Trump expects Apple to build manufacturing plant in Texas



  • Reply 41 of 112
    cgWerkscgWerks Posts: 2,952member
    danvdr said:
    stevenoz said:
    Ignore Donald. He's almost gone.
    Without taking sides--he's an incumbent with a decent economy; chances are he has another four.
    And, then there's the whole thing of having no one that is any good to oppose him, again.
  • Reply 42 of 112
    seanismorrisseanismorris Posts: 1,624member
    In a brief aside to reporters gathered at the White House, Trump again called on Apple to build its products in the U.S. and said he believes the tech giant will announce construction of a new plant in Texas, reports Reuters. ”

    I believe Poseidon will solve ocean pollution and Zeus global warming...

    Lets pray. /s

  • Reply 43 of 112
    wonkothesanewonkothesane Posts: 1,738member
    Funny, does he call on Microsoft to move production from Pegatron to Austin as well?
    or Amazon to assemble from only US made parts and move their server farms over?
    or Google? FB? ....

  • Reply 44 of 112
    bloggerblogbloggerblog Posts: 2,502member
    Never trust a politician, Trump wants it in Texas because he thinks that's the only way Apple can get competitive labor costs snuck in from Mexico. This has been going on for decades. Illegal labor comes in from Mexico to work in farms and then goes back. What Trump doesn't get is that factory workers in the technology sector are not like the sweatshops or farm workers of Walmart. Technology requires talented workers that are well rested and ready to focus. Errors in such environments are too costly. Foxconn is able to hire 5,000 engineers in two weeks, Chinese infrastructure are designed from the ground up around manufacturing.
  • Reply 45 of 112[email protected] Posts: 61unconfirmed, member
    China took decades to make China a manufacturing powerhouse.
    They could do it because it is a totalitarian state.

    Manufacturing stuff in the U.S. is not the way to beat China.

    Attack your enemy where he is weak, not where he is strong.

    edited July 2019 cat52OnPartyBusinesspscooter63
  • Reply 46 of 112
    American taxpayers and military personnel bear the greatest burdens for keeping the world safe for commerce. If Apple accorded their humanity the respect they do green initiatives, then this would already be done, even if heavy with robotics.

    My money awaits a Designed in California/Made in the USA Mac Pro!
  • Reply 47 of 112
    American taxpayers and military personnel bear the greatest burdens for keeping the world safe for commerce. If Apple accorded their humanity the respect they do green initiatives, then this would already be done, even if heavy with robotics.

    My money awaits a Designed in California/Made in the USA Mac Pro!
    Yeah, because we all believe you have 60Gs to plunk down on a made-in-USA MacPro. 
  • Reply 48 of 112
    JWSC said:
    All the excuses in the world can’t take away from the fact that American CEOs, CFOs and their assorted bean counters sold out their communities and their company rank and file to get a few extra pennies on the dollar out of product so they could please their stockholders and get those extra bonuses, while their US factories got shut down and their once loyal employees got a pick slip.  That’s a f-ing bitter pill to swallow.

    Tim, do better!

    Your comment also applies to vast numbers of companies in Europe so the USA is not alone in having the beancounters rule the roost in industry.
    My job went to India in 2016. It takes three people there to do the job I was doing and they still can't do it as well. I know this because of the support contract that two of my old customers now have with me.

    TBH, this whole thing is like fiddling in the wind when the POTUS still refuses to believe in climate change. The world is cooking and he does not care one little bit. Sorry for getting political but we don't have time to be circumspect on the issue.

  • Reply 49 of 112[email protected] Posts: 61unconfirmed, member
    American taxpayers and military personnel bear the greatest burdens for keeping the world safe for commerce. If Apple accorded their humanity the respect they do green initiatives, then this would already be done, even if heavy with robotics.

    My money awaits a Designed in California/Made in the USA Mac Pro!
    Why not let China do the shitty jobs, like mass production in cityfactories, by people who were told by the government what trade to learn.

    Let the US do the things they are good at. Manufacturing isn’t one of those things.

    Why pay extra to let Americans do stuf they don’t like and are not good at?
    edited July 2019 genovelle
  • Reply 50 of 112
    karmadavekarmadave Posts: 369member
    Apple will be in business long after Trump is a distant memory. The sooner the better...
  • Reply 51 of 112
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    It's fairly hilarious that anyone would blame unions for any problems we see in the economy. They only make up 10% of the working population - half of what they had in th 80s. Unions work in most western countries except for the US. Unions in europe are part of a power triumphirate made up of business, government and union leaders. That balance works a lot better than the two way conflict of labor vs. management we have in the US. Plus the business worshipping Republican party has been the greatest enemy of functional unions for many, many decades.
  • Reply 52 of 112
    American taxpayers and military personnel bear the greatest burdens for keeping the world safe for commerce. If Apple accorded their humanity the respect they do green initiatives, then this would already be done, even if heavy with robotics.

    My money awaits a Designed in California/Made in the USA Mac Pro!
    Why not let China do the shitty jobs, like mass production in cityfactories, by people who were told by the government what trade to learn.

    Let the US do the things they are good at. Manufacturing isn’t one of those things.

    Why pay extra to let Americans do stuf they don’t like and are not good at?
    I’ve worked in a fish processing plant before. I expect that making Mac Pros would be a significant step us from racking fish for the freezer!

    Not all of my neighbors have “design minds” and yet they still possess a personal culture of industry. We should support them with the same passion that we do other humanitarian goals.

    Tim took to Alabama the message that we not accept that “it can’t be done”, and then he gave a commencement speech at Stanford talking about “accepting responsibility”. Let is be so!

    Apple is excellent at what they invest themselves in. They can succeed here too. They will if they Think Different about their neighbors who put their lives on the line to sustain the worldwide commerce wherewith Apple profits so immensely.
  • Reply 53 of 112
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,418member
    "Foxconn can deploy tens of thousands of workers on short notice..."

    As if a $10k or $20k computer priced for the wealthy will need so many factory workers at the drop of a hat!

    Sorry, but if Apple could build the 2013 model in the USA, it surely could do the same with the new Mac Pro.  And that remains true without in any way defending or detracting the politics behind this.

    If anything, Apple should build them in Taiwan.  Keep costs down yet avoid tariffs.  Manufacturing infrastructure there isn't as good as China in some respects, but still better than the USA.  Amazing that Apple cannot THINK DIFFERENT enough to come up with such a simple solution.
  • Reply 54 of 112
    CiprolCiprol Posts: 53member
    sirozha said:
    Trump buys Chinese Steel for construction
    Surely he can understand why most companies manufacture in China.

    If Trump was smart, he would figure out a way to win manufacturing back to the US not force them back with a trade war.
    I predict that Tesla will move its US manufacturing to China.

    You predict wrong. Shipping cars from 
    China is a lot more expensive than shipping iPhones. You can ship 10,000 iPhones ($10 million worth) in the same container you can ship one car.   
    iPhones get shipped by air and cars are shipped by huge transport ships. Completely different modes of transport and cost base. Tariffs don't bring jobs back to the US but a poke that leads to reshuffling of the supply chain. The private sector has a way of finding the next most efficient option and it ain't the US.
  • Reply 55 of 112
    CiprolCiprol Posts: 53member
    China took decades to make China a manufacturing powerhouse.
    They could do it because it is a totalitarian state.

    Manufacturing stuff in the U.S. is not the way to beat China.

    China developed into a manufacturing powerhouse because of leadership vision and hard work, nothing to do with being totalitarian. Further, if totalitarian can bring on a 40 fold increase in the national GDP, alleviate 500M people out of poverty, change the national transport infrastructure with 25,000km of high speed rail, bringing national health care to all the citizens amongst others, then I'm all for that form of totalitarianism! LOL

    Being stuck in a multi-decades old Cold War mentality does not help.
  • Reply 56 of 112
    Bob BobertsBob Boberts Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    Looks like all that ass kissing Tim has been doing with Trump for the last 3 years has been for nothing.
  • Reply 57 of 112
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    swSteve said:

    So Apple doesn't want to build a $6,000 - $35,000 computer
    in the USA because it might cost them an extra dime?

    It would cost them a penny. It will cost buyers double, they have a margin to maintain of 34-38 percent. If a product falls below this it is scrapped. This is why almost none of their direct competitors in the Hardware Computer Business from the 70s, 80s, and 90s exist any more. 

  • Reply 58 of 112
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    stevenoz said:
    Ignore Donald. He's almost gone.

    We need good and beneficial relationships with China and other trading partners.

    If Apple wants to build a factory in Texas, great, if it works for Apple. But don't do it for Donald.
    That’s a laugh. He’ll easily sail to another 4 year term. Mark my words.
    That may be why he and McConnell are blocking all attempts to halt foreign attacks on our elections and doing nothing about our very hackable voting machines.  They know they have only one road to win -- cheat.
  • Reply 59 of 112
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tylersdad said:
    JWSC said:

    So, Tim is right, as far as his statement goes.  But let’s not forget who built up China - American bean counters who, it turns out, really didn’t know which beans they should be counting.

    First it was, ‘Chinese labor is cheap’ so let’s manufacture there.  And then ‘oh crap, the Chinese don’t have proper infrastructure’ so let’s get them started with that.  Then more second tier Chinese suppliers sprung up, and more infrastructure was put in place.  And then large regions such as Shenzhen turned into massive draws for subsistence farmers looking for a better life.  And they morphed into a large and highly skilled labor force.  And then even more infrastructure was put in place.

    But the bean counters neglected to take full account of the logistics needed to ship all the bits and pieces all around the world.  And what might have worked OK 20 years ago is woefully out of date today.  But we can’t change our sourcing now.  China has the infrastructure, right??!

    So yea, China has all that going for it now.  I begrudge them not.  But the US, and Europe, can and should have that too.

    All the excuses in the world can’t take away from the fact that American CEOs, CFOs and their assorted bean counters sold out their communities and their company rank and file to get a few extra pennies on the dollar out of product so they could please their stockholders and get those extra bonuses, while their US factories got shut down and their once loyal employees got a pick slip.  That’s a f-ing bitter pill to swallow.

    Tim, do better!

    Generally speaking:   American workers are fat and lazy and American executives greedy b's who only care about their next quarterly bonus and the value fo their stock options.

    America was built by hungry workers working for committed, dedicated owner/managers with vision and long range goals -- From Carnegie to Jobs.  When we get back to that, the jobs will return.   Not before.
    We can make all the excuses.   But the fact remains:  the jobs went to those places who did the best, cheapest work -- despite our protectionist tariffs.  And, they won't be coming back until we can make things better and cheaper -- even if we try protectionist tariffs -- again.
    You're a disgrace. I don't know how you can disparage American workers this way. Do you seriously expect American workers to do the same job for what the Chinese pay their workers? The cost of living isn't even close to what it is here in the US. Do you expect US workers to work for less than what it costs them to live? 

    Bonkers. Absolutely bonkers. 
    LOL...  So you admit that American workers will not work under the conditions that Asian workers gladly accept -- while ignoring deplorable American management focused on their quarterly bonuses and stock options -- but you expect companies to move their production here.   Because... why?  I missed the part where you laid out your reasoning for that....   Oh yeh:  The reasoning goes:   "USA!   USA!   USA! - We Have the BESTEST Workers In The World! -- USA!  USA!  USA!"
  • Reply 60 of 112
    Looks like all that ass kissing Tim has been doing with Trump for the last 3 years has been for nothing.
    It delayed the tariffs for three damn years. Three years of profits and dividends that went into my account. “Tim” (I didn’t know you know him personally “Bob”) is the king of the global supply chain. Him and his team have back up plans already drawn up including moving manufacturing to other countries.

    On another note, any “jobs” being brought back to the United States are going to be robots. Chinese factories including Foxconn for years been having trouble getting Chinese citizens to fill in these soul-killing factory jobs. Guess what, Chinese people are just like us and want a good life too. Foxconn is filled with robots and that’s where’s it really going, so much of what’s been discussed in this thread is just useless.

    Oh, and most of these robots are being built in Japan. 

    Unless it’s a union, factory or production or service jobs suck. Here in Silicon Valley, American-born citizens and their kids refuse to work in car washes, fast food places, 7-Elevens, etc., it’s mostly Indian and South American born. Not a whole a lot of American born washing dishes or picking fruit either as it’s beneath them. And all those jobs are going to disappear too - EVERYWHERE in the world. You’re all talking about the WRONG issues.

    Texas, my ass.

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