sick of waiting... Powerbook/iBook info, guesses, wild speculation anyone?



  • Reply 41 of 304

    Originally posted by halode

    I am really sick of waiting to buy a new Powerbook. I cancelled my order for a 1ghz Ti at xmas, then the 17" came out, and I've been waiting ever since for a 15" Al.

  • Reply 42 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by musicaltone

    You are a fool for not buying back at Xmas 20002. You clearly dont need a PB very much if you can wait near on 8 months to buy one! Apple have said that they are happy with the 15" Ti PB and have no plans to change it. And why should they?

    I take umbridge with a comment like this. Not that I'm picking a fight or anything, but if you saw and used the new 12- and 17-inch PowerBooks, you too would wait until they revved the 15-inch. The aluminum design is clearly superior to the Titanium.
    • Hinge

    • Built-in Bluetooth

    • Airport Extreme

    • *MUCH* better keyboard

    I went down memory lane a little while ago, and I still like the Titanium. But having had a couple, including an 867 MHz, and having used a friends 17-inch, the aluminum is much better. The 17-inch is too big for me, while it doesn't seem to bother my friend (its his 1st laptop). Regardless, I want the new 15-inch when it comes out in hopefully a similar aluminum design as the 12- and 17-inch models. I can understand people waiting because they also seek the overall improvements the aluminum design brought over the titanium. It's not like they don't need it because they have waited all this time for the aluminum's because they are smart shoppers, and realize Apple is trending this way with their laptops.
  • Reply 43 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by musicaltone

    Good enough. Sorry

    In the future, it might help to quote a specific post/person you're referring to, so everyone knows. These threads climb up in post numbers REALLY fast and if you're responding to someone from 14 posts earlier, it might not be clear who/what you're talking about.
  • Reply 44 of 304
    taliesintaliesin Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Good enough. Sorry

    In the future, it might help to quote a specific post/person you're referring to, so everyone knows. These threads climb up in post numbers REALLY fast and if you're responding to someone from 14 posts earlier, it might not be clear who/what you're talking about.

    Also it a good idea not to assume you are the one being referred to in a post unless you are quoted directly. That way no apologies are required after the fact.
  • Reply 45 of 304
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    Part of the angst related to the purchase of an Apple product is that Apple doesn't give us a road map. If I had known in November that the 15" PB would not be updated till July (we hope) I might have bought one earlier. As it is, around February or so when I got real serious about upgrading (QS 867 and Pismo 500) the 15" Al version seemed just around the corner and I could afford to wait.

    I understand Apple's need for secrecy. Apple should also understand the customers' need to plan their lives.

    Suggestion: Apple could make a schedule for introductions something like this.

    January: new technology for Power Books, iMacs, PowerMacs

    May: speed bumps and minor changes for PowerBooks

    new technology release for iBooks

    July: speed bumps and minor changes for PowerMacs, iMacs

    September: speed bumps and such for PowerBooks, iBooks

    I'm not too picky about the details. The idea is that, like the car companies, Apple could schedule their product introductions. That way you could plan ahead. Some people go out and buy product immediately because they need it now (new job, special assignment) and some of us plan ahead for a year or more (budgets, need for new features).

    This would also be good for Apple. If the Apple staff knew this schedule then marketing, design and engineering teams could work toward a fixed target and have a better chance of getting product out the door on time. What a pleasure it would be to have everything shipping when it was announced (happy days both for Apple and for us).

    This would not compromise Apple's need for secrecy. Apple wouldn't have to release the feature set before the announcement. We still wouldn't know in advance whether a certain model would get a huge makeover or minor makeover before the time for the main release of a product. Some speed bumps might be skipped. On the other hand, we wouldn't be floating in a sea of rumors during the rest of the year.

    I'll step down off my soapbox now, thank you.
  • Reply 46 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    'Tis true; I don't NEED a portable. I have an 867 Dualie w/ 23" Cinema that serves me better than fine. (Addiction to 1920x1200 makes me wonder if I can go back to 1024 -- that, perhaps more than anything else, keeps me from buying an iBook right now today today)

    But Boston is wicked hot this summer, and sometimes I want to drag my setup into the air conditioning so I won't have to compute in the buff.

    Er, I mean, I want to be able to take my work files home more easily.

    Also, this is the first time that our 'household' has shared a computer. Though OS X makes that admirably painless, it still does not allow me to get any work done while the boyfriend is screwing around on the internet. Last year, he had an ibook 600 (will not charge, and AppleCare won't fix it) and I had a TiBook 667 (rampant paint-flaking and ti-scratching and snapped off the display hinges and battery release switch stuck and power adapter got wiggly -- Apple care fixed it and surprise surprise replaced the cosmetically damaged parts, and I happily sold the refreshed 'book on eBay) --

    I don't NEED anything, but I WANT a high-quality computer that can come with me, even if the only distance it'll usually go is from the office to the living room.

    I want that 15" AlBook to come out, even if I'll still be torn between the luxe of the 17" and the practicality of the 14" iBook.

    And I think silver keys are very pretty.

    And sometimes you're not a fool to wait, though I do hate it when people never buy because they fear something better will come out -- of course it will! And then you get to upgrade, yay! -- but money has been tight these past couple years, and part of me says, why buy a G4 at all when a G5's coming soon?

    But the fact is, the majority of my work is in Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Flash, and G4s and even G3s are perfectly adequate for the tasks.

    But I am still loath to buy something that was introduced 8 months ago. By definition, I think it's not the best it could be.

    Anyway the poll still seems to favor the leprechauns, which would be a lovely outcome, except for my wallet, and for me lucky charms.

    And whoever suggested the Monday/Tuesday announcement to downplay Joz's role, screw you: now I have to every 5 minutes for THREE days.

    I'm not an addict, it's cool, I feel alive...
  • Reply 47 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by taliesin

    Also it a good idea not to assume you are the one being referred to in a post unless you are quoted directly. That way no apologies are required after the fact.

    Hey, that post came after one of mine...what ELSE do I think?

    Don't need a course on this stuff...

    Besides, I usually AM quoted and referenced, so...

  • Reply 48 of 304
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Hey, that post came after one of mine...what ELSE do I think?

    Yeah, SEVEN posts after.


    Originally posted by neutrino23

    Part of the angst related to the purchase of an Apple product is that Apple doesn't give us a road map.

    You're totally right. Unfortunately, from a marketing perspective this idea doesn't make much sense for Apple, Inc. If everyone knew when the next, better thing was due, sales for the soon-to-be-outdated thing would start to die off long before. I also suspect that marketing, design and engineering teams certainly DO know the "schedule." The people who talk to the customers don't. Or, if they do, they ain't squealing.

    (I have a nefarious plan involving jumper cables, bamboo shards, and my friendly neighborhood Apple Store manager. We'll see just how much they know. )
  • Reply 49 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Yeah, but saying lots of people would wait if they knew something else was coming out infers that those lots of people would be BUYING said next thing.

    So maybe sales would be just as good, but would come in spurts timed around new introductions (more so than usual).

    Time four of these new introductions spread out through the year (as they do now, just more specifically), and your quarterly profits will do just fine.

    Might also help with inventory management.

    Another major plus is I wouldn't be so grumpy.

    secrecy: transparency :: :

    BTW, no ragging on pscates for thinking he was being ragged on. My head will explode.

    Pluswise, isn't anyone going to defend MY honor? I'm the one who was truly called a fool, after all.
  • Reply 50 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    Yeah, SEVEN posts after.

    Sue me then. Got nothing better to do than go back and count posts?


    Yes, go annoy's him that was referenced anyway.

    BESIDES...I offered a "pre-apology" in my post anyway, just in case I WASN'T the one being talked about. That should've been enough. Get off my case.
  • Reply 51 of 304
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by Kabeyun

    Yeah, SEVEN posts after.

    Newbies. Yum. We have a plan in place to handle such situations, involving jumper cables and bamboo shards.

  • Reply 52 of 304
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Sorry, but I think that the 14" iBook is a HORRIBLE little machine. The screen blows, and there's almost nothing to justify the weight increase.
  • Reply 53 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Hey now, don't go annoy Halode. Halode is a *her,* anyway.

    A friend of mine has a 14" iBook, and it's surprisingly responsive. If the iBook is just used for Dreamweaver, light Photoshop, I think it'd be fine.

    But I would rather have an Al.

    I have this problem where I think, if I'm going to spend 1500 bucks, I might as well spend 3000. And I suppose that's really not the case.

    Might have to be in the more entry-level hardware until the economy picks up and I start finding clients again... \

    But there's another reason for wanting more advanced Powerbooks to debut -- they might drive down the prices of the 'old' models.

    Quite honestly I've been coveting that 17" ever since I saw its big flat face.

    It's not the ultimately portable portable, but I lugged around a 3400 and Lombards and Pismos that weighed more or the same... I could probably handle it.

    Hey, does anyone smart/obsessive know the average product cycle for Apple pro-level notebooks? People say that it's time for an update, but does anyone have some comparisons to base it on?

    In closing, don't bother Halode. In fact, don't bother anyone. "If... then ignore" is perfectly fine forumiquette, imo.
  • Reply 55 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Wow. WOW!

    That page really helps me not drool all over other peoples' laptops... thinking that mine will be more drooleriffic... and SOON!!

    Thanks, Jiphee, for the time-to-update info!
  • Reply 56 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    It does not appear as though Apple will update anything today. It's 8:21 AM in the east as I write this, and the Apple Store is still up. 8:00 to 9:00 AM eastern is when they usually do their product updates.
  • Reply 57 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member (don't know their track record or rep for accuracy, so...) is saying that they "learned while in New York" that a major announcement is coming in September in Paris, but that a smaller one is slated for this week at CreativePro (or whatever it's called).

    I think September might be the PowerBooks, with the 7457 (didn't all those papers say "Q3"...that's "Q3" as I understand it ).

    I wouldn't even mind that one bit because a) I'm not quite there yet on money anyway (for a 15" SuperDrive, that is...I could get a 12" tomorrow if I really wanted) and b) I don't mind waiting for another two months if we know it'll be powered by this newer chip that runs cooler, uses less energy, has a bigger bus, twice the cache and gets into the 1.3GHz range.

    I'll happily continue to save and drool for another 6-8 weeks if that is what I have to reward me in the end.

    But who knows what considers "big" or "major". Maybe it's PowerBooks announced this week (simple bumps to the 12" and 17" and the "aluminazation" of the 15"?) and the September thing is Panther?

  • Reply 58 of 304
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by Rolo

    Let's hope Joz is the bearer of good tidings.

    Hope so too. </crosses fingers and knocks on wood>


    Oh, and let's hope Jack Campbell is way off.

    That's a given.

  • Reply 59 of 304
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by neutrino23

    It would be a good thing to start letting others introduce product or make major announcements. As good as Steve is it is risky to rely on any one person too much. Steve took care of the emergency. Now he should loosen the reins on being a spokesman as well.

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I concur. Do you concur? Does everybody concur?

    Definitely agree. Avie Tevanian's new position certainly has to do with de-emphasizing Steve Jobs as well. Apple has clearly de-emphasized major shows, e.g. Macworld, and made announcements by press release when they are ready. Now it's time to de-emphasize Jobs as the only vehicle for live announcements.

    We all know know what happened to Martha Stewart's company when she did "a bad thing." We wouldn't want that to happen to our favorite fruit company (or its current CEO).

  • Reply 60 of 304
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    Does Apple really know that, like DHagen, many of us sit here trying to do "traffic analysis" and "pattern recognition" and "reliable hearsay study" to figure out how to spend $3000-4000 on their latest creations? Is a puzzlement.

    Anyone have a number for marketing?
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