Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 301 of 1072
    tsukuritetsukurite Posts: 192member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    as someone else put it:

    moki what did you know and when did you know it.

    <magic eightball>Ask again later</magic eightball>

  • Reply 302 of 1072
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by moki

    Pre-emptive action on my part. Might as well save Apple Legal some time, they're going to have a busy night...

    I honestly don't see why they bother. Gate/Horse/Lock/Bolted.
  • Reply 303 of 1072

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    as someone else put it:

    moki what did you know and when did you know it.

    ... and I'd like to know if it's superdrives across the board.
  • Reply 304 of 1072
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member

    Originally posted by moki

    They probably have no real legal basis, but that doesn't mean they won't try... and I figured I'd save 'em a phone call (and trust me, phone calls are being made, even at this hour).

    still it is great news moki, and i can't really see why apple would be too awful pissed by this (other than the fact that apple hates mistakes and leaks) would be best if apple just rides out the storm, keeps quiet till monday, hopes a photo isn't leaked between now and then...and then SJ comes out, makes a joke or two (include the ugly photo of the G5 that made the rounds of rumor sites) and then wows us with the finished product..

  • Reply 305 of 1072
    frostymmbfrostymmb Posts: 131member
    Here's a good shot of it. Save this for the recordbooks.
  • Reply 306 of 1072
    isegwayisegway Posts: 133member

    Optical audio has been mentioned by moki, so take it as confirmed.

    Could someone explain the significance of this? What is optical audio line in? what can be done with this? Is this just for audio professionals or afficianados or can everyone use this?
  • Reply 307 of 1072
    mpls244mpls244 Posts: 61member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    How can Apple send a C&D for info that they posted to their own publically accessable website?

    The graphic itself is probably covered by Apple's copyright notice on the website as a whole.

    The info contained in the graphic is a different story. Obviously, in order to be a trade secret, it has to be secret. And in order to sue for violation of a trade secret, a company typically must show that it took all reasonable measures to keep the information confidential.

    Suing for disclosure of trade secrets, after accidentally posting the same information to your own website, well that's not a winning legal strategy.
  • Reply 308 of 1072
    mokimoki Posts: 551member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    as someone else put it:

    moki what did you know and when did you know it.

    "I did not have sexual relations with..." oh wait, wrong interogation...

    "There is no controlling legal authority"
  • Reply 309 of 1072
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Hobbes

    You've got to be kidding. Steve Jobs orders a graphic called "powermac.gif" for the G4 to be replaced with a graphic called" powermac.gif' with the G5 specs at the online Apple Store on Friday midnight.... to build a little extra attention over the weekend? Why would this kind of attention ("Apple inadvertently leaks G5 specs" kind of attenion) before Monday be better than announcing the G5 on Monday, w/o leak?

    C'mon. Think it through. This was a mistake, and certain people at Apple are undoubtedly in a complete panic / spin cycle right now.

    It's really hopeless to try to contain it, though. You can try to hold down pictures for a time, but not ten lines of information.

    OK; i doubt that Apple will ever do that. However i don't think that mistake is necessary bad for them.
  • Reply 310 of 1072
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member

    Originally posted by johnsonwax

    Um, I don't think he can fully answer that question yet...

    if he is under NDA he can NEVER answer that question...

    Edit: oh, the obligatory WOOO-HOOO!!! If they are "Available Today" I may be putting down some plastic at the SoHo store...
  • Reply 311 of 1072
    3.14163.1416 Posts: 120member

    Originally posted by Hobbes

    There's no "trademarked" image that they can claim violates their copyright, or trade secrets, and send a C&D to sites that display it -- it's just type.

    The image itself would by copyrighted by them, so they can legitimately demand its removal, and possibly disallow quoting the exact text. But I don't think they have a valid action against a site that paraphrases the contents; facts aren't copyrightable, and its status as a trade secret is out the window. Regardless, it really doesn't matter what Apple Legal does, the horses are miles from the barn door by now.
  • Reply 312 of 1072
    tsukuritetsukurite Posts: 192member
    So...if the G5 has optical out, to me that implies 5.1 and 7.1 sound. Does that in turn imply that Apple's DVD player is updated as well? Or did it always support surround sound, but never had an appropriate connection to send the sound through?

    Oh, and in case if haven't said it already...

  • Reply 313 of 1072

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    If the hacker were a Mac hater, why would he post high end and believable specs? I don't think a hack job would be this subtle and elegant.

    Because if Apple can't show these machines soon, they're screwed. The screams from AI alone echo across the back 40 for months. Apple will become a bigger laughing-stock than ever, and no-one will ever believe another Apple-related rumor again.

    Hmm, actually - that's not so bad...but I, too, want to believe!
  • Reply 314 of 1072
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    ... and I'd like to know if it's superdrives across the board.

    I doubt it. The leaked pic lists the things which are common to all the models. If the superdrive was across the board, it would have been there.
  • Reply 314 of 1072
    ti fighterti fighter Posts: 863member
  • Reply 316 of 1072
    geekmeetgeekmeet Posts: 107member
    THINK SECRET has gotten in on the act.

    we all know that nick doesnt post just anything on his website.

    yes sir this is real.....this is a dream....this is a every mac users fantasy come true!!!!

    i hope if steve jobs or any of the honchos over at apple are reading this that they not be to upset.

    were not!!!!

    this is the best thing to happen to apple since mac os x!

    you will sell so many powermacs your head will spin.

    this is a time of dancing and celebration!!!

    apple is on top once again!!!!

    long live apple!!!!!!!
  • Reply 317 of 1072

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    ... and I'd like to know if it's superdrives across the board.

    i really hope not! why inflate the prices of the whole line by at least $150?! in fact, it would be a nice change if apple let customers doing BTO opt out of optical drives. or at least give all options (down to a lowly 56x CD-ROM).

    not that it really matters, we'll all be selling our cars/homes/wives to pay for these beasts. seriously, how can you _not_ get the dual 2GHz? I mean, the sweet spot had been in the "faster" spot for a while, but now, it almost doesn't matter what the prices are, the dual 2GHz is going to blow _everything_ else away!
  • Reply 317 of 1072
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member

    Originally posted by audiopollution

    ... and I'd like to know if it's superdrives across the board.

    I doubt it. The leaked pic lists the things which are common to all the models. If the superdrive was across the board, it would have been there.
  • Reply 319 of 1072
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    It is almost believable. But now that I think about it, what if this were a hack? Everyone would be so disappointed. And that hacker..let's hope he doesn't run in to us!

    news that an X-Serve hosted Secure site hosted on Akamai (also security freaks) was hacked would be bigger than the leaked specs, and more damaging to Apple.

    the continuing existence of Hack-Proof Macs still acts to tweak the noses at MicroSoft.

    WIRED has archived stories about the US ARMY running WebStar on OS 8 or 9 PowerMacs (because NT wasn't secure enough). IIRC, the Scandinavian "Hack the Mac, win $10,000 (USD or Kroner, or whatever)" Competition went unclaimed after open access to all comers... no technical break-ins (one social engineering manipulation of a receptionist got close).

    Apple prides itself on default-secure installs that preset most suspicious ports to closed and err on the side of privacy and caution. this is unlike certain Redmond coders, whose default-installs are hideously insecure, leave ports open, and err often, both sacrificing your privacy, and exposing you to vulnerabilities.

    each expect you to track down security patches as they emerge, but some systems are more secure than others

    admitting they were hacked would be worse than stealing Steve's thunder

    but Olympian fury might describe the flash of pink slip lightning in progress to those unfortunate (for them, not us) uploaders, formerly of AppleStoreWeb
  • Reply 320 of 1072
    sliceslice Posts: 10member
    I'm not a lawyer, but I reckon Apple Legal is in action because if they don't attempt to shut down the specs, then their grounds for possible litigation against "WorkerBee 2"

    will be limited.

    Simply stated, if they let this slide, how then could they sue

    the leaker since they didn't seem to care when it happened?

    Just a theory...

    Also, they have to provide the message that this stuff doesn't slide... ever. If you are in the know, then this is another warning that Apple is serious about leaks.
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