DVD2ONE comes on the Mac!



  • Reply 41 of 89
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member
  • Reply 42 of 89
    a@rona@ron Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by JLL

    It's here now:


    yup, I put my creditcard where my mouth is and just bought the license for $54.82. Well worth it in my approximation


    P.S. After inital testing it completed its processing in 22 minutes on a new FW800 Dual 1.25. The origional movie source was 7.81 GB and appears to have been "downsampled" quite perfectly. Much better then the 90 minutes I was getting in VPC. In addition, it does appear to use both processors and had them pegged at 100%
  • Reply 43 of 89
    pontonponton Posts: 43member
    Pardon my ignorance. It says in the Read Me file that you need to get a decrypting program first to use this. Any suggestions?
  • Reply 44 of 89
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Ponton

    Pardon my ignorance. It says in the Read Me file that you need to get a decrypting program first to use this. Any suggestions?

  • Reply 45 of 89
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    i'm checking out the trial now, i will then be purchasing it later tonight probably if i like what i see

    its a beautiful thing so far...*sniff* *sniff*
  • Reply 46 of 89
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    Am I the only one who thinks this is terrible. Really there is no legitimate use for this programme. This programme is just for copying DVDs rented from Blockbusters or borrowed from friends and relatives.

    Why are so many people here prepared to pay $50 for this, don't any of you think that the film makers deserve to profit from their work. How many of you are creative professionals and photographers who try to protect your IP?
  • Reply 47 of 89
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Addison

    Am I the only one who thinks this is terrible. Really there is no legitimate use for this programme. This programme is just for copying DVDs rented from Blockbusters or borrowed from friends and relatives.

    Why are so many people here prepared to pay $50 for this, don't any of you think that the film makers deserve to profit from their work. How many of you are creative professionals and photographers who try to protect your IP?

    Movie Theaters = $$$

    Rent = $$$

    Buy = $$$

    if i want to show a friend a movie or i rent a movie and i can't show that person at that time your right i'll make a copy and save it for later...thats called time shifting isn't it?
  • Reply 48 of 89
    a@rona@ron Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by Addison

    Am I the only one who thinks this is terrible. Really there is no legitimate use for this programme.

    How about backing-up expensive DVDs that you own so the kids and their sticky fingers only ruin a backup and not the origional? Does that count?

  • Reply 49 of 89
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Plus they deserve it. Ever noticed how DVDs are more expensive than tapes? Artificially. DVDs cost less to make. Am I supposed to feel sorry for rich companies? I feel like I am doing some good when I copy DVDs. The easier this becomes it may hit mainstream. Maybe just maybe this will beat a lesson into Hollywood and the next movie format won't have ridiculous crap like Regions and won't be overpriced.
  • Reply 50 of 89
    Over $50!! The mac version is $10 more than the Windows version! No freakin' way will I support a developer that pulls this bullsh!t on the Mac community.

    I suggest EVERYONE here try out Transcoder. It does the same thing as this overpriced POS, and it's donationware. I gave the guy $10 'cause I liked it so much, and I'm totally BROKE.


    So far it's worked with every DVD I've tried. Give it a shot and if you dig it then send a few bucks to the selfless hacker who coded it....but whatever you do, PLEASE don't support a software maker that charges extra to Mac users. It's wrong and should not be rewarded.
  • Reply 51 of 89
    cyclecycle Posts: 187member
    pm me... when u think dvd2one is too expensive
  • Reply 52 of 89
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Over $50!! The mac version is $10 more than the Windows version! No freakin' way will I support a developer that pulls this bullsh!t on the Mac community.

    I suggest EVERYONE here try out Transcoder. It does the same thing as this overpriced POS, and it's donationware. I gave the guy $10 'cause I liked it so much, and I'm totally BROKE.


    So far it's worked with every DVD I've tried. Give it a shot and if you dig it then send a few bucks to the selfless hacker who coded it....but whatever you do, PLEASE don't support a software maker that charges extra to Mac users. It's wrong and should not be rewarded.

    Junkyard Dawg, where were you when we had my thread going about DVD backing up?!

    I'll check this out and see how fast it is compared to DVD2One

    I dont mind the $10 more because they bought a G4 specifically because they had requests to port it over to mac, and did it rather quickly it seems. I think they are just covering their bases so that they can be sure they make enough to at least equal their expenses
  • Reply 53 of 89
    a@rona@ron Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by cycle

    pm me... when u think dvd2one is too expensive

    I've always seen stealing from a small developer like a kick in the livelyhood. I would encourage any of you looking to pirate this to buy it specifically because it took some work to port, they had to buy a G4 to do it, and only did it because of requests. You start stealing from small devs like this guy or the author of SpeedDownload and eventually small developers will not even bother. Its bad enough these developers have Apple to worry about they don't need all of you as software pirates (Im talking specifically about the Watson people).

  • Reply 54 of 89
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I'll check this out and see how fast it is compared to DVD2One

    According to the web site it's around 12 times slower than DTOX.
  • Reply 55 of 89
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by JLL

    According to the web site it's around 12 times slower than DTOX.

    heh, 12x slower...then DTOX?! that is worth $50
  • Reply 56 of 89
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Indeed it is. $30 might be more reasonable, but that they actually bought a G4 for this express purpose is impressive.
  • Reply 57 of 89
    What I want to know is can the program intelligently distinguish and copy only the widescreen track and not the full screen track on those discs that have both?

    I think in most cases these are on dual layer discs and each version probably requires one layer. If the program can extract and copy only one version then I would think it shouldn't require much if any compression to fit on a DVD-R.
  • Reply 58 of 89
    a@rona@ron Posts: 201member

    Originally posted by Nordstrodamus

    What I want to know is can the program intelligently distinguish and copy only the widescreen track and not the full screen track on those discs that have both?

    I think in most cases these are on dual layer discs and each version probably requires one layer. If the program can extract and copy only one version then I would think it shouldn't require much if any compression to fit on a DVD-R.

    You can use movie only mode... There will be two sets of chapters both the same lenght. One is widescreen and one is fullscreen. Through trial and error you can get the one you want (youve got a 50% shot) and if you guessed wrong hey it only took 30 mins and not 6 hours so its not a huge deal.

  • Reply 59 of 89
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    ok here is what i'm doing...

    I am using the full version now i got with a pirated serial, i am doing testing (mostly of speed and quality) to see every aspect.

    I tell u this will full honesty, I will be buying this program within the week. Let me repeat so I don't get flamed for saying I'm using a pirated copy...I WILL BE BUYING THIS PROGRAM within a week.

    So far I would suggest this to anyone I know who has been looking for a solution, I will be testing a movie on a 52" widescreen later this evening and tell u how it looks

    Again, i would give this software a buy for anyone who wants to do this...i pirate stuff often, but this is a software I'd like to buy to support its development since is not overpriced (well perhaps it is a little) and it seems to be a nice friendly group of programmers. I want support of this to continue, so I will buy it
  • Reply 60 of 89
    pontonponton Posts: 43member

    What app did you use for decryption?
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