G5-2.5 shipping dates.



  • Reply 81 of 335
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member

    Originally posted by JMoney

    What did you order?

    2.5ghz with 6800. Quoted ship date 30/7, I switched specs from the 9600 without losing my place in the queue.
  • Reply 82 of 335
    xsmixsmi Posts: 140member

    I just thought of something. with one of the nVidia a couple of years back Apple gave the customers who ordered the cards the option of getting their machine on time and when the video cards became available those orders were filled. That could be a reason for the ship date not slipping when the card is added. In a way kind of hate remembering this becuse it might get hopes too high. But it has happened before.
  • Reply 83 of 335
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member

    Originally posted by xsmi


    I just thought of something. with one of the nVidia a couple of years back Apple gave the customers who ordered the cards the option of getting their machine on time and when the video cards became available those orders were filled. That could be a reason for the ship date not slipping when the card is added. In a way kind of hate remembering this becuse it might get hopes too high. But it has happened before.

    Out of interest, how does that situation work? Do they ship you a machine with another video card and then swap that out when the 6800s come into stock? Or just delay the shipment?

    Just curious..
  • Reply 84 of 335
    jmoneyjmoney Posts: 133member
    I don't know.. if I'm shelling out the big bucks for the G5, I think it's worth waiting for the nVidia card. If I recall on the PC side the nVidia smoked the ATI..
  • Reply 85 of 335
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member

    Originally posted by JMoney

    I don't know.. if I'm shelling out the big bucks for the G5, I think it's worth waiting for the nVidia card. If I recall on the PC side the nVidia smoked the ATI..

    It depends what you are referring to? OpenGL or DirectX... directx the x800xt smoked the 6800 ultra. OpenGL the ultra was a few fps faster than the x800xt in doom3 benchmarks. Hardly blowing it away. Only reason I would take the 6800 over the x800xt is drivers. ATI's drivers suck big time... always have. But if it weren't for that I would take the ATI because it only uses 1 pci slot space and doesn't require at least a 480 watt PowerSupply to run it. You can run it on a 300 watter if you want to.
  • Reply 86 of 335
    mattbmattb Posts: 59member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Only reason I would take the 6800 over the x800xt is drivers. ATI's drivers suck big time... always have.

    In my experience ATIs drivers are better on the Mac than NVidia's although NVidia's Mac drivers appear to have matured a lot since the GeForce 2MX days when I was using them. I have not had a single problem with ATIs drivers for either the Radeon 8500 in my old desktop or the Radeon 9200 mobility in my iBook and that includes some heavy gaming usage.

    The NVidia 6800 Ultra does block a PCI slot but so does the 9800XT. With no X800 available, the 9600XT is the only real option. Personally I'd rather loose a PCI slot than stick with the 9600XT.

    I'm waiting for my dual 2.5Ghz G5 to arrive too. Unfortunately here in New Zealand Apple doesn't do build to order so I had to buy a standard configuarion G5 and then buy the 6800 separately. \

    Still, I guess I can sell the 9600XT to someone wanting to upgrade their Fx5200.

    Apple won't give me a shipping date. Best they say about the G5 is "late july" which I'll be happy with if they actually manage it (which I doubt). As to the 6800, they currently say they have no idea when it will ship. Aren't you all glad you aren't ordering your new Macs here...
  • Reply 87 of 335
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    God Apple NZ doesn't sound like a sales organisation it sounds like a sales prevention organisation.
  • Reply 88 of 335
    xsmixsmi Posts: 140member

    Originally posted by auslander

    Out of interest, how does that situation work? Do they ship you a machine with another video card and then swap that out when the 6800s come into stock? Or just delay the shipment?

    Just curious..

    They shipped the bottom card in the machine then shipped the nVidia Card when it became available. I don't know if they gave any credit for instillation or not.
  • Reply 89 of 335
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member

    Originally posted by xsmi

    They shipped the bottom card in the machine then shipped the nVidia Card when it became available. I don't know if they gave any credit for instillation or not.

    I'd be down with that plan. My iPod (which had a July 26 shipping date) was shipped yesterday, so I'm optimistic that Apple will start getting the 2.5's out the door soon.
  • Reply 90 of 335
    jjjj Posts: 48member
    There are people on the macnn forums expecting their very early orders of 2.5 w/6800 in late august. I dont understand how I ordered mine 7/12 and have a 7/30 date that apple has confirmed twice. I'm starting to expect a last minute delay of another month.
  • Reply 91 of 335
    lol... i'm johnnydr87 there....

    same exact post....

    Dear god, let them be shipped this friday.
  • Reply 92 of 335
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member

    Originally posted by SwitchingSoon

    lol... i'm johnnydr87 there....

    same exact post....

    Dear god, let them be shipped this friday.

    Mine's supposed to ship tomorrow...LOL!! We'll see...
  • Reply 93 of 335
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member
    Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings here...but..

    My order, which was supposed to ship today (July 28th) has been changed - yes that's right!!

    To September 9th!!!

    Well, I'm a bit disappointed of course, but not in the least bit surprised I suppose. Maybe it will arrive in time for the Mac release of Doom 3??

    Ah well... \ \ \
  • Reply 94 of 335
    leppoleppo Posts: 66member

    Originally posted by auslander

    My order, which was supposed to ship today (July 28th) has been changed - yes that's right!! To September 9th!!!

    Where did you order from and when? Did you get a custom machine? Which video card?

    I went through the Apple Store and mine still says 7/30, as does two of my friends. I ordered around the 15th or 16th of June, I think.

    Dual 2.5, 250 GB, Bluetooth, 1 GB ram here
  • Reply 95 of 335
    I guess it's the 6800 video card that is the cause for your delay.

    With the intro they said it wouldn't be available until late august, even if some orders still showed 7/30 when they changed it to the 6800, but that was just a flaw in the system apparently.

    Than sept 9th doesn't look like a huge delay, if you consider your videocard wasn't supposed to ship until late august..

    I guess everybody who changed their orders to the 6800 will begin to report similar date changes..

    but who knows, it might ship mid august..
  • Reply 96 of 335
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member

    Originally posted by Leppo

    Where did you order from and when? Did you get a custom machine? Which video card?

    I went through the Apple Store and mine still says 7/30, as does two of my friends. I ordered around the 15th or 16th of June, I think.

    Dual 2.5, 250 GB, Bluetooth, 1 GB ram here

    I ordered through ADC in early July. It's a custom order though. Dual 2.5, 2x250GB, 4GB Ram, NVidia 6800, Bluetooth and Airport Extreme.

    I'm fine with this though, as I really didn't order it that long ago.
  • Reply 97 of 335
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    Also ADC is very weird. Such as today. Since I changed my order from the dual 2.5 to: dual 2.0 with 9800xt, 20gb iPod, and Printer... Well the printer was supposed to be the last thing to ship (8/11/04). Well I just got a shipment notification with a tracking #. Well today I put in the tracking # at fedex, and its in town already.

    Moral of the story is: Shipment dates really don't mean a WHOLE lot. The girl kept telling me she wouldn't know if my dual 2.5 would ship before 8/31/04 until the 7/30 date had passed. My order was originally set for 7/30 but got moved back to 8/31. And yes this was all through ADC.

    At this point if you order you will get a stuck with a 8/31/04 or later shipping date. I needed a mac now and I don't really need that 20% speed increase.

    Anyways, If you put your order in after july 15th or whatever, I wouldn't expect your machine until september.

    And yes this was all through ADC
  • Reply 98 of 335
    auslanderauslander Posts: 183member

    Originally posted by emig647

    Also ADC is very weird. Such as today. Since I changed my order from the dual 2.5 to: dual 2.0 with 9800xt, 20gb iPod, and Printer... Well the printer was supposed to be the last thing to ship (8/11/04). Well I just got a shipment notification with a tracking #. Well today I put in the tracking # at fedex, and its in town already.

    Moral of the story is: Shipment dates really don't mean a WHOLE lot. The girl kept telling me she wouldn't know if my dual 2.5 would ship before 8/31/04 until the 7/30 date had passed. My order was originally set for 7/30 but got moved back to 8/31. And yes this was all through ADC.

    At this point if you order you will get a stuck with a 8/31/04 or later shipping date. I needed a mac now and I don't really need that 20% speed increase.

    Anyways, If you put your order in after july 15th or whatever, I wouldn't expect your machine until september.

    And yes this was all through ADC

    Yep, you're right. Well, I just checked my FEDEX tracking # and my new iPod was delivered this morning to my office. That'll take the edge off a bit
  • Reply 99 of 335
    jjjj Posts: 48member
    quoting myself from macnn:

    "Ok, just called apple again. The guy I spoke to said it did seem a bit fishy and he didnt think the card was available until mid august or later. I was then put on hold for 15 min while he spoke to a supervisor. When he returned he said the first batch of 2.5's will go out friday FOR SURE as will a limited # of 6800's. He said anyone ordering a 6800 now could expect it in mid august and if my order is delayed on friday I should be able to expect it mid august."
  • Reply 100 of 335
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    I wish Apple would announce machines when they are ready to ship. This waiting is killing me, my current machine is dead on it's feet B & W G3-300 and I spend 50% of my day watching the spinning wheel, it is long overdue for replacement. Sometimes this thing drives me insane, click spin wheel, click again, spin wheel again argh.
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