When will we see a 15" Albook?



  • Reply 201 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member
    Sorry in advance for not being up on the Panther/970 thing, but it was my understanding that the 970 will support Panther's 64-bit architecture but with work with 32-bit systems like Jaguar. Am I babbling incoherently?


    Originally posted by NETROMac

    Apple could probably, and easily, tweak Jagwyre to run on the 970 powermacs for a couple 'o months. That would give us the power we have longed for "some time" now, and the devs a few months to tweak and patch their software for the new os.

    btw, thanks for the interesting comments back there (although I do agree with Amorph that, whatever you call the 17" AlBook, there's a 3-tired offering and the 15" is the second tier).

  • Reply 202 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    Sorry in advance for not being up on the Panther/970 thing, but it was my understanding that the 970 will support Panther's 64-bit architecture but with work with 32-bit systems like Jaguar. Am I babbling incoherently?

    It will work, but it may take some sort of tweaking. The 970 motherboard will likely have new stuff that requires some "hacks" to the kernal and other areas of the os like drivers. This is not due to the 64bitness of the 970 but because of new features of the machine it self, much like when you see specific versions released "pre-officially" for say the new 17" al-book.
  • Reply 203 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    It will work, but it may take some sort of tweaking. The 970 motherboard will likely have new stuff that requires some "hacks" to the kernal and other areas of the os like drivers. This is not due to the 64bitness of the 970 but because of new features of the machine it self, much like when you see specific versions released "pre-officially" for say the new 17" al-book.


    I just read MacBidouille's benckmark report on the 970 and promtly messed my shorts. If true (if true) I'm one very excited mofo. But I still don't care if the 15" AlBook doesn't have it (which it won't ).

  • Reply 204 of 328
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member
    Apple's new Edu promo, "Buy a bundle. And get a bundle back" earns you a $300 rebate when buying any laptop, iPod and Canon printer. It runs all the way to Sept. 27th. Seems like they don't expect to have new models until then.

    I'm starting to think they're going to hold pat on all Powerbooks until after the back to school shopping season and then go 970 across the board.

    12" 1.2 GHz 970, ATi 9000, light up keyboard

    15" 1.4 GHz 970, ATi 9600, AL case

    17" 1.4 GHz 970, ATi 9600, AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth cards included

    This will give the 970 Power Macs a three month lead from their WWDC announcement and still make it "the year of the laptop."
  • Reply 205 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member
    So it's *confirmed* then. The new PowerBooks are going to be introduced at a special event monday october 29. Better mark our iCals and start saving straight away. Oh, forgot. Already saving up for the new powermacs
  • Reply 206 of 328
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    Sadly, that timeline makes pretty good sense, except that it's hard to accept the same 15" TiBook sitting around for almost a year.

    If the smaller-die (i.e. 90 nm) process 970 is used in these, we could possibly see speeds higher than 1.4, though.
  • Reply 207 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by fred_lj

    Sadly, that timeline makes pretty good sense, except that it's hard to accept the same 15" TiBook sitting around for almost a year.

    You mean almost half-a-year
  • Reply 208 of 328
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    I am assuming the "28 June 2003" is a typo for 28 MAY 2003...but anyway, saving face the PowerPage writes....


    Where is the Aluminum PowerBook 15-Inch?

    Friday, May 30, 2003

    Lando Calrissian

    From the Hardware Dept.

    The 28 June 2003 potential launch date for the new Aluminum PowerBook 15-inch has come and gone without an announcement, so it appears that there is still enough inventory of existing Titanium PB15s to justify the delay. The big question now becomes timing. Will Steve Jobs wait until WWDC (23-26 June) and break his vow of "not announcing products at WWDC?" Tough to say. The PowerPage is betting on a special event between now and then, Friday the 13th anyone?

    Biggest questions are the feature set on the new PB15:


    Aluminum enclosure, Bluetooth, AirPort Extreme with antennas in the LCD bezel and FireWire 800.


    15.4-inch display? (likely), video card? (TBD), Ambient lighting? (not likely), Faster than 1GHz? (not unless they bump the PB17 too - unlikely), PPC970? (not a prayer).

    P.S.: I have never heard of the name "Lando" before....
  • Reply 209 of 328
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    anyone else remove powerpage from their bookmarks? i did, they are getting just to "non believable" to me. that and every article is about a nokia product.and the times you do care to comment on a story there posting scheme always seems to be down.

  • Reply 210 of 328
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    P.S.: I have never heard of the name "Lando" before.... [/B][/QUOTE]

    You my friend, need to get out more!

    Or do I mean get out less?

  • Reply 211 of 328
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    Billy Dee! Billy Dee!
  • Reply 212 of 328
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by fred_lj

    Sadly, that timeline makes pretty good sense, except that it's hard to accept the same 15" TiBook sitting around for almost a year.


    Originally posted by NETROMac

    You mean almost half-a-year

    No, almost a full year. The current 15" was introduced in October of 2002.

    I just keep thinking why haven't they updated it yet? And I think it's because they're going to update all three at once and they can't do that until September becaue of the 970 Power Mac launch in three weeks. The new Edu rebate lends support to this theory.

    Yes, Fred, maybe the .09 part will allow for speeds beyond 1.4, but I'm sure that will have to wait for the rev. B in early 2004.
  • Reply 213 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    It will work, but it may take some sort of tweaking. The 970 motherboard will likely have new stuff that requires some "hacks" to the kernal and other areas of the os like drivers. This is not due to the 64bitness of the 970 but because of new features of the machine it self, much like when you see specific versions released "pre-officially" for say the new 17" al-book.

    Hmm. Forgot about that. The OS needs to be modified not just for the CPU but for all the other items on the motherboard as well. Presumably if those go into 10.2.x they can easily carry over into Panther.
  • Reply 214 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Hmm. Forgot about that. The OS needs to be modified not just for the CPU but for all the other items on the motherboard as well. Presumably if those go into 10.2.x they can easily carry over into Panther.

    Or modifications made to panther can easily be carried over to jaguar if that is needed, and hopefully if will be if the new powermacs are in production right now.
  • Reply 215 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Apple's new Edu promo, "Buy a bundle. And get a bundle back" earns you a $300 rebate when buying any laptop, iPod and Canon printer. It runs all the way to Sept. 27th. Seems like they don't expect to have new models until then.

    I'm starting to think they're going to hold pat on all Powerbooks until after the back to school shopping season and then go 970 across the board.

    12" 1.2 GHz 970, ATi 9000, light up keyboard

    15" 1.4 GHz 970, ATi 9600, AL case

    17" 1.4 GHz 970, ATi 9600, AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth cards included

    This will give the 970 Power Macs a three month lead from their WWDC announcement and still make it "the year of the laptop."

    Unfortunately, this is so. Although this dims hope for a spring/summer 15" AlBoook release date, there still is a chance, man! OK, work with me here.....

    What if, just if, the education promo WOULD carry over the release of the new AlBook, but the special discount would not extend to the general public? They'd look (even more) pro-education but still charge full price for the new toy.

    All right, I didn't say it was a good chance... \

  • Reply 216 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    Unfortunately, this is so. Although this dims hope for a spring/summer 15" AlBoook release date, there still is a chance, man! OK, work with me here.....

    What if, just if, the education promo WOULD carry over the release of the new AlBook, but the special discount would not extend to the general public? They'd look (even more) pro-education but still charge full price for the new toy.

    All right, I didn't say it was a good chance... \


    I just find it hard to imagine Apple will go nearly a year without refreshing the 15 inch PB.

    Also, the EDU promotion is not tied to any particular laptop so I don't see why it couldn't be applied to the new PB as well.
  • Reply 217 of 328
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Also, the EDU promotion is not tied to any particular laptop so I don't see why it couldn't be applied to the new PB as well.

    They wouldn't need to have a promo for new laptops, hence no new models until the promo expires.
  • Reply 218 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    They wouldn't need to have a promo for new laptops, hence no new models until the promo expires.

    you're probably right about this one. Apple is obviously trying to get rid of as many laptops as they can before they introduce the 970 powerbook. After that, I can't imagine anyone with their senses intact will purchase an "old" G4 powerbook witout it getting MAJOR price cuts.
  • Reply 219 of 328
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 220 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by AirSluf

    I don't think this is a clear out the inventory promo, it's too long. This is more like get as many Apple laptops and more importantly iPods into kids hands as possible before the new school year gets fully underway. The rebate actually just adds a $200 rebate (until 27 Sept) on the iPod on top of the current $100 printer rebate (which expires 28 June). It also says you need a student ID or letter of acceptance--that pretty much limits the audience if it was for an inventory blow-out.

    A few good points there AirSluf So with the promo lasting so long, and with so few people actually in the promo target group, could Apple release new hardware and still make people use the promo? Maybe. And it doesn't sound like a very "expensive" promo for Apple either. Their main target right now has to be to get as many computers out there as possible.
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