Apple discontinues iMac Pro, available 'while supplies last'

in Current Mac Hardware edited March 2021
Apple appears to have discontinued the iMac Pro, with the Mac model now only available in a single configuration but only "While supplies last."

An update to the online Apple Store's iMac Pro listing late on Friday has severely limited the potential purchasing options for the model for customers. The change seems to indicate Apple is in the process of discontinuing the model completely, and is in the process of selling off its last units.

The store page includes the text "While supplies last" at the top of the page. While customers were previously able to configure the iMac Pro with different specifications, there's now only one option available to purchase.

The sole option offers a 3.0GHz 10-core Intel Xeon W processor with 32GB of 2,666MHz ECC memory, 1TB of SSD storage, a Radeon Pro Vega 56 8GB, and 10Gb Ethernet. It is priced at $4,999, with no options to upgrade or customize the order from Apple itself.

Previously, there were configuration options for 14-core and 18-core processors, Vega 64 graphics, up to 4TB of storage, and up to 256GB of memory.

The change does not apply to third-party resellers, who will have some stock of other configurations on hand.

While Apple hasn't declared the model to be discontinued, the minimal choice of configuration and the "while supplies last" warning strongly point to Apple discontinuing the model. It is unknown whether a new version of the iMac Pro line will be available in the future or if it will be absorbed into the main iMac range in a future product line update.

Since its launch in 2017, the iMac Pro has received some specification updates, but no major upgrades to the design. There was some speculation of an updated model in December, though the supply chain rumor didn't offer any real detail about what was on the way.

Apple is also on an aggressive two-year timeline to migrate its Mac products from Intel processors to Apple Silicon, but it seems unlikely that the iMac Pro would be a part of that. Apple is thought to be preparing a redesigned iMac with Apple Silicon for release in 2021.

Closeout deals available

Apple resellers are already discounting iMac Pro models, with exclusive coupon deals offering up to $400 off iMac Pro configurations.


  • Reply 1 of 41
    I do hope this means new apple silicon iMacs are on their way. 

    Sales must be struggling with everyone holding off with expectations of the impending transition. 
  • Reply 2 of 41
    One possibility...

    New iMac Pro is the rumored iMac with a Pro Display XDR design
    Standard iMac inherits the dark graphite colorway from the old iMac Pro and bumps up to 6K and 32 inch
    New entry level iMac becomes 5K 27 inch and has the rumored multi-color approach
    edited March 2021 bageljoeyradarthekatwatto_cobracornchip
  • Reply 3 of 41
    sevenfeetsevenfeet Posts: 469member
    Right now, the only IMac Pro model still being sold is the base model (10 core) for $5000. And I imagine most buyers added options when this machine was in its prime.  But considering how the landscape has changed, wouldn’t you rather have a Pro Display XDR for $6000 and a fully loaded Mac Mini for $1700 more?
  • Reply 4 of 41
    elijahgelijahg Posts: 2,784member
    I doubt they were selling many (any?) of the base model at all anyway, since the old Xeon that Apple never bothered to update is slower than the 2019 i9, with $3000 extra on the price.
  • Reply 5 of 41
    DAalsethDAalseth Posts: 2,843member
    Not a surprise. I always thought the iMac Pro was a filler. It was just something they could slap together and get out fast while the "real" Mac Pro was being finished. Now that the Mac Pro is out I'm a bit surprised they let it go this long. I've been catching rumours of a Mac Pro Mini on the way. This might be how they might explain this, that the iMac Pro is being replaced. In reality it was never intended to be around for long. 
  • Reply 6 of 41
    The 2017 iMac Pro was a byproduct of Intel’s development process for Xeon-W. It became obsolete the moment Apple Silicon became the future of macOS.

    I believe the idea of an “iMac Pro” has merit, but it’s hard to imagine how it will fit into an Apple Silicon lineup. The only way would be if it were used for an iMac with a professional XDR display built in (whatever the size). I don’t think we’ll see XDR technology trickling down to the regular iMac line any time soon. It would be nice to be wrong!
  • Reply 7 of 41
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,683member
    There are plenty of upgraded iMac Pros in the refurb store.  

    The entire 27” iMac line is going to stop.   That giant aluminum housing will stop being produced and every variant of it, I’m sure.   The iMac Pro is the first due to it likely being the lowest volume, but the 27” tapered iMac is done for certain, shortly.   

    This is the first time in many years I have ever seen Apple tell us a model was discontinued and to place orders while supplies last.  In fact, I cannot recall having seen this in over 20 years.  Usually inventory dries up at resellers and models move off Apple’s store pages and any leftover new stock is quietly sold under a clearance page with a tiny discount if any.   

  • Reply 8 of 41
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Maybe there will be a March ‘event’ after all? Apple got the Mini, the Air, and the Pro out at the M! premier event. It seems rational to assume they’ve been working the rest of the line for several years since the decision was made to leave Intel. This stuff doesn’t happen overnight. it takes years for a new model design to happen, even more so with ASi in the picture now.
    edited March 2021 williamlondoniqatedoradarthekatwatto_cobra
  • Reply 9 of 41
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,385member
    sevenfeet said:
    Right now, the only IMac Pro model still being sold is the base model (10 core) for $5000. And I imagine most buyers added options when this machine was in its prime.  But considering how the landscape has changed, wouldn’t you rather have a Pro Display XDR for $6000 and a fully loaded Mac Mini for $1700 more?
    Yeah, no. Not that I'd rather have a $5000 iMac Pro, but I want a Mac with a better GPU than what minis' currently offer. Though I will say that your suggested alternative allows to swap out the M1 mini for an M1X/Y/2 whatever while keeping a stellar monitor.

    But for many of us mere mortals, a simple 5K iMac display is very nice. One of those in M1 cloth would be huge. Though it's out of the realm of my consideration, I'm anxious to see what the new iMac Pro will entail and whether or not it will be cheaper than this last line of iMPs.
  • Reply 10 of 41
    sevenfeetsevenfeet Posts: 469member
    macgui said:
    sevenfeet said:
    Right now, the only IMac Pro model still being sold is the base model (10 core) for $5000. And I imagine most buyers added options when this machine was in its prime.  But considering how the landscape has changed, wouldn’t you rather have a Pro Display XDR for $6000 and a fully loaded Mac Mini for $1700 more?
    Yeah, no. Not that I'd rather have a $5000 iMac Pro, but I want a Mac with a better GPU than what minis' currently offer. Though I will say that your suggested alternative allows to swap out the M1 mini for an M1X/Y/2 whatever while keeping a stellar monitor.

    But for many of us mere mortals, a simple 5K iMac display is very nice. One of those in M1 cloth would be huge. Though it's out of the realm of my consideration, I'm anxious to see what the new iMac Pro will entail and whether or not it will be cheaper than this last line of iMPs.
    My point is that enough Youtubers have made videos basically saying that the Mac Mini is good enough for many doing 4k workflows. If it enough for the Hollywood Red Camera crowd? Maybe not. But the Mini has already fired a warning shot to everyone saying “hey, if we can do this for $699, imagine what a real pro machine is going to do, and in a chassis that you probably won’t hear the fan”.

    Somebody earlier said that it’s highly unusual for Apple to literally say “buy this machine while you still can”. I think it’s a tacit acknowledgment to the corporate buyers who normally get this machine that if it’s still a standard in your shop and you need one, get it now before we close it out.

    As for me, I’ve been seriously tempted by the current Mini to retire two 2008 Mac Pros still working in my home but I think I’ll hold out for the M1X for a few reasons (more cores, hopefully 10 gb Ethernet).
    edited March 2021 iqatedowatto_cobra
  • Reply 11 of 41
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,409member
    The meaning of “pro” is relative and shifting. 

    Larger screens tend to be associated with the word pro. Also, more processing power, more ports, more RAM, and ECC RAM. 

    So, in the future maybe the “pro” for iMac just means a bigger screen and more powerful GPU with more ports. Maybe ECC is reserved for the headless Mac Pro.
  • Reply 12 of 41
    flydogflydog Posts: 1,129member
    eriamjh said:
    There are plenty of upgraded iMac Pros in the refurb store.  

    The entire 27” iMac line is going to stop.   That giant aluminum housing will stop being produced and every variant of it, I’m sure.   The iMac Pro is the first due to it likely being the lowest volume, but the 27” tapered iMac is done for certain, shortly.   

    This is the first time in many years I have ever seen Apple tell us a model was discontinued and to place orders while supplies last.  In fact, I cannot recall having seen this in over 20 years.  Usually inventory dries up at resellers and models move off Apple’s store pages and any leftover new stock is quietly sold under a clearance page with a tiny discount if any.   

    First, Apple hasn't announced that it has been "discontinued."  Some rumor sites are stating that Apple confirmed to them that it has been discontinued, but there has been no official word from Apple (and there may never be).  But whether it does or doesn't put out an official press release (it hasn't in this case either) doesn't make a difference.  It's clear from "while supplies last" that whatever it is will no longer be available (i.e., discontinued).

    If Apple does eventually issue a formal "discontinued" announcement, it would not be the first time. Although products sometimes seem to vanish into thin air, Apple did officially discontinue the Intel MacBook Airs, Thunderbolt Display, and 15.4" MacBook Pro. And many times over the past 20 years, a product page has been updated with a "Discontinued" notice as shown in this article:

    In any case, it's not clear what an official announcement would add. It's obvious from the fact that something can't be purchases that it is discontinued. People seem to be inferring that the announcement means it will never be offered again, but that makes no sense whatsoever. Apple could intend to discontinue it permanently today, then change it's mind in 12 months. 

  • Reply 13 of 41
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    So the new iMacs with ASi are going to be powerful enough to make an 18-core Xeon obsolete and probably at a far lower price.
    They could release 24” or 32” Pro Display HDRs with the Mac or Mac Pro designated by the processor card you’re plugging into it. Same for redesigned desktop & notebook chassis.
  • Reply 14 of 41
    Must mean the new new chip is ready with support more memory, more graphics, more monitors and more ports. The big question is whether it will use a 3rd party graphics card in the high end models. I'm leaning towards an in house GPU.

    This is going to be interesting.
  • Reply 15 of 41
    PezaPeza Posts: 198member
    I personally thought this as one of the best Macs made, very expensive due to that Xeon chip, but also very powerful and a unique offering. I look forward to seeing if the new Apple silicon iMacs can equal its power in an all in one design. 
  • Reply 16 of 41
    mcdave said:
    So the new iMacs with ASi are going to be powerful enough to make an 18-core Xeon obsolete and probably at a far lower price.
    They could release 24” or 32” Pro Display HDRs with the Mac or Mac Pro designated by the processor card you’re plugging into it. Same for redesigned desktop & notebook chassis.
    It will be interesting to see if they realign any of their pricing.
  • Reply 17 of 41
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,106member
    I bought my 2020 10-core i9 iMac last August with the intent that it will be my last Intel Mac.  Running x86 is mandatory as I use Windows for some development tools and for testing.  I wish it were available in the iMac Pro's space gray.  It's a beautify finish.  

    By the time I am ready to retire this machine, ASi will have been fully baked and software for the most part will be fully ported to ARM.  I will never get off of the x86 platform as some tools I know will never be ported over so I'll have some x86 something running somewhere for those rare times I need that functionality.

    I'm very excited to see where ASi is in a few years!
  • Reply 18 of 41
    neilmneilm Posts: 989member
    Almost two years ago we bought an iMac Pro 10-core (pretty much the price/performance sweet spot) with 64GB/1TB. It’s used as a video production workstation. Despite a price of close to 8 grand, the improved performance over a well optioned regular 27” iMac has easily allowed the iMac Pro to pay for itself. Even if the new Mac Pro had been available at the time we would not have been able to justify its cost, while the iMac Pro fits the need pretty well.

    But nothing is forever. It’s going to be interesting to see what future M series Macs can do in that space.
  • Reply 19 of 41
    Discontinued forever. I don't think they will be missed. The current iMac is pretty nice and when it gets updated to the M1+ or M2 it will be even nicer. Let the Mac Pro fill the Pro slot.
  • Reply 20 of 41
    dave marshdave marsh Posts: 352member
    This is a great machine and is a fitting umpteenth generation Mac compared to my original 1984 128k Mac (which I still have on display in my office).  We’ve come a long way!
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