When will we see a 15" Albook?



  • Reply 261 of 328
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by jwdawso

    Checkout the Apple Store. At least at this moment, ALL Macintoshes shipping is estimated at 30 days! Either the site is haywire, or ...8)

    Slight correction - also Xserves are 30 days. iPods and Displays have normal shipping times...

    Think something must have been haywire. I just checked the powermacs and they are same day
  • Reply 262 of 328
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 394member

    Originally posted by Flounder

    Think something must have been haywire. I just checked the powermacs and they are same day

    Now they are! Darn!
  • Reply 263 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member
    I know it's day-old and addressed elsewhere in AI, but seeing as it's still germaine to this thread...

    Anyone believe MacWhispers?


    (Not to mention AI's front page?)

    -K, panting

  • Reply 264 of 328
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    Anyone believe MacWhispers?



    but, and i know: wishing is for suckers, me is hoping.

    on the other hand: i can wait
  • Reply 265 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    Less than two weeks to go and the excitement level is already sky high. Good thing I'll be on vacation next week. It would be hard to get any work done feeling this much anticipation.
  • Reply 266 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member
    Oh well. The fickle finger of fate had dried up this thread, as newer (and redundant) speculative threads have made their appearance in front of this one. About 12 hours to go! A friend of mine is heading to an Apple Store tomorrow, credit card in hand. My guess: he'll leave with a G5 PM in his trunk. If I'm lucky (and, at present, I don't believe I am) I'll leave with a 15" AlBook in mine.

  • Reply 267 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    When it gets this close to the keynote there is not much more to be said. You just suck it up and wait to see what happens. You say your location is the East Coast. Which Apple Store will you head to? We will try to go to the Palo Alto store if I can get away.

    Just remember, Apple is really, really good at keeping a secret. No one expected the 1GHz PB last November. Almost no one expected the 17 inch PB with backlighting last January.

    This whole keynote secrecy thing and rumors reminds me of Schrodinger's cat. The state of the cat is unknown till someone looks in the box. We can believe that something like the 970 PB exists right up to the keynote when all the various possibilities are resolved in one reality.
  • Reply 268 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    When it gets this close to the keynote there is not much more to be said. You just suck it up and wait to see what happens. You say your location is the East Coast. Which Apple Store will you head to? We will try to go to the Palo Alto store if I can get away.

    ...This whole keynote secrecy thing and rumors reminds me of Schrodinger's cat. The state of the cat is unknown till someone looks in the box. We can believe that something like the 970 PB exists right up to the keynote when all the various possibilities are resolved in one reality.

    He's in Boston; not sure where his is, but I'll be panting somewhere in the viscinity of the SoHo store in Manhattan.

    I like the cat analogy. As of now, all speculated Apple products exist. Should I be disappointed when, at the unmasking, they take the PB away from us?

  • Reply 269 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    Bummer. The PB didn't appear. The one consolation is that it does seem it will appear soon.
  • Reply 270 of 328

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Bummer. The PB didn't appear. The one consolation is that it does seem it will appear soon.

    I have been waiting for a few months now for the updated 15" PB, and after reading all the rumor sites I was pretty sure we would know something at WWDC.

    Since there was not an announcement, does anyone have a realistic idea of when the 15 Al will appear? The G5's aren?t going to show up until August, and I have a hard time imagining the PB would be updated before December...

    If that?s the case I will just buy the current 15". However, I don't want to throw down almost 3K if the updated model is right around the corner.

    Anyone have some advice?
  • Reply 271 of 328
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    There's always the "page 2" rumor over at MacRumors claiming an unverifiable/anonymous source that new PowerBooks will be released on Tuesday June 24th at 9 AM PT (Noon ET).
  • Reply 272 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'm in the same pickle, but after today I feel pretty confident that the G5 isn't going to find its way to the PowerBook at ANY point in 2003. I just don't. Perhaps first quarter of 2004. MAYBE MWSF even? Surely by this time next year.

    But if the aluminum 15" PowerBook comes out here in the next few weeks or couple of months, I'm going to get it, knowing that - realistically - it's going to be a great machine (1-1.2GHz, L3 cache, decent bus and graphics, AirPort Extreme, BlueTooth, probably FireWire 800, etc.) and just enjoy it.

    I know today's events suddenly somehow make the G4 look like yesterday's fish, but for what I do and want, I'd be more than happy. I'd buy it, use it for a long time and maybe in the autumn/early winter of 2004 (year and a half from now or more), consider getting a G5 model...IF they're out and IF they're reasonably priced and IF they don't burn a hole through my pants when I use it.

    In the meantime, bring on the 1GHz+ G4 aluminum PowerBook, Apple, and I'll happily give you $2599 for the effort!
  • Reply 273 of 328
    atomichamatomicham Posts: 185member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I'm in the same pickle, but after today I feel pretty confident that the G5 isn't going to find its way to the PowerBook at ANY point in 2003. I just don't. Perhaps first quarter of 2004. MAYBE MWSF even? Surely by this time next year.

    I agree with you completely. I hope we are wrong, but, after watching the keynote and seeing the G5 machine, the cooling for those chips is serious. I'm not sure that they would be feasible in a powerbook until they drop to 90nm...

    That's just my take.
  • Reply 274 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    There's always the "page 2" rumor over at MacRumors claiming an unverifiable/anonymous source that new PowerBooks will be released on Tuesday June 24th at 9 AM PT (Noon ET).

    I think that would take the thunder away from the whole G5 and Panther thing. ALTHOUGH, I'm not quite sure how you'd classify such an announcement. Technically, it's minor enough that it could be done without a big splash because essentially all that's happening is that the 15" is getting a new skin and the same up-to-date features as the 12" and 17". It's really no big surprise and it's not like we don't know what it's going to look like or have on it.

    But I still see it in a few weeks, probably on a Tuesday (as usual) and it'll occupy a space on the front page.

    If all it's doing is a chassis upgrade and a slight G4 bump, yeah it could be one of those "small" deals/updates. I don't see them making any sort of big splash over it. That would only be if the PowerBook was going to the G5, and that's just not the case IMO.

    Still don't think it'll happen tomorrow, but I bet we'll be able to buy new 15" aluminum G4 PowerBooks by mid-July or so.
  • Reply 275 of 328
    We should remember that Steve Jobs said that this is the year of the laptop. He wouldn't say that, and then not doing anything about it besides releasing the two different updated versions. If anything, he would have said this is the year of the desktop, and then release the desktop G5, which in itself is a huge feat, especially for Apple. So if you think about it, not hinting at the worlds fastest desktop, and then releasing it, means there must be something as big. It would seem to me that Apple would release the new G5, which would sweep the industry, and then to top it off, release the G5 Powerbook, which would solidify Apple even more. Market share would rise, and Apple would hold the reigns once again, completely both mobile and stationary. There is a reason the 15" is held back, and that is because it would be too expensive to update it and then turn around and update it again with the 970 processor, instead, spend the money you already were going to spend on the update, but go directly into the 970 setup, saving time and expenses. The others had to be built from scratch, so putting the money into it was a given, and gave them a base to sell and introduce stronger laptops, while the time gap was closed between the G4 and the new G5. I suspect (and I only have an idea based on watching Apple and just from Apple's general understanding of it's customers needs) that the revised Powerbook line will appear about the time the new desktops are made available, giving the desktops time to soak in, and then complimenting them with a mobile line to nearly match the desktop line. In addtion, iBooks would then be updated to G4's, giving college students and holiday shoppers plenty of reasons to purchase new macs, while ridding Apple of G3's and closing the large (soon) space between the lines.

  • Reply 276 of 328
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'd really enjoy it if you were right.
  • Reply 277 of 328
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    Merry Christmas to me!!!!! (my hopes for a G5 PowerBook come December)
  • Reply 278 of 328
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    I would expect that if Apple can't produce a G5 PowerBook by mid-summer, they'll go ahead and aluminize the 15" with a G4 inside. There are an awful lot of folks waiting to buy a 15" who are afraid to because some kind of update is expected soon.

    I kinda think we'll see a full line of G5 PowerBooks in January, '04 or possibly just before the holidays this year. Apple could surprise us much sooner though. As others have said, it's pretty strange that it has taken so long for the 15" to catch up with the other two aluminum models. There could be a big reason.
  • Reply 279 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    I was being a little casual when I said the 15 inch Al book would come soon. The only fairly solid evidence I've seen is the article in a Taiwan newspaper recently about some company getting the contract to produce a 15.4 inch laptop for Apple and that shipments would begin in the second half of this year. Pretty vague timing.
  • Reply 280 of 328
    666666 Posts: 134member
    All I want is a 15" powerbook, the current one would do me, but I don't see the point in at such a late date then being outdated. I could at least get them cheaper!

    Honestly, as stated above, why would apple delay the new 15 update that they have obviously got waiting as they're depleting stocks of the current Ti books unless they're working on a NEW pb, not just an update...

    A G5 powerbook... Man, i'd cry!!! I don't want a desktop, and that would easily replace a desktop fo' real!
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