New PowerBooks tomorrow.



  • Reply 161 of 873
    chazmoxchazmox Posts: 39member

    Originally posted by costique

    Could they mean 2 CPUs, that is, 2 x 48W? At least, that's what I thought remembering IBM's estimate of 42W @ 1.8 GHz. Does anybody know for sure?

    Good point and this might be true - the numbers seem to fit. However, I do have my doubts about an pre-release marketing document.

    The EEtimes article said the following, "Such computing power, however, comes with a price in terms of heat dissipation. Each G5 dissipates 97 watts, which generates so much heat that Apple had to design a new enclosure with four independently controlled thermal zones, each with its own fan." There is some room for uncertainty, but since they talk about the enclosure for the G5, I would thing the above sentence references the processor itself and not the unit as a whole.

    It will be interesting to see when someone get's their hands on one and measure the power consumption and heat rise. But for now, my bets are on the 97 watts per processor.
  • Reply 162 of 873
    willywalloowillywalloo Posts: 408member
    although it would be cool to own one, what ever that may be, the towers offer much more power/expandibility, and that's where my heart is.

    granted, I could see in the future, as electronic parts become smaller, that portables could catch up with desktops in speed/exp. but that may be a while.

  • Reply 163 of 873
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    I know Power Management is getting a workover for Panther, but I wonder if this is a reason why? Voltage stepdown (and thus heat) when in low power mode.

    Rhumgod: What details do you have on improvements to power management in Panther? Power management has been a sore issue in Mac OS X. Even though power management improved from 10.0 to 10.2, it's still nowhere near as good as it was in 9.x.

  • Reply 164 of 873
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by Escher

    Rhumgod: What details do you have on improvements to power management in Panther? Power management has been a sore issue in Mac OS X. Even though power management improved from 10.0 to 10.2, it's still nowhere near as good as it was in 9.x.


    Nothing detailed, other than what is publicly available here.

    That, with the additional fan support required by the Power Mac G5 and Apple stating that the OS will control up to 9 fans in the beastie in the 4 different zones. They gotta be modifying Power Management functions to do that.

    BTW, the 17" PowerBook (and 12" and 15" as well) supports processor speed and voltage stepping already.
  • Reply 165 of 873
    nemesisnemesis Posts: 138member
    Ya I think ther are a lot more people who will definetly purchase and upgraded 15 in powerbook. Don't Buy a Centrino Dell Inspirion. Yucky! As someone stated on this thread before apple is sitting a crapload of people who HAVE the money and WANT to BUY one of there produts. I think the new specs will be impressive, why else would apple have delayed and update for soo long? I'll bet thet did redeign themotherboard for a new faster G4 chip or perhaps a toned down G5 (crossing fingers) however unlikly. I think we will see it in just a few weeks, maybe at the creative expo maybe just some random TUE or MON for that matter. Just like someone welse said Steve has to let the Powerbmac G5 have its day first. With this new 15in apple will cash in on back to school college kids. Heck I already am comitted to spending 2 and a half grand on whatever they woill sell me. Heres to an updated powerbook next week....or the week after.
  • Reply 166 of 873
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by costique

    Hmmm. I find it reasonable to rename the thread to "No PowerBooks Tomorrow".

    Could they mean 2 CPUs, that is, 2 x 48W? At least, that's what I thought remembering IBM's estimate of 42W @ 1.8 GHz. Does anybody know for sure?

    I would rather bet the opposite...since no one has really had them in hand yet (other than those at WWDC labs) to test on, I would go by IBM's reference material and say close to 48W.

    Our friends at MacBidouille seem to think IBM got some chips to sample as high as 3.2GHz @ 82W. But I don't put much faith in them, these days...
  • Reply 167 of 873
    taztaz Posts: 74member
    Man, 164W for a dual 3 giger. Wonder if there is enough room in the case for a small AC unit?
  • Reply 168 of 873
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member

    Originally posted by TAZ

    Man, 164W for a dual 3 giger. Wonder if there is enough room in the case for a small AC unit?

    Nah, that would make it even hotter!

    Probably an external unit, or a liquid cooler inside.
  • Reply 169 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    Isn't there some way to get a clue about the shipment of new powerbooks? Is someone printing new brochures? Can we check something about the Taiwan manufacturer via the net? Anything?

    The Apple Store shows the 15" Ti book shipping in 7-10 days but it has been that way for a while.

    Any resellers showing the 15" Ti book EOL?
  • Reply 170 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Isn't there some way to get a clue about the shipment of new powerbooks? Is someone printing new brochures? Can we check something about the Taiwan manufacturer via the net? Anything?

    The Apple Store shows the 15" Ti book shipping in 7-10 days but it has been that way for a while.

    Any resellers showing the 15" Ti book EOL?

    Good questions...anyone...anyone...Bueller? ...Bueller?
  • Reply 171 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    It's times like these that I wish I knew someone at Chiat/Day (or whatever their name is). If there IS a new 15" aluminum PowerBook coming in the near future, chances are the print campaign, "beauty shots", in-store posters/displays, etc. have already been created for it.

    I'd offer my buddy on the inside a steak dinner or something if he'd just answer three questions for me (yes or no, no less!):

    1. New aluminum 15" PowerBook with 12"/17" feature set by the end of September?

    2. Price staying at the current numbers? ($1999 and $2599)

    3. G4-based? (a gimme, I know... )

    I wouldn't even want to know anything beyond. With just those three questions asked, I could simply nail my budget even tighter and know exactly WHEN and HOW MUCH I'll be forking out. And, knowing it's a G4, I'll know it'll be another 6-9 (possibly longer?) months before any serious notion of a G5 PowerBook is on deck.

    I'd be happy just knowing those three things. Hell, I'll settle for the first two because you KNOW it's going to be a G4 at the very least, possibly even that newer version we've talked about lately. Anything else will only be a pleasant surprise that I don't HAVE to know about right now.

  • Reply 172 of 873
    g5powerg5power Posts: 18member
    Apple have been regularly releasing new powerbooks every 6 months for a couple of years. the new laptop is late!! i agree with the people who think the holdup is purely Apple getting access to a mobile processor faster than 1GHz G4. I'm hoping for a G5 powerbook, not a speedbump G4, for a few reasons:


    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Thinking back to the MPF in Oct 2002, IBM did state the following numbers for the PowerPC 970:

    Typical Power Dissipation:

    19W @ 1.2 GHz, 1.1v

    So why do you think they included a 1.2GHz, low voltage and wattage measurement? It screams of PowerBook use!

    1. I also think the low voltage G5 chip seems perfect. The present TiBook chip is Apollo 1GHz 7455 which typically dissipates about 20W of heat. so a [email protected] 1.1V seems about the same (19W).

    2. The 7457- low power Apollo chip is also 0.13micron SOI 1.3GHz. But is Moto supplying them yet- must be close?

    So if apple can access either/both of these faster chips what would you think they would do? They might do what they have done with the powermacs - do both ! a G5 high end OS X only and a G4 low end dual boot (or maybe keep that for the iBook).

    3. Intel have brought out the centrino chipset since Apple's last laptop release. have you seen the specs? they are 1.2 to 1.8GHz 0.13micron SOI - improved battery life and wireless networking. if Apple only bring out a speed bumped G4 then i think they will be viewed as pretty much the same as a Centrino. yawn. no world's fastest, jump in market share or 'year of the laptop' bid there.

    4. i think Apple want the mantle of world's fastest desktop and laptop. Panther will be 64-bit soon. the Powerbook team at Apple have had since January to make a G5 laptop. Steve doesn't settle for second best! i would think he'd be pretty disappointed if Apple didn't have a G5 laptop ready to announce by July 16 9.30am.

    i hope i'm right
  • Reply 173 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'll eat my hat.
  • Reply 174 of 873
    shawkshawk Posts: 116member
    While the power consumption of the 970 at 1.2Ghz seems low enough for a laptop, does anyone know the likely power consumption of the rest of the components needed to allow a 970 to run at 1.2GHz?

    Might significant battery budget and heat management problems lie with the system controller, graphics chip set or the memory?
  • Reply 175 of 873
    chazmoxchazmox Posts: 39member
    Please remember that the 19 W that everyone talks about is from a prelease marketing document that was created almost 9 months ago.

    The EEtimes is reporting that a G5 ( presumably the 2 GHz version ) is running at 97 Watts. The marketing document reported that the 1.8 GHz version would run at 42 watts.

    If the EETimes article is to believed ( and they are an industry mag that is usually very accurate ) then the G5 is running quite a bit higher than predicted.

    MacBiduiolle ( sp ) is reporting lower numbers ( actually lower numbers on parts that were never released). However, their reliability is questionable.

    There's gotta be some reason for 9 fans! And it's not just noise - 0 fans are really quiet and THAT obviously wasn't an option.
  • Reply 176 of 873
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Why are we harping on G5 PowerBooks? Let's get realistic. The next PowerBook out the gate will have the G4. Put a stop to all this wishful G5 speculation, because it isn't going to happen in the short term. Get a grip!
  • Reply 177 of 873
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Why are we harping on G5 PowerBooks? Let's get realistic. The next PowerBook out the gate will have the G4. Put a stop to all this wishful G5 speculation, because it isn't going to happen in the short term. Get a grip!

    A new 15.4" G4 Al PB would be fine with me. I just want it to come out already. I'm dying of information death over here. Not even an absurd story about someone drinking frozen Stoli with a friend of a friend who has a cousin who sweeps floors at Apple and has some inside information about the release date. Not even any amusing P'shopped blurry images of the new PB at SpyMac. Where is Kormac77?
  • Reply 178 of 873
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Kormac is out testing his 22" PBHD.
  • Reply 179 of 873
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by pscates

    I'll eat my hat.

    I'm afraid the betting around here starts a bit higher than your hat... or is that a bit lower?

    Hmmm... I suppose it starts out lower, and then it's higher when you've gotten yourself into the right position...

    Let's just say the betting around here starts a little bolder than your hat.
  • Reply 180 of 873
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'll eat my arm.
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