Macrumors: PowerMac/display updates imminent



  • Reply 141 of 151

    Originally posted by Mark- Card Carrying FanaticRealist

    And just to prove that something is going on?

    The store is open today (Thursday) and has items that were not available yesterday. Normally the store is only open on Wednesdays.


    And open again today with yet more stock.
  • Reply 142 of 151
    joinkjoink Posts: 2member

    Originally posted by Mark- Card Carrying FanaticRealist

    And open again today with yet more stock.

    Mmm.. large quantities refurbished PowerBooks and iBooks...

    Perhaps 'white spots' and 'logic board problems' caused this???
  • Reply 143 of 151
    I really think Steve Jobs would like to announce the famous 3ghz G5 itself, and not just put it on the apple website for everybody to see, he will be making a big thing out of it (and off course, it is!).

    So I guess 3ghz by the summer, that's what he said, and he will have been careful with that prediction, otherwise it would be plain stupid, but 2-3 months ahead of schedule? no, I don't think so.

    My guess is the time before NAB will be most interesting.

    rev B Powermac annoucements (1-2 week delay in shipping)

    speedbumped *books, and maybe the announcement of a totally new iMac (not so sure about this one, maybe also just a speedbump).

    In any case, there is an IBM powerevent the 31st, this won't go unnoticed, and IBM will be talking about all of his processors, including 970,970fx,975, etc..

    April will shed more light onto apple's future concering hardware linup (excluding iPod and Displays)

  • Reply 144 of 151

    Originally posted by joink

    Mmm.. large quantities refurbished PowerBooks and iBooks...

    Perhaps 'white spots' and 'logic board problems' caused this???

    Logic board problem was a G3 iBook thing surely.

    And white spots didn't affect all of the PowerBooks (15" only, I thought)

    And what does that say about the iMacs that are available?

    And why the displays?

    And it's open today (Saturday) with even more stock

    It's channel clearing - no other explanation makes sense.
  • Reply 145 of 151
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    It would be fantastic if Apple were able to do a 3 GHz this early. Do I think it's likely? Not a snowball's chance in hell. But I would love to be proved wrong
  • Reply 146 of 151
    fieldorfieldor Posts: 213member
    Lets just see what the IBM Power event brings us tomorrow.
  • Reply 147 of 151
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member
    tomorrow is my cut off point for new displays (2 of 'em)

    decision time.

    have to buy something tomorrow (for tax purposes). had fingers crossed for either a price drop on existing 20" or new models.

    looks like existing 20" at full price for me...
  • Reply 148 of 151
    neumacneumac Posts: 93member
    Meaningless item No. 461:

    Yesterday all three PowerMac G5's were available on the Apple refurbs page. Today none of the three are.
  • Reply 149 of 151
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by neumac

    Meaningless item No. 461:

    Yesterday all three PowerMac G5's were available on the Apple refurbs page. Today none of the three are.

    a lot of things are missing from the refurb page though.
  • Reply 150 of 151
    neumacneumac Posts: 93member

    Originally posted by ipodandimac

    a lot of things are missing from the refurb page though.

    Hence the "meaningless."
  • Reply 151 of 151
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Mark- Card Carrying FanaticRealist

    And it's open today (Saturday) with even more stock

    It's channel clearing - no other explanation makes sense.

    Interesting things happened to the French Refurb Store.
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