Redesigned New PowerBook



  • Reply 41 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by MrBillData:

    <strong>The cash is in hand...


    but the suspense is killing me.

    (( Where's the sweating smiley ))</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not just me then? I bet they make us wait until October 15th!

    If it's out on the 25/26 is there a chance I'll get one by Oct 2nd?
  • Reply 42 of 178
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    wow you peoplare are crazy.. pull a murbot... buy a comp now and sell it when the new ones come out im sure you can get an iBook for cheap
  • Reply 43 of 178
    I just sold my iBook 500 mhz yesterday. And to add fuel to the fire, I was doing some Macintosh training and I was using a 667 mhz TiBook DVI, which was sweet. Waiting for that new 800 mhz TiBook to rock my world! Looks like there's quite a few of us here
  • Reply 44 of 178
    add me to that list, i was at the apple store today, and they were trying to convince me to buy a 800, and i told them that i'm waiting for an update! they replied "but i don't think there are any trade shows between now and january"! i told them that i'd prefer not to trust their judgement and that i would rather trust my intuition! f*ck em!
  • Reply 45 of 178
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    im waiting for an update as well.. whenit happens im ordering one and selling my current 667DVI to my brother!!!
  • Reply 46 of 178
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    posting from my wife's pismo...

    yes, this is an excellent machine, period. a little on the heavy side compared to the tibook, but the screen doesn't flex like the tibook's (maybe it was my handling, but the one we had at our studio briefly would always flex when adjusted).

    the pismo has two battery bays, which gives you 6 honest-to-god hours of real-life work time. not 6-if-you're-lucky-but-actually-four that apple has reverted to.

    the built-in dvd player has always been a bit batty. no idea why.

    we just moved, and the new office is dead silent...except for the incessant hard drive in the pismo. slight, but it's there. constantly.

    the screen is good, though a little washed out at the bottom. not bad though, considering.

    can still take an airport card, a gig of ram (unsupported, but it will work), has firewire and usb, too.

    i hate the bronze-but-really-poop-brown key caps. keyborg makes replacements boards for them. i also saw a white keyboard once, too.

    i think i'll wait another year or so, and then buy a g4 500 upgrade for it when the price drops even lower. get a little more life out of it.

    yes, pismo is the best purchase i have ever made.
  • Reply 47 of 178
    I've been treading water since July first figuring out if I'll be able to afford one, and now that I know I can, waiting until apple releases a nice juicy update.

    I'm hoping for a slight update to the case and a proc update to 1gig. That would make me happy.

    Very, very happy.
  • Reply 48 of 178
    rok, I had a Pismo as well at one point. I thought of it as having urine coloured keyboard. Anyways, the Pismo was a crappy investment for me because I had a Wall Street 233 at the time and could have waited two more months for the first TiBook. In any case, all water under the bridge, really looking forward to a next rev 800 mhz TiBook
  • Reply 49 of 178
    Add me to the list as well....

    I just sold my iBook and will be laptopless come Sunday.

    Sure hope we see an update soon. Being without a laptop is pure hell.
  • Reply 50 of 178
    oh god....

    hallowed be thy cpu

    give us this day

    our dual cpu powerbook

    with a better gpu

    which doth runneth hot

    but cooketh me not

    ~~! amen

    12:00 am & im a bad poet....

    any haiku guys here ?
  • Reply 51 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by Kestral:

    <strong>rok, I had a Pismo as well at one point. I thought of it as having urine coloured keyboard. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    See a doctor! Quickly!
  • Reply 52 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by mbezzo:

    <strong>Add me to the list as well....

    I just sold my iBook and will be laptopless come Sunday.

    Sure hope we see an update soon. Being without a laptop is pure hell. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's been a little less painless for me, fortunately, as my employers were generous enough to issue me an iBook as a field laptop, which is what I'm using now. But for your sake (and ours as well ), I hope Apple comes up with the goods very soon

    Blackcat - lol!
  • Reply 53 of 178
    Add me to that list. I'm ready to purchase the top of the line PowerBook as soon as it's revved. My realistic hopes:

    1Ghz G4

    167 Mhz bus

    1 Gig RAM

    60-80 Gig HD

    Combo Drive

    Same screen

    I would love to see an internal SuperDrive but would take an external one as long as it was iDVD compatable.

    Apple, my money is waiting...

  • Reply 54 of 178
    bellebelle Posts: 1,574member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>Well, if you have a whole bunch of work in a $3500 device, wouldn't you want it to be able to take the occasional whack? Even if you baby the thing, there is always the possibility that Something Bad Will Happen. Why not have some built-in insurance against that possibility?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I've argued against this for a long time in the various threads about sub-notebooks. The vast majority of damage to notebooks occurs when they're being transported - whether it's little scratches and chips, or screen-crunching impacts.

    Most laptops, including the most fragile, will easily survive a drop from a lap, or from a desk (When you get the power cord caught round your foot. Done that more than once).

    I'd prefer to see a compact computer with much less padding but sold with a decent sleeve. As long as it feels sturdy, and not flimsy like the Sony Vaios.

    I'm sure Apple could design a nice sleeve, make it out of Kevlar and market it with a campaign that concentrates on it's ability to survive terrorist attack and ignores the speed issues.
  • Reply 55 of 178
    Oh, look I'm a Junior Member. Isn't that cute.

    For the record, to introduce myself, I'm 37 and have been using Macs since the original 128k Mac. I've owned quite a few since my first MacPlus in 1988. I do architectural 3D and push my computer to the limits. Really I need a desktop, but I love the portability of the PowerBook. So Apple, please don't skimp on the PowerBooks performance.

    After all, it is a POWERbook.

  • Reply 56 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by TBoxman:

    <strong>Add me to that list. I'm ready to purchase the top of the line PowerBook as soon as it's revved. My realistic hopes:

    1Ghz G4

    167 Mhz bus

    1 Gig RAM

    60-80 Gig HD

    Combo Drive

    Same screen

    I would love to see an internal SuperDrive but would take an external one as long as it was iDVD compatable.

    Apple, my money is waiting...


    Terry, I like the specs you mention - just add the Radeon 9000 card, built-in bluetooth, better Airport reception, a faster combo drive (8x CDRW is slooooow imo), and maybe even lower the price a few hundred bucks for each machine and we're set to go
  • Reply 57 of 178
    [quote]Originally posted by Kestral:

    <strong>Blackcat - lol!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hey, it's deranged fantasies like that which keep me going!
  • Reply 58 of 178
    I guarantee the current form factor will be around at MacWorld SF 2004.

    edit -

    [ 09-20-2002: Message edited by: PookJP ]</p>
  • Reply 59 of 178
    Pismo was spectacular, and at full memory, the 500 continues to pull hard. I've always used airport and it is almost as good there as my second Cube and my wife's iMac, giving us a 4 computer wireless network with the rev2 base station. I'll buy the new PB immediately, but I want it to fully support the wireless world.
  • Reply 60 of 178
    Apple Store is offline now... new hardware coming real soon I guess
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