March Madness



  • Reply 21 of 64
    Hey, that's fine by me... let the madness begin!
  • Reply 22 of 64
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    I'm in. Too bad my school choked in their conference tournament
  • Reply 23 of 64
    jrcjrc Posts: 817member

    Originally posted by TigerWoods99

    Yep. Cant exactly make it for money since its for an online community can we now? Its for bragging rights!

    Set up a Paypal account to take donations. One person (trustworthy) will hold it and distribute the payment(s)
  • Reply 24 of 64
    Just bumpin this to remind everyone to join. Also you guys can post messages if you want.
  • Reply 25 of 64
    adambadamb Posts: 24member
    I have joined.
  • Reply 26 of 64
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    No Paul, you're not in.

    I feel really bad for BC fans. I really do.

    *does a dance*

    I mean come on, BC lost to Northeastern. Northeastern!

    [ 03-16-2003: Message edited by: Fran441 ]</p>

    my picks are in... well I should really say my roommate's picks... I don't know dick about this... (this smiley looks evil)
  • Reply 27 of 64
    Today is the day you guys need to join if you want to get in.

    Deadline to make picks is 9:15 am PT on Thursday, March 20.
  • Reply 28 of 64
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    I'm in.
  • Reply 29 of 64
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    I notice a lot of you still havent signed up yet, the deadline is tomorrow at 9:15 PT. If you do not sign up before this time you are not in the running.

    Again here is the information

    Group ID#: 57830

    Group Name: AppleInsider

    Group Password: TigerWoods99

    The URL is

    It only takes a few seconds to sign up if you do not already have a Yahoo ID.
  • Reply 30 of 64
    Anyone who still wants to be in the AI pool must sign up NOW! Registration is closed within a half an hour of now. If you still want to please sign up immediately.
  • Reply 31 of 64
    Entry closes in 5 minutes. Last shot to get in is now.
  • Reply 32 of 64
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    I hate Midgley. Messed up my NC State pick for the first round, though the NC State-Cal game was great at the end... oh well, at least 2/3 for now.
  • Reply 33 of 64
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by TigerWoods99

    Entry closes in 5 minutes. Last shot to get in is now.

    Cincinni.... c h o k e

  • Reply 34 of 64
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    Looks like nobodies gonna be perfect in this bracket.

    Luckily, the pool that I'm in for money doesn't start tallying points till the Sweet 16.
  • Reply 35 of 64
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Come on Creighton. You're supposed to upset dook.

    Too bad yahoo doesn't score upset points. That takes a lot of the fun out of it...
  • Reply 36 of 64
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Alright. ASU beat Memphis. Good. Now, cut to the Creighton game for pete's sake!
  • Reply 37 of 64
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    looks like me and tiger are tied for 2nd to last place

    i hve 9 points right now, my pick is called "roomies picks"

    what is everyone elses? who has 13 points?
  • Reply 38 of 64
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member
    My team is the Gators... seems like I'm tied for second with 11 so far. Luckily, none of the teams that I didn't pick weren't going to get past the second round anyway, so no real harm quite yet.

    Ironchef is the person with the 13 point team... doing quite well so far.
  • Reply 39 of 64
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    Southern Illinois and Wisc-Milwaukee both lost by one!!!
  • Reply 40 of 64
    This is terrible. Worst I've ever done especially this early. The time where I get screwed if I do is normally after the sweet 16. Pisses me off.

    Cincy-Didnt really expect them to even win a game.....sucker pick by me. But Huggins AND the frickin radio commentator getting tossed was a bunch of BS. Win a f*ckin game for cryin out loud or dont bother to show up to the tourney site. Hello, earth to Huggins. Go check out Armory Fieldhouse on a Friday night. Im sure youll find about 90% of cats there can shoot better than anyone on your team I was watching this on satellite and it even crapped out at the end. Bobbitt got fouled on that 3 pointer too. I figure if they show up and actually make a shot against Gonzaga then they could beat anyone in the tournament, and that is the truth. Just look at their season to realize that.

    Southern Illinois- Can we say, CHARGE!, Mr. Paulding? Both teams had their chances, but the Salukis shouldve won that game. I still cant believe they lost that game.....after I had them in the Sweet 16 last year. Not a straight up guess I knew that team would get there. Kent Williams missed that shot at the buzzer....damn, cant believe it. 72-71. So close.

    UW-Milwaukee- How the HECK did the guy miss a LAYUP?!?!??! DAMNIT! I hate Notre Dame, overrated as hell and Thomas sucks. Luck of the Irish...someone do me a favor and kick this team's @$$ second round.

    Dayton- Once again....I get suckered into picking the home team. What was I thinking? I could see Tulsa was an upset team waiting to happen.....they will make the Sweet 16 now. Dayton was good, but definitely not the strongest 4 seed out there. Oh well....they didnt show up to play.

    Weber State- This team didnt show up like I thought they would. Bouyette didnt do jack sh*t until the very end. Bad shooting game, and bad game overall with 25 pts. I figured he would drop 40 on the Badgers. Wisconsin sucks and will get drilled by Tulsa.

    Creighton- What the hell? This is a great team and they go out and get drubbed by Central Michigan? Thanks a lot guys.

    Memphis- Way to represent CUSA guys.....with the worst game of the season right?

    Even though I picked Duke to win, I was pissed off that Colorado St. gave the game away at the end. F Dahntay Jones, and F the overrated as hell Blue Devils. Someone do me a favor and kick this teams ass.

    Unless things change drastically and I sweep the East & South (still very much a possibility) then I figure Im in the running for last place in this pool. I did look at some of the picks by others and it definitely looks like I could still win it......especially if my final four happens.

    P.S. Go Butler.
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