When to expect Apple's October event and what we're expecting to see

in General Discussion edited October 2018
Once again, only Apple knows for sure when -- or even if -- it will hold an event this month, but it does seem very likely that Apple will want to capture the minds of consumers for two consecutive months. AppleInsider reveals why it's harder to predict a date for this one -- and what we can expect to see when it comes.

Two things happen the moment Apple's regular September event is over. Outside the company, we all wonder when or whether there will be another in October. And inside Apple, someone starts work on the next typically cryptic invitation.

What we all like when looking forward is hard evidence -- and there is some. There's strong reason to believe Apple will hold an event this month even though it didn't last October. There's also interesting historical evidence for when the event might be.

Apple's busy October in history

It's just that the same historical evidence makes it more difficult to predict a single date than we did with the September one.

History in the making

Steve Jobs died on October 5, 2011, the day after that year's October event where Apple had revealed Siri and the iPhone 4S. Since then there have been four October events in the seven years to date.

Three of those have taken place in the fourth week of the month and the only exception is 2014 when it was in the third week instead. From 2011 to 2014, Apple ran these October events on a Tuesday; since then it's been on a Thursday -- if it's happened at all.

The two years that skipped having an October event were 2015 and last year, 2017.

That 2015 omission is interesting. This was the year that the 4K Retina iMac was updated. That was on October 13, 2015, and at the same time we saw the Magic Mouse 2 and the Magic Trackpad 2. Two weeks later on October 26 we got the fourth generation Apple TV.

Apple TV fourth generation

If the peripherals and the TV are reasonably small announcements, still Apple brought out that iMac refresh with just a press release like it did in 2018 to the MacBook Pro.

Then last year, there wasn't an October event and there weren't any October product launches either.

Trying to pick a date

Apple did famously drop out of the old Macworld conference because the company didn't like being held to another firm's annual schedule. It just segued into having its own annual schedule instead. At least, though, Apple can pick whatever date suits it and its manufacturing chain -- except no, it can't.

Samsung is launching a new Galaxy device on Tuesday October 11 so you can picture calendars in Apple Park with that date crossed out.

Then we do already know something about Apple's October plans because they've told us. The iPhone XR will be available to pre-order from October 19 and it will start shipping on October 26. Those are both Fridays: assume, then, that the phones will begin arriving in people's hands from Saturday, October 27.

It's not like they just made one phone

It's a gigantic, simply gigantic job getting those phones to those people. Apple may not own the couriers, it may not fly the aircraft transporting them across the world. Yet just because Apple is used to it, that doesn't make the logistics any easier or any less of a stress on the company.

The iPhone XR starts at $749, a full $250 less than the iPhone XS, and it's expected that this price difference will make it the best-selling iPhone this year.

Analysts such as Ming-Chi Kuo estimate that overall Apple will sell some 85 million new iPhones of all types by the end of the year. However, the iPhone XR looks likely to account for over half of that .

So, while the estimated figures do specifically cover up to 2019, still you can reasonably expect that the majority will be sold at launch. So from October 26 there could be something approaching 30 million iPhone XR boxes en route to customers.

Back in 2014 when the iPhone 6 was coming out, anecdotal evidence from pilots said that Apple had chartered between 20 and 30 Boeing 747 aircraft purely to carry phones. Each aircraft was estimated to carry 195,000 iPhones.

That Apple can sell this many phones and that it can cope with shipping that many at the same time is remarkable. However, doing all of that and then releasing new iPad Pro models or iMacs shipping at the same time, fighting for air freight space wouldn't be remarkable, it would be foolhardy.


Apple is very smart about knowing when to release items to get the most publicity and attention for them. You can argue that they've already launched the iPhone XR, yet the 19th and the 26th will see a lot of limelight focused on them.

There's nothing to say that Apple couldn't hold another event even as the iPhone XR finally launches, yet it doesn't seem likely for such a news-aware firm.

Then, too, there is another event outside Apple's control: the annual Jamf conference runs from October 23 to 25. Jamf is a system for corporate and enterprise customers to manage gigantic numbers of iOS devices. So some of the very people you want to be watching as you launch, say, a new iPad Pro, are going to be a bit tied up for those three days.

It might be nice if those people at the Jamf conference were fully briefed about any new iOS devices so you could reasonably expect that Apple has timed its event to happen before that. Only, if you exclude the years Apple didn't do an October event, there has been only one Jamf conference that took place after a special event.

That was Jamf 2014, which began five days after Apple's October 16, 2014 reveal. Other than that, in 2013 and 2016, the conference was about a week before Apple's launches.

There is one more historical fact that may point to when this year's event will be.


From 2011 to 2016, the last time Apple had an October event, the invitations were sent out with exactly seven days notice -- except once. In 2014, the invitation was sent on October 8 for an event on October 16. That's eight days.

So when you even hear that an Apple invitation has been released for an October event, you can guess exactly when the date is.

What's in the event

Oddly, this time around it's easier to say what is going to be in the event than when precisely it will be.

That's because there were so many solid rumors backed up by supply chain and other evidence to fill September's event three times over. Sources who got the details right about the new iPhones and Apple Watch Series 4 continue to point to there being more up Apple's sleeves before the end of the year.

Renders of a purported iPad Pro redesign
Renders by Onleaks

Rumors suggest the new iPads will take on design elements from the iPhone X such as the drastically reduced bezel around the display screen.

Alongside this, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo claims that the iPad Pro will come in an updated 12.9-inch model and a brand new 11-inch one.

New Macs

Although this is not as solidly backed up as the iPad rumors, Kuo does also claim that there will be a refreshed iMac. It's specifically said to have an improved screen and, possibly supporting this idea, this week Apple informed its stores that its supplies of some existing iMac screens were low.

Apple's current iMacs

Apple's other desktop, the Mac mini, is similarly rumored to be getting updated with a "professional" remake, but more attention from the mainstream consumer is being focused on Kuo's claim that there will be new -- and cheaper -- MacBooks.

Same old, same old

We've stuck to where there is at least decent evidence of a new product coming and we're not even trying to weigh up whether there will be new HomePods, AirPods and the mythical AirPower. There won't be.

What there almost certainly will be, however, is something missed out. Apple tends to be careful and deliberate about what it releases when while those of us predicting from supply evidence tend to be anything but.

The odds are that there will be an October event, and that Apple will release some of these products -- and not all.

Calling it

Given that we're so keen on hard evidence and given that October 2018 is proving to be an unusually tricky month for Apple to have an event all things considered, still we're going to call it.

Unless Apple just decides to email out a press release and be done with it, we say there'll be an event on Thursday October 25. It'll be at the Steve Jobs Theater and Tim Cook will announce incredible pre-order figures for the iPhone XR.

It will concentrate on the iPad Pro and pre-orders for those will be announced for the end of the month with shipping in November. We're less sold on new Macs at the release, though.

This fits in with everything else in the month and it gets Apple the chance to boast about iPhone XR sales. It also lets them make a splash with a big iPad announcement without then immediately overloading those 747s. And yet it still gives Apple just about the longest run-up to Christmas possible.

Consequently we're pretty sure. We'd even say that we'd put money on this being the right date, but on the one hand we're not sufficiently certain and on the other we want to save that money in case there's a new iMac.

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  • Reply 1 of 37
    "Thursday October 20"? I'm having 2016 flashbacks. 😀
  • Reply 2 of 37
    You beat me to it. Better have a second look at that calendar.
  • Reply 3 of 37
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,893administrator
    rogerr32 said:
    You beat me to it. Better have a second look at that calendar.
    Yup. Logic remains, dates shifting a bit.
  • Reply 4 of 37
    I sure hope there are new iMacs. Mine just turned nine, and is now on the obsolete list despite being remarkably capable. I would like to update it, and it has been 484 days since last updated.
  • Reply 5 of 37
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    Any rumors about Apple branded wireless headphones?
  • Reply 6 of 37
    I dunno. Apple expects the iphone XR to be their best selling. And with preorders for the iphone XR on the 16th and it shipping on the 26th, i don’t think Apple will want anything stealing it’s thunder. I hope I’m wrong, but i think the ipad event will be in November.
  • Reply 7 of 37
    urashidurashid Posts: 127member
    I dunno. Apple expects the iphone XR to be their best selling. And with preorders for the iphone XR on the 16th and it shipping on the 26th, i don’t think Apple will want anything stealing it’s thunder. I hope I’m wrong, but i think the ipad event will be in November.
    I also feel like iPhone XR is the October event.  I don't expect another gathering at SJ Theater in October.
    edited October 2018
  • Reply 8 of 37
    I would also expect an update on international roll-out of Apple Pay and Apple Pay Cash if signs on social media are anything to go. Apple Pay to Benelux countries + Germany and wider international Apple Pay Cash roll-out.
    edited October 2018 elfig2012watto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 37
    Adobe MAX is Oct 15-17 this year.

    Adobe talked about Photoshop on the iPad Pro. To me this makes it likely the new iPad Pro will be announced during the same time.
    edited October 2018
  • Reply 10 of 37
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    What kind of monster starts their calendar week on Saturday?
  • Reply 11 of 37
    ronnronn Posts: 669member
    I think the prediction is spot-on. Announcement on October 25th with hardware  rolling out after the iPhone Xr debut.

    It wouldn't surprise me to  just have updates for  iPad Pros with spec bumps for other stuff; even the discontinuation of the iPad Mini/no updates announced.
  • Reply 12 of 37
    Let’s not forget the 10th birthday of the IMac in October! Apple will launch an update to their Mac line!
    edited October 2018 ronnd_2Thrashmandysamoriawatto_cobra
  • Reply 13 of 37
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
  • Reply 14 of 37
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    Couldn’t be bothered to read it. 
    If you’re going to whine, whine in paragraphs. 

    edited October 2018 jeddumd_2macplusplusThrashmandysamoriabonobobmacguiwatto_cobra
  • Reply 15 of 37
    Apple thrives on this kind of created buzz. Symbiotic, for that’s what this site is for. But when is the event? You are really guessing about a decision made years ago!
  • Reply 16 of 37
    Rayz2016 said:
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    Couldn’t be bothered to read it. 
    If you’re going to whine, whine in paragraphs. 

    If you disagree that's fine, debating isn't something you could do in a million years by the sounds of things, so don't use "whine" when you're not intelligent enough to provide any other info or counter argument. And you wonder why PC users call Mac Users dumb. Paragraphs are not used in forums, they take up too much space, a bit like you, you Vincent Price lookalike. 
  • Reply 17 of 37
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    So much bullshit packed into one run-on paragraph.
    • Macs — everything aside from the mini and Pro are within their normal update windows. The mini is widely rumored to be updated this fall as this article mentions, alongside updates for the iMac and MacBook lines. We already know the Pro and displays are coming next year. The MacBook Pros just got a serious update just recently!
    • iWork just got another update, and continues to advance. Have fun with your old software but expect anyone else to be sympathetic at this point
    • Pro apps continue to get updates — Logic Pro just a few days ago, and FCPX continues to get updated periodically (???)
    • Tim Cook doesn't set his own salary
    • Lower prices AND raise profits? What kind of magical thinking is that?
    • "What to we get from Apple's R&D." — maybe you should watch the events if you clearly don't know what they've been developing, as they explain it all pretty well. You're one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know.
    I grew up with Apple and Macs, and I am seriously trying to recall what was truly innovative in that world in the 90's. I mean I loved my Centris 650 and PowerMac G3 tower but would I call either innovative compared to the current swath of Macs? Hellllll no.
  • Reply 18 of 37
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    So much bullshit packed into one run-on paragraph.
    • Macs — everything aside from the mini and Pro are within their normal update windows. The mini is widely rumored to be updated this fall as this article mentions, alongside updates for the iMac and MacBook lines. We already know the Pro and displays are coming next year. The MacBook Pros just got a serious update just recently!
    • iWork just got another update, and continues to advance. Have fun with your old software but expect anyone else to be sympathetic at this point
    • Pro apps continue to get updates — Logic Pro just a few days ago, and FCPX continues to get updated periodically (???)
    • Tim Cook doesn't set his own salary
    • Lower prices AND raise profits? What kind of magical thinking is that?
    • "What to we get from Apple's R&D." — maybe you should watch the events if you clearly don't know what they've been developing, as they explain it all pretty well. You're one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know.
    I grew up with Apple and Macs, and I am seriously trying to recall what was truly innovative in that world in the 90's. I mean I loved my Centris 650 and PowerMac G3 tower but would I call either innovative compared to the current swath of Macs? Hellllll no.
    When was the terrible Mac Pro last updated? 2013 for christ sake, 5 years ago. You call that normal update windows! iMac hasn't changed. 2 years in IT is forever. When did iWork get page links back? You think minor updates, bug fixes count as adding new features. iWork is a dumbed version for 5 years olds. Forcing people to buy Microsoft stuff. Why do Apple retail staff just get legal minimum pay? Why not profit share? Lower prices generates volume, hence profits rise. Basic business, not as though Trump or Trump supporters knows this. Apple marketshare, where is it? Apple abandoned the pro market years ago, yet those guys saved Apple from going bust. Apple events are now boring. I read its so-called new things a day after, it takes less than 5 minutes reading. You remind me of Trump, someone who talks crap both ends. Bullet points as well. 
  • Reply 19 of 37
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    So much bullshit packed into one run-on paragraph.
    • Macs — everything aside from the mini and Pro are within their normal update windows. The mini is widely rumored to be updated this fall as this article mentions, alongside updates for the iMac and MacBook lines. We already know the Pro and displays are coming next year. The MacBook Pros just got a serious update just recently!
    • iWork just got another update, and continues to advance. Have fun with your old software but expect anyone else to be sympathetic at this point
    • Pro apps continue to get updates — Logic Pro just a few days ago, and FCPX continues to get updated periodically (???)
    • Tim Cook doesn't set his own salary
    • Lower prices AND raise profits? What kind of magical thinking is that?
    • "What to we get from Apple's R&D." — maybe you should watch the events if you clearly don't know what they've been developing, as they explain it all pretty well. You're one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know.
    I grew up with Apple and Macs, and I am seriously trying to recall what was truly innovative in that world in the 90's. I mean I loved my Centris 650 and PowerMac G3 tower but would I call either innovative compared to the current swath of Macs? Hellllll no.
    When was the terrible Mac Pro last updated? 2013 for christ sake, 5 years ago. You call that normal update windows! iMac hasn't changed. 2 years in IT is forever. When did iWork get page links back? You think minor updates, bug fixes count as adding new features. iWork is a dumbed version for 5 years olds. Forcing people to buy Microsoft stuff. Why do Apple retail staff just get legal minimum pay? Why not profit share? Lower prices generates volume, hence profits rise. Basic business, not as though Trump or Trump supporters knows this. Apple marketshare, where is it? Apple abandoned the pro market years ago, yet those guys saved Apple from going bust. Apple events are now boring. I read its so-called new things a day after, it takes less than 5 minutes reading. You remind me of Trump, someone who talks crap both ends. Bullet points as well. 
    Short on time so just responding to a few of your points.
    - Apple doesn’t need to lower prices because they’re already manufacturing as many units as they and their supply chain possibly can. In other words, they are at full capacity, especially at launch time where they must begin the ramp well in advance of the release.
    - Not sure about wages of all positions and regions of Apple retail but a friend of mine who works the floor is making over $18 an hour and hasn’t even been there a year. Last I checked, this is not minimum wage. They also profit share, both awarding shares of stock and offering a very great employee stock purchase plan.
    - When you started bashing Trump, it all came together. Better get some treatment for your TDS.
    edited October 2018 cgWerkswatto_cobra
  • Reply 20 of 37
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,447member
    Apple is no longer a computer company, but a phone company. It has been like that for several years now. The lack of anything new in its computer range is embarrassing. Old tech, sky high prices. My iPhone 8 plus will hopefully last another 4 years before I consider buying another one. My four year iMac will hopefully last another four years, as I see no reason to buy a new one, when the specs are virtually the same. We aim to make the best product, used to be an Apple saying. This only applies to phones now, sadly. I have been using Macs for 25 plus years. I can't think of another period where the lack of new products is 2 years or more. The same with software. I use an old version of iWorks as it hasn't been dumbed down for five year old to use unlike the latest version. Sadly the pro apps have lost any development progress for years. Why can't Apple update their Macs every year like their phones? Money, huge margins, big money for Tim. There are far more worthy Apple staff that deserve the rewards. I can't see why Tim has to get millions after millions. Spread the money out TIm to Apple staff and not just yourself. Reduce the prices, watch market share and profits rise, update all products. I no longer watch Apple events, hardly anything original or new comes out, just minor improvements. I prefer the innovative Apple from the 80s and 90s. It has the money to develop things more than it ever could. What to we get from Apple's R&D. Just new phones every year.
    So much bullshit packed into one run-on paragraph.
    • Macs — everything aside from the mini and Pro are within their normal update windows. The mini is widely rumored to be updated this fall as this article mentions, alongside updates for the iMac and MacBook lines. We already know the Pro and displays are coming next year. The MacBook Pros just got a serious update just recently!
    • iWork just got another update, and continues to advance. Have fun with your old software but expect anyone else to be sympathetic at this point
    • Pro apps continue to get updates — Logic Pro just a few days ago, and FCPX continues to get updated periodically (???)
    • Tim Cook doesn't set his own salary
    • Lower prices AND raise profits? What kind of magical thinking is that?
    • "What to we get from Apple's R&D." — maybe you should watch the events if you clearly don't know what they've been developing, as they explain it all pretty well. You're one of the few people on this forum that doesn't know.
    I grew up with Apple and Macs, and I am seriously trying to recall what was truly innovative in that world in the 90's. I mean I loved my Centris 650 and PowerMac G3 tower but would I call either innovative compared to the current swath of Macs? Hellllll no.
    When was the terrible Mac Pro last updated? 2013 for christ sake, 5 years ago. You call that normal update windows! iMac hasn't changed. 2 years in IT is forever. When did iWork get page links back? You think minor updates, bug fixes count as adding new features. iWork is a dumbed version for 5 years olds. Forcing people to buy Microsoft stuff. Why do Apple retail staff just get legal minimum pay? Why not profit share? Lower prices generates volume, hence profits rise. Basic business, not as though Trump or Trump supporters knows this. Apple marketshare, where is it? Apple abandoned the pro market years ago, yet those guys saved Apple from going bust. Apple events are now boring. I read its so-called new things a day after, it takes less than 5 minutes reading. You remind me of Trump, someone who talks crap both ends. Bullet points as well. 
    Reading is fundamental. I said "aside from the mini and Pro" as far as normal update cycles. We know the story behind the Pro, and it's well documented at this point.

    iMac hasn't changed since a year and a couple months ago, and are expected to be updated this fall. The Pro is 10 months old and not sure if there's a newer gen of Xeons even available to update that yet? But the regular iMac should be updated shortly to the latest Intel chips.

    I get by fine with iWork. Get something else if it doesn't do what you need it to do to get your job done, it's just a tool.

    Apple's retail staff makes more than "legal minimum pay" if you mean the federal minimum wage, think I've seen an average of $10-15 for retail sales and up to $25-30 for Genius positions? Profit sharing, in retail? Why don't you write Angela and suggest that. /eyeroll

    I don't know if you've been keeping up with current events, but Apple's doing better than they ever have and hit an all time high today. Their profits have never been better, yet you want them to change their strategy. Apple's never raced to the bottom on pricing or cared about overall marketshare, so not sure where that grand strategy is coming from, but they're doing just fine.

    If you spend more time than 5 minutes, you'll maybe better understand where they're actually making huge advancements. But you don't really care.

    Sick burn with the Trump thing. I'll leave it as an exercise to other readers as to whether he knows how to use bullet points/paragraphs versus a giant block of random thoughts strung together, and who that resembles in this thread.
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