New Apple ads & redone 'Switch' site sell Android users on iPhone perks

in iPhone
Apple on Monday introduced an overhauled "Switch" minisite, hoping to persuade more Android users to buy an iPhone, while simultaneously releasing a related series of video ads.

Whereas the previous site was concentrated on the Move to iOS app for Android, the updated version focuses less on making the transition and more on why people should go. It uses a simple, graphics-heavy layout with quips on subjects like the iPhone's camera, technical support, speed optimizations, privacy protections and lower environmental damage.

Towards the bottom of the dedicated webpage are links to compare all available iPhone models or trade in an existing smartphone, up to a limit of $260 in credit.

There are five new 16-second video ads Apple's YouTube channel: "Music,", "Privacy," "Fast," "Jump,", and "Photos." All of these use a left-to-right motif, point to, and suggest either that using an iPhone is better or that transitioning is easy.

Apple regularly touts the number of people switching from Android devices to iPhones. During its March-quarter results, it bragged that it had seen "the largest absolute number of switchers outside of Greater China that we've ever seen in the same period." The company is also typically the most profitable individual phone maker.

At the same time, Android is still the world's most popular smartphone platform by sheer quantity. The leader in the field is Samsung, though Chinese brands Huawei, Oppo, and Xiaomi have been rising fast.


  • Reply 1 of 60
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,480member
    These were genius! 
  • Reply 2 of 60
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,874moderator
    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.
  • Reply 3 of 60
    @Radarthekat Directly from the article: "Android is still the world's most popular smartphone platform by sheer quantity". So yes, they due mention quantity. I'm not sure why you seem upset over this revelation that Android sells more units than iOS.
  • Reply 4 of 60
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    edited May 2017 watto_cobralostkiwi
  • Reply 5 of 60
    saltyzipsaltyzip Posts: 193member
    Wouldn't life be boring if everyone used an iPhone.
  • Reply 6 of 60
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    Privacy and security are not the same thing. Android is VERY secure. Privacy in the Google version perhaps not so much. With that said privacy is not really the issue some of us would like it to be. Most folks simply don't care all that much, as evidenced by billions of Facebook visits every day where people spill their guts about family, illness, friends, special events and places and often to complete strangers. 
    edited May 2017 dasanman69
  • Reply 7 of 60
    Coworker procured a Samdung last week. I asked why, and she said, "I hate Apple!" I asked why, and she said, "Some of their stuff drives me crazy." I asked what, and she said constantly having to reenter password while downloading apps, and that she threw her iPhone across the room. (Later query revealed the phone to be a 4.) I whipped out my (careless) 5S and noted that Touch ID rendered that moot long ago. (A while later, I remembered [and told her] that she could have also adjusted the password requirement in Settings.)

    A lot of people don't know/care. My boss thinks his Samdung has the ultimate camera, and that he "just lucked into it."
  • Reply 8 of 60
    saltyzipsaltyzip Posts: 193member
    If your worried about privacy why do people use cards for payments and store money in banks, all that info has been used for tracking what you have been up to for donkeys years and of course something useful like credit checks.

    Apple pay and other variants is just another door into people's lives to see what they are buying and where from.
  • Reply 9 of 60
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

  • Reply 10 of 60
    I like them.
  • Reply 11 of 60
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.
    The word "popular" has been misused a lot in this context that caused not a small amount of misunderstanding. When one use the word "popular" it implies a popular choice by human, such a choice was made because people like it and feel joy while using it. Can we definitely say that applies unconditionally to Android phones? I don't think so. iPhone is popular. Android is well, common. Common is not Popular just like water, air, and rocks - they are common and everywhere but NOT popular.

    On main topic, I like these ads especially the Privacy and Fast. I don't think they are made to be dead serious, but enough sense of humour to make them kinda interestingly comedic. 
    edited May 2017 watto_cobralostkiwiStrangeDaystycho_macuserpscooter63radarthekat
  • Reply 12 of 60
    I think the messaging is great, but the content and tone seem like a mismatch. I think these ads would appeal more to people who are already Apple users, rather than potential switchers. Maybe Apple has some market research that says otherwise though.
  • Reply 13 of 60
    gatorguy said:
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    Privacy and security are not the same thing. Android is VERY secure. Privacy in the Google version perhaps not so much. With that said privacy is not really the issue some of us would like it to be. Most folks simply don't care all that much, as evidenced by billions of Facebook visits every day where people spill their guts about family, illness, friends, special events and places and often to complete strangers. 

    Android will never be as secure as iOS. This is a fact that will never change despite you claiming otherwise.

    And while it's true privacy and security aren't the same, they are very closely linked. You can't have security without privacy. 
    edited May 2017 caliwatto_cobralostkiwiStrangeDaystycho_macuserpscooter63propodanantksundaram
  • Reply 14 of 60
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,121member
    saltyzip said:
    If your worried about privacy why do people use cards for payments and store money in banks, all that info has been used for tracking what you have been up to for donkeys years and of course something useful like credit checks.

    Apple pay and other variants is just another door into people's lives to see what they are buying and where from.
    Apple doesn't store or have access to your credit card number via Apple Pay (although they have it if you have an iTunes account or have bought anything directly from Apple with a card), and they don't collect any transaction information that can be tied back to the user. It doesn't seem like they know what you're buying, either. 

    Another nice thing is that they keep you from having to share your CC number when you pay for something, so if the merchant gets hacked at some point, all the hacker could get is a one-off transaction code that is useless.
  • Reply 15 of 60
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    I think the messaging is great, but the content and tone seem like a mismatch. I think these ads would appeal more to people who are already Apple users, rather than potential switchers. Maybe Apple has some market research that says otherwise though.
    I thought it's pretty obvious. They are definitely for switchers - although not for nerds who own multiple latest phones. They aim more for house wife, teenagers, aunties, grandparents, people who have life outside of technology, people who scare of losing photos and their music if they switch, people who fed up with the slowness of Android, people who concern about privacy, etc. 
  • Reply 16 of 60
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    gatorguy said:
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    Privacy and security are not the same thing. Android is VERY secure. Privacy in the Google version perhaps not so much. With that said privacy is not really the issue some of us would like it to be. Most folks simply don't care all that much, as evidenced by billions of Facebook visits every day where people spill their guts about family, illness, friends, special events and places and often to complete strangers. 

    Android will never be as secure as iOS. This is a fact that will never change despite you claiming otherwise.
    That does not mean Android is not VERY secure. Your second sentence is quite odd as it's not something I've claimed is it? 
    edited May 2017
  • Reply 17 of 60
    kevin keekevin kee Posts: 1,289member
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    Privacy and security are not the same thing. Android is VERY secure. Privacy in the Google version perhaps not so much. With that said privacy is not really the issue some of us would like it to be. Most folks simply don't care all that much, as evidenced by billions of Facebook visits every day where people spill their guts about family, illness, friends, special events and places and often to complete strangers. 

    Android will never be as secure as iOS. This is a fact that will never change despite you claiming otherwise.
    That does not mean Android is not VERY secure. Your second sentence is quite odd as it's not something I've claimed is it? 
    It does mean Android is not VERY secure, although perhaps you were saying that does not mean Android is VERY not secure - in that case I agree with you.
    edited May 2017 tycho_macuseranantksundaram
  • Reply 18 of 60
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,385member
    kevin kee said:
    gatorguy said:
    gatorguy said:
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    Privacy and security are not the same thing. Android is VERY secure. Privacy in the Google version perhaps not so much. With that said privacy is not really the issue some of us would like it to be. Most folks simply don't care all that much, as evidenced by billions of Facebook visits every day where people spill their guts about family, illness, friends, special events and places and often to complete strangers. 

    Android will never be as secure as iOS. This is a fact that will never change despite you claiming otherwise.
    That does not mean Android is not VERY secure. Your second sentence is quite odd as it's not something I've claimed is it? 
    It does mean Android is not VERY secure, although perhaps you meant Android is VERY not secure - in that case I agree with you.
    Then you should familiarize yourself with it a bit more rather than depending on "what someone said on a web blog".  Then we could actually have an intelligent and polite discussion about it. 
  • Reply 19 of 60
    sirlance99sirlance99 Posts: 1,295member
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    False. Not EVERYONE wants an iPhone. You do, I do, others on this forum do. Far from everyone through. 
    avon b7
  • Reply 20 of 60
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    cali said:
    Finally they flaunt privacy. Most android morons think their knockoff iPhones are just as secure.

    Define 'popular.'  If that means 'handsets chosen based upon cost mostly by those who can't afford an iPhone,' then yeah, Android phones, in aggregate, are definitely more popular than iPhones.  Sure.

    Everyone wants iPhone. Not everyone can have one.

    Source for what? Privacy? Apple is a walled garden. You know that.

    There's no way in hell you need sources for everyone wanting iPhone.

    Logic. World Economy. Real Products.

    Taking "everyone" literally is foolish and you know what I mean. Of course there will be illogical people, people who are rich but don't want a phone and people who like fake cheese and fools gold over real cheese and gold.

    Getting past the obvious, you prowl around tech blogs and research enough to know Apple owns something like %90 of the premium market. If there were a $100 iPhone, the cheap knockoffs would be toast.

    The only barrier between Apple and customers is price. Not everyone is a middle class American and you gotta be nuts to think a person with a cheap iPhoney that steals %99 of it's tech from Apple doesn't want a real iPhone.
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