Video: Calibration machine video allegedly shows Touch ID embedded into 'iPhone 8' Apple l...
AppleInsider discusses a new iPhone 8 video, allegedly depicting a Touch ID calibration machine -- and the sensor for the technology on the back of the phone.
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For reviews, news, tips, features and more, subscribe to AppleInsider on YouTube.
Words cannot begin to describe the level of Nope.
I don't think it's likely, for no reason in particular. A case with a hole for the logo (since most if not all third party cases can't have the logo on them) would help locate the sensor by touch. But I don't see Apple going that route.
I'm still hoping for TID over FID. The five quick presses to turn off TID could be used to turn off FID if incorporated. But I'm hoping Apple will at least keep TID moving forward.
Gazillions of phones have the sensor on the back when it could go on the front. Manufacturers constantly switch between both positions, often having different current phones with some having rear sensors, and some front sensors. It is a non issue.
You might prefer one or the other (or not) depending on how you use the phone. As millions of users already do.
Having used both positions, I prefer the rear placed sensor.
If Apple decides to go for a rear option, it would not be an issue for anyone, except perhaps for those who incessantly claim the rear placed sensors are stupid and/or that Apple would never implement such an option (even though as someone pointed out today, Apple has a patent for a rear placed sensor in the Apple logo).