Apple confirms Confederate flag ban in App Store, says war games have to change art



  • Reply 261 of 292
    9secondko9secondko Posts: 929member
    If you have a church app on the app store, get ready for Apple's liberal censorship.

    A sermon that mentions homosexuality? banned from the app store, while LGBT fans get a special "curated" section.

    Forcing game makers to change the historically accurate representations of historically accurate banners?
  • Reply 262 of 292
    9secondko9secondko Posts: 929member
    So... I guess no Dukes of Hazzard games coming soon on iOS?...
  • Reply 263 of 292
    %u2605 I wonder if Apple will remove encyclopedias and dictionaries that contain the confederate flag from the app store and military movies and documentaries that contain the confederate flag from itunes?

    This is ridiculous.
  • Reply 264 of 292
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by Smurfman View Post


    And most of these you listed do one or more of the following:


    1) Increase governmental control while decreasing citizen's freedoms

    2) Place additional cost/burden on the middle class

    3) Increased the U.S. debt

    4) Weaken the U.S. military

    5) Strengthen radical Islamic groups while diminishing democracy

    6) Increased abortions

    7) Made it more difficult for small to medium sized businesses to survive


    Obama should be tried and hung for treason – not praised in any way, shape, or form.

    As a foreigner, I think you're wrong. The list he made makes America a stronger competitor as well as a better ally. 

    Also, "increased abortions" is a rather good sign that women actually have the control of their own body, which you should be glad of, since you're afraid of "strong radical Islamist groups". Surely you don't pick whatever suits you out of the Islamists' book, do you?

  • Reply 265 of 292
    I discussed this with a number of friends here just recently, before one of the couples took a month-long trip across the Southwest. My summarised advice to them beforehand, was to stick to "soft topics" if they ever strike up a longer discussion with an American. By no means mention: Obama, gun control, racism, healthcare, military, LGBT rights, religion or Native Americans. I'm sure I missed a few topics, but thank doG the big issues we're forewarned against.

    Because if following these forums for a few years now has taught me anything, it's that just under the surface of what appears to be a group of really intelligent folks across industries and occupations that can discuss tech on an incredible level of knowledge and experience... lies some very ugly, sad, misinformed and downright violent opinions about getting along with people, and getting on with bringing us as a world community closer together rather than continuing to tear us further apart.

    My jaws have dropped more times than I can count at comments from people that I normally agree with, until they show their hateful side. I once mentioned here how interesting it would be if there ever was an organized get together or event that would put many of us in the same room. Over the last year, all I can say is that a fair number of you people I don't ever want to see or hear your thoughts in person.

    I only read your words of opinionated right to hate to stay informed... and warn friends when they decide to see what's on the other sude of the pond that is so great.

    BTW: the couple that visited came back with quite a pained story to tell, and specifically told me that it was far worse than I warned them about. They will be going back to Australia and New Zealand next year as they've done many years, because quote, "no matter how breathtaking the scenery, it's the people and culture that make a land beautiful". I won't say what conclusion they had of America, because deep down I think all of you know that answer.:no:

    I've been a lurker for years and usually enjoy the comments sections, at least as much as the regular articles. Yes there is a tendency to pander too much to Apple, and an unnecessarily viscous attitude towards Apple's competitors, but on the whole I find the discussions informed and interesting.

    But this was a real eye opener. I fully agree with the two earlier posts, and find it fascinating that so many write on this subject with apparently little or no actual understanding of where they are coming from and what informs their opinions on the subject.
  • Reply 266 of 292
    pembrokepembroke Posts: 230member

    "Your religion and the Catholic religion have been molesting children for decades"

    > I think you'll find it's been centuries; long, long, long before the advent of freedom of speech, investigative journalism and police forces enforcing democratic public policy.



    The assertion is that the Confederate flag is a symbol of the promotion of slavery, and this is why Apple wish to act as censor and prevent their customers from being exposed to it, particularly in the context of gamery where the inclusion of such promotes the notion that it is somewhat frivolous and possibly open to 'harmless glorification'. Understood.

    Also understandable is the number of worms now emerging from the can. Will Apple now, for example, remove Apps or any items that promote Islam or the Quran with its belligerence for non-Muslims oozing from every page? 

  • Reply 267 of 292

    For civil war games, a message should be included at the intro similar to what Warner Brothers have done with there Buggs Bunny DVD sets.


    "The cartoons you are about to see are products of their time. They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudice in American society. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. While the following does not represent Warner Bros. view of today's society, these cartoons are being presented as they were originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed."

  • Reply 268 of 292
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Originally Posted by hutchitl View Post


    For civil war games, a message should be included at the intro similar to what Warner Brothers have done with there Buggs Bunny DVD sets.


    "The cartoons you are about to see are products of their time. They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudice in American society. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today. While the following does not represent Warner Bros. view of today's society, these cartoons are being presented as they were originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed."

    It's easier to remove the offending imagery if I was a game maker. I can make up another Civil War like flag that doesn't include the real one.

  • Reply 269 of 292
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I discussed this with a number of friends here just recently, before one of the couples took a month-long trip across the Southwest. My summarised advice to them beforehand, was to stick to "soft topics" if they ever strike up a longer discussion with an American. By no means mention: Obama, gun control, racism, healthcare, military, LGBT rights, religion or Native Americans. I'm sure I missed a few topics, but thank doG the big issues we're forewarned against.

    Because if following these forums for a few years now has taught me anything, it's that just under the surface of what appears to be a group of really intelligent folks across industries and occupations that can discuss tech on an incredible level of knowledge and experience... lies some very ugly, sad, misinformed and downright violent opinions about getting along with people, and getting on with bringing us as a world community closer together rather than continuing to tear us further apart.

    My jaws have dropped more times than I can count at comments from people that I normally agree with, until they show their hateful side. I once mentioned here how interesting it would be if there ever was an organized get together or event that would put many of us in the same room. Over the last year, all I can say is that a fair number of you people I don't ever want to see or hear your thoughts in person.

    I only read your words of opinionated right to hate to stay informed... and warn friends when they decide to see what's on the other sude of the pond that is so great.

    BTW: the couple that visited came back with quite a pained story to tell, and specifically told me that it was far worse than I warned them about. They will be going back to Australia and New Zealand next year as they've done many years, because quote, "no matter how breathtaking the scenery, it's the people and culture that make a land beautiful". I won't say what conclusion they had of America, because deep down I think all of you know that answer.image

    To be fair though, foreigners come to the US and treat it like their dumping ground for their garbage. They act like everyone in the US is supposed to be there so their experience in the US can be amazing even as they are treating everyone around them like dirt and not even realizing how rude they are actually being. Otherwise I pretty much agree with the general points of your post. 

  • Reply 270 of 292
    schlackschlack Posts: 724member
    seems odd. i get that the gov shouldn't be posting the conf flag officially. but a business regulating? why should they care? will they ban nazi flags from video games? will the ban turkish flags as well (armenian genocide?). american flags (iraq)?
  • Reply 271 of 292
    stubbstubb Posts: 16member
    Developers should replace the Confederate flag with the Apple logo.
  • Reply 272 of 292
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by schlack View Post

    seems odd. i get that the gov shouldn't be posting the conf flag officially. but a business regulating? why should they care? will they ban nazi flags from video games? will the ban turkish flags as well (armenian genocide?). american flags (iraq)?

    Apple also bans porn. Where do we draw the line? One is offensive to a whole group of people and in the context of what happened games that host that particular flag should be banned. Apple is making a distinction here that the gamification of the Civil War in particular is offensive enough not just from the racial angle but from the perspective of the US government that Apple feels it shouldn't be in games and instead should only remain in a historical context (i.e. history books, and learning resources some games don't qualify in that context). 

  • Reply 273 of 292
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member
    Dramatic much? 

    I gotta say, it's really fun to watch Apple troll a bunch of their fans with moves like this and the LGBT support.

    I think it's silly for Apple to go after Confederate flags in apps. They still have the flag on album covers in iTunes. I don't think the flag should be flown, but buried within art, it should be left alone.

    This policy is worth it though, if for no other reason than to watch the freakout.
    Haha, so true.

    I believe now is the appropriate time for: "AAPL is DOOMED!"

    Surely conservative America in their boycot of Apple will destroy its market share, right? Soon the loyal supporters on this forum for whom the only rhetoric allowed is "Apple and it's executives can do not wrong" will be calling for Tim Cook's head on a platter, right?

    But it sure is entertaining! I'm even reading the blocked posts on this one!


    EDIT: this has really been a bad week for conservatives, first the Supreme Court ruled in favor of ObamaCare, and now Same Sex Marriage.
  • Reply 274 of 292
    chadmaticchadmatic Posts: 285member

    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post


    To be fair though, foreigners come to the US and treat it like their dumping ground for their garbage. They act like everyone in the US is supposed to be there so their experience in the US can be amazing even as they are treating everyone around them like dirt and not even realizing how rude they are actually being. Otherwise I pretty much agree with the general points of your post. 

    You forgot the /s.

  • Reply 275 of 292
    Good luck with that Apple. I think I'll be spending money elsewhere. Thank goodness for local bookstores and music shops. I don't see the need to cough up money for Apple Music either.

    I wonder if Lynerd Skynerd won't be on Apple Music, or any band that's ever had the Confederate flag on an album cover?
  • Reply 276 of 292
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member

    Also, "increased abortions" is a rather good sign that women actually have the control of their own body, which you should be glad of, since you're afraid of "strong radical Islamist groups". Surely you don't pick whatever suits you out of the Islamists' book, do you?
    Not to add more politics to this thread...
    Women have control? Perhaps some of these women should have had control of their bodies prior to getting pregnant.
  • Reply 277 of 292
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Not to add more politics to this thread...

    Women have control? Perhaps some of these women should have had control of their bodies prior to getting pregnant.

    Perhaps, but since they did not... It's similar to cars. Just because you are going too fast doesn't mean you're not allowed to use the break.

  • Reply 278 of 292
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Because if following these forums for a few years now has taught me anything, it's that just under the surface of what appears to be a group of really intelligent folks across industries and occupations that can discuss tech on an incredible level of knowledge and experience... lies some very ugly, sad, misinformed and downright violent opinions about getting along with people, and getting on with bringing us as a world community closer together rather than continuing to tear us further apart.

    My jaws have dropped more times than I can count at comments from people that I normally agree with, until they show their hateful side. I once mentioned here how interesting it would be if there ever was an organized get together or event that would put many of us in the same room. Over the last year, all I can say is that a fair number of you people I don't ever want to see or hear your thoughts in person.



    Well, no community or culture is perfect.  They all have their warts, closet skeletons, and such.


    I cling to the notion that the AI community is kind of like a big pot of chili... each member contributes their own "flavor" to the whole, without which, well... it wouldn't be this tasty.


    The key to a healthy community is to GET ALONG, being willing to look past (if not respect) differences, and feeding off the commonalities.  It's unfortunate that incidents like this have thrown our differences into such sharp relief that they risk impeding growth as a community.


    Instead of throwing in the towel, perhaps we individually wrestle with these conflicting ideas, and in so doing, learn something new about ourselves.  Maybe even strengthen the AI community as a result.


    (And no, Pixel, I am NOT calling you out here.  Your post just started me thinking, is all.)


    [edited to correct respondee]

  • Reply 279 of 292
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    mac_128 wrote: »
    Haha, so true.

    I believe now is the appropriate time for: "AAPL is DOOMED!"

    Surely conservative America in their boycot of Apple will destroy its market share, right? Soon the loyal supporters on this forum for whom the only rhetoric allowed is "Apple and it's executives can do not wrong" will be calling for Tim Cook's head on a platter, right?

    But it sure is entertaining! I'm even reading the blocked posts on this one!


    EDIT: this has really been a bad week for conservatives, first the Supreme Court ruled in favor of ObamaCare, and now Same Sex Marriage.

    Marriage should not be controversial for anyone who says they are a conservative. Marriage is a private matter and also a real conservative would want equal treatment to be consistent and constitutional.
  • Reply 280 of 292
    lmaclmac Posts: 209member
    Sorry Ken Burns. Your documentary about the Civil War has offensive flags in it. Until you rewrite history, Apple will be banning it from iTunes.
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