Why Apple's guidance correction is causing less panic versus 2019



  • Reply 81 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    And that’s the last idiotic post of George’s I’ll be seeing. Blocked. And loving it.

    Why does reality upset you so much that you have to bury your head in the sand to avoid it?
  • Reply 82 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tzeshan said:

    tundraboy said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    So, you lied about the U.S. not offering help.
    It depends on what kind of help US is offering. 
    I'm of the opinion that China did not accept WHO or CDC help or "boots on the ground" as the PRC is attempting to hide the true scope of the epidemic, but of course, both organizations were offering more than expertise.

    That's because you get your information from right wing propaganda sites.   They only tell you what they want you to think.  You know, like you criticize the CCP for doing.
    I'm pleased to consult a variety of sources, many progressive sites, like TPM and Dailykos, but certainly more mainstream ones like the BBC, and CNN. 


    Mark Sumner has been doing a daily report for weeks, and he is a data scientist so he provides sources and specifics. Nonetheless, there is still the question of how many in China have been exposed.

    You, on the other hand, based on your lack of links, appear to get your news from inside your head, presumably from some alien spaghetti monster, possibly paying rent!
    I suggest you read Reuters news and BBC. American media are too used to anti-communism rhetoric for the past seventy years. They will exaggerate, distort facts using incorrect words. 
    Tzeshan, it is not a bad thing to love your country.  But stop being an apologist.  Making fine distinctions between being arrested by the police and being ordered to sign an apology/retraction on threat of who-knows-what does not help your case.  A lot of Chinese citizens are upset about how this was handled by the Chinese authorities.   And it was.  Mainly because in an authoritarian state, the lower officials are always afraid to  bring bad news to the big boss.  Surely you will not defend Xi Jinping from the accusation that he neutralized all sources of viable opposition and made himself dictator-for-lie of China?
    I think you are too naive about politics. Chinese politics does not work so simple as you described. In fact, all politics are complicated. For example, President Trump pardoned many people. And this caused great controversy among the judges. So in this US case alone, you should know politics does not  work so simple as many idiot Chinese want you to think in their way. Why do you simplify Chinese politics and allow US politics to become so complicated? 

    Radicals whether on the far left or far right have to oversimplify things and turn them into black and white sound bites that are essentially lies but have just enough truth in them to sound credible to the poorly informed.
  • Reply 83 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 

    You mean like Trump -- who attacks judges and jurors who rule against him, silenced Bolton and many others, fired any who dared to testify against him --- and offered a pardon to Assange if he would claim Russia didn't hack our 2016 election?
  • Reply 84 of 124
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if one believes that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then one isn’t going believe that article.
    edited February 2020 GeorgeBMacavon b7
  • Reply 85 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.
    edited February 2020
  • Reply 86 of 124
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 
    When will the citizens of Arkansas realize what a bigot they have elected to serve in US congress!
  • Reply 87 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tzeshan said:
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 
    When will the citizens of Arkansas realize what a bigot they have elected to serve in US congress!
    You are a citizen of an acknowledged Authoritarian Government which has locked up at least a million minorities for merely having the misfortune of a different culture than the majority Han. You don't have the right to criticize the voters of Arkansas who freely elected their Senator, no matter how much I disagree with his politics.

    What you have just done is exactly what the United Front does in its propaganda efforts. It uses the freedom of speech in democracies to create whataboutisms while also blocking media from the West, leaving only State Run Media in China.



    China uses “United Front” work to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD)—the agency responsible for coordinating these kinds of influence operations—mostly focuses on the management of potential opposition groups inside China, but it also has an important foreign influence mission. To carry out its influence activities abroad, the UFWD directs “overseas Chinese work,” which seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China, while a number of other key affiliated organizations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states. Some of these entities have clear connections to the CCP’s United Front strategy, while others’ linkage is less explicit. Today, United Front-related organizations are playing an increasingly important role in China’s broader foreign policy under Chinese President and General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping. It is precisely the nature of United Front work to seek influence through connections that are difficult to publically prove and to gain influence that is interwoven with sensitive issues such as ethnic, political, and national identity, making those who seek to identify the negative effects of such influence vulnerable to accusations of prejudice. Because of the complexities of this issue, it is crucial for the U.S. government to better understand Beijing’s United Front strategy, its goals, and the actors responsible for achieving them if it is to formulate an effective and comprehensive response."

    That's absolutely what you have done here, Tzeshan, by the book, according to United Front Doctrine, working for your government's interests, gaining those social credits.

    Meanwhile, China blocks;

    Facebook, Google, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, Slack, Twitch, Discord, Dropbox, Quora, Medium, Wikipedia, Vimeo, Flickr, and many more.

    Then of course, there is WeChat and Tik Tok:


    "Like most social media apps—or any other app, for that matter—TikTok and WeChat require their users to agree to a startlingly invasive list of permissions. A recent analysis of TikTok’s privacy and data-collection policies revealed that it demands a worryingly high level of access to systems and information on both Android and Apple devices.

    These include requiring full access to the device’s camera and microphone (hardly surprising for a video-sharing app) and its contact list, as well as detailed location data using GPS. The GPS tracking is ‘surprising’, say the researchers at security company Proofpoint who analysed the app, ‘especially as TikTok videos don’t obviously display location information’.

    The metadata harvested from these apps can paint a vivid picture of what military personnel are up to, as the 2018 Strava app debacleuncovered by my ASPI colleague Nathan Ruser showed. The Strava case demonstrated, too, that an app doesn’t need to be owned by a foreign adversary for it to inadvertently pose a serious risk to military operational security.

    But when the app is owned by a company operating in an authoritarian country, as TikTok’s owner ByteDance is, there are added risks to users, whether they’re military personnel or not. It’s those risks that prompted a full-scale pushback from US authorities as TikTok’s popularity rose in America."

    Yeah, that's all about my "hate" for China, nothing to see otherwise. /s

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 88 of 124
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 
    When will the citizens of Arkansas realize what a bigot they have elected to serve in US congress!
    You are a citizen of an acknowledged Authoritarian Government which has locked up at least a million minorities for merely having the misfortune of a different culture than the majority Han. You don't have the right to criticize the voters of Arkansas who freely elected their Senator, no matter how much I disagree with his politics.

    What you have just done is exactly what the United Front does in its propaganda efforts. It uses the freedom of speech in democracies to create whataboutisms while also blocking media from the West, leaving only State Run Media in China.



    China uses “United Front” work to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD)—the agency responsible for coordinating these kinds of influence operations—mostly focuses on the management of potential opposition groups inside China, but it also has an important foreign influence mission. To carry out its influence activities abroad, the UFWD directs “overseas Chinese work,” which seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China, while a number of other key affiliated organizations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states. Some of these entities have clear connections to the CCP’s United Front strategy, while others’ linkage is less explicit. Today, United Front-related organizations are playing an increasingly important role in China’s broader foreign policy under Chinese President and General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping. It is precisely the nature of United Front work to seek influence through connections that are difficult to publically prove and to gain influence that is interwoven with sensitive issues such as ethnic, political, and national identity, making those who seek to identify the negative effects of such influence vulnerable to accusations of prejudice. Because of the complexities of this issue, it is crucial for the U.S. government to better understand Beijing’s United Front strategy, its goals, and the actors responsible for achieving them if it is to formulate an effective and comprehensive response."

    That's absolutely what you have done here, Tzeshan, by the book, according to United Front Doctrine, working for your government's interests, gaining those social credits.

    Meanwhile, China blocks;

    Facebook, Google, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, Slack, Twitch, Discord, Dropbox, Quora, Medium, Wikipedia, Vimeo, Flickr, and many more.

    Then of course, there is WeChat and Tik Tok:


    "Like most social media apps—or any other app, for that matter—TikTok and WeChat require their users to agree to a startlingly invasive list of permissions. A recent analysis of TikTok’s privacy and data-collection policies revealed that it demands a worryingly high level of access to systems and information on both Android and Apple devices.

    These include requiring full access to the device’s camera and microphone (hardly surprising for a video-sharing app) and its contact list, as well as detailed location data using GPS. The GPS tracking is ‘surprising’, say the researchers at security company Proofpoint who analysed the app, ‘especially as TikTok videos don’t obviously display location information’.

    The metadata harvested from these apps can paint a vivid picture of what military personnel are up to, as the 2018 Strava app debacleuncovered by my ASPI colleague Nathan Ruser showed. The Strava case demonstrated, too, that an app doesn’t need to be owned by a foreign adversary for it to inadvertently pose a serious risk to military operational security.

    But when the app is owned by a company operating in an authoritarian country, as TikTok’s owner ByteDance is, there are added risks to users, whether they’re military personnel or not. It’s those risks that prompted a full-scale pushback from US authorities as TikTok’s popularity rose in America."

    Yeah, that's all about my "hate" for China, nothing to see otherwise. /s

    BS!You are a liar. I am a US citizen. So your first assumption is false, All your conclusions are untrustworthy. 
  • Reply 89 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tzeshan said:
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 
    When will the citizens of Arkansas realize what a bigot they have elected to serve in US congress!
    You are a citizen of an acknowledged Authoritarian Government which has locked up at least a million minorities for merely having the misfortune of a different culture than the majority Han. You don't have the right to criticize the voters of Arkansas who freely elected their Senator, no matter how much I disagree with his politics.

    What you have just done is exactly what the United Front does in its propaganda efforts. It uses the freedom of speech in democracies to create whataboutisms while also blocking media from the West, leaving only State Run Media in China.



    China uses “United Front” work to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP’s United Front Work Department (UFWD)—the agency responsible for coordinating these kinds of influence operations—mostly focuses on the management of potential opposition groups inside China, but it also has an important foreign influence mission. To carry out its influence activities abroad, the UFWD directs “overseas Chinese work,” which seeks to co-opt ethnic Chinese individuals and communities living outside China, while a number of other key affiliated organizations guided by China’s broader United Front strategy conduct influence operations targeting foreign actors and states. Some of these entities have clear connections to the CCP’s United Front strategy, while others’ linkage is less explicit. Today, United Front-related organizations are playing an increasingly important role in China’s broader foreign policy under Chinese President and General Secretary of the CCP Xi Jinping. It is precisely the nature of United Front work to seek influence through connections that are difficult to publically prove and to gain influence that is interwoven with sensitive issues such as ethnic, political, and national identity, making those who seek to identify the negative effects of such influence vulnerable to accusations of prejudice. Because of the complexities of this issue, it is crucial for the U.S. government to better understand Beijing’s United Front strategy, its goals, and the actors responsible for achieving them if it is to formulate an effective and comprehensive response."

    That's absolutely what you have done here, Tzeshan, by the book, according to United Front Doctrine, working for your government's interests, gaining those social credits.

    Meanwhile, China blocks;

    Facebook, Google, Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, Slack, Twitch, Discord, Dropbox, Quora, Medium, Wikipedia, Vimeo, Flickr, and many more.

    Then of course, there is WeChat and Tik Tok:


    "Like most social media apps—or any other app, for that matter—TikTok and WeChat require their users to agree to a startlingly invasive list of permissions. A recent analysis of TikTok’s privacy and data-collection policies revealed that it demands a worryingly high level of access to systems and information on both Android and Apple devices.

    These include requiring full access to the device’s camera and microphone (hardly surprising for a video-sharing app) and its contact list, as well as detailed location data using GPS. The GPS tracking is ‘surprising’, say the researchers at security company Proofpoint who analysed the app, ‘especially as TikTok videos don’t obviously display location information’.

    The metadata harvested from these apps can paint a vivid picture of what military personnel are up to, as the 2018 Strava app debacleuncovered by my ASPI colleague Nathan Ruser showed. The Strava case demonstrated, too, that an app doesn’t need to be owned by a foreign adversary for it to inadvertently pose a serious risk to military operational security.

    But when the app is owned by a company operating in an authoritarian country, as TikTok’s owner ByteDance is, there are added risks to users, whether they’re military personnel or not. It’s those risks that prompted a full-scale pushback from US authorities as TikTok’s popularity rose in America."

    Yeah, that's all about my "hate" for China, nothing to see otherwise. /s

    BS!You are a liar. I am a US citizen. So your first assumption is false, All your conclusions are untrustworthy. 
    Wow! I stand corrected, yet not convinced, and my posts speak for my position, so you obviously will ignore them as you desire. Still, from hereon, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are a U.S. Citizen.

    "All your conclusions are untrustworthy". 

  • Reply 90 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
  • Reply 91 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 
    When will the citizens of Arkansas realize what a bigot they have elected to serve in US congress!

    Yeah, that's all about my "hate" for China, nothing to see otherwise. /s

    Why did you include the "/s".   Do you not understand what that means?

    avon b7
  • Reply 92 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:
    tzeshan said:
    tzeshan said:
    Tom Cotton said "That's what we need to do so they can get to the bottom of where the virus originated and hopefully can effect a diagnostic test and vaccine for it.".
    I will tell you where the US media has missed and most likely intentionally about the controversy . For all the news you read, do you read any one care to ask the numerous biosafety level 4 "super laboratory" scientists whether this is possible? Why there is none of this news from these biosafety level 4 in US? Can you care to give me a speculation? This is the single most important reason I tell you don't trust US media or even this senator. 
    Tom Cotton is an insane wingnut, nobody in America "trusts" him. At the same time, he's also not sending out the police to arrest any critics and forcing them to sign documents agreeing that his conspiracy theory ideas are the truth. 
    When will the citizens of Arkansas realize what a bigot they have elected to serve in US congress!

    Yeah, that's all about my "hate" for China, nothing to see otherwise. /s

    Why did you include the "/s".   Do you not understand what that means?

    ...nothing to see here otherwise...

    That's the snark...

  • Reply 93 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
    China is the source for many, if not most, of the items like masks, et al, and pharmaceuticals that we get in the U.S., hence, China was in a position where they couldn't actually produced the items because of the containment of workers. Foxconn actually created it's own production line to get around this. 

    Again, if China had acted earlier, there is the likelihood that the epidemic would have been much less of an impact. Even now, I am still not convinced that China is providing accurate data of the epidemic to the world.

    Good enough reason to disperse much of the U.S. production in China to other countries so not to put all of our eggs in one basket.
  • Reply 94 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member

    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
    The link that I posted that I was "corrected" on by Soli was the New York Times, so I took responsibility for linking that. At the same time, it is obvious that the Chinese Government was covering up the extent of the epidemic, and, this is my opinion, still is.

    Here's another link, from Feb 3;


    "The same day, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien told CBS’s “Face the Nation” that China had yet to take up U.S. offers of help.

    “We continue to offer assistance to the Chinese. We’ve offered to send over CDC and other U.S. medical and public health professionals,” he said. “And we have not heard back yet from the Chinese on those offers, but we’re prepared to continue to cooperate with them.”

    “This is a worldwide concern,” O’Brien continued. “We want to help our Chinese colleagues if we can. And we’ll see. We’ve made the offer, and we’ll see if they accept the offer.”

    Traveling in Central Asia, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters in Tashkent Monday that the U.S., when sending planes to evacuate citizens from China, hoped to use them on the way in to transport medical supplies to help the Chinese deal with the outbreak.

    “We hope to also bring some medical supplies in the context of those aircraft traveling into the region,” he said. “We’re working closely and hand-in-hand with the Chinese government to try and resolve what is now this global epidemiological challenge.”

    “We have folks ready to go to China” but are awaiting word from Beijing, a senior CDC official said on Monday.

    “We are just waiting,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Respiratory Diseases, said during a teleconference briefing. “As soon as we are allowed to go, we will be there.”

    Messonnier said the CDC in fact has an expert in China already, as part of its continuing work there.

    “He’s already in the field and therefore could be there [at the outbreak epicenter] immediately,” she said. “So, we are still waiting for that invitation.”

    “Our hearts go out to those individuals who are suffering through this,” Messonnier said. “I think that we at CDC have incredibly strong scientists who have a lot of technical experience in really similar diseases, as well as in these kinds of diseases.”

    “And our presence on the ground in China would be a help to folks in China who are trying to unravel the thing and make the best recommendations possible for their country and the world.”

    Thanks for your "waffling" non-apology for my previous link that was in fact accurate about U.S. stating that they were ready to provide help to China.

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 95 of 124
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,984member
    Here is a nice, easy to digest, summary of the  new coronavirus story so far.


  • Reply 96 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    avon b7 said:
    That's a instructive link.


  • Reply 97 of 124
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    tmay said:

    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
    ... it is obvious that the Chinese Government was covering up the extent of the epidemic, and, this is my opinion, still is. ....

    Only the right wing conspiracy theorists and China haters believe that.
  • Reply 98 of 124
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    tmay said:

    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
    ... it is obvious that the Chinese Government was covering up the extent of the epidemic, and, this is my opinion, still is. ....

    Only the right wing conspiracy theorists and China haters believe that.
    Of which I am neither, but keep on keeping on.


    "The confidence voiced by China’s government came as it reported a reduced number of new infections. But doubts remained about the true trajectory of the epidemic as China again changed its method of counting and new threats emerged outside the country."

    Fact: this is the second time that China has changed its method of counting.

    edited February 2020
  • Reply 99 of 124
    tmay said:
    tmay said:

    tmay said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    cpsro said:
    And maybe it's too soon to tell what direction the COVID-19 outbreak will take, along with the cost of global measures taken against it. Will it die out, will it smolder while spreading around the world, or will it--together with the flu--overwhelm our medical facilities, too?
    And the fact that it has managed to only kill Chinese people so far is very strange.

    Not strange at all.  China took extreme action to contain the virus and its actions are turning out to have been extremely effective.   Thanks China!   The U.S. could have never pulled off what you did. 

    Can you even imagine the U.S. quarantining entire cities of tens of millions?   Ordering factories, schools and shops to close?   Telling families that only a single member was allowed out of the house and on which days?  Building major new hospitals in a matter of days?   And so on.

    Had this virus arisen in the U.S. not only would it have rapidly become a nationwide epidemic but a world wide pandemic.  And meanwhile, the U.S. has done nothing to help China contain or manage this outbreak.   Shameful!

    Thanks China!

    Here's a link to support offered by the U.S. and the WHO;


    That was 11 days ago,

    "Despite rising numbers in both coronavirus infections and fatalities, China has refused offers of assistance from two of the world’s foremost agencies on infectious disease, according to The New York Times. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been offering to send a team of experts from its Epidemic Intelligence Service for more than a month to no avail. And the World Health Organization has also met resistance to travel to Wuhan, where the outbreak started. Some top diplomats told the Times that they fear that China does not want to appear to be unable to handle the growing problem alone. The CDC said it hoped that by observing the medical conditions, it could improve an American response to any threat of a widespread outbreak in the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar told a news conference on Friday that it was out of his hands. “It’s up to the Chinese,” he said. “We continue to expect fully that President Xi will accept our offer. We're ready and willing and able to go.”


    That was January 28, 8 days after China officially announced to the world, the virus.

    All of that link above is true, and has been reported by many news organizations worldwide. China tried to cover up the initial stages of what would become this epidemic. I've posted as much in response to your falsehoods that you post.

    If you follow the link, you can see the PRC's response to the article, and that response is filled with falsehoods and half-truths.

    Authoritarians everywhere thank you for your support though!

    Yes, the WHO is involved in helping -- which China has welcomed -- while right wingers in the U.S. use the epidemic to spread their hate and fear.   Meanwhile, the U.S. wants to slash funding of the WHO funding.   Go figure.

    Did China spurn U.S. help?   Probably.   Can you blame them?   That's like Hitler offering to help Israel.
    At that time, WHO was not allowed either, according to the same link I posted. 

    In fact the WHO wasn't allowed into China until 5 days ago...


    You should really stop lying, or at least stop letting Trump live rent free in your head.  LOL!

    And here's just one source of evidence to disprove Tmay's conspiracy ridden claim. 

    Not just in China, but in goddamn Wuhan! Of course, if you believe that WHO is bought and paid for by George Soros and that COVID-19 was created in the basement of a pizza parlor that doubles as an underground pedophilia ring then you're not going believe that article.

    All these assholes trying to create panic on this thread and others sicken me.  If those motherfuckers want toast like scared little pussies they can do it, but to cause worldwide panic over their hate for China and claim that cases, death rate, and that the WHO are lying to the world to purposely create an even larger issue is reprehensible.
    Well, considering that you have at least provided a link, I am happy to accept that I was wrong. 

    Still, it was George that stated that the U.S. never made an offer of help, which also was in fact bullshit.

    Oh, and here's some data that supports my "concern" about the delays in announcing the virus by the Chinese Government;


    So, maybe you should consider the rest of my posts before you make those assumptions that you made about me.

    As I and others have said. we don't know what the U.S. offered.   Whatever it was, it certainly was not help with any of the shortages China faced, particularly in the beginning.   Simply sending someone to evaluate would not be considered an offer of help -- particularly from a country who has tried to provoke a cold war with them.
    ... it is obvious that the Chinese Government was covering up the extent of the epidemic, and, this is my opinion, still is. ....

    Only the right wing conspiracy theorists and China haters believe that.
    Of which I am neither, but keep on keeping on.


    "The confidence voiced by China’s government came as it reported a reduced number of new infections. But doubts remained about the true trajectory of the epidemic as China again changed its method of counting and new threats emerged outside the country."

    Fact: this is the second time that China has changed its method of counting.

    Within one week. 

  • Reply 100 of 124
    Here’s a new finding. Those patients who have been considered as “recovered” are now believed to continue to be contagious to others. 

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