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  • Reply 41 of 163
    Not even I know what the case will look like. I wonder if Schiler does?
  • Reply 42 of 163
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    If that spec is true I guess I will wait until Fall for the Dual G5. My computer loan ends in October so it's a perfect time

    The price increase of the low end seems non-sense but when think about super drive is bundles that would make sense.

    Again....ONLY IF what Mr. Mastergating said is true....
  • Reply 43 of 163
    wait wait wait wait waaaaaaaait. you (dan) jump all down this guys throat and you don't even know what u are talking about. I mean come on how the heck do you think you can justify claiming what he has said as b.s. if you can get the the difference between the current g4 and the apollo? i mean seriously it's people like you that make the world a sick place to live in. i really cant stand people who punk other posters for b.s. or being stupid, but of course its not their fault they were born dumber than me. lol
  • Reply 44 of 163
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member

    Got any more info/jiuce to help convince us to believe you?

    Any info on new monitors? Will the G5 in fact have a new case? DDR ram? Faster bus? Gigawire? What is gigawire?

    I want some juice!!
  • Reply 45 of 163
    qaziiqazii Posts: 305member
    You say that the new iMac will have a 15.2 inch LCD. Can anyone verify that the Quanta shipment was 15.2 inch LCD's? Now, the only 15.2 inch LCD I know of is the one in the Powerbook G4, which is a widescreen. Mastergateing, do you know if the iMac G4's will be widescreen?
  • Reply 46 of 163
  • Reply 47 of 163
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    And The Mysterious? Come on, give us a hint.
  • Reply 48 of 163

    Got any more info/jiuce to help convince us to believe you?

    Any info on new monitors? Will the G5 in fact have a new case? DDR ram? Faster bus? Gigawire? What is gigawire?

    I want some juice!! Â* Â* Â*Â*


    You say that the new iMac will have a 15.2 inch LCD. Can anyone verify that the Quanta shipment was 15.2 inch LCD's? Now, the only 15.2 inch LCD I know of is the one in the Powerbook G4, which is a widescreen. Mastergateing, do you know if the iMac G4's will be widescreen?

    The new Powermac will have a new enclosure, though I do not know what it will look like. I do know it will be new and of course beautiful. DDR Ram is a go with machines shiping with 266MHz DDR SDRAM. he new bus will be 400 Mhz or four times faster than the current G4 equivelant.

    The LCD screen used in the iMac will indeed be similar if not the same one used in the Powerbook G4. I have heard that it is the same and it will be the "mega widescreen" display.
  • Reply 49 of 163
    [quote]Originally posted by DanPCamera:

    <strong>"but a cache flaw was discovered when the chips ran above 900Mhz. Motorola has steadfastly refused to rectify the problem, claiming that the release of it's 7460 was too near to justify the cost of fixing it. In the last few weeks, there has been talk of Apple filing a lawsuit against Motorola for having misrepresented its ability to produce microprocessors for Apple on a timely basis. This is essentially a repeat of the G4 fiasco that occurred in 1999, differing only in that Apple had not opened its mouth to the public too quickly. Steve Jobs was forced at the last minute before Macworld to change his product announcement, as the G4 lineup was supposed to have been 733 Mhz, 867Mhz, and dual 800Mhz and 1Ghz to ship in late august." </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I read that as well - but a while back. This was in reference to an older pre-production revision of the G5 (0.5?) which did have a cache problem that caused many to think that yields would not be as high as initially expected (expectations were for it to start around 1.4GHZ). The problem was not with cache once placed into a Mac, as was suggested earlier in this thread, but rather a fault of the chip itself. The problem did slow down development, but was solved in a later revision (0.6?) that allowed the chip to soar past the GHz barrier. The G5 has not reached initial expectations, but it should in the next revision - for now expect the first models to top out around 1.4, but you shouldn't see anything under 1.0 GHz. FYI, these chips are being produced - it's just a matter of when we'll see them in an Apple machine.

    It's also worth stating that Apple can't just start pushing machines out as soon as MOT is mass-producing a processor. I personally have no guess about whether we will see a G5 in Jan. or not - it's possible, but it would be tight. Bottom line: if Steve demo's a G5, I wouldn't expect one to ship for a month or so. If we get a speedy G4 revision, I'd expect them to be available "immediately" (2 weeks).

  • Reply 50 of 163
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    1600x1024 on an iMac? That would be cool, but if the common iMac buyer is anything like my wife of Mom, then they should get a more moderate screen size. Like 1280x832 to keep the ratio or maybe even 1440x928.
  • Reply 51 of 163
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
  • Reply 52 of 163
    And The Mysterious? Come on, give us a hint.

    "? and the MysteriANS" were a 60s rock group - they had that hit song '96 Tears.'
  • Reply 53 of 163
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    DDR Ram is a go with machines shiping with 266MHz DDR SDRAM. he new bus will be 400 Mhz or four times faster than the current G4 equivelant.


    Unless I'm mistaken, 400Mhz is 3 times faster than the current G4s...

    And I don't think it's possible to have a 400MHz FSB along with 266MHz DDR... Not sure though, can anyone back this up?
  • Reply 53 of 163

    iMac G4

    667 Mhz DVD or CD-RW

    733 Mhz Combo

    867 Mhz Superdrive

    15.2 Inch LCD


    sign...would be great...if i could get a widescreen lcd iMac with a 867 mHz G4 and superdrive for $1599, the credit card would already be out of my wallet...guess we'll see soon enough...g
  • Reply 53 of 163
    I gotta stop reading this board, I can't get anything productive done! I come here and there's an interesting post followed by another contradictory post then another contradiction to that post and it goes on and on forever and you don't even get a second to live. I'm trying to live but these "insiders" won't let me!! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME LIVE!?!?
  • Reply 56 of 163
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mastergateing:

    <strong>Yep, Phil Schiller. There is my source, chew on that.


    [quote]Originally posted by Mastergateing:

    <strong>Phil Schiller is not my source but the source is on his level. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    This is why I can't belive a word your saying. Either he is your source or he isn't.

    Personally I think your just regergitating various rumors that you think will come true so that you can have the spotlight knowing that if you get even some of them right you'll have people who will believe your an insider.

    That said, I hope your right (even if you are just guessing)
  • Reply 56 of 163
    synsyn Posts: 329member
    if i could get a widescreen lcd iMac with a 867 mHz G4 and superdrive for $1599

    Then what would justify the price premium for a PowerBook??? since the most expensive part of it, the screen, is the same btw both machines?
  • Reply 58 of 163
    What the **** how can they bump the ibook it just ****ing came out.
  • Reply 59 of 163
    They can do whatever they damn want.
  • Reply 60 of 163
    They can do whatever they want but will they want people rioting at cupertino?

    The ibook was speedbumped last on October 16th. That would make a less than three month time for a speedbump, isn't that sort of unprecedented?
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