Apple's Chinese wind power partner linked to Uyghur forced labor programs



  • Reply 121 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.

  • Reply 122 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    elijahg said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 

    It is unlikely that it will ever be pinned down.   And, at this point, why bother?  The only purpose seems to be to score political points.

    We should be focused on where the other 10 billion doses of vaccine that the world needs will be coming from -- but even that has become politicized.   And too, we should be working together to figure out how to prevent the next pandemic and how to identify it and control it if/when it happens.  But we're too busy pointing fingers at each other.  Personally, i think the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth should stand up and serve as an example for the rest of the world instead of blame casting -- especially since it may be the one to blame.

    "Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told state-owned tabloid the Global Times that attention should shift to the United States, which was slow to test people in the early stages of the outbreak, and is also the home of many biological laboratories.

    "All bio-weapons related subjects that the country has should be subject to scrutiny," he was quoted as saying.

    Commenting on the U.S. study on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was now "obvious" the COVID-19 outbreak had "multiple origins" and that other countries should co-operate with the WHO.

    Do you honestly not see the contradiction between not thinking there's any point in finding out where the current pandemic originated while cheerleading efforts to figure out how to stop the next one?
    The logic is if we verified the virus is due to lab leak then we can figure out how to stop the next one? This logic is almost false. First, WHO report says the lab leak theory is least likely. Second, if it is due to lab leak, there are such labs in many nations. Lab leak could happen there. This is like nuclear reactor accident. One disaster happened in Chernoble. Other reactors around the world could have it. 
    So if you tripped over and smashed your nose, you wouldn't then investigate the reason you tripped? Resulting in you tripping over and smashing your nose again, and again and again because you had neglected to tie your laces, but you didn't know because you didn't investigate? That's "almost" stupid logic. Wait no, it is stupid logic, logic that can only be entertained by someone with a vested interest in defending the CCP. Every industry investigates when something goes wrong, but China wouldn't let independent investigators in - they wouldn't hand over data and they only allowed investigations months later, ensuring they had time to cover everything up.

    The WHO which is funded mostly by the Chinese and staffed by the Chinese makes their report less than reliable. Yes, there are such labs in many nations. Yes, "lab leak could happen there". No, serious lab leak has not happened there, and through learning from the possible Chinese lab leak would make leaks in other labs less likely. The reason another Chernobyl hasn't happened is because investigations after-the-fact, (investigations you and George seem to think are pointless) discovered serious process errors. Much like they could in Wuhan, but the CCP (and you and George) thinks the CCP can do no wrong. I suppose you both think the crackdowns in Hong Kong are a-ok too?

    Oh and remember right at the start of the pandemic, the CCP tried to silence the doctor who put his life on the line to notify the world of a respiratory illness that the CCP was trying to cover up, back in November 2019.

    The sooner the world moves away from China for manufacturing the better - cutting off the umbilical cord of revenue will cause the Chinese regime to collapse, it never would have survived this long without the vast funds injected from the West.
    You claim we need an independent investigation:
    We now know the U.S. had early cases here at the same time China had early cases.  By "independent investigators" you mean American Trump Sycophants".  If we demand American investigators enter China, should we allow Chinese investigators to investigate the U.S.?

    You claim the WHO is primarily funded by China.
    That is incorrect.  The U.S. temporarily pulled out of funding the WHO because it was not supporting American propaganda -- like the kind you are propagating.  We, as a nation,  have returned to sanity but obviously there are still some stragglers out there trying to perpetuate and expand the propaganda.

    You claim China tried to cover it up.
    But, according to the NIH we had early cases here at the same time China did.  We covered it up when we refused to perform testing.  You can't blame one without blaming the other.   In fact, our coverup killed 600,000 Americans and countless numbers throughout the world.   But you don't want that investigated.  Why?

  • Reply 123 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    elijahg said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 

    It is unlikely that it will ever be pinned down.   And, at this point, why bother?  The only purpose seems to be to score political points.

    We should be focused on where the other 10 billion doses of vaccine that the world needs will be coming from -- but even that has become politicized.   And too, we should be working together to figure out how to prevent the next pandemic and how to identify it and control it if/when it happens.  But we're too busy pointing fingers at each other.  Personally, i think the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth should stand up and serve as an example for the rest of the world instead of blame casting -- especially since it may be the one to blame.

    "Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told state-owned tabloid the Global Times that attention should shift to the United States, which was slow to test people in the early stages of the outbreak, and is also the home of many biological laboratories.

    "All bio-weapons related subjects that the country has should be subject to scrutiny," he was quoted as saying.

    Commenting on the U.S. study on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was now "obvious" the COVID-19 outbreak had "multiple origins" and that other countries should co-operate with the WHO.

    Do you honestly not see the contradiction between not thinking there's any point in finding out where the current pandemic originated while cheerleading efforts to figure out how to stop the next one?
    The logic is if we verified the virus is due to lab leak then we can figure out how to stop the next one? This logic is almost false. First, WHO report says the lab leak theory is least likely. Second, if it is due to lab leak, there are such labs in many nations. Lab leak could happen there. This is like nuclear reactor accident. One disaster happened in Chernoble. Other reactors around the world could have it. 
    So if you tripped over and smashed your nose, you wouldn't then investigate the reason you tripped? Resulting in you tripping over and smashing your nose again, and again and again because you had neglected to tie your laces, but you didn't know because you didn't investigate? That's "almost" stupid logic. Wait no, it is stupid logic, logic that can only be entertained by someone with a vested interest in defending the CCP. Every industry investigates when something goes wrong, but China wouldn't let independent investigators in - they wouldn't hand over data and they only allowed investigations months later, ensuring they had time to cover everything up.

    The WHO which is funded mostly by the Chinese and staffed by the Chinese makes their report less than reliable. Yes, there are such labs in many nations. Yes, "lab leak could happen there". No, serious lab leak has not happened there, and through learning from the possible Chinese lab leak would make leaks in other labs less likely. The reason another Chernobyl hasn't happened is because investigations after-the-fact, (investigations you and George seem to think are pointless) discovered serious process errors. Much like they could in Wuhan, but the CCP (and you and George) thinks the CCP can do no wrong. I suppose you both think the crackdowns in Hong Kong are a-ok too?

    Oh and remember right at the start of the pandemic, the CCP tried to silence the doctor who put his life on the line to notify the world of a respiratory illness that the CCP was trying to cover up, back in November 2019.

    The sooner the world moves away from China for manufacturing the better - cutting off the umbilical cord of revenue will cause the Chinese regime to collapse, it never would have survived this long without the vast funds injected from the West.
    No, I support full investigation without necessarily a deadline. Further, any accusation should be included. Including China's accusation of a US lab. Do you support too? 

    By "full investigation" these China Haters mean sending American Trump sychophants to China to look for evidence to support their lies.  They hate they WHO just like they hate China -- because the WHO is fact based and do not support their lies.  In fact, the WHO contradict their lies.

    The analogy is the American propaganda used to sell the Iraq war.   One example of many:
    Americans claimed nuclear development was taking place in a particular building because we had observed it via satellite and knew what was going on inside that building.   An hour later U.N. nuclear inspectors stated:  "We were in that building.  There's nothing there!".  Did the American liars apologize for their lies?   NO!  Of course not!   That's not how liars operate.  Instead, they disparaged the U.N. inspectors -- just as we are disparaging the investigators from the WHO claiming it is THEM who are biased.

  • Reply 124 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.

    Then some of the earliest cases of the virus occurred in the United States.   According to your logic that means we created it.   But then you were never big on logic -- or truth.   Just dogma.
    None of that is verified, and even if they are all reports are of isolated cases; the first big cluster was in Wuhan, which indicates it as the epicentre.
    The NIH of the United States verified that we had early cases here at the same time China did - in 2019.
    "Big Cluster"?   If you fail to test (like we failed to do) then you don't get "big clusters" -- till its too late to hide -- again like happened here -- on BOTH coasts.  

    Why did the U.S. refuse to initiate testing till the pandemic was ravaging the country?   The rest of the world was testing while we were stumbling and fumbling about -- with our own president openly claiming that he was keeping cases down by keeping testing down.
    Of the two, it looks like it was the U.S. doing the coverup.
    I've read the NIH report, ands I think it's great that it exist, the USA are being self examinatory to try and figure out what happens.  It's a positive consequence of having independent institutions who are broadly apolitical. 

    However, you misrepresent the conclusions.  There were no big clusters detected in the USA in 2019, and there was no refusal to test because the virus was not known in 2019.  The Trump testing debacle surfaced later, but was not relevant in the earliest stages when the virus was not known or barely known .  It only became known when the cluster of similar symptoms was detected in Wuhan (information that the China authorities suppressed).  The cluster is indicative of the epicentre, with a delayed emergence of symptoms and consequent detection.  A few isolated cases in disparate geographies in the US is evidence that it had been carried and was transmitting elsewhere, but hadn't emerged yet. People had caught it and travelled, but the first identified outbreak was in Wuhan which indicates that it came from Wuhan.  Any other conclusion stretches credibility and will need some extraordinary proof.
  • Reply 125 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 

    It is unlikely that it will ever be pinned down.   And, at this point, why bother?  The only purpose seems to be to score political points.

    We should be focused on where the other 10 billion doses of vaccine that the world needs will be coming from -- but even that has become politicized.   And too, we should be working together to figure out how to prevent the next pandemic and how to identify it and control it if/when it happens.  But we're too busy pointing fingers at each other.  Personally, i think the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth should stand up and serve as an example for the rest of the world instead of blame casting -- especially since it may be the one to blame.

    "Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told state-owned tabloid the Global Times that attention should shift to the United States, which was slow to test people in the early stages of the outbreak, and is also the home of many biological laboratories.

    "All bio-weapons related subjects that the country has should be subject to scrutiny," he was quoted as saying.

    Commenting on the U.S. study on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was now "obvious" the COVID-19 outbreak had "multiple origins" and that other countries should co-operate with the WHO.

    Do you honestly not see the contradiction between not thinking there's any point in finding out where the current pandemic originated while cheerleading efforts to figure out how to stop the next one?
    The logic is if we verified the virus is due to lab leak then we can figure out how to stop the next one? This logic is almost false. First, WHO report says the lab leak theory is least likely. Second, if it is due to lab leak, there are such labs in many nations. Lab leak could happen there. This is like nuclear reactor accident. One disaster happened in Chernoble. Other reactors around the world could have it. 
    Many lessons were learned from the Chernobyl incident!  Lessons were learned from Fukushima too.  When bad things happen we examine them and learn lessons so that bad things don't happen again.  That's why the origin of this pandemic should be investigated, because otherwise whatever happened, whether it was a lab leak, or a monkey biting a bat biting a person, whatever the cause, we can examine and work out how to stop it happening again.

    Yes, there are such labs in many nations.  If they all have a risk of releasing a deadly virus then it's pretty damn important that we identify weaknesses and tighten them up to avoid this happening again.  As I mentioned earlier, this wouldn't be the first time a lab leak has happened, not even the first time a lab leak has happened in China.

    I honestly can't believe I'm even having to say this.
  • Reply 126 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.

    Then some of the earliest cases of the virus occurred in the United States.   According to your logic that means we created it.   But then you were never big on logic -- or truth.   Just dogma.
    With no identified common factor.  As you said, the NIH report identifies traces of COVID-19 on both coasts.  Unless you know of a magic virus that can jump through wormholes then you've got no commonality to link the cause to anywhere in particular.  The USA is really fucking big.
  • Reply 127 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    LOL....  The WHO just finished that investigation and said a lab leak was "Highly Unlikely".

    It's a shame that doesn't fit with your dogma nor your hate for China.
    It was delayed for months by Chinese obstruction, and was then largely populated by Chinese staff.  There is understandable scepticism of the veracity of that report among us ChinaHaters.
    Finished that for you

    I don't hate China.  I have a Chinese surname, and have family links to China.  Grow up.
  • Reply 128 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.
  • Reply 129 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.

    Then some of the earliest cases of the virus occurred in the United States.   According to your logic that means we created it.   But then you were never big on logic -- or truth.   Just dogma.
    None of that is verified, and even if they are all reports are of isolated cases; the first big cluster was in Wuhan, which indicates it as the epicentre.
    The NIH of the United States verified that we had early cases here at the same time China did - in 2019.
    "Big Cluster"?   If you fail to test (like we failed to do) then you don't get "big clusters" -- till its too late to hide -- again like happened here -- on BOTH coasts.  

    Why did the U.S. refuse to initiate testing till the pandemic was ravaging the country?   The rest of the world was testing while we were stumbling and fumbling about -- with our own president openly claiming that he was keeping cases down by keeping testing down.
    Of the two, it looks like it was the U.S. doing the coverup.
    I've read the NIH report, ands I think it's great that it exist, the USA are being self examinatory to try and figure out what happens.  It's a positive consequence of having independent institutions who are broadly apolitical. 

    However, you misrepresent the conclusions.  There were no big clusters detected in the USA in 2019, and there was no refusal to test because the virus was not known in 2019.  The Trump testing debacle surfaced later, but was not relevant in the earliest stages when the virus was not known or barely known .  It only became known when the cluster of similar symptoms was detected in Wuhan (information that the China authorities suppressed).  The cluster is indicative of the epicentre, with a delayed emergence of symptoms and consequent detection.  A few isolated cases in disparate geographies in the US is evidence that it had been carried and was transmitting elsewhere, but hadn't emerged yet. People had caught it and travelled, but the first identified outbreak was in Wuhan which indicates that it came from Wuhan.  Any other conclusion stretches credibility and will need some extraordinary proof.

    LOL.... Where did I claim there was a "Big Cluster" of infections in the U.S. in 2019?  Cut the bullshit.
    As in China, there wasn't.   Rather, the virus existed and was spreading in both countries at that time.

    Unlike the U.S., early in 2020, China identified those infections, reported them to the world, began extensive testing and took extensive measures to contain the virus.   In the U.S. we got none of that.  Rather we got denial, obfuscation and a refusal to test because it would expose the extent of the virus in the U.S.

    So, did the virus originate here, in China or in some other country?  Nobody knows.

    In any event, it sounds like it is the U.S. who needs the so called "impartial investigation".
  • Reply 130 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 

    It is unlikely that it will ever be pinned down.   And, at this point, why bother?  The only purpose seems to be to score political points.

    We should be focused on where the other 10 billion doses of vaccine that the world needs will be coming from -- but even that has become politicized.   And too, we should be working together to figure out how to prevent the next pandemic and how to identify it and control it if/when it happens.  But we're too busy pointing fingers at each other.  Personally, i think the wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth should stand up and serve as an example for the rest of the world instead of blame casting -- especially since it may be the one to blame.

    "Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told state-owned tabloid the Global Times that attention should shift to the United States, which was slow to test people in the early stages of the outbreak, and is also the home of many biological laboratories.

    "All bio-weapons related subjects that the country has should be subject to scrutiny," he was quoted as saying.

    Commenting on the U.S. study on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said it was now "obvious" the COVID-19 outbreak had "multiple origins" and that other countries should co-operate with the WHO.

    Do you honestly not see the contradiction between not thinking there's any point in finding out where the current pandemic originated while cheerleading efforts to figure out how to stop the next one?
    The logic is if we verified the virus is due to lab leak then we can figure out how to stop the next one? This logic is almost false. First, WHO report says the lab leak theory is least likely. Second, if it is due to lab leak, there are such labs in many nations. Lab leak could happen there. This is like nuclear reactor accident. One disaster happened in Chernoble. Other reactors around the world could have it. 
    Many lessons were learned from the Chernobyl incident!  Lessons were learned from Fukushima too.  When bad things happen we examine them and learn lessons so that bad things don't happen again.  That's why the origin of this pandemic should be investigated,....
    OK, since we don't know where the virus originated -- there were known, verified cases in 2019 in both China and U.S. -- and China has been extensively investigated both internally as well as by impartial, apolitical international experts, that investigation should begin here in the U.S.

    Where did he U.S. cases come from in 2019?  Was it a lab leak?  Or was did it evolve from some animal vector?  Or maybe it evolved in some other country and traveled here?   Obviously there were far more than the 7 that have been revealed so far.

    Perhaps China would send us some experts to figure that all out.
    Obviously they are better at it than we are:   They identified it and contained it.   We covered it up and killed 600,000 in this country alone.

  • Reply 131 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
  • Reply 132 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
  • Reply 133 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.

  • Reply 134 of 143
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.

    Chinese information is being censored by western media for a long time. This is why he cannot see the source. Same to you. But you have conscience that you can analyze indirect information. Direct information is being filtered by west. 
  • Reply 135 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.
    Still no source.  Not credible.
  • Reply 136 of 143
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.
    Still no source.  Not credible.
    Said the guy spouting Trumpian lies, bullshit and propaganda.

  • Reply 137 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.
    Still no source.  Not credible.
    Said the guy spouting Trumpian lies, bullshit and propaganda.
    Ranting and attacking opponents with no research or understanding seems to be far more Trumpian to me.  If you're not going to explain the thought behind your theories or indicate where your information is coming from then you simply aren't a credible person on the subject.  Or any subject.

    Have you read the Nine Commentaries?  Do you know the history of the CCP?  If you do, then you'd know that coverup is in their nature.  Propaganda and diversion is in. their nature.  And it has been since well before 2016.  Sure, you can accuse Donald Trump of that too, but Donald Trump is not in power any more, and was in power for a fraction of the time that the CCP have been.  I don't think you truly realise that yet, as you keep coming back to him.  It's some sort of PTSD-induced obsession or something.

    You'd be best to move on from Trump George.  He's not the problem any more and you can't blame everything on him.  And he wasn't totally wrong on everything.
  • Reply 138 of 143
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.
    Still no source.  Not credible.
    Said the guy spouting Trumpian lies, bullshit and propaganda.
    Ranting and attacking opponents with no research or understanding seems to be far more Trumpian to me.  If you're not going to explain the thought behind your theories or indicate where your information is coming from then you simply aren't a credible person on the subject.  Or any subject.

    Have you read the Nine Commentaries?  Do you know the history of the CCP?  If you do, then you'd know that coverup is in their nature.  Propaganda and diversion is in. their nature.  And it has been since well before 2016.  Sure, you can accuse Donald Trump of that too, but Donald Trump is not in power any more, and was in power for a fraction of the time that the CCP have been.  I don't think you truly realise that yet, as you keep coming back to him.  It's some sort of PTSD-induced obsession or something.

    You'd be best to move on from Trump George.  He's not the problem any more and you can't blame everything on him.  And he wasn't totally wrong on everything.
    Your accusations of CCP is the norm of politics. The truth of the fact is if you interchange CCP with US government most accusations are still valid. lol
  • Reply 139 of 143
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.
    Still no source.  Not credible.
    Said the guy spouting Trumpian lies, bullshit and propaganda.
    Ranting and attacking opponents with no research or understanding seems to be far more Trumpian to me.  If you're not going to explain the thought behind your theories or indicate where your information is coming from then you simply aren't a credible person on the subject.  Or any subject.

    Have you read the Nine Commentaries?  Do you know the history of the CCP?  If you do, then you'd know that coverup is in their nature.  Propaganda and diversion is in. their nature.  And it has been since well before 2016.  Sure, you can accuse Donald Trump of that too, but Donald Trump is not in power any more, and was in power for a fraction of the time that the CCP have been.  I don't think you truly realise that yet, as you keep coming back to him.  It's some sort of PTSD-induced obsession or something.

    You'd be best to move on from Trump George.  He's not the problem any more and you can't blame everything on him.  And he wasn't totally wrong on everything.
    Your accusations of CCP is the norm of politics. The truth of the fact is if you interchange CCP with US government most accusations are still valid. lol
    Maybe, though the US hasn't had anything nearly as traumatic as the Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Tianeman Square, or the Uyghur incarcerations in living memory.  And in any case "they do it too" is a playground defence.

    I'm not here to defend the USA, it isn't my country.
  • Reply 140 of 143
    waveparticlewaveparticle Posts: 1,497member
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    crowley said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    tmay said:
    crowley said:
    The possibility of this virus having an origin outside of China is an infinitely small number, and the epidemiological data does not support any origin outside of China. The fact that China spent such a high level of effort in Wuhan and the Huawei province to mitigate the spread of the virus, while the rest of the world was basically unaware of it, is telling.

    It absolutely did not originate in the U.S.

    Really?  You sure about that?
    Then how did it show up here at the same time that it showed up in China?

    The fact that China identified it and alerted the world to it while it took us a year to identify those earliest cases (using stored blood samples from research studies) doesn't change anything.  As in so many things, they were just better at it than us.

    No, that doesn't mean that it originated here just as it doesn't mean it originated in China.  it could have originated anywhere and traveled to both places - it is a very global world.   The fact that China was the only one to identify it and alert the world does not, in itself, mean that it originated there.

    The U.S. may be right that we need a Phase 2 to better identify where it came from -- but perhaps that phase 2 study should start in the U.S.

    31 Dec 2019

    Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, China, reported a cluster of cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei Province. A novel coronavirus was eventually identified.

    1 January 2020

    WHO had set up the IMST (Incident Management Support Team) across the three levels of the organization: headquarters, regional headquarters and country level, putting the organization on an emergency footing for dealing with the outbreak.

    4  January 2020

    WHO reported on social media that there was a cluster of pneumonia cases – with no deaths – in Wuhan, Hubei province. 

    5 January 2020

    WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. This is a flagship technical publication to the scientific and public health community as well as global media. It contained a risk assessment and advice, and reported on what China had told the organization about the status of patients and the public health response on the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan.

    10 January 2020

    WHO issued a comprehensive package of technical guidance online with advice to all countries on how to detect, test and manage potential cases, based on what was known about the virus at the time. This guidance was shared with WHO's regional emergency directors to share with WHO representatives in countries. 

    Based on experience with SARS and MERS and known modes of transmission of respiratory viruses, infection and prevention control guidance were published to protect health workers recommending droplet and contact precautions when caring for patients, and airborne precautions for aerosol generating procedures conducted by health workers. 

    12 January 2020

    China publicly shared the genetic sequence of COVID-19. 

    13 January 2020

    Officials confirm a case of COVID-19 in Thailand, the first recorded case outside of China.  

    14 January 2020

    WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been limited human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases), mainly through family members, and that there was a risk of a possible wider outbreak. The lead also said that human-to-human transmission would not be surprising given our experience with SARS, MERS and other respiratory pathogens. 

    First case in U.S., as originally reported by the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan 31, 2020

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider."
    He traveled to the U.S. from Wuhan on Jan 15. 
    What exactly are you unable to understand about timelines?

    What do not understand?  The part of that timeline you leave out.

    You seem unable to read the link;

    "On January 19, 2020, a 35-year-old man presented to an urgent care clinic in Snohomish County, Washington, with a 4-day history of cough and subjective fever. On checking into the clinic, the patient put on a mask in the waiting room. After waiting approximately 20 minutes, he was taken into an examination room and underwent evaluation by a provider. He disclosed that he had returned to Washington State on January 15 after traveling to visit family in Wuhan, China. The patient stated that he had seen a health alert from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the novel coronavirus outbreak in China and, because of his symptoms and recent travel, decided to see a health care provider.

    Apart from a history of hypertriglyceridemia, the patient was an otherwise healthy nonsmoker. The physical examination revealed a body temperature of 37.2°C, blood pressure of 134/87 mm Hg, pulse of 110 beats per minute, respiratory rate of 16 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation of 96% while the patient was breathing ambient air. Lung auscultation revealed rhonchi, and chest radiography was performed, which was reported as showing no abnormalities (Figure 1). A rapid nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for influenza A and B was negative. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained and sent for detection of viral respiratory pathogens by NAAT; this was reported back within 48 hours as negative for all pathogens tested, including influenza A and B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause illness in humans (HKU1, NL63, 229E, and OC43).

    Given the patient’s travel history, the local and state health departments were immediately notified. Together with the urgent care clinician, the Washington Department of Health notified the CDC Emergency Operations Center. Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons during his travel to China, CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC “persons under investigation” case definitions.8 Specimens were collected in accordance with CDC guidance and included serum and nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab specimens. After specimen collection, the patient was discharged to home isolation with active monitoring by the local health department.

    On January 20, 2020, the CDC confirmed that the patient’s nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs tested positive for 2019-nCoV by real-time reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (rRT-PCR) assay. In coordination with CDC subject-matter experts, state and local health officials, emergency medical services, and hospital leadership and staff, the patient was admitted to an airborne-isolation unit at Providence Regional Medical Center for clinical observation, with health care workers following CDC recommendations for contact, droplet, and airborne precautions with eye protection.9

    It didn't take a year to diagnose that first patient, it took a single day. 

    How you are unable to comprehend that is beyond me. 

    Let me explain it to you again:   the part you left out is that the first cases in the U.S. have now been identified back into December 2019 -- the same time they arose in China.   And, it is likely there were other cases in other countries at the same time.   There's no good way to know where this virus arose -- or even when.

    Sorry if that disrupts your "China is the root of all evil" story.
    The HIV virus outbreak happened in SF in the 80s. But its source is traced tback o Africa. 
    There wasn't an immune-deficiency disease research lab in San Francisco in the 80s that I know of.
    The HIV outbreak shows that the place that happens does not necessarily be the origin. 
    Of course not. But if there’s lava in the street then the obvious assumption will be that it’s from the nearby volcano, and evidence is required to prove otherwise.
    Of course. The truth has to be verified scientifically not politically. The world is very patient waiting for the scientists to find the origin of HIV. Nobody else is entitled to jump to conclusion before science. 
    The world has also been more than patient in waiting for China to comply with health investigations.  The fact (see George!) that they haven't is inviting people to jump to conclusions.
    The world has to wait until the pandemic is over. China is still focusing its efforts in fighting covid-19. The impatient people has other motives. China knows. Shi, the central figure in WIV just gave an interview with New York Times. Have you seen it? 
    Yes.  But she's hardly a reliable source, she has an interest in the lab leak theory being discredited.  And since China is blocking any independent investigation of the lab, it's just a single, compromised opinion. 

    It took a WHO investigation to expose last time (oh yeah, this isn't the first time) a Chinese labs leaked a highly contagious virus (oh my gosh George, another link!)
    She is a scientist. For the whole history of science, there is no scientist that make false scientific claims without being caught.
    That seems very unlikely.
    Tom Cotton and Pompeio has claimed virus is from the lab a year ago. Also nation security advisor and defense department. Have they ever relayed any convincing evidence? So the world does not need to investigate further? They don't. So these are just speculation and accusation. Why the world allow speculation and accusation to spread? 
    Absolutely no one, zero people, have said that there is no need to investigate further.  Oh, apart from GeorgeBMac the PRC's fan club president, who doesn't think there is any point, we should just believe China.
    What I said is Tom Cotton and Pompeio already said they have ample 'evidence'. Why don't we first start the investigation from these two people. They HAD ample evidence. 
    Obviously I put the same or less stock in the opinions of Trump sycophants than I do in the PRC's propaganda machine.  Neither of them are significant.
    Thank God! They are no longer in office. Although they still have supporters as long as they have no political power they cannot do any more harm to American people. 
    Don't bet on that.
    They are playing the long game.   None of them went away.

    Can they do more harm?   Yeh, gullible fish like Crowley are doing their work for them -- propagating their lies.
    Grow up again.  I have never said the case is settled, all I have ever said is that there is a likely hypothesis, and that needs to be fully investigated in an apolitical and independent way.  I'd rather the investigation was done by European or otherwise neutral scientists, to avoid this USA-China bickering.

    LOL... Quite the opposite:   You have been a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda. 

    The only part not clear is whether you have been an unwitting fool or an intentional soldier in his web of lies.
    I cite my sources. I tel you where I get my information.  I’m very clear about what I believe and what I consider facts, and who I believe and who I consider with scepticism.  I don’t dabble in inclarity.

    Tell me a single information source you use George. Educate me.
    Spin is still spin.  Lies are still lies and propaganda is still propaganda - no matter how you rationalize it.

    You are a megaphone for Trumpian lies and propaganda -- except even Trump has mostly moved from the bullshit you spout.
    Still no source.  Not credible.
    Said the guy spouting Trumpian lies, bullshit and propaganda.
    Ranting and attacking opponents with no research or understanding seems to be far more Trumpian to me.  If you're not going to explain the thought behind your theories or indicate where your information is coming from then you simply aren't a credible person on the subject.  Or any subject.

    Have you read the Nine Commentaries?  Do you know the history of the CCP?  If you do, then you'd know that coverup is in their nature.  Propaganda and diversion is in. their nature.  And it has been since well before 2016.  Sure, you can accuse Donald Trump of that too, but Donald Trump is not in power any more, and was in power for a fraction of the time that the CCP have been.  I don't think you truly realise that yet, as you keep coming back to him.  It's some sort of PTSD-induced obsession or something.

    You'd be best to move on from Trump George.  He's not the problem any more and you can't blame everything on him.  And he wasn't totally wrong on everything.
    Your accusations of CCP is the norm of politics. The truth of the fact is if you interchange CCP with US government most accusations are still valid. lol
    Maybe, though the US hasn't had anything nearly as traumatic as the Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, Tianeman Square, or the Uyghur incarcerations in living memory.  And in any case "they do it too" is a playground defence.

    I'm not here to defend the USA, it isn't my country.
    US has really used slaves. Uyghur incarceration is only rhetoric. 
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