Apple Vision Pro $3,499 mixed-reality headset launches at WWDC after years of rumors



  • Reply 181 of 245
    9secondkox29secondkox2 Posts: 2,893member
    mac_dog said:
    This is some Star Trek shit right here and y’all complaining bcoz “it doesn’t look like apple,” “it’s too clunky,” “it’s too expensive.” Cry me a fucking river. This is awesome! Will I spend that much money on it, likely no. But I’m sure as hell gonna try it out at the store. The implications are astounding as far as I’m concerned. 
    Great. You’re in a niche group. Go buy and enjoy. It’s pretty neat I guess. Just don’t expect it to be the next iPhone. 
  • Reply 182 of 245
    XedXed Posts: 2,691member
    mac_dog said:
    This is some Star Trek shit right here and y’all complaining bcoz “it doesn’t look like apple,” “it’s too clunky,” “it’s too expensive.” Cry me a fucking river. This is awesome! Will I spend that much money on it, likely no. But I’m sure as hell gonna try it out at the store. The implications are astounding as far as I’m concerned. 
    Great. You’re in a niche group. Go buy and enjoy. It’s pretty neat I guess. Just don’t expect it to be the next iPhone. 
    Well if it's not the next iPhone then it's a PoS. Nice argumentative fallacy there. Heard the same thing about the iPad and yet that is the primary device of most people that I know. Personally, I'm all about the Mac because I want a larger display, a keyboard, and trackpad but at least I understand why people who prefer the iPad prefer the iPad.
  • Reply 183 of 245
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    mac_dog said:
    This is some Star Trek shit right here and y’all complaining bcoz “it doesn’t look like apple,” “it’s too clunky,” “it’s too expensive.” Cry me a fucking river. This is awesome! Will I spend that much money on it, likely no. But I’m sure as hell gonna try it out at the store. The implications are astounding as far as I’m concerned. 
    Great. You’re in a niche group. Go buy and enjoy. It’s pretty neat I guess. Just don’t expect it to be the next iPhone
    it's the next 60' computer / video display.

    (yes, sixty feet)

    sony, samsung, LG et al should be very worried

    show me a retail flatscreen with this display quality and versatility at this price point.

    sony once sold a 98" 8k display for $84,000.

    the Apple Vision Pro offers a much better experience for a fraction of the cost.

    I don't want one, but this will completely change video consumption, the same way the iPod changed music / audio consumption
    edited June 2023 RudeBoyRudydanoxradarthekatwatto_cobra
  • Reply 184 of 245
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    larryjw said:
    The IBM PC cost $1600 in 1981 in todays dollars that is equivalent to $5300.

    Is Vision Pro at $3500 too much?
    a fully tricked out Mac 128k with imagewriter printer, apple modem and external floppy drive was approx $3,900 in 1984

    oh, and the box of ten 3.5" disks was $49
  • Reply 185 of 245
    AI_liasAI_lias Posts: 435member
    Let’s see: at a time when screen addiction is really taking a toll on people (just ask kids about their parents, and vice versa), Apple comes out with even more isolating devices like goggles, that produce even more fake realities. Take the effing thing off and get some fresh air and sun. They should have called it Incel Pro. 
  • Reply 186 of 245
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    The styling of it partially reminds me of a Nike shoe.
    after a sweaty nerd wears it for six months, it's also going to smell like one
  • Reply 187 of 245
    I don't think Apple stated what the field of view on this is?
    From the demo it seems you will be surrounded from left to right with far peripheral vision, as well as top to bottom. 
    Something like the image below, so in other words total immersion. If this is the case, then Apple have a serious breakthrough here.

    Field of view comparisons The field of vision of a human white   Download Scientific Diagram

    It is expensive, but I will get one when available in Australia. Based on US to AU FX conversion, it'll be about $5.5K to 6K here. 
    Some are saying in the current state these are for developers and "early adopters" paving the way for less costly units in the future. That hasn't been the Apple MO though.
    The presenter said something at the end of the presentation - the gist of what he said was that if you were to get a huge 4K tv, 5.1/7.1 speaker setup etc it wouldn't even come close to what the Vision Pro offers, He may be right. However, where this falls apart is that the average family size is 4. So for a family of 4 to interact with each other, you're talking a huge investment. 
  • Reply 188 of 245
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    danox said:

    ... Of course now that Apple is about to show the world how it should be done, Google will resurrect their failed project.

    as someone who has navigated many complex google UIs over the years (adwords back-end, account admin pages, API interface config, etc), my opinion is that apple has nothing to fear from google in terms of UX design

    if i didn't know better, I would deduce that google pays their UX team according to the number of UI features they modify / degrade, regardless of whether or not those changes yield actual improvements to UX (which is almost never)
  • Reply 189 of 245
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    JP234 said:

    Great point. I'd add that those cameras that can "invisibly" scan your face, if exploited, would be able to invisibly send messages directly to your retinas, and hence to your optic nerves, and your middle cranial fossa for processing, with you being completely unaware of the manipulation.

    ^^^ this
     ^^^ is why I will never own this product, as amazing as it is

    wait until this functionality is wireless and shrunk down to a pair of raybans - three years tops

    as I commented elsewhere, if smartphones made people stupider, then this is a facehugging lobotomy

    edited June 2023
  • Reply 190 of 245
    JFC_PAJFC_PA Posts: 937member
    Okay, the actual device sounds interesting. This might be fun after all. 

    Let’s see what app developers do with it. 

  • Reply 191 of 245
    xixoxixo Posts: 449member
    AppleZulu said:
    ...  just figure what three to five years of refinement did to the Apple Watch ...

    i was never impressed and remain unimpressed by the purpose of the Apple Watch

    this is much more interesting
  • Reply 192 of 245
    JFC_PAJFC_PA Posts: 937member
    The price? Lisa was $10k. That’s $22+k in todays dollars. “Regular people” got the follow on Macs. 
  • Reply 193 of 245
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,212member
    Meta has some catching up to do, including building a few hundred stores for fittings and demos. :p
  • Reply 194 of 245
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,212member
    tuckjo77 said:
    I wear glasses and have my whole life. Will the device word for me???
    Apple indicated people who wear glasses will be accommodated by custom Zeiss lens that attach magnetically inside the VP. You will not be able to wear glasses with the VP. An alternative will probably be to wear contact lenses, if they suit you.
    edited June 2023 watto_cobra
  • Reply 195 of 245
    RudeBoyRudyRudeBoyRudy Posts: 106member

    yeeesh. how many times can you angrily post on one thread. this new gadget really did a job on you. thankfully, iOS17 will feature a mental health app LOL
  • Reply 196 of 245
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    Looks horrible. Total bill gates need level. Non even resembles apple design. Wastes battery with the outside screen. 

    And you wear the thing from your head to your waist? Serious? 

    Looks like it was meant to be glasses but apple wanted to rush it out before the glasses could be feasible. 

    Looks like a solution looking for a problem. 

    Actually could be a problem. Amazing that this product is announced right after Sumbul Dasani addresses the problems of having a screen too close to your eyes - and this thing puts the screen less than an inch away. 

    Not compelling. But a fun toy. 

    At least they got a Jony Ive soundalike to talk about the “design.” LOL

    Iger talking up these amazing new experiences that are just vague ideas, but ending with the reality: “oh. Um. Disney plus.” Pretty sad. So far, not really different use cases than other devices.
    It figures that someone who would take some of the best features and try to turn them into something bad.
  • Reply 197 of 245
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,873moderator
    twolf2919 said:
    rob53 said:
    Could be a great replacement for a large screen TV. No glare. Great for small apartments. 

    Seeing the 3D scanning of your face makes me wonder when 3D scanning apps using the front cameras/LiDAR will come out allowing scanning of “things” imported into 3D CAD systems. High quality handheld scanners are expensive. 
    Uh, would be interesting to see how you share that 'large screen tv' with others :-)
    They just stand behind you and look over your shoulder.  😜
  • Reply 198 of 245
    Alex_VAlex_V Posts: 225member
    Japhey said:
    No surprise all the haters rushed to be the first to comment. 
    And all before the announcement was even over, lol. 
    They exhibit the exact behaviour of paid trolls — rapid response comments to shape the conversation and manipulate the algorithms on social media. But, the similarity must be just a coincidence. After all, companies like Google and Samsung would surely not employ people to post negative comments about their great rival, would they?
  • Reply 199 of 245
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,081member
    chutzpah said:
    9secondkox2 said:

    Then I saw they’re using Unity as their 3D base. So it will only be Apple Arcade games.
    Huh?  Lots of different games use Unity, not just Apple Arcade.  Disco Elysium is a Unity game.  Not really sure if that'd be good in VR as is, but it's one hell of an immersive game.
    Duh. And they all look like old, cheap mobile games. 

    Compare unity graphics to unreal 5. No contest. 

    That was the point by the way. Not the fact that some games are made with unity. 
    Sweeney Todd can’t have good things when you act like a lunatic, I am sure that Unreal 5 would’ve had the spotlight on that stage and would have been used by Apple, if Sweeney hadn’t gone off the deep end. Think short term F with Apple and get dropped. Goodbye, Unreal 5.
  • Reply 200 of 245
    danoxdanox Posts: 3,081member
    Bootcamp said:
    Guys… this can replace your iMac, your laptop, and your iPad. 

    Have you not watched any science-fiction movies? This is what futuristic computing looks like. This is a fundamental breakthrough in computing. 

    I am considering buying an Apple laptop. But I am very interested to see how this can be used for spreadsheets, written documents, business and personal website, surfing, website development (maybe?), and not to mention mind blowing entertainment.

    Let me warn you: you don’t want to be that guy that disses this Apple product, only to see in a few years how it’s obviously changing the entire computing landscape.

    Everyone has been waiting for a major breakthrough in computing. Well, I can tell you, it’s not gonna come from Microsoft, Google, or Dell, North, some extremely well funded start up… But it has come from the company that successfully commercialized the PC, online music purchases, the smart mobile phone in a big way, and smart watches. 

    It’s only a matter of time before you’re going to eat your words. 

    Haters back off. Open your mind to a possibly profound computing breakthrough. In five years, this is what most are going to be using for their primary computing device. 
    Bruh. Honest criticism isn’t hate. It’s reality. 

    And pie in the sky ideas of what’s “possible” have been going on forever. Meta did the same thing snd folks are still waiting for actual results. Even bringing Disney up to “imagineer” what’s possible was the same old “look! Mickey is in your living room!” Pokémon go anyone? Then Disney’s closer of “Disney Plus, yo!” Was exactly why it’s just not a big deal. Seeing my kitchen table in the background instead of my computer desktop while working on Microsoft office is hardly compelling. 

    So far, what apple has shown isn’t even Mac level. It’s just like a nice yo have extra toy. None of it is essential, necessary, or transformative. There’s literally nothing you can accomplish here that you can’t on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone. 

    So far, it’s a $3500.00 Netflix machine that plays iPhone games - uncomfortably while wearing a helmet, a long wire, and a battery pack on your body. 

    No. Thank. You. 
    Not Mac level? Yet it has an M2 SOC built-in, with a brand new R1 SOC’s next to it, the new Apple headset is at it’s core a Mac, and that is one of the main reasons why Apple can leverage all the existing software on the Mac, iPad and iPhone, into one big happy Mac variant family.
    edited June 2023 radarthekattmaywaveparticlewatto_cobra
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