Apple highlights LGBT content with special curated App Store section



  • Reply 101 of 183
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by Patrick Byars View Post

    Harvey Milk is proven right again; the reason these trolls get fired up about gays having rights or equal marriage etc is that they can't admit to themselves that they might be one of us inside.

    - If they were straight like they say they are, they wouldn't care that much. Certainly wouldn't bother to post to a blog about it.

    That's... also bizarre. You don't need to be black or jewish to be racist. Why would you need to be closeted to be homophobic?

  • Reply 102 of 183

    Originally Posted by lightknight View Post


    Well, since you ask so nicely, what do you mean by "intolerant towards historic accuracy and context"?

    <sarcasm>I wasn't aware that accuracy could feel discrimination?</sarcasm>


    (I believe you either meant revisionist or respectful?)

    Obviously the irony that flags do not discriminate flew right over your head (I didn't need sophomoric "<sarcasm>" tags to state the obvious, either). I do not believe Apple has (or would) actively pursue revisionism, but at least in this case they're being obsequious to a vocal minority who is flatly ignoring the historic context of an object and targeting it as a sort-of "revisionism by way of shame". The Confederate Flag is a battle flag, and demanding that it be removed from war games where it absolutely would be appropriate is completely over the line. Many, many southerners still view that flag as a source of pride and independent resolve... "shame politics" is a huge trend these days – with words like intolerance being tossed around liberally by "progressives". As much as the so-called "progressives" refuse to believe it, disparaging peoples' values that are different from your own is in and of itself intolerant. Therefore, since Apple has taken sides with a vocal minority that ultimately has taken a historic object out of its context, they have catered to intolerance.


    Troll on! 

  • Reply 103 of 183
    zabazaba Posts: 226member
    atlapple wrote: »
    Tim Cook is really pushing the limit. Steve Jobs really made a big mistake making him CEO instead of someone like Jony Ive.  I wonder if Tim knows he does business in countries that will put you to dead if you are gay. 
    Tim was chosen by Jobs because has the qualities to lead such an innovative company as Apple. Jonny would probably shun the idea of being CEO. What's wrong with companies fighting injustice and discrimination in the world. It is to be applauded.
  • Reply 104 of 183
    lightknightlightknight Posts: 2,312member

    Originally Posted by Zapf Brannigan View Post


    Obviously the irony that flags do not discriminate flew right over your head (I didn't need sophomoric "<sarcasm>" tags to state the obvious, either). I do not believe Apple has (or would) actively pursue revisionism, but at least in this case they're being obsequious to a vocal minority who is flatly ignoring the historic context of an object and targeting it as a sort-of "revisionism by way of shame". The Confederate Flag is a battle flag, and demanding that it be removed from war games where it absolutely would be appropriate is completely over the line. Many, many southerners still view that flag as a source of pride and independent resolve... "shame politics" is a huge trend these days – with words like intolerance being tossed around liberally by "progressives". As much as the so-called "progressives" refuse to believe it, disparaging peoples' values that are different from your own is in and of itself intolerant. Therefore, since Apple has taken sides with a vocal minority that ultimately has taken a historic object out of its context, they have catered to intolerance.


    Troll on! 

    Hmm hmmm. Sure. Whatever. Totally what you said.

  • Reply 105 of 183
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    roake wrote: »
    My feelings are very hurt. I'm very offended! I feel discriminated against!

    Where is the Straight Pride section?

    The Straight Pride section is everything else on the App Store. The Straight Pride section is everything else in the world. There you go, I showed you where the Straight Pride sections are.
  • Reply 106 of 183
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,666member

    I always love this. I keep waiting for this mysterious "white privilege" to take effect. Somehow I still have to get up and go to work two jobs every day, driving an old car.

    And Proposition 8 was overwhelmingly supported by voters of California.

    Which means what, exactly? **** the minorities.

    Pure democracy is mob rule. Guaranteeing minority protection and representation is the job of any modern civilization and exactly why Proposition 8 and similar referendums should not have unchecked power.
  • Reply 107 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member

    'Oh how dare Apple take a stance on LGBT! I'm definitely taking umbrage!'


    The environmental issues, sure. Gender and race, yes. Ensuring workers rights in foreign countries - it's all and only Apple's fault if someone has problems over there! But sexuality? (O~O) The freaking begins... :D

  • Reply 108 of 183
    foggyhill wrote: »
    Right... "small government".... And supposedly there is no political message in that piece of shit flag... Because you do know what party also claims to be for "small government"... Not that this has any relations with their actual policies.

    You can honor the soldiers without honoring their cause. Like honoring Vietnam and Iraq soldiers but saying US involvement in Vietnam (and Iraq) is utter crap and if there is any symbol of that, it probably should kept in the history books, or when putting current crap racial relations into context.

    I don't know what else the confederacy stood for, I just guessed at small government. But, fallen soldiers I know. I guessed small government because I know there are a lot of republicans in the south, and the confederacy was in the south. Talk about taking one word and writing an essay on it, getting yourself pumped up as you type. The interesting part is that the south wasn't even republican when the confederate flag was in use. So, I really should have said that confederate flag stood for fallen soldiers and big government. Alright, continue on.
  • Reply 109 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member

    Maybe we should start a 'White straight American male heros save everyone vexes me!!!' page... ;) I love Apple!

  • Reply 110 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member

    Perhaps that commenter is intolerant of people against intolerance...? ;)

    'It's our right to be intolerant!' (@~@)

  • Reply 111 of 183
    brakkenbrakken Posts: 687member

    I don't understand - some counties will kill you for being gay; Apple sells products in those countries: therefore Apple should deny civil rights to gay people in all countries?


    Doesn't this mean Apple should delete all references to non-extremist religious beliefs of those countries, too? And fire all women?


    Personally, I think Cook - supported by the company he leads - is at the right time, in the right place, and in the right position to make a stance on civil rights and the treasures of a culture not warped by blatant inequality between people. Go Apple!

  • Reply 112 of 183
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    Steve Jobs is rolling in his grave right now.


    Oh yeah, Apple will probably get more customers with this.


    They will lose some customers as well.


    Too much social crap nowadays. Facebook, Twitter, etc. Its starting to shape how this country is being run and in not a good way.


    Tim Cook is liberal and gay. He is using his muli-billion dollar corporation as a soapbox for his agenda and he is getting on a real slippery slope here.


    Corporations should remain neutral but tech companies (and tech sites) in particular are going left. No wonder Obama likes to hob knob with this sector.

  • Reply 113 of 183
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    brakken wrote: »

    So, you believe anti-segregation efforts in the US should've stopped at bus seating arrangements?

    Walk in another's shoes, and you will provide your own answers.

    Let's keep going untill women have equal pay in all jobs, untill skin colour and beliefs are not used to negatively define another, where gender identity is chosen by each person, and sexual preference is a non-issue!

    Equality, respect and dignity are due all people and Apple is leading the private sector where the politicians have failed so many people in so many ways.

    Let's build a global society that is fair to all.

    Yesss!!! And, while at it, let's give free massages and unicorns to everyone!!!!!!!!!

    (See how easy it is to avoid a question or an issue?).

    (Fixed typo).
  • Reply 114 of 183
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    We have gay APPS section now? LOL. What's next? Will they start offering apps and other content by race? How about a section for Jews?
  • Reply 115 of 183
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Only thing is there's nowhere else to go. Google and every other tech company are just as bad with this political BS.

    Understand that they do this out of fear, not moral concern. Look what happened to Brendan Eich. Look what happens to any individual or company that speaks out for traditional morality or social norm. They are immediately pounced upon and vilified. 


    Corporations are like grass in a field. They bend which ever way the wind blows. If the culture were to suddenly take a turn to the right they would change their positions instantly, again out of fear. What’s right has nothing to do with it. It’s about profit.

  • Reply 116 of 183
    When I use and wear Apple products, I'm not making ANY social statement. Don't lump me into your social & political viewpoints by association. 31 years I've been a customer of this company. Apple is built on our backs. Your user base is diverse. Stay in the middle. Support your social issues as individuals and keep the company out of things that "make statements" and divide us.
  • Reply 117 of 183
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

    Originally Posted by msantti View Post


    Steve Jobs is rolling in his grave right now.


    Zombie Steve Jobs is the new Godwin.


    Pride is an event, just like the Wimbledon, Glastonbury or any of the other events being promoted by Apple on iTunes/App Store at the moment. It's not meant as a political statement even if you take it as one.

  • Reply 118 of 183
    brertechbrertech Posts: 31member
    "Apple has long been involved in the promotion of LGBT rights" - since when?

    I know that since Cook has been there it's headline news for Apple. The company that Jobs built is now a prime promoter of their favored social causes.

    Jobs was fine with gays, and refused to discriminate against them, but he had class, and didn't use the Apple name to push his social-political agenda.
    Apple has been actively supporting gay rights for years. Maybe you didn't notice because it didn't affect you?
    Example: Apple donated $100,000 to fight Proposition 8 back in 2008, while Steve was still in charge.

    Apple's support has increased in the last few years just as it has for many companies. But it's easy to just pin it on Tim Cook, eh?
  • Reply 119 of 183

    Most honest philanthropy is done silently.

  • Reply 120 of 183

    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post


    Understand that they do this out of fear, not moral concern. Look what happened to Brendan Eich. Look what happens to any individual or company that speaks out for traditional morality or social norm. They are immediately pounced upon and vilified. 


    Corporations are like grass in a field. They bend which ever way the wind blows. If the culture were to suddenly take a turn to the right they would change their positions instantly, again out of fear. What’s right has nothing to do with it. It’s about profit.


    And Brendan Eich invented JavaScript. The foundation the web is built on today.


    Originally Posted by thomasfxlt View Post

    When I use and wear Apple products, I'm not making ANY social statement. Don't lump me into your social & political viewpoints by association. 31 years I've been a customer of this company. Apple is built on our backs. Your user base is diverse. Stay in the middle. Support your social issues as individuals and keep the company out of things that "make statements" and divide us.

    Exactly. This is getting quickly out of hand.

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