Apple CEO Tim Cook urges employees to 'move forward together' in memo on 2016 presidential election

in General Discussion edited November 2016
Following one of the most bitterly contested -- both by candidates and their respective constituencies -- presidential elections in modern American history, Apple CEO Tim Cook on Wednesday sent out a company-wide memo addressing employee concerns about what comes next.

In a copy of the memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, Cook encourages his staff to reach out to colleagues "if they are feeling anxious" about the recent election.

Donald Trump in the early hours of Wednesday morning capped a long and controversial presidential campaign with an upset victory over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Though Cook fell short of mentioning Trump by name, the business magnate turned populist politician is clearly the subject of today's memo.

During his campaign, Trump repeated unsavory remarks regarding people of color, women, the LGBTQ community and others, actions seemingly at odds with Apple's public fight for diversity and inclusion. Acknowledging the angst felt by some employees, Cook reassured his team that Apple "is open to all, and we celebrate the diversity of our team here in the United States and around the world -- regardless of what they look like, where they come from, how they worship or who they love."

Beyond political leanings, Trump targeted Apple directly when he promised to force the company to manufacture its products in the U.S.

In February, Trump again lashed out at Apple, calling for a boycott of the company's goods over its stance in an ongoing debate over device encryption and national security. At the time, Apple had refused to help government agents access data from an iPhone tied to last year's San Bernardino terror attacks, saying that doing so would leave millions of consumer devices at risk.

A few months later, it was reported that Apple withheld money and support from the Republican National Convention due to Trump's comments on minorities, women and immigrants. Apple has in the past supported the event.

I've heard from many of you today about the presidential election. In a political contest where the candidates were so different and each received a similar number of popular votes, it's inevitable that the aftermath leaves many of you with strong feelings.

We have a very diverse team of employees, including supporters of each of the candidates. Regardless of which candidate each of us supported as individuals, the only way to move forward is to move forward together. I recall something Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said 50 years ago: "If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." This advice is timeless, and a reminder that we only do great work and improve the world by moving forward.

While there is discussion today about uncertainties ahead, you can be confident that Apple's North Star hasn't changed. Our products connect people everywhere, and they provide the tools for our customers to do great things to improve their lives and the world at large. Our company is open to all, and we celebrate the diversity of our team here in the United States and around the world -- regardless of what they look like, where they come from, how they worship or who they love.

I've always looked at Apple as one big family and I encourage you to reach out to your co-workers if they are feeling anxious.

Let's move forward -- together!


lolliverbrian greenmagman1979


  • Reply 1 of 145

    When your boss has to tell you to stop arguing over team politics at work,
    that's a clear sign that your team politics are complete immature bullshit.

    Obama was an inexperienced, petty, self-aggrandizing clown, now there's just a different one.
    Grow the fuck up, America.
    apple ][entropysbobrooawilliams87SpamSandwichsirlance99spacekiddunestocktallest skilsteveh
  • Reply 2 of 145
    redefiler said:

    When your boss has to tell you to stop arguing over team politics at work,
    that's a clear sign that your team politics are complete immature bullshit.

    Obama was an inexperienced, petty, self-aggrandizing clown, now there's just a different one.
    Grow the fuck up, America.
    I think you might have a misperception or bias as to both the issue being addressed and Tim's objective in writing this letter.  

    I suspect it requires a minimum threshold of empathy and emotional intelligence be exceeded to recognize either of those or even the point I am making here. 
  • Reply 3 of 145
    mobiusmobius Posts: 380member
    Great memo Tim, now update the damn Mac Pros and Minis already!

    Seriously though, I think it's a welcome and positive message at a time when many people feel much anxiety over the direction that the country will be heading. Apple and Trump seem at odds over so many issues. Let's hope Trump's more controversial proclamations do not turn into enacted policies that damages any of Apple's/Cook's principles.
  • Reply 4 of 145
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    It's a done deal. 

    Just get over it and move on. There isn't anything that anybody can do about it, not a damn thing, not for another 4 years at least, when you'll get another shot at casting your vote, if you are in fact a legal citizen (deceased doesn't count either). Many of the whiners are probably the same losers that didn't even bother to get off of their fat, lazy, ignorant butts and actually vote. I voted, even though I live in a state where I knew that my vote wouldn't really matter, but I did it nonetheless, because I felt that it was important, if only to myself. 

    Certain weak people let emotions take control, while they should be utilizing and relying on their brains instead. More thought, less emotions, what a radical idea.

    And no, the world is not going to end, and no, this isn't worse than 9/11, for all of the special snowflakes (mentally impaired beta people and weaklings) out there. Anybody in need of a safe space should get their wish, a fully padded rubber room, where they will no doubt be very safe.

    Back to what really matters, when's the new iPad Pro coming out?

    I won some money last night, and I'd like to give it to Apple as soon as possible. :#
    edited November 2016 macplusplusawilliams87mike1SpamSandwichboltsfan17pscooter63dunestockindyfxgtrbuzdots
  • Reply 5 of 145
    Let me take a wild guess that had Hillary Clinton won Tim Cook wouldn't have wrote this letter. I didn't vote for Donald Trump but the country has survived much worse than him. On the other hand if California ever decided to secede I'm not sure the rest of the country would really care. California really is nothing like the rest of the country. If Democrats are to take power again it's not going to come from San Francisco.
  • Reply 6 of 145
    appexappex Posts: 687member
    What is democracy?
  • Reply 7 of 145
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Let me take a wild guess that had Hillary Clinton won Tim Cook wouldn't have wrote this letter. 
    You make a good point.

    I wonder what would have happened if Hillary had won.

    I probably wouldn't be surprised if there was a banner or an announcement on the front page, the main page of, congratulating the first female president, or some complete crap like that.
  • Reply 8 of 145
    redefiler said:

    When your boss has to tell you to stop arguing over team politics at work,
    that's a clear sign that your team politics are complete immature bullshit.

    Obama was an inexperienced, petty, self-aggrandizing clown, now there's just a different one.
    Grow the fuck up, America.

    In a normal company i'd agree with you, but Apple - being as they are - highly opinionated is in their DNA- design, marketing, policy etc - and with the vocal leadership they have - are probably almost exclusively "Clintonites" - They're the archetypal successful, wealthy, living in the tech bubble, unaffected by the issues Trump stood for.. it'll be a shock to them that not everybody thinks and acts the way they do. 
    edited November 2016 frantisekasdasdlmagoodunestockflashfan207indyfxgtrtoddzrx
  • Reply 9 of 145
    apple ][ said:
    Let me take a wild guess that had Hillary Clinton won Tim Cook wouldn't have wrote this letter. 
    You make a good point.

    Its not a good point at all. Read the article - Trump has said some very strange stuff directly about Apple in the campaign. 

    And if Hillary had won there wouldn't have been any need for a letter to the staff because she didn't suggest that she had a problem with Mexicans, Muslims and various other minority groups.

    For those reasons, Tim felt the need to reassure his staff. 

    Its going to be fascinating to see Trump attempt to deliver on his promises of reversing globalisation and bringing jobs back to America. I hope he does it, but I doubt it's even possible. Luckily I get to watch that one from the safety of another country. 
    edited November 2016 singularityduervodysamorialarryablastdoorcaliholyonesully54LeBart1968flashfan207
  • Reply 10 of 145
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Paradroid said:

    And if Hillary had won there wouldn't have been any need for a letter to the staff because she didn't suggest that she had a problem with Mexicans, Muslims and various other minority groups.
    That was one of her huge flaws, that she didn't have a problem with them, and she should have. Any reasonable, non-lobotomized person should.

    To be clear, do I have a problem with Mexicans? Not at all. But I do have a problem with illegal Mexicans. I have a problem with illegal people, no matter where they are from. Throw them all out, immediately. An illegal Swede or an illegal Mexican? It makes no difference to me at all. I do not discriminate in that instance. They're both scum, and both should immediately be deported, because they're illegal and a potential security threat, not to mention economic leaches and thieves. And yes, quite a few of them are also rapists, criminals, murderers and worse.

    Do I have a problem with Muslims? Not at all. But I do have a big problem with Muslim terrorists, and Hillary's plan was to import many terrorists into the USA, as that would have been the outcome when importing countless numbers of "refugees" from hostile regions of the world, regions and countries that hate the USA and Americans. We are at war, and only a complete idiot would want to import many of the enemy and invite them into our country, which would guarantee countless more Orlandos, or New Yorks, or San Bernadinos and so on and so on.

    I don't need to be nice to Illegal Aliens and I don't need to be nice to Muslim terrorists. That is political correctness taken to the extreme and to dangerous levels and the American people have rejected the extremism of Hillary Clinton and her psychotic friends.

    2016 is the beginning of the end for PCness, and it's about damn time. Good riddance.

  • Reply 11 of 145
    I didn't vote for Donald Trump but the country has survived much worse than him. 
    People are afraid Trump will launch nukes at the slightest provocation.  Yet, Hillary supported the war in Iraq and was gleeful when we toppled Gadaffi.  Obama was supposed to be an agent of peace, but we're still dropping bombs and killing innocent people all across the globe under his leadership.  My expectation for Trump is he will be refreshingly reticent to get our country tangled in military action.  Hilary was already crossing swords with the Kremlin on the campaign trail over Syria.

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
  • Reply 12 of 145
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    Not so quick, we can't stop the mass slaughter just yet.

    Remember, we need to wipe ISIS out completely and swiftly. That's a promise and a core issue, and I trust that it will be taken care of rapidly, after the man is in office.

    So there is still some mass slaughter that we can look forward to and enjoy, and we'll see what happens after that, but one step at a time. :#
    ration al
  • Reply 13 of 145
    apple ][ said:

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    Not so quick, we can't stop the mass slaughter just yet.

    Remember, we need to wipe ISIS out completely and swiftly. That's a promise and a core issue, and I trust that it will be taken care of rapidly, after the man is in office.

    So there is still some mass slaughter that we can look forward to and enjoy, and we'll see what happens after that, but one step at a time. :#
    You think that wiping out ISIS can be taken care of rapidly? How do you propose that will happen?

    You don't seem like someone that thinks a lot about other people. You're going to enjoy the slaughter? You realise ISIS is in cities with civilians, women and children? Any rapid destruction of ISIS, even if necessary, will not be enjoyable, it'll be terrible.
  • Reply 14 of 145
    One can not be happy from some Donalds words especially about privacy and I have little clue what his presidency will have impact on US domestic development and on Apple. Time will tell what was just propaganda to lure voters and what was meant seriously. But he si hope for more world peace compare of Hillary being guarantee of perpetual war. And that is what matter i believe.
    edited November 2016 dunestock
  • Reply 15 of 145
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,255member
    appex said:
    What is democracy?
    if your vote really mattered the elite wouldn't let you do it.
  • Reply 16 of 145
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,255member

    apple ][ said:

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    Not so quick, we can't stop the mass slaughter just yet.

    Remember, we need to wipe ISIS out completely and swiftly. That's a promise and a core issue, and I trust that it will be taken care of rapidly, after the man is in office.

    So there is still some mass slaughter that we can look forward to and enjoy, and we'll see what happens after that, but one step at a time.
    You think that wiping out ISIS can be taken care of rapidly? How do you propose that will happen?

    You don't seem like someone that thinks a lot about other people. You're going to enjoy the slaughter? You realise ISIS is in cities with civilians, women and children? Any rapid destruction of ISIS, even if necessary, will not be enjoyable, it'll be terrible.
    get out of the way and just let Putin do it.  
    edited November 2016 SpamSandwich
  • Reply 17 of 145
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    That those words need mentioning in a memo in 2016 says a lot about your next pres. War on coal? Seriously? Yeah just mere coincidence islands in Indonesia and even Miami are going under water.
    edited November 2016 ration al
  • Reply 18 of 145
    I didn't vote for Donald Trump but the country has survived much worse than him. 
    People are afraid Trump will launch nukes at the slightest provocation.  Yet, Hillary supported the war in Iraq and was gleeful when we toppled Gadaffi.  Obama was supposed to be an agent of peace, but we're still dropping bombs and killing innocent people all across the globe under his leadership.  My expectation for Trump is he will be refreshingly reticent to get our country tangled in military action.  Hilary was already crossing swords with the Kremlin on the campaign trail over Syria.

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    We survived revolution, a civil war, two world wars, depression, civil rights, Vietnam etc. I think we can survive Trump. Liberals need to stop with the hyperbole and faux outrage.
  • Reply 19 of 145
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,664member
    entropys said:

    apple ][ said:

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    Not so quick, we can't stop the mass slaughter just yet.

    Remember, we need to wipe ISIS out completely and swiftly. That's a promise and a core issue, and I trust that it will be taken care of rapidly, after the man is in office.

    So there is still some mass slaughter that we can look forward to and enjoy, and we'll see what happens after that, but one step at a time.
    You think that wiping out ISIS can be taken care of rapidly? How do you propose that will happen?

    You don't seem like someone that thinks a lot about other people. You're going to enjoy the slaughter? You realise ISIS is in cities with civilians, women and children? Any rapid destruction of ISIS, even if necessary, will not be enjoyable, it'll be terrible.
    get out of the way and just let Putin do it.  
    Yeah, the Russians did great in Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya...
  • Reply 20 of 145
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,664member
    I didn't vote for Donald Trump but the country has survived much worse than him. 
    People are afraid Trump will launch nukes at the slightest provocation.  Yet, Hillary supported the war in Iraq and was gleeful when we toppled Gadaffi.  Obama was supposed to be an agent of peace, but we're still dropping bombs and killing innocent people all across the globe under his leadership.  My expectation for Trump is he will be refreshingly reticent to get our country tangled in military action.  Hilary was already crossing swords with the Kremlin on the campaign trail over Syria.

    If we can stop the mass slaughter and incomprehensible fiscal expense of waging war like we have for decades, it just might let everyone in our country calm down enough so we can work together to build the America ALL of us want.
    We survived revolution, a civil war, two world wars, depression, civil rights, Vietnam etc. I think we can survive Trump. Liberals need to stop with the hyperbole and faux outrage.
    Amusing that you phrase it as civil rights having been "survived". It sure does seem like it, with Trump now in office. The era of civil rights can be considered over when a racist misogynist takes over the country, I guess.
    singularityjimzipration alargonaut
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