Apple TV now available for preorder, first deliveries arrive Friday



  • Reply 41 of 173
    chadbagchadbag Posts: 2,010member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Isn't it a little odd that orders went live and we haven't seen any reviews yet? Usually reviews come out a few days before. Also odd when you go to you don't even see ?TV. Why isn't it front and center with a big BUY button? Something about this rollout is a bit odd. Are they going to do the same thing with iPad Pro? Incidentally, Apple stock is getting crushed this morning. Is that investors panicked about the quarter? Some clown on CNBC was saying if Apple reports a good quarter that will take the stock down because it means the December quarter won't be as good.

    When I went to it was the first thing up on the front screen though there was no buy button.   Click the big front and center pic though took me to the TV page where there was a buy button.

  • Reply 42 of 173
    solipsismy wrote: »
    I bought the 64BG -- for HEC, HomeKit Hub, 3rd-party Apps and some personal development.

    1) If one feels they may need more than 32GB than I highly recommend paying the extra $50 for the 64GB model, but I don't even use that much with all my music loaded on my iPhone. At this point 32GB seems like a ceiling I won't even come close to reaching until such time a 4K/HEVC model is available.

    2) I don't recall any mention of the new Apple TV being a HomeKit Hub. Wouldn't that be an overall small service running on the system?

    DuckDuck "AppleTV HomeKit" and you'll see quite a bit.

    For Home Use, aside from normal packaged entertainment, I see:
    • HomeKit
    • social uses -- selfie-type short videos (with some reasonable editing)
    • notifications -- family activities, alerts/checkins, monitoring (Apple Watch)

    Lots of potential for Apple TV in health care, enterprise ...
  • Reply 43 of 173
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member
    rogifan wrote: »
    What would Apple be worth right now if they hadn't done all these buybacks? It's not like Wall Street wasn't pushing for all this. Eric Jsckson can say Apple should have bought Netflix or Twitter or Tesla instead but there's zero evidence large acquisitions turn out to be a good thing. And even less evidence that Apple is culturally capable of integrating with another large company. We don't need another AOL Time Warner.

    The problem is that there is no way to know. But going by what we do know, it doesn't seem to have done anything. For all we know, Apple could be worth more, as that cash would still be on the books. That company value is gone now.

    Apple doesn't need a Netflix, or Twitter, or particularly a Tesla. But they could have bought the mapping company Nokia sold. That was just a few billion. They could have bought a number of companies, each under 10 billion. They could have used some of the money to invest in memory companies, or panel manufacturers, or whatever. But buybacks are money thrown away, never to be seen again.
  • Reply 44 of 173
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member
    thrang wrote: »
    No, Dune.

    Do you have any info on that? I go to all the audio/video shows in the country, and I've never seen that.
  • Reply 45 of 173
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Buffet is also a large supported of buybacks.

    Lets just say that in Apple's case the buyback has not worked. $100 billion spend on the buyback and the company isn't worth a cent more than 3 years ago.

    Doesn't matter what Buffet does. He admits he's made some pretty big mistakes too. His company also buys other companies, or invests large amounts in them, and he admits to knowing little about technology.
  • Reply 46 of 173
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,579member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Not entirely true.

    Apple can reissue shares with little dilution (one reason I think they are giving stock options to all employees) and also purchase companies with new Apple stock.

    Those are different things. The money they spent is gone. Those shares are delisted forever.
  • Reply 47 of 173
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    sog35 wrote: »
    regardless its still illegal.

    You broke incryption which is illegal.  Making a backup isn't.  But breaking incryption to do so is.

    Its like breaking into a bank vault to take a nap.
    Its not illegal to take a nap. But its illegal to break into a bank vault.

    The irony is the encryption is to prevent one from making a copy, which I have a right to do...there is no harm here, certainly less than if you jaywalk or drive over the speed limit, both of which I'm guessing almost everyone here does...

    Back to the main point, I hope there is full IP support in the new Apple this point, everything I control centrally offers IP protocols - current AppleTV, TiVo, Dune, DirecTV, flat panels, projectors, etc..
  • Reply 48 of 173
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member

    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    I buy and own every disc I rip, and don't share files, so I'm not feeling guilty...

    Oh my, while I agree 100% you just opened yourself up to every Internet lawyer on this blog...

  • Reply 49 of 173
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    melgross wrote: »
    The problem is that there is no way to know. But going by what we do know, it doesn't seem to have done anything. For all we know, Apple could be worth more, as that cash would still be on the books. That company value is gone now.

    Apple doesn't need a Netflix, or Twitter, or particularly a Tesla. But they could have bought the mapping company Nokia sold. That was just a few billion. They could have bought a number of companies, each under 10 billion. They could have used some of the money to invest in memory companies, or panel manufacturers, or whatever. But buybacks are money thrown away, never to be seen again.

    Hey I wish they would have taken the 3B spent on Beats and spent it on Waze instead. Or buy up smaller app companies to help improve native apps.
  • Reply 50 of 173

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    It is frustrating.  


    Just look at last quarter.  Apple grew revenue 30%+ and profit 35% yet the stock has DROPPED 15% since then.


    While Google/Microsoft showed sub 20% revenue growth and sub 20% profit growth and the stock EXPLODED 10% to all time highs.


    At this point the risk is not even worth the reward.  I took a risk buying Apple stock and even WHEN I'M RIGHT (predicted they would dominate Samsung and iPhone domination) I don't get rewarded much.


    The main problem with Apple stock is the high non-institutional ownership.  Institutions only own about 60% of the stock.  Thus its an easy target for Wall Street.  They feel they can easily fool the small guy so they manipulated it to hell.  Companies like Microsoft/Google have 80%+ institutional ownership.  Thus Wall Street is less likely to try to steal from their Wall street contemporaries.


    Apple has tried EVERYTHING to get a fair valuation:


    1. Instituted a dividend

    2. Bought back over $100 BILLION in shares

    3. Posted the greatest earnings in the history of man

    4. Accumulated over $200 billion in cash


    But nothing works.  Nothing.  Wall Street can still use their machines to buy and sell shares tens of thousands of times a day to manipulate the price down.


    Apple needs to go PRIVATE.  PERIOD.  If $100 billion in buyback, greatest earnings in the history of man, $200 billion in cash, and the most successful product known to man isn't enough to get a fair valuation from Wall Street than nothing is.

    Ain't capitalism great! 

  • Reply 51 of 173
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,096member

    Will there be a stock trading app available on launch? "Hey Siri: buy 500 shares of AAPL."

  • Reply 52 of 173

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    sounds illegal to me

    Why? When I rip my CDs into iTunes, is that illegal?


  • Reply 53 of 173

    I'd be ordering one right now, if only it still had the optical audio output port.


    My receiver doesn't have HDMI, so it's not compatible and I will need to replace it. New receivers no longer have the 6-channel analog inputs to support my SACD player; I'll need to replace my Blu-Ray player to one that handles SACD as well. While these will be nice upgrades, I'm looking at about $800, maybe more. My wife said I need to put them on my Christmas wish list...


    On the other hand, I'll be able to see reviews and determine if there is any reason to get the 64GB model...

  • Reply 54 of 173
    melgross wrote: »
    That's a nice stand -- and inexpensive too!

    I have the time and the tools, so it will be pretty easy to make a few (I suspect we'll be able to buy additional remotes).

    For wood, almost anything will do -- we have redwood, ponderosa pine various free sources:  flooring samples;  resawn firewood (oak, walnut, mystery);  pallets, etc.

    We have lots of beautifully weathered gray redwood fencing. Some of it I want to resaw. I've been trying to match the resawn face with the weathered face ... Lately, I've been experimenting with using thinned milk paint as a dye to color the wood and end enhance the grain -- Looks like it'll work quite well.

    Ahh ... Playtime!

    Sometimes I "sandblast" wood to wear the soft parts away. It simulates weathering pretty well. Then, various finishes will work. A nice silver grey gives it the look of outdoor sun and water wear.

    I did some sandblasting when I had a shop, worked fine ...

    But now I occupy the middle bay of a 3-car garage -- so I'm space-constrained, and have to be selective about which tools I really need. On the redwood, I can get a weathered surface on the resawn face by wetting the wood and wire brushing it.

    One of the things I like about the milk paint is that it comes in various colored powders that you can mix to match the color of the particular pieces of wood used in a project -- so the new faces look like they aged under the same conditions as the weathered faces. The thinned milk paint acts like a dye and penetrates so that any further distressing will react like the naturally-weathered surface ...

    ... And you can cheat a little by using the dye on the naturally-weathered surface too.
  • Reply 55 of 173

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Why? When I rip my CDs into iTunes, is that illegal?


    No, it is not illegal to rip CDs, because they aren't encrypted. Making a copy for personal or other fair-use cases is OK. The media industry hates that, so DVD/Blu-Ray formats are encrypted. it is necessary to break the encryption to make a non-disc copy that can be played, and that is illegal.


    Frankly, it's insane, and only hurts legitimate paying customers...

  • Reply 56 of 173
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    Again having hindsight Apple should have given Wall Street the big middle finger.

    You want buybacks Wall Street?  Go fuc yourself.

    Apple should have hoarded their cash and kept it away from Wall Street. 

    With $250 billion in cash Apple could easily go private with a $450 billion market cap.

    I'm like Tim Cook, but he seems to given to Wall Streets demands too easily.

    It's easy to say this now but how many were saying it when Apple started doing the buybacks? Honestly I think the stock is 100% driven by sentiment and unfortunately I don't think Tim Cook has done a very good job at changing sentiment and driving the narrative. Look at the new ?TV. It went on sale today but no press release from Apple saying it was on sale and when it would be available in stores. Go to and you don't even see it on the main page (at least I don't). No reviews, no indication of what apps are going to be available at launch. There should have been a press release. It should be front and center on Apple's website with a list of high-profile apps that will be available at launch. The fact that Apple is almost treating it like a soft launch makes me wonder is it ready for prime time? I certainly hope this isn't how Apple launches the iPad Pro.
  • Reply 57 of 173

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post



    CD don't have encryption.  DVD/Bluray do.


    breaking encrytion is illegal 

    Two threads going here. One talking about Wall Street manipulating stock prices to suck millions in value into their baskets of money. The other one is one guy presumably stealing DVD movies. The later seems to be as upsetting as the first.

  • Reply 58 of 173
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,024member
    kent909 wrote: »
    Two threads going here. One talking about Wall Street manipulating stock prices to suck millions in value into their baskets of money. The other one is one guy presumably stealing DVD movies. The later seems to be as upsetting as the first.

    Well, this guy ain't stealing, just to further your point....
  • Reply 59 of 173

    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    Well, this guy ain't stealing, just to further your point....

    Worse yet Wall street is not stealing either. If you don't like the rules of the game then don't play.

  • Reply 60 of 173
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,096member

    Originally Posted by kent909 View Post


    Two threads going here. One talking about Wall Street manipulating stock prices to suck millions in value into their baskets of money. The other one is one guy presumably stealing DVD movies. The later seems to be as upsetting as the first.

    I'm really interested to see how the VolksWaggon emissions cheating thingy is going to play out. Reprogramming your own car via the diagnostic port is a violation of the DMCA. 

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