 is superior than all of the's that 2007?


    Non-removable battery.

    No memory card slot.

    Metal enclosure.


    As Gruber said: "Welcome to 2007."


    Oh, and yeah, no more waterproofing.

  • Reply 80 of 206
    solipsismysolipsismy Posts: 5,099member
    Are you suggesting that their prior models had no useful features?

    I guess I wasn't clear. I mean untested, gimmicky features that will never be used. That said, I do think the Edge features mentioned so far fit that build, but since we're talking about a display it could potentially lead to something that isn't a complete joke.
    Btw, what are some of the supposedly great new useful features with this model (since you've mentioned it more than once, above)?

    The biometric no longer requires a slow and steady swipe. There is no more USB 3.0 which was silly with their previous setup, although with their new NAND it might have been nice to include with a USB Type-C connector, which I suspect wasn't ready for this launch. They also removed a bunch of crap features that never worked right.
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