Bill Gates sides with FBI on Apple encryption fight, says scope is limited to one iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 149
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Complex my foot, all I see from the god damn goose steppers is an appeal to "think of the children" (or equivalent).

    Anyone who thinks it's one fucking phone have already been disproved today (see WSJ article): they were fracking wrong, as usual.

    Those morons can't think straight and don't know what the frack their talking about; they should shut the hell up instead of spewing pure idiocy and that includes Bill Gates and Trump.
  • Reply 42 of 149
    I am siding with Mr. Gates and company in this case; He knows that one phone will not lead to permission for all cell phones, mine, yours, or the general public. This code cracking biz is a matter of National Security, on a small scale, and Mr. Gate should use His great power and influence to crack the leader of Apple's code and get him to come around and get with the program of fighting ISSI for God and Country. This whole affair proves that ISSI is in America and wants to bring us down. And, yes, one cell phone can make a tremendous difference in thwarting future attacks on our soil.
  • Reply 43 of 149
    john673 said:
    I hope the US government gives them an ultimatum to pay their taxes that they've been evading for years or deport them all to Ireland
    Apple pays more than any other company, an average of 27% in US taxes on all US profits.

    The only taxes they pay less on is overseas .. Overseas profits are nontaxable by the US unless they bring that money back. Thats what the repatriation fee is for (The US has the highest repatriation rate in the world at 35%)

    Add to the fact that the only money in question on taxes is profits made in the EU. Because the EU has a universal currency. It doesn't impact taxes in China, Japan, Africa, etc, etc. Britain wants it share, but Ireland takes more,.. Basically, it's bickering between members of the EU who should get the taxes and like 2 year olds pointing fingers as the EU universal currency is in trouble.

    So, want to explain why/how the US can reach into the EU or another countries borders and charge taxes on profits not made in the US, on money thats not technically backed or controlled by the United States?

    Your statement only shows how much you don't understand.
    edited February 2016 mwhiteewtheckmanbaconstangpscooter63nolamacguyspinnydhlee1169stevehdiplication
  • Reply 44 of 149
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Thank you Bill!! This is ridiculous Apple is using a mass-murder terror attack as a publicity stunt to show off their IPhone security- rather than just quietly getting that info out like they should have done day one, no mention to the press needed. They are just using this as an opportunity to get press. It's disgusting and I will probably never touch another Apple product as a result. What they're doing makes me sick.
    Bill was wrong as the WSJ above says clearly.
    edited February 2016 williamlondonpscooter63dysamoriasteveh
  • Reply 45 of 149
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    I am siding with Mr. Gates and company in this case; He knows that one phone will not lead to permission for all cell phones, mine, yours, or the general public. This code cracking biz is a matter of National Security, on a small scale, and Mr. Gate should use His great power and influence to crack the leader of Apple's code and get him to come around and get with the program of fighting ISSI for God and Country. This whole affair proves that ISSI is in America and wants to bring us down. And, yes, one cell phone can make a tremendous difference in thwarting future attacks on our soil.
    Did you fracking read the WSJ article idiot about the DOJ using the same thing to unlock 12 other phones; Dumbass Bill was wrong, just like he was wrong about the Internet and so are you.
  • Reply 46 of 149
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    I am siding with Mr. Gates and company in this case; He knows that one phone will not lead to permission for all cell phones, mine, yours, or the general public. This code cracking biz is a matter of National Security, on a small scale, and Mr. Gate should use His great power and influence to crack the leader of Apple's code and get him to come around and get with the program of fighting ISSI for God and Country. This whole affair proves that ISSI is in America and wants to bring us down. And, yes, one cell phone can make a tremendous difference in thwarting future attacks on our soil.

    I heard that the sales of banjos and rocking chairs recently went through the roof… Now I see why.

  • Reply 47 of 149
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,431member
    freds143 said:
    LOL. Privacy? Each time Apple users turn on their phones there are 40+ apps gathering data on that user, their location, who they talk to, text etc. while Apples takes a "stand" on that same users "privacy". Its called data mining and its BIG, what advertisers want and pay for
    Dipshit. Wake yourself from that delirium; you're talking about your Android phone.

    You can turn off whatever you want on the iPhone, especially location tracking; Apple doesn't make any money on anything  except Apple Newsstand ads, which you don't even have to install, and ads in free games, which you don't have to use.

    edited February 2016 baconstangwilliamlondonchiadysamoriaspinnyd
  • Reply 48 of 149
    eideard said:
    Anyone recommend a safe, working alternative to Skype?  This is all the more reason to stay away from anything now connected to MSFT.
    john.btallest skilwilliamlondonhammerd2hlee1169diplication
  • Reply 49 of 149
    And in the meantime other news state that the FBI already has the next 12 iPhones ready and waiting to be unlocked "just this one and only once. Promised"

    edt: here is the link to the WSJ article:
    edited February 2016 baconstangwilliamlondondysamoriapalominehlee1169
  • Reply 50 of 149
    evilutionevilution Posts: 1,399member
    Bill Gates hasn't created a secure piece of hardware or software since day 1. He's just jealous that the FBI are asking Apple. If it was anything to do with Windows, it would have been cracked wide open by lunch time by a part timer downloading dodgy software from Cnet.
  • Reply 51 of 149

    Let's say the bank had tied a ribbon round the disk drive and said 'don't make me cut this ribbon because you'll make me cut it many times'."
    I do wonder if Bill Gates is getting enough sleep. One ribbon, many times? How about many ribbons, one time? Only needs one pair of scissors.
  • Reply 52 of 149
    Everyone, including Bill Gates, who thinks this is about just one iPhone really should read this article: It explains, clearly and thoughtfully, the legal ramifications of the FBI's request.
  • Reply 53 of 149
    Hence the reason to avoid all MSFT products. Long time now that Gates & Co have been stuck in time.
  • Reply 53 of 149
    This is the clearest reason for avoiding all MSFT products -- both hardware and software.

    My (free) advice to Apple: -- split the company into three parts -- (1) Apple Systems, based in Iceland or Ireland (where there are stronger data protection laws, to develop and license iOS and other software, (2) Apple Hardware, to handle the design and manufacturing, and move that company to Canada -- same reason, and  (3) Apple Stores, remaining here in the US, to handle sales and user support.

    This preemptive breakup of the Apple company would precluse any further DoJ requests for hidden backdoors in the products.

  • Reply 53 of 149
    eideard said:
    Anyone recommend a safe, working alternative to Skype?  This is all the more reason to stay away from anything now connected to MSFT.
    Bill & MSFT position gives credence to all those rumors that MSFT has been in bed with NSA / FBI / DoJ all along.  Bill & MSFT must now disclose the full extent of the work on behalf of the US Govt agencies.
  • Reply 56 of 149
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member
    Bill's been a statist for quite some time, and he's nowhere near the 'nice guy' he's portrayed to be. if Bill disagrees with Apple, he's obviously a "statist" and not "nice guy he's portrayed to be". Thoughtful comment. Got any more gems.
    Unfortunately, Bill is not a statist. This is also a clue, why he is not 'nice guy'. It's hardly a surprise he stood up for government. He was told to do so. He's 'government man' for at least 30 year, brut forcing public finances all over the world with his bulk licensing model and undermine every attempt of every federal and local government to turn to any other solution. But this is goes only by quid pro quo. By being 'government man' he's also a 'corporation's man' for for some 2 decades and if you believe he's just fighting malaria, go and educate yourself what are large 'charity' foundations really used for. Find out a bit about Monstanto, perhaps also about Blackwater, find out how GMO crops follows the trail of 'charity' foundations around poor and war battled (God know where the war came from, a? ;) countries and you will understand, why he is not a good guy and why does this have nothing to do with his relation to Apple. Go and educate yourself, it's easy, if you try.
  • Reply 57 of 149
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Looking at the recent influx of 'new' posters, I'm actually surprised at what some people  are willing to sacrifice just to have a pop at Apple. 


  • Reply 58 of 149
    poksipoksi Posts: 482member
    It's quite scary to read lame brain comments and opinions all around from supposedly educated people and see how they are turning into mob with torches. They don't think even for a second how easy it would be for FBI to 'shop' with Apple on any other 'national interest' occasion.. So, when another Hoover declares another Luther King a public enemy No.1, Apple will just have to serve them with all what they need, right? I bet he won't make it even to Alabama border... As always, Tim doesn't say a lot, but he talk wise and sees the future. And as always, people hearing without listening and ignore the possible reality. As much as I wouldn't want Tim to be so much more political than Steve was, I have to admit that being political on his position is probably unavoidable and I have to say that today my heart is full of admiration for this man. Never ever in a history of human kind before has one man on such responsible and high place stood up against most powerful government backed by corporations and their henchmen of dubious reputation. He wouldn't have to. He's sitting on a pile of gold. He did it for you, too. As far as FBI: promote and change working practices, improve and not trying to change encryption and privacy rules. There's a lot of other means to get to terrorist's ecosystem.
  • Reply 59 of 149
    Everyone, including Bill Gates, who thinks this is about just one iPhone really should read this article: It explains, clearly and thoughtfully, the legal ramifications of the FBI's request.
    Great link,  thx. If this is true then the case is quite obvious. I wonder why Apple does not put such details in their Q&A page. 
    edited February 2016 baconstanghlee1169
  • Reply 60 of 149
    poksi said:
    It's quite scary to read lame brain comments and opinions all around from supposedly educated people and see how they are turning into mob with torches. They don't think even for a second how easy it would be for FBI to 'shop' with Apple on any other 'national interest' occasion.. So, when another Hoover declares another Luther King a public enemy No.1, Apple will just have to serve them with all what they need, right? I bet he won't make it even to Alabama border... As always, Tim doesn't say a lot, but he talk wise and sees the future. And as always, people hearing without listening and ignore the possible reality. As much as I wouldn't want Tim to be so much more political than Steve was, I have to admit that being political on his position is probably unavoidable and I have to say that today my heart is full of admiration for this man. Never ever in a history of human kind before has one man on such responsible and high place stood up against most powerful government backed by corporations and their henchmen of dubious reputation. He wouldn't have to. He's sitting on a pile of gold. He did it for you, too. As far as FBI: promote and change working practices, improve and not trying to change encryption and privacy rules. There's a lot of other means to get to terrorist's ecosystem.
    Well, that's what I believe sets Apple still apart from most other corporations: I believe that it's about the customer as well, not only cash, and that they have some ethics incorporated in their DNA. 
    Edit & OT: And amongst others this IMO is one of the reasons why they don't fit 100% in the WallSt system. 
    edited February 2016 silversquonkbaconstangpoksi
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