When will we see a 15" Albook?



  • Reply 221 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    I just find it hard to imagine Apple will go nearly a year without refreshing the 15 inch PB.

    Also, the EDU promotion is not tied to any particular laptop so I don't see why it couldn't be applied to the new PB as well.

    Now THAT's what my desperate eyes wanted to see!


    Originally posted by Enseign Pulver

    They wouldn't need to have a promo for new laptops, hence no new models until the promo expires.

    I appreciate your trying to be realistic about it, and I agree with the sentiment to a limited extent. However, the 12" and especially the 17" with its shipping delays are essentially new laptops. Hard to argue that the promo wouldn't apply to new hardware when it does apply to 2/3 of the PowerBook line (and the upgraded iBook as well - the offer refers to "any laptop").


    Originally posted by AirSluf

    I don't think this is a clear out the inventory promo, it's too long.

    Not only that, but if the promo were only to sell down inventory, why isn't it a 15" TiBook sale? With the new AlBooks, the new iPods, and the newish iBook as qualifying hardware, the promo mostly includes NEW devices. I'm not yet convinced that this deal rules out the new 15" AlBook before September.

  • Reply 222 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    I'm not yet convinced that this deal rules out the new 15" AlBook before September.

    I don't think it rules out anything. I (now) think this promotion was made just to sell more hardware, and is "completely" unrelated to any future product introduction.

  • Reply 223 of 328
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 393member
    http//www.kodawarisan.com/ug now predicts the middle of June for the Al 15" intro. This same site had earlier said the end of May. I'm still hoping for a PPC970! Or at least a 7457!
  • Reply 224 of 328
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member
  • Reply 225 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by chris v

    Price drop!


    Oh, and hi.


    Hi and welcome. Yepp, seems like it. There's a whole thread about it here
  • Reply 226 of 328
    chris vchris v Posts: 460member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    Hi and welcome. Yepp, seems like it. There's a whole thread about it here

    Oops, didn't see that, but I'm wondering, as everyone in this thread must be, does this signal something for future hardware? Since the 12" and 15" Pbooks are pretty much Apple's hottest selling machines right now, they don't have any really compelling reason to lower prices, except maybe to clear the channel for something else?

  • Reply 227 of 328
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member
    Or maybe they are just trying to sell more powerbooks. But historically, price-cuts at the end of a product cycle often means new products coming up, and Apple wanting to clear the channel.
  • Reply 228 of 328
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 229 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I'm confused, where did the $700 in savings come form again?
  • Reply 230 of 328
    airslufairsluf Posts: 1,861member
  • Reply 231 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member
    Very pleased about the "quiet" price drops.

    Just like to give a shout out to the other optimists in here when dour ol' Pulver broke the promo news (to whit, neutrino & Airsluf): Right on!

    jk, Ensign Pulver. I'm sure you're just as mouth-frothy as the rest of us.

    A price-drop-to-new-product lead time of a month or so seems about right, eh?

  • Reply 232 of 328
    ensign pulverensign pulver Posts: 1,193member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    Ensign Pulver. I'm sure you're just as mouth-frothy as the rest of us.

    My secret's out.
  • Reply 233 of 328
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member

    I just got an e-mail from one of 'mac shops' here, and they are saying that new powerbooks will be introduced in July.

    I don't know if these pumpkins know more than we do, but otherwise why saying so?

    Their main line was, if you need a powerbook running os9, get it now!.

    We'll see soon i guess

  • Reply 234 of 328
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by piwozniak


    I just got an e-mail from one of 'mac shops' here, and they are saying that new powerbooks will be introduced in July.

    I don't know if these pumpkins know more than we do, but otherwise why saying so?

    Their main line was, if you need a powerbook running os9, get it now!.

    We'll see soon i guess


    What country? Was it an Apple Store or an independent?
  • Reply 235 of 328
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    Small Dog ( http://www.smalldog.com/category/x/x...g102/wag10002/ ) and a few other sites are showing a 7-10 day wait for the recently price dropped Powerbooks.

    I am guessing the price drop was done soley to get rid of the last of the invetory before next weeks possible new product launch. If we are lucky the lower prices will remain with the new models.
  • Reply 236 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    The Apple Online store says "same day" as the shipping time. I really don't know what apple would put into an updated PowerBook right now. The G4 is to hot at over 1Ghz, the 970 isn't quite ready yet, and the 7457, as far as I know, isn't ready either. I really believe its going to be a few more months before we see an update.
  • Reply 237 of 328
    piwozniakpiwozniak Posts: 815member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    What country? Was it an Apple Store or an independent?

    Toronto, Canada.

    And these guys are good, not pushy sales bastards, so i tend to believe them.

  • Reply 238 of 328
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by Algol

    The Apple Online store says "same day" as the shipping time. I really don't know what apple would put into an updated PowerBook right now. The G4 is to hot at over 1Ghz, the 970 isn't quite ready yet, and the 7457, as far as I know, isn't ready either. I really believe its going to be a few more months before we see an update.

    Musings to this end have occurred previously in this forum (read: scoll back, dude). Possibilities include but are not limited to: better structural integrity of the aluminum (Br: aluminium) case, upgraded VPU, Bluetooth, AirPort Extreme, FireWire 800, use of DDR RAM, and the neato-o bluelit keyboard.

  • Reply 239 of 328
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    Ti is better...

  • Reply 240 of 328
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    There is no way Apple will put a faster CPU in the 15" Powerbook than in the 17" Powerbook. No way in hell. The 17" is the high end, top-of-the-line laptop, therefore it gets the fastest CPU and the most advanced mobo. There is nothing odd about the current 15" Powerbook having a slower mobo than the 17".

    I agree. When the 15" is updated, then the 17" is also updated. Either the 15 gets a totally trivial update, or both it and the 17 get updated. Given the ammount of time since teh last update to the 15", I think that it will get a significant update. I think that the question is what kind of CPU will be in the upgrades. I hold out a blind hope for 970s.


    My bet is that Apple waits until they have faster laptop CPUs and then updates the 12", 15" and 17" simultaneously.

    I don't think that faster laptop CPUs (e.g. 970s) will be in the 12" model.
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