Rumor: Disaster at MWNY... :(



  • Reply 161 of 266
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    [quote]Originally posted by The All Knowing 1:


    This rechristening was wise. Its always lousy to use another company's trademark on your products, because a) sometimes there are royalties, and b) In case of emergency...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, like iLink....

  • Reply 162 of 266
    jakemanjakeman Posts: 22member
    it smells like farts in here. everyone please stop talking out your arses. the simple truth is that you don't know what apple will announce. say it, "i don't know."

    but i guess if everyone admitted this truth to themselves then there wouldn't be much to talk about on the forums.
  • Reply 163 of 266
    tigerwoods99tigerwoods99 Posts: 2,633member
    Do you think Spymac would publish my inside info about the reason for the speed gap? They had 2 GHz G4s ready to go, but Steve let out a rasper and killed most of the CPUs.
  • Reply 164 of 266
    I don't know what Apple will release. Or maybe I do, and I'm just not telling any of you because I signed an NDA about the PDA. I love acronyms, don't you?

  • Reply 165 of 266
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    Q5? That's just after Q4, isn't it?
  • Reply 166 of 266
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    This thread has turned into a big, giant pile of doo.

    My intent was originally to draw out those posters who knew of something better coming along at MWNY. But Moki is staying silent, and ths "All Knowing" dude keeps talking out of his ass about dual 1.5 GHz G4s. LOL, MAYBE on a 100 nm process, but I doubt it.

    Please, how about some REAL info?
  • Reply 167 of 266
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    [quote]Originally posted by Jakeman:

    <strong>it smells like farts in here. everyone please stop talking out your arses. the simple truth is that you don't know what apple will announce. say it, "i don't know."

    but i guess if everyone admitted this truth to themselves then there wouldn't be much to talk about on the forums.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    We could always spend our time feeding the trolls. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />

    If you don't like Mac rumors & gossip, why are you spending time on a board devoted to them?

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: glurx ]</p>
  • Reply 168 of 266
    nonsuchnonsuch Posts: 293member
    [quote]Originally posted by There is no g5:


    You could ALWAYS get a 7400/7410 at the same speed as Apple's chip, until Apple moved up to the 7450/55 or whatever. Apple does not and has never controlled Motorola's supply lines.

    This is pretty specious, dude.


    Yeah, weird that this belief still gets thrown around, especially after the guy from PowerLogix told people on the MacNN forums that neither Mot nor Apple had any say in what they released.
  • Reply 169 of 266
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    If Moto and Apple don't have ANY say, then why are the upgrades ONLY at 1 GHz? We know that G4s are being produced that are at the very least at 1.1-1.2 GHz, and by some accounts Moto is cranking out G4s as fast as 1.5 GHz!

    So if Powerlogix could really use ANYTHING that's available, then I don't think they would be limited to 1 GHz. Forget what the Powerlogix dude says, he's going to say whatever is best for business. What's he going to say, "oh yeah, Moto has some REALLY fast G4s, but we can't buy them until Apple lets us". Yeah, right.
  • Reply 170 of 266
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member
    Since Apple is a far bigger customer the probably have the right of first refusal. PowerLogix can't release 1.5 GHz G4s if Apple is buying the entire output.
  • Reply 171 of 266
    ptrashptrash Posts: 296member
    [quote]Originally posted by There is no g5:


    How am I wrong? Am I wrong that you are chronic whining twit who has little better to do that cry the "sky is falling"? Am I wrong in claiming you have some weird neurosis about things of which you have no control? Or was I wrong in calling your punk ass out as a punk?

    Ah, well. Rail away at the world, JYD. That gnawing sound in your brain won't go away nomatter how many times you post to FH.

    FWIW, my Athlon would spank your G4, but it doesn't run FCP3 (which I covet), so who has the better system?


    [ 06-26-2002: Message edited by: There is no g5 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    JYD may be a chronic complainer, but you're just plain ignorant.

    Punk ass? Calling out? Where are you posting from, San Quentin? Marion? Or some high school?

    I'm just so tired of all of this adoloscent male testosterone on this site. Go play football. Or Quake or Doom!

    PS Moderators, please lock this thread! What a waste...

    [ 06-27-2002: Message edited by: Ptrash ]</p>
  • Reply 172 of 266
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>If Moto and Apple don't have ANY say, then why are the upgrades ONLY at 1 GHz? We know that G4s are being produced that are at the very least at 1.1-1.2 GHz, and by some accounts Moto is cranking out G4s as fast as 1.5 GHz!

    So if Powerlogix could really use ANYTHING that's available, then I don't think they would be limited to 1 GHz. Forget what the Powerlogix dude says, he's going to say whatever is best for business. What's he going to say, "oh yeah, Moto has some REALLY fast G4s, but we can't buy them until Apple lets us". Yeah, right.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Jeezus, you ARE retarded. You shouldn't have eaten all that lead paint.

    You think for a while and see if you can figure out your own messed-up logic. Doing so for you is beginning to be tiresome.

    This was my favorite:

    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>This thread has turned into a big, giant pile of doo.

    My intent was originally to draw out those posters who knew of something better coming along at MWNY. But Moki is staying silent, and ths "All Knowing" dude keeps talking out of his ass about dual 1.5 GHz G4s. LOL, MAYBE on a 100 nm process, but I doubt it.

    Please, how about some REAL info?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Your intention was (as usual) to whine and moan about something for the sake of shining and moaning. Dude, you've been around forever, and you are a one note biyatch.



  • Reply 173 of 266
    [quote]Originally posted by Ptrash:


    JYD may be a chronic complainer, but you're just plain ignorant.

    Punk ass? Calling out? Where are you posting from, San Quentin? Marion? Or some high school?

    I'm just so tired of all of this adoloscent male testosterone on this site. Go play football. Or Quake or Doom!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Awwww.....da bad man hurt my widdle feewings......

    Take it up with your therapist.

  • Reply 174 of 266
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    Additionally, these Powerlogix Upgrades are the 7455 variety and a GZH is only 799.

    Methinks a 7460 is surely on the way if 3rd parties are fronting chips equal to Apples new hardware.

    In a time of tough sales Apple can't afford to let the Upgrade market slip to close to its own latest offerings.

    Apple would buy them and slip them in their own (iMacs, et al) before they would let them get too close.

    No I am not saying the iMacs will get them... they won't. I am just saying they could potentially purchase enough to keep the Upgrade market from getting that close.

    But it looks as though they don't see a need... which I think logically transfers itself to new, much faster (30-40%) machines.
  • Reply 175 of 266
    brunobruinbrunobruin Posts: 552member
    [quote] Yeah, weird that this belief still gets thrown around, especially after the guy from PowerLogix told people on the MacNN forums that neither Mot nor Apple had any say in what they released.<hr></blockquote>

    Well, Motorola has a say in that they set the pricing for the chips and the minimum number you can purchase. So sure, maybe Powerlogix could have released a 1GHz upgrade in February, but there'd be little demand for it at $2,999.
  • Reply 176 of 266
    mokimoki Posts: 551member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>My intent was originally to draw out those posters who knew of something better coming along at MWNY. But Moki is staying silent,


    Actually, on the same page where I posted the obviously bogus Quantum CPU nonsense, I did post some real info. Have a look.

    In any event, folks, relax. No need to beat anyone up, it's all in good fun. The rumour mongering should be entertaining, not about personal attacks. I'm sure the Dawg meant no harm.
  • Reply 177 of 266
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    Oh, I Apple get's first say in whether to buy or not, and then Moto can offer it to others.

    It's nice to see some discussion here amidst all the bitching and name calling.

    I didn't concoct the rumor, all I did was post a link. And seeing the amount of discussion it's generated, it was a GOOD link to post, even if the news isn't good.

    Some of you really need to get laid or something. Just because someone brings bad news doesn't mean you should sharpen your knives for a kill....although your insults are pretty mundane and boring.
  • Reply 178 of 266
    yurin8oryurin8or Posts: 120member
    [quote]Originally posted by MrSparkle:

    <strong>Spymac is horrible. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    modest...but not realistic. I doubt we'll even see 1.2ghz G4's....more likely closer to 1.1 IMO.
  • Reply 179 of 266
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    If memory serves me, I remember hearing some vague details of the original AIM agreement. Part of that was that Apple would get special pricing on PowerPC processors, beyond even what their huge order quantities would normally warrant. Along with that they would get all the processors they need before any other customer could get any.

    Accelerator companies normally order parts in relatively small quantities (hundreds or thousands) compared to Apple (hundreds of thousands, or millions). If you've ever looked at the pricing of electronics you know that ordering in bulk nets you a massive discount. If Apple was using most (if not all what with the iMac, eMac, PBTi, and dual PowerMacs) of the supply, and Cisco (et al) was taking much of the remainder, then the cost at the quantities needed by Newer, Sonnet, etc would be far too high to be worth bringing an upgrade product to market. Buying a single 7455 chip in this situation might cost as much as a whole new Mac!

    Now that 1 GHz accelerators are coming to market there has clearly been a major shift in the market for fast G4 processors. It might simply be that yields have improved or Moto has brought more fabs online. It could be that Apple has reacted to the slowness of the market and cut back their orders. Or it could be that they no longer need so many because they now need faster ones, or a new version entirely. Consider that if Apple stopped selling a couple hundred thousand 1GHz 7455 PowerMacs per quarter (replaced by something else), Motorola might "overshoot" their production by a bunch... leaving lots lying about for upgrade companies to snatch up.

    Also consider that if the PowerMac switches to something else then Apple will have a bunch of 1 GHz 7455s in need of machines to put them in... i.e. the iMac, eMac, Xserve, or PB Ti. Apple would likely try to soak up as many of the 1 GHz chips with these machines as they could before allowing the upgraders to get any (Steve hates the upgraders).

    My guess is that a couple of things happened at once... maybe Moto got another fab online, and/or produced a new stepping of the 7455 that gets much higher yields (who knows, maybe they just bought a new air scrubber for the fab and doubled their yield). Second, Apple switched PowerMac production to a new processor on the 0.13 fab, suddenly freeing up a huge amount of 0.18 fab production. I'm cautiously expecting to see a 0.13 micron process 7455/7460 in the PowerMac in the near future. New processes often take time to ramp up so 1.2 GHz might be the initial limit, with a good chance of a rapid speed bump after a couple of months.

    As a little bird whispered to me today, MWNY is by no means a sure thing for Apple introductions. They draw a large targeted audience and thus are useful for some Apple PR, but they are not actually Apple events. This might be splitting hairs, but I think a bunch of companies in the high-tech industry have learned recently that there is a lot of mileage to be gained by having a special event that is completely focussed on what is being introduced. Pick and choose who you want to invite (i.e. key media who have wide exposure... Time, for example), wine & dine them in your best garden, bring them into your secretive private den, and then when they can't get away and they are at their most vunerable, crank up the RDF generators and hit 'em with the big guns. Technology is part of the puzzle, but marketing is (depressingly to an engineer like me) often more important.

    So... 1.2+ GHz, possibly a speed bump or two elsewhere, and a timeframe between tomorrow morning and some time in the future. If anything were to show at a consumer MWNY for sure I'd guess it would be a speed bump to the consumer machine(s).

    Nothing you didn't already know, but perhaps in a slightly different light? We gotta talk about something here besides who's an idiot and who just doesn't have a sense of humour.

  • Reply 180 of 266
    In other words possibly more than one rumor has potential validity. Example: If the Mobo Dorsal saw aint ready for MWNY ( sez Moki) it may show up a few weeks(or more) late, but is just delayed.

    Don't expect a guaranteed suprise at MWNY, the suprise will come in it's own time. (not the G5 your looking for...)etc.

    [ 06-28-2002: Message edited by: pey/coy-ote ]</p>
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