Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics



  • Reply 141 of 278
    LoneStar88LoneStar88 Posts: 325member
    You anti-Trump bozos are so predictable to fall for just another piece of media bullshit. Swallow and mindlessly repeat all the crap you want about him, but he will be our next President. And if Apple actually won't be supporting him at the convention, it won't be their biggest error. But I seriously don't believe this "story" is factual.
    edited June 2016 apple ][tallest skil
  • Reply 142 of 278
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    You anti-Trump bozos are so predictable to fall for just another piece of media bullshit. Swallow and mindlessly repeat all the crap you want about him, but he will be our next President. And if Apple actually won't be supporting him at the convention, it won't be their biggest error. But I seriously don't believe this "story" is factual.

     I'd rather fall for the media's BS than Donald Trumps. Lets meet back here immediately after the election!
    bobschlobbaconstangspliff monkeyjackansi
  • Reply 143 of 278
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    cnocbui said:
    jungmark said:
    I don't think Apple should pick sides no matter how disastrous a Trump presidency would be. 
    Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc, etc - yeah, don't take sides or express an opinion.
    You're seriously comparing Trump to hitler et al? 

    Im no trump supporter, but if you bring up Hitler in an argument, you already lost. 
    apple ][tallest skil
  • Reply 144 of 278
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member

    bobschlob said:
    jungmark said:
    Because they're a business.
    Was going to ask what country you live in? 
    But 'what planet do you live on?' is more appropriate.
    If Apple was so principled, they wouldn't sell devices in countries where being gay is a crime or where women are punished for being raped. 
    apple ][
  • Reply 145 of 278
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    jungmark said:

    bobschlob said:
    Was going to ask what country you live in? 
    But 'what planet do you live on?' is more appropriate.
    If Apple was so principled, they wouldn't sell devices in countries where being gay is a crime or where women are punished for being raped. 

    I don't know why people keep asking this question as if anyone here can answer it. as far as I know no one here is a spokesperson for apple, so if you have an issue with their policy I suggest you take it up with them. asking rhetorical questions like this doesn't prove your point
  • Reply 146 of 278
    This is not Steve's Apple. It's time for Cook to step down.
    apple ][tallest skil
  • Reply 147 of 278
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    jungmark said:

    If Apple was so principled, they wouldn't sell devices in countries where being gay is a crime or where women are punished for being raped. 
    Apple is being consistent - they will sell to the people but don't support the governments that you cite. Just like they'll sell to the Republican Convention but don't support the nominee. 
  • Reply 148 of 278
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    This is not Steve's Apple. It's time for Cook to step down.
    This will never again be Steve's Apple. Time to move on.

  • Reply 149 of 278
    Well, Apple and Tim Cook have taken a stance. Not a smart one, however. A company, any company, should serve their customers and stay the hell out of politics. I've been an Apple customer since the first MacIntosh, but have grown tired of their smugness and constant technobabble marketing -- but that's another story. Apple would be better served to stay away from Philadelphia as well.
    apple ][tallest skil
  • Reply 150 of 278
    At this point I honestly would be happy to support tim cook for a presidential run as I think he'd do a fantastic job, but this is my last straw for him as CEO. Apple better be looking hard for a NEW CEO as it's clear by now that Tim doesn't have the product vision to keep apple ahead of the rest of the world. Apple needs a CEO that is more talented and better at creating visionary new products than a CEO who is focussed on making political statements.  

    Apple should be welcoming a president that can help them make more inroads internationally on a more fair level.  Look at all the troubles they are having with taxes and ridiculous lawsuits in china. Taxes and blockage of doing business in India.  All while as a country we let china and india freely flood US markets with goods and services.  
  • Reply 151 of 278
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    foggyhill said:
    ‘America’ isn’t a race.

    the GOP are the ones that created the world wide malaise of the last 10 years with Bush's polices that destroyed the world economy and sent the middle east into a tailspin.
    Fucking lol. This is what marxists actually believe. Crank your economic education back about a century and look who voted for the wars in the middle east.

    r2d2 said:
    Edit, edit: The funny thing is that most of your chart can be directly tied to ... (wait for it) ...George Bush's administration.
    Fully my mistake: I should have clarified what the red parts were. That’s Obama’s doing. As for your image, it’s laughable. Jobs are not up, unemployment hasn’t been higher in 40 fucking years, long-term unemployed have skyrocketed, real earnings are lower than they were 18 years ago, ARE YOU COUNTING FOOD STAMP RECIPIENTS INCREASING AS A POSITIVE? The uninsured have also grown, premiums are up ~75%, debt is skyrocketing (but it’s meaningless); you got that right, car mileage has fuck all to do with him or his policies (no, his EPA rule isn’t responsible for it), etc.

    apple ][trollkiller
  • Reply 152 of 278
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member
    jungmark said:

    bobschlob said:
    Was going to ask what country you live in? 
    But 'what planet do you live on?' is more appropriate.
    If Apple was so principled, they wouldn't sell devices in countries where being gay is a crime or where women are punished for being raped. 
    Oh yeah, of course. Because you sure wouldn't want oppressed  gays and women to have access to iPhones, now would you??
    Gotta be a serious 1d10t to equate providing funds to a batsh1t crazy political party, with selling iPhones to oppressed people.

  • Reply 153 of 278
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    It seems like some of you have not been paying attention to Apple since Jobs return and the present Cook era. Jobs was a very progressive as in Liberal man, and his beliefs were and still are at the core of Apple's policy regarding human resources, the environment and how he value art as much as technology. He chose a gay man to succeed not because of his sexual identity but because he was the best person for the job. Extremely few corporations have acknowledge gay CEOs.

    I love how people are scared that Apple will lose money by taking a side on issues that might not please everyone. Think different was not just a catchy tag line Apple really believes it, they make products and services which follow this idea. 

    Those that don't like Apple's progressive policies should shop elsewhere. Samsung make good phones, Windows in on dozen of PC brands and Android is on 9/10 smart phones so you have lots of choices. I don't buy or support companies which I disagree with in regards to policies such as low wages for their employees such as Walmart. 

    Nothing any of you say will change Apple into a Trump supporter but if you want to try perhaps create a campaign to boycott Apple. Creating a grass roots movement would probably be the most American thing you can do. 

  • Reply 154 of 278
    He doesn't need their money.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 155 of 278
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member

    weathers said:
    I'm not a Trump fan and I am an Apple product user, but I find it ironic that Apple (Tim Cook) doesn't seem to mind selling their products in countries who degrade women and persecute  gays and lesbians. The hypocrisy of either party is getting to ridiculous levels.

    A lot of hypocrisy. Cook mentions his strong stands of some real and some perceived Human Rights violations

    Yet, relies heavily on a country that is ALL ABOUT Human Rights violations.

    I don't align with Cooks values at all. Nor his need to stick Apple at the forefront of HIS values. Jobs had values that sometimes differed. But he had the wisdom to stay neutral.

    Now India... caste system and all.
    Boycott Apple's products if you disagree with them, there are many other choices. You cannot speak for the dead so you don't know how Jobs would react to a candidate like Trump but my guess is he would be even a harsher critic of him. 
    baconstangspliff monkeybobschlob
  • Reply 156 of 278
    splifsplif Posts: 603member
    apple ][ said:
    Haha, how pathetic and how hypocritical and how predictable.

    Apple leading the effort to ban gun emojis, while at the same time funding a Dr Dre series, which reportedly has no shortage of violence and sex. So an emoji is bad, but a series with sex and violence is ok, got it.

    Apple coming out strongly against bathroom laws in North Carolina, while at the same time doing business in many countries that executes gays, lol. 

    Does Apple support illegal immigration and criminals? Yep, it sure looks like it.

    Apple is becoming more and more anti-American, I'm sorry to say.

    Apple was never this political under Steve Jobs. I'm not the first to say this, but I miss Steve Jobs being in charge of Apple.

    I wonder if "the Donald" does business in countries that do all the things that you mentioned?
  • Reply 157 of 278
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 779member
    zoomcrypt said:
    At this point I honestly would be happy to support tim cook for a presidential run as I think he'd do a fantastic job, but this is my last straw for him as CEO. Apple better be looking hard for a NEW CEO as it's clear by now that Tim doesn't have the product vision to keep apple ahead of the rest of the world. Apple needs a CEO that is more talented and better at creating visionary new products than a CEO who is focussed on making political statements.  

    Apple should be welcoming a president that can help them make more inroads internationally on a more fair level.  Look at all the troubles they are having with taxes and ridiculous lawsuits in china. Taxes and blockage of doing business in India.  All while as a country we let china and india freely flood US markets with goods and services.  
    What products out there that are so superior to what Apple is doing are you referring to? I am not a fan of the Apple Watch but it has done better than any other high tech wearable out there. I wish for a more powerful laptop with better graphics card but when I look at the monstrosities that my co workers have on the PC side I am happy to have my MBR. My neighbor has a Gallaxy and I'll take my iPhone everyday of the week over his device and my iPad has been working great for the past 2 years and will no doubt give me 2 more. Now Larry Page is apparently investing in flying cars and Bezos is going to Mars but I'm glad that Apple hasn't seemed to express an interest in these areas but maybe you want them to? I do wish Siri was smarter and that Apple maps had lane assist like Google Maps and would love the MacPro to be on a yearly upgrade cycle and FCP 7 to come back (along with Shake and Aperture) but overall these are small complaints compared to Apple's innovation and solid products that mostly just work. Or are you like these analysts who always want a new form factor for everything - not because they are more functional but just to be be able to say they look cooler than the last version?
  • Reply 158 of 278
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member

    Fully my mistake: I should have clarified what the red parts were. That’s Obama’s doing. 

    It's pretty easy to understand. It's also easy to see that most of those trends started before Obama took office. You can't blame that on him, that falls on Bush. And Bush messed things up pretty good. Obama did the best he could with the mess he was left with. By all accounts it was a mess - even McCain wanted to stop campaigning because it was so bad. All before Obama took office. So, thanks for providing the graph.
    edited June 2016 baconstangpropodboopthesnootbobschlobjackansi
  • Reply 159 of 278
    sandorsandor Posts: 665member
    jungmark said:
    I don't think Apple should pick sides no matter how disastrous a Trump presidency would be. 
    With Citizens United & Hobby Lobby, the US Supreme Court basically ruled that corporations are people and are able to support political entities as citizens will and protect their "personal beliefs"as people will.

    In as much as this is now the legal stance in the US, i believe what Apple is doing is precisely what they are doing. Socially conservative corporations started the sea change, now socially liberal ones should flex their personhood.
    baconstangspliff monkeybobschlob
  • Reply 160 of 278
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 779member
    spice-boy said:

    A lot of hypocrisy. Cook mentions his strong stands of some real and some perceived Human Rights violations

    Yet, relies heavily on a country that is ALL ABOUT Human Rights violations.

    I don't align with Cooks values at all. Nor his need to stick Apple at the forefront of HIS values. Jobs had values that sometimes differed. But he had the wisdom to stay neutral.

    Now India... caste system and all.
    Boycott Apple's products if you disagree with them, there are many other choices. You cannot speak for the dead so you don't know how Jobs would react to a candidate like Trump but my guess is he would be even a harsher critic of him. 
    What they really mean when they say "Steve Jobs would ..." is "I would be a much better CEO than Tim Cook ..." even though they haven't innovated themselves out of a paper bag let alone started a company or launch a product purchased by millions of millions people. 
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