AI gets in on the action



  • Reply 321 of 375
    how about a horizontal flywheel spinning at the base of a monitor stand- the gyroscopic effect would stop it tipping over.

    Of course you could never turn off the monitor.

    What the heck why not a couple of hard drives instead of the flywheel

    Or make the base fom depleted uranium- that should be heavy enough.

    Call it the activeX

    ...or two repelling magnetic fields so the monitor floats
  • Reply 322 of 375
    tsukuritetsukurite Posts: 192member

    Originally posted by Aussie John

    how about a horizontal flywheel spinning at the base of a monitor stand- the gyroscopic effect would stop it tipping over.

    Of course you could never turn off the monitor.

    What the heck why not a couple of hard drives instead of the flywheel

    Or make the base fom depleted uranium- that should be heavy enough.

    Call it the activeX

    ?or two repelling magnetic fields so the monitor floats

    Oh, God! I had to pick myself off the floor after reading that! ROTFLMFAO!
  • Reply 323 of 375
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by gar

    Oh puh-lease, they still use os9. don't you understand? they're denying it because they'll freak out when they'll finally have to upgrade to osX. they are emotionally stuck in the nineties...

    I believe you are incorrect. The appleturns folks definetely use OS X.

    They have a 12 inch powerbook (X only) bought from Jeopardy winnings.
  • Reply 324 of 375
    formerlurkerformerlurker Posts: 2,686member

    Originally posted by KidRed

    I'm sorry, but have you seen a 23"? If you had you'd never put a $2000 monitor on a flimsy little base like that. This thing is 20 something pounds and may balance straight up and down but will surely fall forward or backwards at simple force applied to it. The base is not wide or heavy enough to secure it to the desk.

    I'm sorry, but have you seen a 17" iMac?

    If you had, you'd realize that the iMac screen is very, very light, and that a lot of the weight of the base is not the hard drive and motherboard, but the POWER SUPPLY and the heat sinks and shielding associated with it.... Furthermore, you might realize that the POWER SUPPLY is a major component of the weight of the 23"


    KidRed, you live anywhere near Boca Raton? Looks like you're getting a new Apple Store
  • Reply 325 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by FormerLurker

    I'm sorry, but have you seen a 17" iMac?

    If you had, you'd realize that the iMac screen is very, very light, and that a lot of the weight of the base is not the hard drive and motherboard, but the POWER SUPPLY and the heat sinks and shielding associated with it.... Furthermore, you might realize that the POWER SUPPLY is a major component of the weight of the 23"


    KidRed, you live anywhere near Boca Raton? Looks like you're getting a new Apple Store

    Yea but the imac isn't a widescreen and we're talking another 6", that's a lot. Let's not also forget the base of the iMac in a lot bigger then what's in those mock ups, that's what i was commenting on. I even posted a few pics showing what bases would support the 23" IMO. I know the iMac screen is light, but make it 23" widescreen and take away that massive 20lb base and see what happens.

    I'm in Orlando and we got out store end of last year Florida has a hell of a lot of stores now, 5-6 I think.
  • Reply 326 of 375
    formerlurkerformerlurker Posts: 2,686member
    Agreed, RE the mock-ups. I expect to see a base about the size of the 17" iMac (which IS widescreen BTW), perhaps a little bit heavier.
  • Reply 327 of 375
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by KidRed

    I'm sorry, but have you seen a 23"? If you had you'd never put a $2000 monitor on a flimsy little base like that. This thing is 20 something pounds and may balance straight up and down but will surely fall forward or backwards at simple force applied to it. The base is not wide or heavy enough to secure it to the desk.

    a) no I haven't seen a 23" b) here's an idea: for the 23" model, maybe there can be a LARGER, HEAVIER base c) in any case, RELAX and be nice

    I think I said earlier that it was just an "idea" and not to get hung up on too many details and specifics. I just used a popular widescreen (17"?) for my second drawing, figuring that if a metal pole can hold it, then my idea could.

    It's the IDEA of a jointed/swinging mid-point which, in turn, is attached to a base unit...allowing for side-to-side pivot and back-and-forth tilt.

    But yes, you're right...the 23" display would probably have a slightly different base to properly support it because I'd imagine they're quite huge. But I didn't feel like drawing all three models, so you get what you see.
  • Reply 328 of 375
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    On a related note, I bought a cool lamp from IKEA about four years ago. A jointed, chrome arm thing with a neat light at the end that swivels everwhere.

    Anyway, this lamp could be mounted in two ways: came with a clamping adaptor that you stuck the bottom part of the "arm" into and then clamped to any desk or table.


    It came with this little base that was 6", maybe even 8" inches round (a perfect circle). It had a hold in the middle where you could stick a mating piece of the lamp arm into it and you'd have the lamp on your desk.

    Here's the thing: it was smaller than a 45RPM record BUT it was the heaviest thing I'd EVER seen at that size.

    So maybe there are materials, weight-distribution calculation and physics-based solutions out there that allow for a small, compact base of sufficient weight/mass/spread to hold a larger LCD properly and safely?

    I need to weigh that lamp base sometime. But it's amazing. You think it'll be like picking up an ashtray or a can of soda. It's more like an entire 12-pack or even a CASE of soda! I don't know what material it is or anything (feels metallic (cold and "dings" when you tap it with a key or something), but also feels "chiseled" or scuplted, like a rock or something. Very unusual.

    Kinda like those small barbells that are the size of a jellyroll and weight 30lbs.

  • Reply 329 of 375

    Originally posted by pscates

    On a related note, I bought a cool lamp from IKEA about four years ago. A jointed, chrome arm thing with a neat light at the end that swivels everwhere.

    Anyway, this lamp could be mounted in two ways: came with a clamping adaptor that you stuck the bottom part of the "arm" into and then clamped to any desk or table.

    I think I have that same lamp. It's grey/silver right? I love it.
  • Reply 330 of 375
    @homenow@homenow Posts: 998member

    Originally posted by pscates

    On a related note, I bought a cool lamp from IKEA about four years ago. A jointed, chrome arm thing with a neat light at the end that swivels everwhere.

    Anyway, this lamp could be mounted in two ways: came with a clamping adaptor that you stuck the bottom part of the "arm" into and then clamped to any desk or table.


    It came with this little base that was 6", maybe even 8" inches round (a perfect circle). It had a hold in the middle where you could stick a mating piece of the lamp arm into it and you'd have the lamp on your desk.

    Here's the thing: it was smaller than a 45RPM record BUT it was the heaviest thing I'd EVER seen at that size.

    So maybe there are materials, weight-distribution calculation and physics-based solutions out there that allow for a small, compact base of sufficient weight/mass/spread to hold a larger LCD properly and safely?

    I need to weigh that lamp base sometime. But it's amazing. You think it'll be like picking up an ashtray or a can of soda. It's more like an entire 12-pack or even a CASE of soda! I don't know what material it is or anything (feels metallic (cold and "dings" when you tap it with a key or something), but also feels "chiseled" or scuplted, like a rock or something. Very unusual.

    Kinda like those small barbells that are the size of a jellyroll and weight 30lbs.

    Just put a Mercury based liqud cooling unit in the base, that should do it....
  • Reply 331 of 375
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by - J B 7 2 -

    I think I have that same lamp. It's grey/silver right? I love it.

    Yeah, I think that's it. Actually mine is (don't laugh...what do you expect) orange (the housing for the light. But the arm is chrome. But yes, they made them in orange, blue and - for lack of a better word - graphite. They were translucent housings, so it had that iLook to it (this was back during the iFruit era).

    Sounds like we have the same one. They still make them, last I saw.

    Is this it? (I know, I know...iSub should be on the floor. Well, guess what? This pic is almost 16 months old and the iSub IS on the floor these days).

    BTW, that heavy base I'm talking about is's that black circular thing directly behind the left speaker.
  • Reply 332 of 375
    flippyflippy Posts: 8member
    Any theories regarding "G5 is my preeciousss..." being the tagline for the Mac OS X forum, and not Future Hardware?

    Or has this been discussed? Or does it matter? Or...

    My head now hurts
  • Reply 333 of 375
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 334 of 375

    Originally posted by Aussie John

    how about a horizontal flywheel spinning at the base of a monitor stand- the gyroscopic effect would stop it tipping over.

    Of course you could never turn off the monitor.

    Hey's there's bound to be a market for a combo Segway/LCD monitor!

    Apple takes portability to a new dimension! Buh bye handles everywhere: in the year AFTER the year of the laptop, everything will come with wheels....
  • Reply 335 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by pscates

    a) no I haven't seen a 23" b) here's an idea: for the 23" model, maybe there can be a LARGER, HEAVIER base c) in any case, RELAX and be nice

    I think I said earlier that it was just an "idea" and not to get hung up on too many details and specifics. I just used a popular widescreen (17"?) for my second drawing, figuring that if a metal pole can hold it, then my idea could.

    It's the IDEA of a jointed/swinging mid-point which, in turn, is attached to a base unit...allowing for side-to-side pivot and back-and-forth tilt.

    But yes, you're right...the 23" display would probably have a slightly different base to properly support it because I'd imagine they're quite huge. But I didn't feel like drawing all three models, so you get what you see.

    Exactly, I can only comment on what I see, which was a small base that I thought was under sized for the 23" and had a short discussion with formerlurker about it.

    No intention to belittle your artist rendering, simply stating the mechanics wouldn't work for the 23" IMO based on the provided visuals
  • Reply 336 of 375
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Yeah, I think that's it. Actually mine is (don't laugh...what do you expect) orange (the housing for the light. But the arm is chrome. But yes, they made them in orange, blue and - for lack of a better word - graphite. They were translucent housings, so it had that iLook to it (this was back during the iFruit era).

    Sounds like we have the same one. They still make them, last I saw.

    Is this it? (I know, I know...iSub should be on the floor. Well, guess what? This pic is almost 16 months old and the iSub IS on the floor these days).

    BTW, that heavy base I'm talking about is's that black circular thing directly behind the left speaker.

    Why would the iSub be on the floor? I have mine behind my 23" in a corner desk configuration. I don't think I've ever put the isub on the floor, just wouldn't feel right. Is there a sound benefit for this position?
  • Reply 337 of 375
    shaktaishaktai Posts: 157member
    Okay, who remembers this adjustable Apple Studio Display? the original Apple 15" LCD.

    It tilted back and forth and the base had a counter balanced column that adjusted up & down. Very state of the art at the time. It also had a tilt stand or could be hung on the wall. I think that Apple will figure out how to do a proper ergonomic and adjustable LCD.

    Dummest thing I ever did was sell that along with my Dual 533.
  • Reply 338 of 375
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I go away for one day and when I get back the tread is 4 pages longer and you guys are talking about monitors. Hold on while I take an hour to read all the posts between yesterday and today and write back with an intelligent post.

    Oh I suppose all you know that appleturns says that they're hearing some faint sounds about no G5s at WWDC. I have noticed that Appleturns is often right about these little things. Lets hope they are not this time.

    I wonder how long smeagol is going to stay up there in the 5th ring? I guess till the G5s come out...
  • Reply 339 of 375
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    Reading from left to right, Gollum is the first ring.

    One ring to rule them all,

    One ring to find them,

    One ring to bring them all

    and in the darkness bind them.

    It's pretty easy to figure out what the "ring" is. Smeagol was once a creature from a race that is the ancestor of Panthers, but it came upon the possesion of a ring. This ring twisted its kernel and driver code, and Smeagol is driven by the desire to possess the ring.

  • Reply 340 of 375
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by Algol

    Oh I suppose all you know that appleturns says that they're hearing some faint sounds about no G5s at WWDC. I have noticed that Appleturns is often right about these little things. Lets hope they are not this time.

    I posted this in the WWDC thread, but it bears repeating here. Jack from AtAT has posted in the MacRumors forums

    "From That AtAT Guy

    Holy cats, it's like a school of pirahnas on crystal meth in here! But I mean that in a good way.

    Okay, I know other people posted the fuller quote in context, but I'm going to do it again:


    Meanwhile, we're hearing the faintest rumblings that the Power Mac G5 may actually not be ready for a WWDC introduction after all. We're not putting a whole lot of stock in said rumblings just yet, but we mention them anyway for the cautious souls among you who choose to temper your enthusiasm with a hefty dose of skepticism. 'Nuff said.

    Key phrases to note are "faintest rumblings" and "not putting a whole lot of stock in." Who knew that a quick side note expressing certain third-hand parties' skepticism would send scores of distraught Mac fans leaping to their deaths?

    This is getting so out of hand I may have to re-address this issue tomorrow. But the bottom line is that all I said is that some other people don't think the 970 will be ready to introduce, and that I didn't exactly believe them.

    Personally, the way things are looking, I expect Panther to be demoed on a pre-production G5, but I'm thinking they probably won't be available for another month or so. Note that none of this is really based on anything more than what all of you have already seen a dozen times over. (Well, not much more. )

    So relax. When I said "faintest rumblings," I meant "faintest rumblings"; some people do in fact choose not to let their enthusiasm get too out of hand just in case of disappointment, and I thought they might like to hear that some people are casting doubt on a 970 intro. In my own personal opinion, whether the G5 appears or not, people are probably getting their hopes up way higher than is generally healthy. Remember what happened with the summer Expo of 2001 when everyone was expecting LCD iMacs? Man, that was an ugly scene...

    Anyway, hope that clears things up a little. Thanx for your time..."
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