Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight



  • Reply 81 of 170
    Talk about reality distortion. How is someone who is so clueless....ahhh, never mind 
  • Reply 82 of 170
    Running for President and trying to tear down one of the few American companies that can compete and beat other companies around the world. Then switches to a Korean manufacturer of phones that steals American company's ideas for software and design...let's elect this guy.
  • Reply 83 of 170
    Perfect reason for Tim Cook not to comply: "Your Honour, things were just about working out fine, and then Donald Trump waded into the matter... now it's beyond a matter of principle, it's life or death".
  • Reply 84 of 170
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,953member
    apple ][ said:
    cornchip said:
    Someone please hack into this guy's droid
    He's an iPhone user. Has he said which phone he will use instead?

    Trump later committed his boycott Apple message to the digital record in yet another tweet. But this time he used an Android device.


    I personally do not know. 

    GAD the new forum backend blows.
  • Reply 85 of 170
    Trump and Obama are both wrong on this issue. Obama does not have the guts to stand up to his own DoJ, while Trump does not have the brains to think before he speaks. Someone in the media might also ask Trump whether he'll now stop tweeting since Dorsey has come out in support of Apple and Cook. 

    Moreover, not a single other Presidential candidate has come out in favor of Apple's stance to favor privacy. At at the end of the day, they're all a bunch of scared, clueless, dissembling hypocrites.
    edited February 2016 jax44jfc1138propodpalomine
  • Reply 86 of 170
    Running for President and trying to tear down one of the few American companies that can compete and beat other companies around the world. Then switches to a Korean manufacturer of phones that steals American company's ideas for software and design...let's elect this guy.
    Or let's elect Hillary with her many secrets and history of lying, or let's elect Bernie...a guy who wants to grow government to monstrous proportions by stealing from anyone and everyone with money to give to someone else's deadbeat kids.
  • Reply 87 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    Moreover, not a single other Presidential candidate has come out in favor of Apple's stance to favor privacy. 
    I mentioned that earlier in the thread. Not one of them, on either side, has come out in favor of Apple.
  • Reply 88 of 170
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    gbdoc said:
    What's this "Obama ordered it", "Obama's DOJ ordered it" cr**??? What are you people smoking? Do some of you honestly believe either the FBI or Judge Sheri Pym were acting on Obama's orders, or consulted with him on this? I don't understand how you can believe Rush Limbaugh on the one hand and still think Trump's an idiot. C'mon, at least be consistent.
    Seriously, Obama has the White House and DOJ supporting this action. He can stop it at any time. 
  • Reply 89 of 170
    gbdoc said:
    What's this "Obama ordered it", "Obama's DOJ ordered it" cr**??? What are you people smoking? Do some of you honestly believe either the FBI or Judge Sheri Pym were acting on Obama's orders, or consulted with him on this? I don't understand how you can believe Rush Limbaugh on the one hand and still think Trump's an idiot. C'mon, at least be consistent.
    As President, the FBI, CIA and NSA are answerable to Obama. He's the Commander-In-Chief!
  • Reply 90 of 170
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    Trump and Obama are both wrong on this issue. Obama does not have the guts to stand up to his own DoJ, while Trump does not have the brains to think before he speaks. Someone in the media might also ask Trump whether he'll now stop tweeting since Dorsey has come out in support of Apple and Cook. 

    Moreover, not a single other Presidential candidate has come out in favor of Apple's stance to favor privacy. At at the end of the day, they're all a bunch of scared, clueless, dissembling hypocrites.
    While not directly supporting Apple, Rubio came close stating its complicated and there shouldn't be a rush job. 
  • Reply 91 of 170
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    ac1234 said:
    The vast majority of posts in this thread sound very misinformed.

    Please READ: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-apple-fbi-motion-to-compel-20160219-story.html

    Like they're telling the truth. Sure it starts with one phone just like an avalanche starts with one snowflake. Now it's terrorism, tomorrow the threshold gets lowered to children, then finally it'll be protesters and traffic stops. 

    Plus the US isn't in a vacuum. China and other countries will use it against dissidents and "spies". One phone opens Pandora's box. 
  • Reply 92 of 170
    apple ][ said:
    jax44 said:

    What a piece of c**p this guy is.
    Obama's DOJ said this earlier today, accusing Apple of only caring about profits and their image.

    "Apple's current refusal to comply with the court's order, despite the technical feasibility of doing so, instead appears to be based on its concern for its business model and public brand marketing strategy," 

    Obama is a bozo and a piece of c**p. Trump is not suing Apple and filing motions against them, Obama is filing motions against Apple.
    Big difference: neither Obama nor the DOJ though are publicly calling for a boycott of an American company, which would have a material impact on its stockholders, who are Democrats, independents, AND Republicans.  As the article pointed out, he switched to an Android phone to prove he's serious about it.  Do you think his rich buddies (if he has any "rich buddies" left, he's probably pissed all of them off in some way) or supporters will send him a "Thank you" basket for impacting their Apple stock holdings if people really buy into his boycott?  He doesn't think before he speaks, and he shoots other people in the foot in the process (Apple stockholders, in this case).
    edited February 2016 cornchip
  • Reply 93 of 170
    apple ][ said:

    Moreover, not a single other Presidential candidate has come out in favor of Apple's stance to favor privacy. 
    I mentioned that earlier in the thread. Not one of them, on either side, has come out in favor of Apple.

    Better say nothing, or think before saying something than talk pure crap.
  • Reply 94 of 170
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    I'm boycotting Trump.
  • Reply 95 of 170
    apple ][ said:
    You are disappointing me Donald. You are a hypocrite like all the others.  And are wrong on this topic (water boarding too.)
    He's right about water boarding. I agree with him on that topic.
    Another idiocy from you; elected Bush didn't you?.
    Torture doesn't work (proven) and waterboarding is torture; you lose.
    edited February 2016 singularity
  • Reply 96 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    damonf said:
    apple ][ said:
    Obama's DOJ said this earlier today, accusing Apple of only caring about profits and their image.

    "Apple's current refusal to comply with the court's order, despite the technical feasibility of doing so, instead appears to be based on its concern for its business model and public brand marketing strategy," 

    Obama is a bozo and a piece of c**p. Trump is not suing Apple and filing motions against them, Obama is filing motions against Apple.
    Big difference: neither Obama nor the DOJ though are publicly calling for a boycott of an American company, which would have a material impact on its stockholders, who are Democrats, independents, AND Republicans.  As the article pointed out, he switched to an Android phone to prove he's serious about it.  Do you think his rich buddies (if he has any "rich buddies" left, he's probably pissed all of them off in some way) or supporters will send him a "Thank you" basket for impacting their Apple stock holdings if people really buy into his boycott?  He doesn't think before he speaks, and he shoots other people in the foot in the process (Apple stockholders, in this case).
    I own some AAPL as a matter of fact. I'm not worried.
    edited February 2016
  • Reply 97 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    foggyhill said:
    apple ][ said:
    I mentioned that earlier in the thread. Not one of them, on either side, has come out in favor of Apple.

    Better say nothing, or think before saying something than talk pure crap.
    Oh Yeah?

    Instead of making a useless statement with any proof to back it up, why not respond intelligently and show me who has come out in support of Apple? Obama? Hillary? Bush? Kasich? Rubio? Cruz?

  • Reply 98 of 170
    apple ][ said:
    jax44 said:

    What a piece of c**p this guy is.
    Obama's DOJ said this earlier today, accusing Apple of only caring about profits and their image.

    "Apple's current refusal to comply with the court's order, despite the technical feasibility of doing so, instead appears to be based on its concern for its business model and public brand marketing strategy," 

    Obama is a bozo and a piece of c**p. Trump is not suing Apple and filing motions against them, Obama is filing motions against Apple.
    That's a ridiculous comparison. DOJ lawyers in an individual case have no connection to the policies of the administration in office at the same time. Attributing their legal position to a President is not just a stretch, it's false. Then claiming the comparison is equivalent to the direct staments of Trump is silly.

    Throwing Obama into the mix is just pure deflection. Ya know, it's perfectly ok to just say Trump is wrong on this specific issue and not wrap your issues with Obama up in that viewpoint.
    edited February 2016 john.bflaneurmuppetry
  • Reply 99 of 170
    Running for President and trying to tear down one of the few American companies that can compete and beat other companies around the world. Then switches to a Korean manufacturer of phones that steals American company's ideas for software and design...let's elect this guy.
  • Reply 100 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    focher said:
    Throwing Obama into the mix is just pure deflection. Ya know, it's perfectly ok to just say Trump is wrong on this specific issue and not wrap your issues with Obama up in that viewpoint.
    I don't agree. I think that it's a very valid point to mention that none of the others are exactly in favor of Apple either.

    Also, Obama does have a direct connection to it, as the WH spokesperson has commented on it, and Obama is well aware of what his DOJ is doing to Apple. He is the current Pres after all. To remove Obama from the equation, while certain people are bashing Trump is pretty hypocritical.
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