Apple CEO Tim Cook urges employees to 'move forward together' in memo on 2016 presidential election



  • Reply 41 of 145
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,526member
    Maybe now the Silicon Valley folks will finally wake up and realize that they need to be engaged in politics and government. They can't just put their noses in the air and imagine that they are above all of that. 
  • Reply 42 of 145
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    spheric said:
    I didn't vote for Donald Trump but the country has survived much worse than him. 
    People are afraid Trump will launch nukes at the slightest provocation.  Yet, Hillary supported the war in Iraq and was gleeful when we toppled Gadaffi.  Obama was supposed to be an agent of peace, but we're still dropping bombs and killing innocent people all across the globe under his leadership.  My expectation for Trump is he will be refreshingly reticent to get our country tangled in military action.  Hilary was already crossing swords with the Kremlin on the campaign trail over Syria.

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    We survived revolution, a civil war, two world wars, depression, civil rights, Vietnam etc. I think we can survive Trump. Liberals need to stop with the hyperbole and faux outrage.
    Amusing that you phrase it as civil rights having been "survived". It sure does seem like it, with Trump now in office. The era of civil rights can be considered over when a racist misogynist takes over the country, I guess.
    I'd like to know what caused this idea to percolate up that Trump is some kind of racist? Seriously, he has suggested rational solutions to real problems. There is nothing racist at all to keeping people south of the border on the southern side of the border. There is nothing racist about keeping terrorist from the middle east out of this country. As for Woman, Woman in America are a joke, looking for hand outs and favored status instead of putting in real effort to move themselves forward. The best thing that woman in America could do is travel a bit and see how woman in other countries advance themselves.
    tallest skilpotatoleeksoupboltsfan17gtr
  • Reply 43 of 145
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    larrya said:
    wizard69 said:
    mobius said:
    Great memo Tim, now update the damn Mac Pros and Minis already!

    Seriously though, I think it's a welcome and positive message at a time when many people feel much anxiety over the direction that the country will be heading. Apple and Trump seem at odds over so many issues. Let's hope Trump's more controversial proclamations do not turn into enacted policies that damages any of Apple's/Cook's principles.
    The problem is these so call principles need to be damaged. Apple for whatever reason thinks it is well above the law and doesn't need to be held to the same standards as the small fry out there. Their efforts at tax evasion being one of the more despicable practices. Apple can cloth itself in the cloak of inclusion but all that really does is distract people from their greater sins.

     Cook can bull shit all he wants but frankly it is people like him that drove the population to elect Trump in the first place. Their attitude of screw the government and don't pay taxes, their attitude with respect to the production of hardware, their cozy relationship with a nation hostile to the USA, and their funding of leftist politics, only enrages the voting populace. It doesn't help much that they try to do social good (they have done some good deeds) and at the same time give America a big Fuck you. In the end you end up looking like a truly despicable corporation that tring to buy public favor!!!!!
    So we elected someone who doesn't pay taxes...
    We elected someone that is well versed in the system and understand just how screwed up it is. Well him and his squad of tax lawyers and accountants. If anybody has a hint as to what can be done to fix the problem it is Trump.
    boltsfan17tallest skilSpamSandwichpotatoleeksoup
  • Reply 44 of 145
    Let me take a wild guess that had Hillary Clinton won Tim Cook wouldn't have wrote this letter. I didn't vote for Donald Trump but the country has survived much worse than him. On the other hand if California ever decided to secede I'm not sure the rest of the country would really care. California really is nothing like the rest of the country. If Democrats are to take power again it's not going to come from San Francisco.
    I would love California to secede. Then their transplants would stop infecting the rest of the country with their horrific progressive politics and we could laugh as Governor Moonbeam collapsed the little country on itself. 
    boltsfan17rogifan_newdunestocktallest skilpatchythepirategtr
  • Reply 45 of 145
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    larrya said:
    wizard69 said:
    redefiler said:

    When your boss has to tell you to stop arguing over team politics at work,
    that's a clear sign that your team politics are complete immature bullshit.

    Obama was an inexperienced, petty, self-aggrandizing clown, now there's just a different one.
    Grow the fuck up, America.
    I think you might have a misperception or bias as to both the issue being addressed and Tim's objective in writing this letter.  

    I suspect it requires a minimum threshold of empathy and emotional intelligence be exceeded to recognize either of those or even the point I am making here. 
    You didn't make a point! Beyond that Trump would have never been elected, especially by such a landslide, if it wasn't for the Democrats clearly demonstrating that the don't deserve to be in office. People need to realize that it wasn't just a case of Trump being elected but we now have a a fairly strong Republican presence in congress and the senate. If people really believed that the policies of the democrats where working for them this wouldn't be the case. The fact is the attitude of many corporate leaders, Cook included, have had a very negative impact on this country. In a nut shell this election wasn't about Trump winning so much as the public completely rejecting the policies of the current administration and their elitist attitudes to the people of this country. The last thing we needed as a country is more people in Washington speaking with a forked tongue.
    Interesting definition of "landslide".  The Electoral College score was 290 to 232, and Clinton won the popular vote.  In the Senate, Democrats picked up a seat.  

    You have been conned by a con man who's business acumen is suspect, who doesn't pay taxes, has an almost bizarre obsession with Putin, and doesn't have any specific plans.  I saw an interesting tweet yesterday.  It asked what you will do in four years when Trump is unable to end globalism, and brown people still live here. 
    It is pretty much a land slide if you look at the red and blue maps of the USA or the electoral college counts. As for Clinton numbers you really have to ask yourself how many of those votes she got are even legal. As for Trump his directive isn't to end Globalism but rather to make sure we aren't getting screwed over with unfair trade treaties, dumping and other activities. Frankly this is easy to do with import duties if negotiations fail. As for racism just stop. Nothing Trump has said indicates he is a racist. It is getting rather old but the leftist jingle about Trump being a racist is getting old and just makes people promoting the idea look stupid.
    tallest skilpotatoleeksouppatchythepirategtr
  • Reply 46 of 145
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,673member
    Thank you Tim for setting an aspirational tone and fostering an inclusive culture of engagement. People can be motivated by many things including aspiration and fear. Unfortunately the political tone of the past two years has been largely focused on exploiting fear, uncertainty, doubt, and a slew of -phobias and biases. While the results of the election are completely legitimate the path to the result was often horrifying to witness and tapped into the ugliest side of human nature. This was deemed to be acceptable to so many in this particular instance because of the deep rooted hatred that many Americans hold for government insiders and bureaucracy. The clamor for bringing in an "outsider" to right all the wrongs could not be quelled. Well folks, we got our wish and now the grand experiment begins. That's the way things work in a democracy. It's not always pretty to watch, it's mighty unsavory, demoralizing in this instance to those who are motivated by aspiration, but that's how it works. No matter who won the race there was going to be backlash but in the end we all need to let the macro experiment play out and keep our personal, family, team, company, and organization focus on things that are within our control. At the macro level I do hope that things work out because most everyone will suffer greatly if this experiment fails and there's no real victory in "I told you so." 
    calipscooter63dunestockpatchythepiratebaconstangration alargonaut
  • Reply 47 of 145
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    redefiler said:
    wizard69 said:
    mobius said:
    Great memo Tim, now update the damn Mac Pros and Minis already!

    Seriously though, I think it's a welcome and positive message at a time when many people feel much anxiety over the direction that the country will be heading. Apple and Trump seem at odds over so many issues. Let's hope Trump's more controversial proclamations do not turn into enacted policies that damages any of Apple's/Cook's principles.
    The problem is these so call principles need to be damaged. Apple for whatever reason thinks it is well above the law and doesn't need to be held to the same standards as the small fry out there. Their efforts at tax evasion being one of the more despicable practices. Apple can cloth itself in the cloak of inclusion but all that really does is distract people from their greater sins.

     Cook can bull shit all he wants but frankly it is people like him that drove the population to elect Trump in the first place. Their attitude of screw the government and don't pay taxes, their attitude with respect to the production of hardware, their cozy relationship with a nation hostile to the USA, and their funding of leftist politics, only enrages the voting populace. It doesn't help much that they try to do social good (they have done some good deeds) and at the same time give America a big Fuck you. In the end you end up looking like a truly despicable corporation that tring to buy public favor!!!!!
    You're absolutely wrong.  This is a semi-coherent screed against Apple, if you omit or are unfamiliar with any actual context and information regarding how international business earnings and taxation laws work.  

    This always sounds like blaming the devil for when the power goes out.  Clearly you have no idea how electricity works, and have replaced a very specifc procedures with superstition and mythology.   I blame the political sound bites you injest for this nonsense, and then you too.  

    it is my post so obviously I'm absolutely right. part of the reason Trump got elected is that people like Cook and other leaders of industry, decided to screw over the American public by off shoring as much manufacturing as they could. They worked in conjunction with government to make this happen, there is not mystery here at all. So when I say people like Cook are responsible for Trump it is the result of the conditions they created.

    Now can Trump reverse this restructured economy, I can't say but he was the candidate that offered a possibility.   To be perfectly honest if he isn't successful it could be vary bad for the country, possibly as bad as another civil war.

    In any event you are full  of crap, I was around when trade with China was first opened up.   Things have gotten significantly worst in the decades after the opening of China.   We are now a country of massive unemployment and under employment, low wages and for a long time no light at the end of the tunnel.   Trump offers a bit of light at the end of the tunnel if he can address the inequity that we see.    Like I said though if he can't address the state of the country then we will likely move into an era of extreme unrest that we have only seen glimpses of under Obama.

    Frankly this isn't about politics it is about the human condition and what desperation can do to people.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 48 of 145
    Would Tim have cared about all the Trump supporters had Clinton won?  I doubt this letter would have been sent had his favorite candidate taken the victory.

    Liberals drive me nuts, they're so self righteous and think their views are the absolute truth that if things don't go their way they the system is just wrong and American is broken.  Sorry, but 49.9999999% (yes, Clinton won the popular vote by the amount of people that go to a LSU football game on Saturdays) of the people decided they wanted to support Trump and give something else a try besides another Clinton in the White House.  12 years of Bush and 8 years of Clinton since 1988...time to f*cking move on!  All these protests the day after, what are they protesting?  This wasn't someone sneaking into the White House unlawfully, Trump won fair and square.  

    When Obama won his first term, as a conservative I was crushed.  This guy with very little political experience who was just getting gushed over by the media, won in a landslide.  It was inevitable.  But that's what the people wanted.  You didn't see me marching down the street in a self righteous attitude screaming 'not my president'.  I accepted his victory and moved on.  8 years later, we have (of course in my opinion) one of the worst pieces of legislation ever written in Obamacare.  And this is a very unpopular piece of legislation, so the people have decided to support someone who vows to overturn it.  We'll see if that actually happens, but this is how the system works.  It's a great system and we are the leaders of the free world!

    All this sh*t about "what do I tell my kids when they wake up in the morning and find out Trump won".  Get a grip and tell them the political process is working.  You can't win every time, and if your candidate didn't win, that doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.  
    dunestocktallest skilSpamSandwichpotatoleeksouptoddzrx
  • Reply 49 of 145
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    blastdoor said:
    Maybe now the Silicon Valley folks will finally wake up and realize that they need to be engaged in politics and government. They can't just put their noses in the air and imagine that they are above all of that. 
    They are engaged! The problem is that they are engaged on the wrong side. It is all about Justice (just us) with them and to hell with the rest of the country. It is this attitude that pushed people towards Trump. Frankly there has been much written pre election about various people, especially executives, in the Silicon Valley giving support to the democrats. Honestly you have to wonder about any executive doing such a thing and how out of touch they are with the rest of the world. To put it in simple terms people have had it with the democrats and their elitist attitude towards the rest of the country. Millions of jobs have left this country under Obama and any promises of a better future for American quickly forgotten. Combine this with a War hawk like Clinton ready to go to war with Russia and you have real concerns in the mind of voters. I've said it before in this thread and will say it again, the left made Trump possible by ignoring the vast majority of America. The fact that so many executives in the Valley supported Clinton just highlights how corrupt the party has become and how out of touch they are.
    dunestocktallest skiltoddzrx
  • Reply 50 of 145
    This opening line in the post, "During his campaign, Trump repeated unsavory remarks regarding people of color, women, the LGBTQ community...", is spun nonsense.

    Trump made insulting comments about his political opponents AND HIS POLITICAL OPPONENTS MADE INSULTING COMMENTS ABOUT HIM.

    This line in particular however is especially false, "...unsavory remarks regarding...t
    he LGBTQ community..." Trump is the first top line candidate who ran as a Republican in memory who specifically targeted gay supporters and was welcoming to them. Very, very different from the "traditional" position of the "conservative Christian" base Republican. He even had Peter Thiel speak at his nomination during the Primary!
    dunestocktallest skilpotatoleeksouptoddzrx
  • Reply 51 of 145
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,913member
    mobius said:
    macxpress said:
    mobius said:
    Great memo Tim, now update the damn Mac Pros and Minis already!
    When the technology is available they stop bitching about it. Unless you're going to actually buy them why do you care?
    I do intend to. Desperate to update my Mac Mini. And you're bitching at me to get me to stop bitching? I smells me some hypocrisy!
    So why are you bitching about the Mac Pro update if you're not going to buy one? I'm just sick of everyone taking every single topic here and turning it into Apple not releasing new products. its been said time and time again that there's NOTHING significant for Apple to upgrade to! Sure, Apple could release a new MacPro with a whopping 200 MHz upgrade or a 200 MHz upgraded iMac just like Apple used to do back in the PPC days just to satisfy people like you. I don't think thats really what you want. Good things come to people who wait. Look at the MacBook example!

    Honestly, I'll be surprised if Apple actually keeps the Mac mini around for very much longer. For most people its not a very good deal and for a couple hundred dollars more you can get a much better Mac with with 21.5" iMac. I know All-in-Ones aren't for everyone and every situation, but for most consumers its a far better choice. I find it hard to believe a $499 Mac keeps people switching to the Mac platform, because it costs you far more in the end than $499 and you could have purchased an iMac for almost the same price in the end. 
    edited November 2016
  • Reply 52 of 145
    misamisa Posts: 827member
    apple ][ said:
    Let me take a wild guess that had Hillary Clinton won Tim Cook wouldn't have wrote this letter. 
    You make a good point.

    I wonder what would have happened if Hillary had won.

    I probably wouldn't be surprised if there was a banner or an announcement on the front page, the main page of, congratulating the first female president, or some complete crap like that.
    He probably wouldn't have written such a letter because Hillary didn't target Apple during the campaign.

    But since Trump has won, that means Silicon valley is rightfully scared because they are not producers of just hardware that can be relocated at the whim of a politician. There is a lot of software developers that Apple will never get enough H1B's to get into the US now, and if a Republican-led government starts tearing up trade agreements left and right that is going to push the price of their hardware up beyond the reach of consumers, and they know it. Likewise all the competition will ALSO have to raise their prices beyond the point of affordability. Say good bye to cheap computers, period.

    Lest ye forget, a $2000 computer pre-NAFTA was not top of the line, not at all. And in todays dollars that would be over $4300 for what we currently pay about $200 for. So that threat is very real, and very dangerous.

    That said, much of what Trump has run his campaign on, is impossible and will not survive constitutional challenges. He can not unilaterally tear up trade agreements, the Republicans will not have any of that since it benefits their donors the most.  The TPP might die but that comes at the US's expense, as the US would have been the biggest beneficiary to it. NAFTA is unlikely to die or be gutted because that would force all the Canadian and Mexican outsourcing to come back to the US, and I hate to break it to you all, but nobody wants to buy a Ford or GM vehicle that costs more than a Hyundai (Korean) or Toyota (Japanese) that is also assembled in the US. If the rust belt thinks that this is going to bring jobs back, sorry, no, that's not going to happen. If anything we will see a rise in Uber-like services and a huge downtick in car ownership.
    edited November 2016 ration al
  • Reply 53 of 145
    I think Tim needs to be smarter about things than this. His time would be better spent becoming good friends with both Donald Trump and Peter Thiel (since Trump considers him a friend). And Tim should distance himself from both Clinton and Obama now. If he can't do any of that he should quit and run for political office himself.
  • Reply 54 of 145
    blastdoor said:
    Maybe now the Silicon Valley folks will finally wake up and realize that they need to be engaged in politics and government. They can't just put their noses in the air and imagine that they are above all of that. 
    Silicon Valley folks just yesterday came out advocating for California to secede from the US. And these are the people who would've said Texans were traitors for even thinking of doing the same. Gods... the irony runs thick.
    edited November 2016 dunestock
  • Reply 55 of 145
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
     How do you idiots not get it? 

     Trump has been at war with Apple since he started his campaign. Of course there's concern and rightly so.

    End of story there's nothing else to it.
    ration al
  • Reply 56 of 145
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    appex said:
    What is democracy?
    Not America. The United States is a democratic republic, NOT a direct democracy. The three branches of government were deliberately designed to keep the balance of power in check. For those lamenting that Clinton won the popular vote try reading the history as to why the Electoral College was established in the first place. Remember that each state has equal representation in the Senate but not the House. The whole thing is based on cooperation and compromise and to expressly deny a small number of larger states from controlling the entire country. It’s about the minority having a say in things. It’s about preventing the tyranny of the majority.
    edited November 2016 gatorguypscooter63dunestocktallest skilpotatoleeksoupthewhitefalconration algtr
  • Reply 57 of 145
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,590member
    lkrupp said:
    appex said:
    What is democracy?
    Not America. The United States is a democratic republic, NOT a direct democracy. The three branches of government were deliberately designed to keep the balance of power in check. For those lamenting that Clinton won the popular vote try reading the history as to why the Electoral College was established in the first place. Remember that each state has equal representation in the Senate but no the House. The whole thing is based on cooperation and compromise and to expressly deny a small number of larger states from controlling the entire country. It’s about the minority having a say in things. It’s about preventing the tyranny of the majority.
    +1 sir. 
    tallest skil
  • Reply 58 of 145
    It is not Trump who scares me. Mitch Mcconnell will keep him in line. It is the people who voted for Trump that worry me. A co-worker was in Target yesterday and watched as a man walked up to a black woman and got in her face and said "I bet you're  scared now".  Unleash the hounds. Anyone who is defending any of Trumps short comings or suggesting people just need to suck it up need to be aware the is the type of situation where at some point anyone is fair game for crazy people.
    ration al
  • Reply 59 of 145
    Maybe everyone can be more tolerant of others and their views. Plenty say they're tolerant but a lot of times only when they agree. That doesn't mean you have to agree with others, but you need to learn to work together. I thought this would be obvious, but have seen many be ostracized because of their views. For instance, Trump supporters being called deplorable's or saying Trump is like Hitler.
  • Reply 60 of 145
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    blastdoor said:
    Maybe now the Silicon Valley folks will finally wake up and realize that they need to be engaged in politics and government. They can't just put their noses in the air and imagine that they are above all of that. 
    Silicon Valley folks just yesterday came out advocating for California to secede from the US. And these are the people who would've said Texans were traitors for even thinking of doing the same. Gods... the irony runs thick.
    Now come on. Here in California we often joke that Texas should secede from the US. Good riddance. "Traitor" would be the last thing to come to mind.

    Not that I think that idiotic jokes about California seceding have any validity. Without the counterculture in the Bay Area 50 years ago, we, meaning the US, would have no personal computer industry, and no Apple. Without Apple, the US would have nothing to offer to the rest of the world's consumers. Well, there are a few software and Internet companies that grew up around the PC in California and in Seattle, but what else does the US have going for it? 
    ration al
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