Doom 3 screenshot



  • Reply 81 of 85
    wyvernwyvern Posts: 8member
    Yup, that's me.
  • Reply 82 of 85
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    first off, i won't hold my breath that half-life 2 comes over. remember when those bastards left the mac at the altar with the original?

    that being said, i just recently got a chance to play it all the way through. i don't play many games -- just don't get the opportunity or time these days.

    i will say that half-life was very, very cool and good... until about halfway through. then the story started to get abandoned, you started noticing that you weren't seeing any new enemy characters, and then when you get to xen, it's like "plot? we had a plot???" the ending helped make up for a lot, and there about a million levels, so when i say "it was cool until halfway through," that still means it was cool for half-a-million levels. and i don't know who could have beaten all of the final baddies in the game without cheats. the game got exponentially difficult in the last ten levels or so.

    but i have heard that if i haven't played multi-player in half-life, then i've only played half the game (pun intended). i suppose that's true...
  • Reply 83 of 85
    dstranathandstranathan Posts: 1,717member
    No, really: Here's a NEW screenie:


    God, I want this game NOW!
  • Reply 84 of 85
    jeffx342jeffx342 Posts: 47member
    I am getting nervouse now this game better FRIGGIN run on the 17inch Pb very well using bump-mapping. Why did Apple put a

    S-h-i-t-y Card in the 17inch????
  • Reply 85 of 85
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member

    Originally posted by dstranathan

    No, really: Here's a NEW screenie:


    God, I want this game NOW!

    What a handsome zombie.
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