No Powermacs at MWNY?



  • Reply 61 of 224
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Maybe Apple wants to get both the current PowerMacs and ACD/ASD(HD)'s out of inventory...and that is the perfect way to do it.

    de Plume is full of it.
  • Reply 62 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    [quote]Maybe Apple wants to get both the current PowerMacs and ACD/ASD(HD)'s out of inventory...and that is the perfect way to do it.<hr></blockquote>

    Well, its not enough. $300-500 for just the TOWERS would be nice.

    need the same for the LCD's.

    Anyways, DePlume is full of it. He is basically reprinting C-nets story.

    Amazing how Think Secret, C-Net, and MacMinute latched onto the same stuff within minutes. Literally.
  • Reply 63 of 224
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Sounds reasonable to me. IMO, a powermac delay can only mean that something great is in the works (or more negatively, that Apple can't sell the inventory they have, so they can't release any new product...ouch!).

    A 17" iMac would make for an awesome show, IMO. I've been clamoring for such an iMac since forever, and finally Apple would have a great consumer desktop offering. As long as the price is right, a 17" iMac would fly off the shelves IMO.

    So if no Powermacs at MWNY, then chances are better for 1.5 GHz G4s.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Is Nick de Plume's (hahaha funny name NOT) anger at his lack of a press pass so great that he posts something like this?

    Is this exactly what Apple wants because it will get rid of Power Mac inventory?

    I'm inclined to believe both are true, and that JYD is right, 1.5GHz machines announced in the month or two after MacWorld.

  • Reply 64 of 224
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    [quote] posted 07-09-2002 09:36 PM Â*Â*Â* Â*Â* Â*Â* Â*Â* Â* Â* Â*Â*

    Well, its not enough. $300-500 for just the TOWERS would be nice. <hr></blockquote>

    not enough in your opinion. obviously apple marketing teams "think different"

    yes. that is weird how fast the other sites posted the same stories. i think this is another case of the lazy media using other site's rumors as "confirmation"
  • Reply 65 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    Well, in order to get the $500 discount, you need to outlay at least $4000.00. Thats for the 1 GHZ dualie and a 17" display. Now its just $3500.00.

    Man, a 17" iMac is a STEAL now.

    The Powermac is DOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!!
  • Reply 66 of 224
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cobra:


    Well, its not enough. $300-500 for just the TOWERS would be nice.

    need the same for the LCD's.

    Anyways, DePlume is full of it. He is basically reprinting C-nets story.

    Amazing how Think Secret, C-Net, and MacMinute latched onto the same stuff within minutes. Literally.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The more I think about it, the more I think that this leak is sanctioned by Apple. C-Net didn't post the crap about "sources believing thier own hype" either.

    This confirms (new style monitors for a new style case) at least a new case for the next MacWorld. Probably an all-new one, as the current QuickSilver looks better than a theoretical white QuickSilver.


  • Reply 67 of 224
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    [quote] The Powermac is DOOOOOMED!!!!!!!!! <hr></blockquote>

    yes, yes. we know. the power mac is doomed, apple is doomed, wester civ. is doomed.

    a delay of three whole weeks will doom us all...


    [ 07-09-2002: Message edited by: keyboardf12 ]</p>
  • Reply 68 of 224
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cobra:<strong>

    Yeah, Macworld would be a lousy place to intro new PowerMacs. You know, there is only like a hundred thousand people who will be there.


    Ok, everyone needs to take just a moment and think about marketing here.

    Pro hardware is generally for Pros. Not always, but generally. Pros don't need an expo to learn about a new product. They don't need to see it on the cover of Time magazine. Because Pros make money from their use of the hardware, they have an incentive to keep up on what's out there. If there's an IT staff, they'll keep up. Apple can afford to announce Xserves and eMacs and PowerMacs at special events because the people that buy these items tend to pay attention to what Apple is doing. These people, like us, read Macintouch or Maccentral every day or every week.

    The expos bring a whole other dynamic. They bring large number of attendees - many of which are pros, mind you, but they also bring a large media presence - including CNN and other more mainstream outlets. For consumers, this is how they discover Apple products. You have to bring the news to them. You need stores that they'll walk past, you need magazines in their mailboxes, you need above-the-fold articles in newspapers. These people don't buy PCI cards, they don't do RAID, they don't spend $3,000 on computers. They buy MP3 players and sub $1500 computers on impulse and they want to be assured that the computer they buy won't be the usual nightmare. They want simple, stable, useful.

    That's why we usually won't see pro hardware at an expo. We won't see hardware at WWDC. We probably won't see hardware at Seybold or any other specialized show. Consumer products at the consumer shows. Repeat that a few times. And don't take my word for it, take Steve's - he's the one that said they wanted to get out of the expos driving the product cycles.

    Put another way, Apple would be f'ing stupid to ship dual 1.33GHz PC133 boxes to meet the 'Expo Deadline' when another 2 months might permit dual 1.5GHz DDR nForce 2 boxes to go out. And we'd be f'ing stupid to ask Apple to do this for us, just for the warm and fuzzy feeling that accompanies an insanely great keynote.

    MWNY might bring the same 'ol boring rehash of Jaguar, but unless you tuned into WWDC (and I assure you, my mom missed it) then this really is the big rollout.
  • Reply 69 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    The one thing Apple can say about a 17" iMac is that the screen will now be BIGGER than the eMacs 17" CRT.

  • Reply 69 of 224
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    These powermacs are almost 6 months old and somewhat obsolete. Seems to me that if Apple needs to move excess inventory, they could lower the price by 20% or so instead of offering rebates that require you to spend more money in order to save money.

    And I thought Apple was doing a fairly good job of maintaining a 2 week inventory on their product lines. What happened?
  • Reply 71 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    Dumb for me to think there would be no "Pros" at MacWorld.

    I guess Apple will pack in all the "Pros" at a Apple Special Event.

    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 72 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    [quote]These powermacs are almost 6 months old and somewhat obsolete.<hr></blockquote>


    The eMac/iMac are steals compared to these overpriced turds.
  • Reply 72 of 224
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    Short conversation between me and de Plume:

    Me: man...its not like apple has ever ended a promo early, the cd-rw drive with the powerbook for instance. they probably just want to clear inventory of BOTH the PM and the displays because the displays are overdue for an overhaul. besides, apple has loads of imacs in inventory and you say they will update those as well...kind of contradicting point

    de Plume: iMacs -- indeed, the channel will be a mess.

    de Plume: Power Macs -- no update. Sorry. August.

    Me :heh did you know cnet is quoting you?

    de Plume: Yes.

    Me: any idea how they get rid of the extra imacs or do they just drop the price and continue selling them?

    de Plume: no idea
  • Reply 74 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    My sources confirm a iMac Promo starting on the 12th.

    I will send de Plume an e-mail on this.
  • Reply 75 of 224
    Looking on the bright side for a moment:

    A 17" speed-bumped iMac would be a really nice machine. Dare we hope for 1 GHz on a 133 MHz bus?

    Jaguar is the big news and Apple will rightfully want to play it up. It's everything people have been asking for in OS X (and then some).
  • Reply 76 of 224
    johnsonwaxjohnsonwax Posts: 462member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cobra:

    <strong>Dumb for me to think there would be no "Pros" at MacWorld.

    I guess Apple will pack in all the "Pros" at a Apple Special Event.


    There are tons of Pros at the expo, but they aren't necessarily there to see what Apple intros. We send people to check out the other hardware and software vendors that can't send people to visit us. I had an Apple engineer out 2 weeks ago to show off the Xserve. I have a different guy coming tomorrow to talk about what they can do to get me to buy more stuff. I can't get Steltor to do that, or Mathematica, or Waves In Motion, or Bare Bones. But I can go to the expo and usually see all those folks.

    If Apple intros pro hardware, bumped Xserves, etc. in August, I'll know it.

    The non-tech people that work for me that only use the hardware, have no clue of what comes out when. They find out through mass-media outlets and always ask around expo time if they should upgrade their machine at home, etc. They get the word on the consumer stuff and I get the word on the pro stuff. In other words, it works very well this way.
  • Reply 77 of 224
    cobracobra Posts: 253member
    Are the folks at Spymac out to dinner right now?

    No "update" yet?

  • Reply 77 of 224
    hegorhegor Posts: 160member
    I wonder what the specs will be on the 17in iMac.

    The only way I see the 17in iMac having a good rollout is if there is a price drop or incentive on the 15in iMacs.

    Hopefully the 17in iMac will have at least a 1GHZ G4, 133 mhz bus, Superdrive and a Geforce 4mx.

    As for Powermacs, no biggie if they don't show. Macworld is for consumers. I would preface that by saying that the new Powermacs in August had best be nice machines!
  • Reply 79 of 224
    nullptrnullptr Posts: 21member
    Argh. The waiting game continues. Looks like this MWNY will be a coming out party for Jaguar. I guess I would rather a couple of months for a better Powermac than have Apple release some lame exscuse for an upgrade. I just hope the wait is worth it. Apple will have to sweeten the pot with much better prices than the current LCD discounts to get rid of their inventory. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 80 of 224
    loud whistling sound KA-BLAMM!!!!
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