Apple leaks G5 specs



  • Reply 241 of 1072
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    Its a marketting strategy: lekit so that the cognesenti will get excited and spread the word before teh big event

    That way no official build-up towards dissapointment or hum ha-s
  • Reply 242 of 1072

    Originally posted by keyboardf12

    if the keyboard is a bluetooth one maybe they dropped it?

    Except the specs only say Bluetooth ready, so I don't think they could have a bluetooth keyboard built in. It looks like it is still an add on option, like Airport cards.
  • Reply 243 of 1072
    lets assume these are the specs that will ship, which i am somewhat suspicious of, but lets assume. WHEN will these ship? I wouldn't be surprised if apple milks the G4 'professional' machines as long as it possibly can, despite the G4 should have been dumped entirely in 2001.

    and why all the dell bashing? i doubt people who use dell computers give a crap about what goes on at apple anyway, so trolling on their sites is pretty pointless.
  • Reply 244 of 1072
    MacMinute is on the story...


    Apple leaks Power Mac G5 specs

    June 19 - 23:58 EDT__The online Apple Store inadvertently posted the specs of the Power Mac G5 late Thursday. The system details came in the form of a .gif image that appeared on the store's Power Mac G4 page. As of this posting, the image is still up. If (when) it gets pulled, you can view our screenshot here.

  • Reply 245 of 1072
    bihbih Posts: 44member
    Dearr Steve: The powermac g4 is too slow

    Steve: Hmm, he's right. Guys, make the next powermac 5 times as fast. Thanks.
  • Reply 246 of 1072
    nemesisnemesis Posts: 138member
    What if..just What was about creul. How good is akamai's security i mean how hard would it be to breech those servers?

    Those are dream specs man. That is so mind bogglingly fast we can't even comprehend.
  • Reply 247 of 1072
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    I wouldn't be surprised if apple milks the G4 'professional' machines as long as it possibly can,

    as many have stated, there are not a lot left in the channel.
  • Reply 248 of 1072
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member

    Originally posted by tsukurite

    I wonder if you could sell t-shirts outside the keynote with the specs printed on them in a really big font for old Steve-o to see. Nothing like a few thousand (?) people sitting in front of you telling you "FACE!"

    Well, it's funny to me anyway...


    actually, i think you will find people who'd buy them, if not already wearing one

    CONFIRMED! <by the cabal of twerps at AppleStoreWebDesign>
  • Reply 249 of 1072
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Wonder how X will perform on these babies...
  • Reply 250 of 1072
    badtzbadtz Posts: 949member
    I haven't read the rest of this thread ....

    a friend of mine sent me an email regarding the leak [i was away @ dinner]

    D*M is all I gotta say [if this is true]!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Reply 251 of 1072

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    All you PowerPC 970 people can eat my shorts! G5 it is!


    shouldn't your post have read "...G5 it's! "???

    "it's" ? contraction of "it is"

    p.s. RE: leaked specs...better than viagra...i just can't explain to my girlfriend why i was so damn frisky tonight!

  • Reply 252 of 1072
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    You know, this kind of screw-up really puts Apple in a corner.

    There's no "trademarked" image that they can claim violates their copyright, or trade secrets, and send a C&D to sites that display it -- it's just type. But it's set type from their own site, from their own server, which is even more convincing (unless you want to entertain far-fetched conspiracy theories about rogue Mac geniuses hacking the Apple Store).

    It's kinda great.

    Perhaps they'll try sending out the C&Ds anyway. Or more likely... enter a complete state of denial until Monday afternoon.
  • Reply 253 of 1072
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Now MacRumors has taken the specs off their site with a note: Removed per the request of Apple. "But we got 'em from your web site."

    I wonder if Apple Legal sent the Apple Store a C & D.
  • Reply 254 of 1072
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I just paid in $1,600.00 on a credit card at the beginning of this month to make some room. I'm paying in another $1,000.00 when I get my next bill. I hope these specs are real cuz I'm going for a Dual 2GHz baby!

    How many of you are waiting for 2nd generation 970's now?

    The one thing that makes me think this whole thing is fake is those specs are like an Apple Insider forum goers wet dream. You know the dream. The one that has not come true in about 4 years.
  • Reply 255 of 1072
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    Oh my holy ****ing god.
  • Reply 256 of 1072
    baumanbauman Posts: 1,248member
    Holly Smokes! AI Front page has the story already, and they are claiming victory. Here it is, and help Kasper pat himself on his back
  • Reply 257 of 1072

    Originally posted by groverat

    I think I need to put off this whole engagement idea. Ring fund is now the Mac fund.

    Sorry, baby, maybe next year!

    Who came up with this "three months salary" crap? Obviously the Fiancee/Jeweler Mafia. I used to think a car made a nice engagement "ring." Now I'm thinking... G-something.
  • Reply 258 of 1072
    lidgarlidgar Posts: 2member
    Now what would really blow me away is if Steve offered up a MDD trade-in program certainly hurts to own one right now, knowing this is coming!
  • Reply 259 of 1072
    opusopus Posts: 15member
    If it is a hack, Apple has to come out tomorrow and say they were hacked. Imagine the scene on Monday if the release specs are lower than the leaked/hacked specs. Apple's stock would tank and Steve would be standing there saying "They are still pretty fast." If it is a hack they have to prepare the stock holders, WWDC attendees, and the groups of people they are expecting to come to the Apple Stores (not to mention the mac-loyal forum groups).

    There are some definite differences in the G4 and supposed G5 specs, the font sizes are different and the G5 specs are bulleted and the same color as the heading, unlike anything else on the site. This could all be a new change in site format or a hack.

    I really hope this is all true. I will be watching Apple's press releases closely tomorrow though. I am looking forward to not having to make excuses for my speed lagging Mac. Time will tell, but if I don't hear anything from Apple tomorrow, my guess it that we will see these specs on Monday.

  • Reply 260 of 1072
    geekmeetgeekmeet Posts: 107member
    this is pretty unbelievable.

    its seems the general consensus is that the posted specs. are not a hack but a internal #uckup from within apple.

    if these specs are true.......HOLY MOTHER OF JESUS!

    1ghz bus speed!

    that is %uckin outta control man!

    optical audio in?

    thank you apple!

    but then apart of my is sayin:"what if this is steve pulling our chain"?

    we all know steve likes to %uck with the rumour sites.

    if this is an apple prank it will go down in history.

    i must say the hype behind the whole WWDC has exceeded any in apple history,and thats saying something.

    i read on another board that IBM had the 970 processors ramped up to something like 4.3 ghz in the lab!

    if apple is bringing 2ghz processors to the table from the getgo that bodes well for IBM'S processor roadmap.

    one thing for certain:the entire macintosh world will change for the better on monday!

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