Supply chain evidence of 4-inch 'iPhone 6c' disappears, analyst says



  • Reply 41 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »

    I don't think so.  A $99 iPhone6 would canibalize the 6S.

    People would ask what does the 6S have that the 6 doesn't?  Faster chip, more ram, force touch.  That's not going to be enough to convience most people to pay $100 more.

    If it's not enough to convince people to spend $100 more then is it really worth $100 more? And faster chip, force touch, 2GB RAM and better camera isn't enough but a plastic case is? A $99 6 with plastic case might keep margins up but more sales of the mid tier won't keep ASP up.
  • Reply 42 of 118
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    adm1 wrote: »
    Definitely works on iPad mini, have answered calls and texts via the ipad when the phone's been upstairs charging.

    I DO still think (and hope) that they'll introduce a new 4" device. I have a 5, my wife has a 5C, we've both been holding off upgrading as I'm sure many others have too given the sub 30% upgrade numbers - most 6/6s owners must've been android/windows/dumbphone switchers. releasing a new iPod touch also gives renewed life to the 4" screen size.

    When was that 30% stat given? Considering lots of folks have two year contracts, or have last year's 5S, you can't assume it's because they like a 4" iPhone. I upgraded from a 4S for what it's worth.

    wood1208 wrote: »
    What Apple thinks if they don't offer smaller version of it's larger sibling iPhone 6 than indirectly it will push users to move to larger screen iphone. Well, Apple you are wrong. People who likes smaller screen will buy used iPhones, push upgrade longer as possible and meanwhile if android offers such solution than some will move their. Every iPhone sell lost is still a lost in revenue and customer both from the Apple ecosystem.

    Apple sold s record bajillion iPhones. I think they are doing fine.
    scineram wrote: »
    Profit over Product.

    Cook's Apple.

    And Apple is doing quite well.
  • Reply 43 of 118
    boeyc15boeyc15 Posts: 986member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post





    IMO the next big step in smartphones is a phone that can fold in half.   That way you can have a screen the size of a 6+ but when folded in would take less room in your pocket than an iPhone 5S.  In its folded position you could also use one side of the screen to make phone calls.  Basically its the best of both worlds.  


    And that's why its so important that Apple keeps making the iPhone/iPad thinner and more battery efficent.  Most people think Apple is making Phones thinner for no reason but to make it look cool.  Nope.  Eventually they will make it thin enough that it can fold 

    Like your idea, but till then, 4 inch phone for me. For me... convenience of carrying 'a connected device' in multiple scenarios is priority.  That means small but still useable is best or--- 3.5 - 4 inch screen is about right (Steve had it right!). But, as you indicate, I'm probably in the minority on this point of view... for now.;) 

  • Reply 44 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Just look at history.


    I think they will follow the same pattern


    Maybe. I'm still not convinced the plastic phone was meant for the mid-tier long term. I think it was ultimately meant to occupy the low-tier "free on contract" phone. And it's possible it was just an experiment to see how the market would react.

    Honestly I think it's a bit worrisome if the mid-tier stays plastic solely because Apple is worried not enough people would buy the flagship otherwise. Apple is not doing that in other product lines. Look at the new MacBook. Probably one of the most beautiful products Apple has ever designed. I think it's clear that will eventually become the entry level laptop in the lineup replacing the MBA. Apple didn't make it plastic for fear of cannibalizing the MBP. There is real product differentiation there. What you're suggesting is either Apple can't do that with the iPhone or the updates they're making aren't worth of the prices they're charging. Personally I think faster chip, 2GB RAM, better camera and force touch are worthy upgrades that will get consumers to choose the flagship over cheaper models.

    I don't see Apple having two plastic iPhones in the line up (which would happen once the iPhone 7 came along).
  • Reply 45 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    The 6S and the 6 will look EXACTLY the same when you hold it up next to each other.   Millions will choose the 6 and save the $100.  Most really don't give a crap about the internals.

    Apple wants people to aspire to buy the top end phone.  They don't want people waiting a year to buy the previous years top end phone for $100 less.  The exception is when there is a full redesign like with the 6.  Then they can sell the previous years top end phone for $100 less because physically they are very different phones.

    Its all about the eyes.

    The 6S and 6 look to similiar.
    The 6 and the 5S did not.

    People want to be seen with the latest iPhone.  It is prestigious in China.  

    The plastic 5C did not hurt Apple sales.  And neither would a plastic 6C.  The C models give a different message.  They say you are a colorful person, don't care about status, but care about fun.

    So basically on the S years the mid tier phone is plastic and on the non-s years it's not. Yes I suppose Apple could continue to do that. Although most people don't upgrade their phones every year so when the 6S comes out there will still be a ton of people rocking the current 6. I doubt that's going to dampen sales. Everyone knows by now that Apple redesigns its phones every 2 years. I'm not sure it's really an issue for anyone.
  • Reply 46 of 118
    wonkothesanewonkothesane Posts: 1,738member
    scineram wrote: »
    Profit over Product.

    Cook's Apple.

    Sure. "Steve's Apple" didn't want to make profit.

  • Reply 47 of 118
    wonkothesanewonkothesane Posts: 1,738member
    sog35 wrote: »
    The 4 inch lovers crowd are forgetting one fact.  

    The primary purpose of the phone has changed.

    In the 90's and early 2000's it was all about voice.  Thus the smaller the better.  You don't need a big display to made voice calls.

    When the iPhone came out things changed.  We got apps and web.  As our cell speeds got faster with LTE we got HD video and live TV and Netflix.  Thus a bigger screen is more advantageous.

    In 2015 making voice calls is only 10% or less of what most people do with their phone.  Those the majority of people want a larger screen for video, web, and apps.  And are willing to sacrifice one handed use.

    IMO the next big step in smartphones is a phone that can fold in half.   That way you can have a screen the size of a 6+ but when folded in would take less room in your pocket than an iPhone 5S.  In its folded position you could also use one side of the screen to make phone calls.  Basically its the best of both worlds.  

    And that's why its so important that Apple keeps making the iPhone/iPad thinner and more battery efficent.  Most people think Apple is making Phones thinner for no reason but to make it look cool.  Nope.  Eventually they will make it thin enough that it can fold 

    I totally agree.
  • Reply 48 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    It does not look like we will have a 4.7 inch plastic phone in Sept.  If so we would have seen leaks by now.  But maybe Apple is being ultra secretive.  Who knows.

    My first guess is the lineup would be:

    6S/6S+ $299 / $199
    6C - $99 - iPhone6 in a plastic case. 
    5S - Free

    Only problem I see is if the 6C is only 4 inches why would you choose the 6C instead of the 5S?  The 5S looks a hell lot nicer and the only advantage of the 6 is a faster chip, NFC, and camera.  If the 6C is 4.7 inches that would solve the problem.

    To me its all about the LOOK of the phones.  They need to jump up right away and justify their price.  The $99 phone cannot look cheaper or smaller than the $0 phone.

    So then I thought of another alternative.  A price change.

    6S/6S+ $299 / $199
    iPhone6 - $149
    iPhone 5SC - $49

    I can see some benefits to this line up.  First it would be real easy to stuff the 5S internals into a 5C shell.
    Second getting rid of the 5S would be nice since metal construction is tough and expensive.

    Bumping the mid range phone to $149 will ease some of the canibalization of the 6S while not adding too much in manufactering costs.  The shell of the 6 and 6S should be nearly identical.  At a difference of $50 most would probably choose the 6S unless they are extremely tight on cash.  This should minimize top end canibalization.

    So in the second scenario you're suggesting Apple raise prices on their low end and mid tier phones. I'm not sure on what planet raising iPhone prices is a smart idea. Why are you so worried that people won't buy the flagship?
  • Reply 49 of 118
    wonkothesanewonkothesane Posts: 1,738member
    sog35 wrote: »

    I don't think so.  A $99 iPhone6 would canibalize the 6S.

    People would ask what does the 6S have that the 6 doesn't?  Faster chip, more ram, force touch.  That's not going to be enough to convience most people to pay $100 more.

    Eg ForceTouch.
  • Reply 50 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Big difference.  iPhone is Apple's cash cow.  Top end cannibalization would hurt the company.  Top end cannibalization in the Mac lineup would be a speed bump and almost non material.

    It isn't about people like you and me.  We appreciate and see the value of internals.  Most people don't.

    If they see two phones that LOOK exactly the same most won't care if one has slightly worse internals but cost $100.  They want to save the $100.  I mean hell no one will be able to tell the difference between the 6 and 6S.

    Thats why the LOOK is so important.  To charge a premium it has to LOOK more expensive.

    When the 7 comes out Apple will follow the same script as the 6.

    7/6S/6C - only 1 plastic phone

    It is okay for Apple to sell the 6S for $100 cheaper next year because the 7 will LOOK very different from the 6S.

    I guess you think people are more shallow than I do. Anyway as I said everyone knows by now that Apple changes the look of their phones every 2 years. And most people aren't upgrading their phones every year anyway so even if the 6 gets pushed down and into a plastic case there still will be millions of people walking around with the current 6 that looks just like the 6S. Plus anyone not stupid will know exactly what Apple is doing - trying to prevent cannibalization and protect margins.

    EDIT: and as you mentioned in a previous post it would look weird for the low end phone to be aluminum and glass and the mid tier colored plastic. To get around that they could do two plastic phones but I don't see that happening.
  • Reply 51 of 118
    pscooter63pscooter63 Posts: 1,081member

    What has this thread morphed into, "The Rog and Soggy Show"?


    (With apologies to the creators of Ren and Stimpy)

  • Reply 52 of 118
    benji888benji888 Posts: 135member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post




    I don't think so.  A $99 iPhone6 would canibalize the 6S.


    People would ask what does the 6S have that the 6 doesn't?  Faster chip, more ram, force touch.  That's not going to be enough to convience most people to pay $100 more.

    Apple does this every time they come out with a new iPhone, last year's model goes down $100. Look it up. :rolleyes:


    BTW, it doesn't actually cost $99, that is on contract, when you buy any phone on contract, the provider pays the phone manufacturer subsidies, unless you go with T-Mobile and pay for your iPhone, then when it's paid, your bill goes down the amount of your payment. The actual cost of the iPhone 6 starts at $649, 6+ $749, so $100 less is $549. What does the iPhone 5s cost? $549. What did it cost last year? $649.

  • Reply 53 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    pscooter63 wrote: »

    Haha good one!

    Honestly if Apple is so concerned about cannibalizing flagship iPhones then just have two tiers - flagship and budget and get rid of the mid tier.
  • Reply 54 of 118
    jungmark wrote: »
    When was that 30% stat given? Considering lots of folks have two year contracts, or have last year's 5S, you can't assume it's because they like a 4" iPhone. I upgraded from a 4S for what it's worth

    20% as of April, someone above me quoted 26-28% so assumed that was the latest numbers. Can't imagine it's jumped considerably since then.
  • Reply 55 of 118
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Apple knows the price elasticity.  They won't get rid of an entire tier because there are those who simply can't pay more than $450 or $550.  Its all about probability.

    Since Apple switched to the current strategy they have been selling way more top end phones as a percentage.  Just look at the Averaging selling price of iPhones.  It works.

    You make an interesting point about 2 tiers.  That could actually be possible.  

    6S - $199
    5SC - Free

    and in China they could still offer the 5C for $350

    Then next year

    7 - $199
    6S - $99
    6C - Free

    That still makes it confusing as one year you have a $99 phone and the next year you don't. All because of what the case looks like? As I said everyone knows Apple only redesigns iPhone every two years. I don't see why the case design is such a big deal. A product should stand on its own merits. People should be buying the 6S because it's the best phone on the market not because the mid tier phone is plastic and doesn't look as premium.
  • Reply 56 of 118
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    My feeling is that the 6c is in the same case (or very similar case) as the 5c... With something that looks like the internal of the new touch. That's probably why they "lost track of it. The earlier "traces" were in fact the internals for the touch.

  • Reply 57 of 118
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member

    What we need is smaller footprint iphone 6. Whether Apple makes it 4" or 4.1" or 4.2" or 4.3 long as it can easily handled in one hand, slide in and out of pocket easily. What I mean is overall manageability like 4S and 5S.  Just take iphone 4S and stretch it proportionally bit larger. I always miss iphone 4s proportional length vs width screen scale. Than, iphone 5 length got larger but width remain same as 4s.

    On larger screen side, Apple can push upward to 6" or whatever.

  • Reply 58 of 118
    sog35 wrote: »
    Only crappy, slow, running 4 year old OS, Android 4 inch phones.

    It just blows my mind that all these 4 inch lovers think the whole world loves 4 inch phones yet not a single Android/Windows phone maker has a top tier 4 inch phone.

    <img alt="" class="lightbox-enabled" data-id="61309" data-type="61" src="" style="; width: 350px; height: 644px">

    That only thing that proves is that the other manufacturers have conflated small size with cheapness (or entry level). It doesn't prove that there isn't a market for such things. and I would offer the following data point to chew on: last year, the best selling smartphone was the iPhone 5s, and that had a 4" screen, but it still outsold plenty of monster screen Android phablets.
  • Reply 59 of 118
    pscooter63 wrote: »

    I assume Sog is Ren, the pushy one. And Rog is just along for the ride. ;)
  • Reply 60 of 118
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    I don't see this happening.


    1. Not many in the market want a phone that size.  That's the cold hard truth.  That's why we don't see any top tier 4 inch Android phones.  In China (the biggest growth area) people love large phones not small phones.  Apple will focus at least 50% of their attention in the China market.  Releasing a 4 inch top tier phone would be going backwards.


    2. It would be too expensive for Apple to design a whole new metal phone and setup all new machinery.  That is why they didn't make an iPhone5 that was 3.5 inches.  Adding an additional line is expensive.  


    3. I'm not sure its possible to fit all the electronics of the iPhone6 into a 4 inch case.


    4. It would lead to too many tiers and possible confusion. What price would this phone sell at?  $199?  Same as the 6S?  

    Good points but with multi-chip die shrinking technology, you can fit iphone 6 internals into 4" screen chassis. larger size iphone 6 gives more room for battery.  electronics components are still not bigger part of chassis real estate.

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