sick of waiting... Powerbook/iBook info, guesses, wild speculation anyone?



  • Reply 261 of 304
    etharethar Posts: 111member

    Originally posted by Cold Turkey

    (Just imagine how "happy" people will be when they get their 2Ghz MP G5 systems in late September or early October, 3 months after ordering them at the MWCPNY keynote.)

    The G5's were announced at WWDC by Steve Jobs himself, not at MWCP.
  • Reply 262 of 304

    Originally posted by Bigc

    What G5 delay?

    Maybe my attempted withdrawal from AI has made me pessimistic and impatient. I bet that by the time everyone who ordered their G5s in June (not to mention July) has received them, there will be a real delay, beyond what SJ announced.


    Originally posted by ethar

    The G5's were announced at WWDC by Steve Jobs himself, not at MWCP.

    I meant to say WWDC, and have corrected my post above. That adds another month to my delay.

    Cold Turkey
  • Reply 263 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    So now everyone's saying 8/18-19.

    The fact is, nobody's got {squat}.

    It's very silly, when you thnk about it -- it's always been like 2 weeks away...

    We have learned that channel clearing means nothing. 'It's about the right time' means nothing. Manufacturing rumors mean nothing.

    The only clue that wasn't a red herring was the lack of security at MWNY/CPNY

    Even Mot said they were on track for a Q3 '57 release... what the hell happened to that?

    It only makes sense that apple is being hamstrung (hamstringed?) by Mot, as usual and all, but I dunno. I think mayhap they did not have a good upgrade plan when they released the 12/17.

    Why would they design new cases (12/17, though the 12 is arguably an ibook in Al) for only 1 rev of product? (If G5 is coming Feb, and heat concerns seem to preclude G5 in current cases...)

    That would make sense for why they haven't released a 15" Al, if they are concentrating the new case design for G5 optimization...

    And I for one am pissed that they are phasing out MacWorld coolness. It finally looks like it's moving back home, and Apple's all, 'Eh, I don't wanna play any more.' Well at least we'll have the democratic convention to keep us busy. But I doubt that'll ahve as many free pens.

  • Reply 264 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Monday, August 18th or Tuesday, August PowerBooks are coming on one or two of those dates. That's a given. What new features they will have is still a mystery.
  • Reply 265 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    PS: If it's a significant upgrade, expect a press event for the 18th/19th announced between this Friday and next Monday (8/14/03). Likely it won't need a press event...and will be a silent upgrade.
  • Reply 266 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    forgive me for cynicism, but I've heard that before...

    what makes you so sure?

  • Reply 267 of 304
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    II've pretty much decided to post to this thread everyday...

    From now on my posts will be the same thing however...

    It should go something like this.

    "i want a new 15" AlBook. Bitch Bitch Bitch. Moan. moan. moan."

    Just that. ... Every day... until the new 15 is announced.

    That is all.

  • Reply 268 of 304
    halodehalode Posts: 21member
    Well, it beats squirming in your chair and reloading the Apple store every 12 minutes.
  • Reply 269 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    What makes me think that the 18th/19th is the day? Well, following the rumors like everyone else, there seems to be some jelling around this date given the low supply in the channel and the little murmurs fragmented here and there that seem to point to this time frame. Those 2 factors make it seem likely this is the date we have all been waiting months and months on end for. Also, Apple will be releasing DVD Studio Pro on the 18th.

    Lastly, I don't know what's going to happen to the 15-inch. We can be sure that both the 12- and 17-inch models will be updated. But the 15-inch? It may be cooked. We'll know in a mere 12 days.
  • Reply 270 of 304
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    Wouldn't that be SOOO Apple (aka Steve jobs) to actually discontinue the 15" PowerBook?

    Sales of the 17" would certainly go up. For that matter the 12 as well by default.

  • Reply 271 of 304
    gargar Posts: 1,201member

    Originally posted by Masker

    Wouldn't that be SOOO Apple (aka Steve jobs) to actually discontinue the 15" PowerBook?

    Sales of the 17" would certainly go up. For that matter the 12 as well by default.


    i think that a lot of potential 15" buyers will buy a nicelier outfitted 12" instead of the bulky and much more expensive 17" even if apple drops the 17" price... it just doesn't fit in my backpack
  • Reply 272 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    The ONLY way sales of the 17" would go up to any sort of "15-inch Titanium levels" (pretending, for a moment, that they actually did axe the 15" PowerBook) was if they sold the 17" at the current prices of the 15": $1999 and $2599

    Oh, and in that scenario, the 12" had DAMN well better have FireWire 800, DVI, L3 cache, backlit keyboard and anything else, spec-wise, the 17" model sports!

    But honestly, killing the 15" PowerBook is about as goofy an idea of them killing the iBook line.

    "Hey guys, I have an idea...check it out: you know our two best sellers, the mid-range PowerBook and the iBook line? Well, I was thinking...let's can them, okay? I mean, we don't really NEED the money and, at this point, I'm sure everyone who wants one already has one, so...".

  • Reply 273 of 304
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I don't think they are stupid. Why would they discontinue the 15", it's the perfect, and most preferred size, not too small not too big.
  • Reply 274 of 304
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Yep. It's just right. It ain't goin' anywhere...
  • Reply 275 of 304
    c5jc5j Posts: 25member
    An Apple-retailer said the 12"PB will never have L3, because of the size. The L3-cache is to big or something like that. He also mentioned that the screen of 12"PB will also always be the same as 12"iBook because it is so economic for apple to have the same of those two. Too bad, because the present screen is kind of bad compared to 15" and 17".
  • Reply 276 of 304

    Originally posted by pscates

    Yep. It's just right. It ain't goin' anywhere...

    Well, the 15" TiBook is already gone... It has gone nowhere. For cryin' out loud, it hasn't been updated since November 2002. In other words, it hasn't gone anywhere. Let's hope the 15" PowerBook goes somewhere, anywhere really, very soon!

    I don't think Apple would kill any of the current PB sizes, i.e. 12-, 15- and 17-inches. However, if for some odd reason they did want to remove one model, I have no doubt that it would be my beloved 12-inch PowerBook, most definitely not the 15-inch model.

    All I want is a feature-bumped Rev.B 12-inch PowerBook. Or should I just get Dell's new 12-inch notebook being discussed over on MacNN? Not.

    Cold Turkey
  • Reply 277 of 304
    What do you guys think will happen to the pricing on the new PowerBooks? Is there any chance we will see a new revision to the entire lineup, with prices staying the same?

    I need to buy myself a reliable crystal ball. If I knew prices may go up a couple hundred dollars, I'd feel better about buying the current 12" PB with the Education bundle offer.

    tick... tock....

  • Reply 278 of 304
    joecooljoecool Posts: 97member
    Well guys and girls, I have just folded and ordered a 1GHz 15" Ti. I couldn't hold out any longer!!!!!

    I COULDN'T!!!!....AAARGGHH!!

    Started a new job and they gave me a P2 or 3 tower. Looks like it came from 1975, and i HATE it!!! Will be moving house in a week and my airport base station needs a PowerBook to talk to. None of this phone cables crap running down the hall to my study!! Though I still think there's nothing wrong with a 1 Gig TiBook, it's nice to know you got the latest and the greatest!!

    It still may be that we here in Australia may not see more Ti's for another coupla weeks as we have a bit of a shortage. I got mine ordered at channel pricing as I know someone in the channel, and they say they reckon it'll take a coupla weeks to get it in. Who knows though, they might announce an AlBook while I wait and it gets upgraded.

    Here's hoping!

  • Reply 279 of 304
    taliesintaliesin Posts: 117member

    Originally posted by Joecool

    Well guys and girls, I have just folded and ordered a 1GHz 15" Ti. I couldn't hold out any longer!!!!!

    I COULDN'T!!!!....AAARGGHH!!


    Here's hoping!

    Hey good for you! You gotta get on the train sometime.My friend bought his TiBook 1ghz 15.2 two months and as his consultant, it has been the quietest two months since I have known him. He bitches about about every new piece of hardware he gets. Save one, his new PB
  • Reply 280 of 304
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    The venerable MacOSRumors has chimed-in to say their "reliable sources" confirm a product announcement the week of Aug. 18th...


    Reliable sources have confirmed to Rumors that recent whisperings about a product announcement scheduled for the 18th-21st timeframe are well-founded, even if not 100% certain (supplies of existing PB's continue to be unusually strong so close to a revamp). Powerbook updates are expected, and the grapevine is abuzz with the possibility that a modest iMac update (read: no new displays or other major features, beyond a speed bump and general modernization of specs) may accompany the new PBG4s to bolster iMac sales which have been somewhat soft recently. Much more detail in the days ahead....

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