Apple "One More Thing" Event next week!



  • Reply 261 of 290
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Lemon Bon Bon:

    I agree with you. Totally impressive iMac upgrade. Totally unexpected too.

    I think it shows Apple's hand WRT other Apple updates. And as JohnsonWax alluded to, I don't think they are far away.

    For example, an 8X SuperDrive is now standard in the consumer desktop. Yet, still is extra on PowerBooks? That's gonna change. And if it does, one would think it is going to have an affect on the PowerBook's pricing.

    The thing that is depressing, however, is that the upgrades will happen without a special press event, which in the past, has signal a major revision of a product. I seriously thought we were going to see a redesigned PowerBook today, along with a modified dual dual-core G5. To that prospect, I say bummers.
  • Reply 262 of 290

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    I seriously thought we were going to see a redesigned PowerBook today, along with a modified dual dual-core G5. To that prospect, I say bummers.

    Amen to that. First Paris (not), now this (not). I could use one each of a new PB and PM - hoping there is something substantial in any such upgrade, and there isn't much longer to wait. It has been a long wait already.
  • Reply 263 of 290
    gugygugy Posts: 794member

    Originally posted by DHagan4755

    Lemon Bon Bon:

    I agree with you. Totally impressive iMac upgrade. Totally unexpected too.

    I think it shows Apple's hand WRT other Apple updates. And as JohnsonWax alluded to, I don't think they are far away.

    For example, an 8X SuperDrive is now standard in the consumer desktop. Yet, still is extra on PowerBooks? That's gonna change. And if it does, one would think it is going to have an affect on the PowerBook's pricing.

    The thing that is depressing, however, is that the upgrades will happen without a special press event, which in the past, has signal a major revision of a product. I seriously thought we were going to see a redesigned PowerBook today, along with a modified dual dual-core G5. To that prospect, I say bummers.

    I think the reason behind no special event for PBs and PMs comes to the fact Steve doesn't want to contradict himself. Just imagine, if he personally walk on stage and introduce, let's say Dual-core PM, he would have to say how great and fast it is. Then months later he'll introduce Intel.

    So I think right now most upgrades for the professional line will be only a press release. Did you notice that when He introduce the Imac he did not mention at all the processor or the small speed increase? So my guess is that hopefully before the end of this month we see some upgrades for both PM and PB.
  • Reply 264 of 290
    aquamacaquamac Posts: 585member

    Originally posted by gugy

    I think the reason behind no special event for PBs and PMs comes to the fact Steve doesn't want to contradict himself. Just imagine, if he personally walk on stage and introduce, let's say Dual-core PM, he would have to say how great and fast it is. Then months later he'll introduce Intel.

    Yeah, so? Then with an inteli Mac he says now were even faster with the wonderful intel PM. No contridiction there.
  • Reply 265 of 290
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    yes and no.

    two things to think:

    if the says how great PPC is then let's say in 6 months Intel is much better seems odd, specialy after he praised Intel so much during WWDC.

    the other thing is Steve is pissed at IBM because the lack of substantial upgrades, so might guess he doesn't want to say how greatest the latest IBM PPC is.

    Remmember his ego! and the 3ghz disaster!
  • Reply 266 of 290
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    well i am very upset about this. how can apple not atleast slightly bring some mods to the PBs?

    i'm hoping you guys are right about this and there will be one before holiday seasons.

    price cuts are happenning to the current pb? when is this happening? i dont see it.
  • Reply 267 of 290

    Originally posted by KidRed

    You've nailed air as there hasn't been an announcement yet. I for one seriously doubt a video 2"x 2 1/2" video iPod weeks after a iPod nano is released.

    Well Kidred... Tell me again, what is it I have nailed and what is it you seriously doubt ??

  • Reply 268 of 290
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member

    Originally posted by Blackcat

    No, that SA ad has been debunked. Which doesn't mean we won't see an iPod Video today.

    Remember when I said you people were all over-thinking the issue and not looking purely at the market demand, and then you guys ignored me and kept blabbing about bandwidth and content? That was awesome.
  • Reply 269 of 290
    octaneoctane Posts: 157member
    Well I can admit it; I was way off 8)

    White 30GB... counting the days...
  • Reply 270 of 290

    Originally posted by G_Warren

    Will you really notice the 0.1GHz difference? I would say not, so personally, I'd go with the thinner model, with a camera, remote and newer software

    Cheaper too. I'll be convinced I need a new 17" soon enough

    RDF Rocks
  • Reply 271 of 290
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by jherrling

    I think the music store has been experiencing a DOS attack from everyone checking out all the new features. I would reserve my judgement for about a week or so until the newness wears off.

    Your so in denial.

    They only have a couple of shows, and the quality of the content is awful, and not playable on anything other than a Mac. The speed it exactly how I said it would be, and they have less content at launch than I actually thought they would. If they add the amount, and kind of content that would actually make some money it would get worse. You can't burn it to DVD, and you wouldn't want to anyway at that resolution. I stand by my thought that this is going to tank.

    I've been reading what people have been saying at Mac central, and playlist, and they have brought up so many things that make this a totally bad deal it's not even funny. I do think it is all cool looking now to someone not so knowledgeable, but what you get if you look at it closely is fish bait. My 2¢
  • Reply 272 of 290
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member
    There is no equivalent to video that music had to begin with. As Steve said we don't consume them in the same way - what we need is free TV programs and a way to burn DVDs to our computers and then buy DVD quality videos from a video store. 320 x 240 is too shit for anything other than an iPod - and an iPod is too small to appreciate video.
  • Reply 273 of 290
    I think this is testing the waters, it's too naff to be the real thing.
  • Reply 274 of 290
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    Why, why does the iMac (of all systems) get PCI Express before a frigging PowerMac or PowerBook? Someone explain the frigging logic, unless of course they plan to shitcan the Power line altogether. Remember the last TV ad that wasn't iPod-centric? Seems to me Apple is turning into a gadget company that writes a damn fine OS too.
  • Reply 275 of 290
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Why, why does the iMac (of all systems) get PCI Express before a frigging PowerMac or PowerBook? Someone explain the frigging logic, unless of course they plan to shitcan the Power line altogether. Remember the last TV ad that wasn't iPod-centric? Seems to me Apple is turning into a gadget company that writes a damn fine OS too.

    I wondered that but was too afraid to say it - but then, I'm not a Rhumgod!

    I do want my Mac though!
  • Reply 276 of 290

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Why, why does the iMac (of all systems) get PCI Express before a frigging PowerMac or PowerBook? Someone explain the frigging logic, unless of course they plan to shitcan the Power line altogether. Remember the last TV ad that wasn't iPod-centric? Seems to me Apple is turning into a gadget company that writes a damn fine OS too.

    Well put!

    iPods are lovely things but new, better, feature rich Macs would sell too!
  • Reply 277 of 290
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Why, why does the iMac (of all systems) get PCI Express before a frigging PowerMac or PowerBook?

  • Reply 278 of 290
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Rhumgod

    Why, why does the iMac (of all systems) get PCI Express before a frigging PowerMac or PowerBook?

    I haven't the foggiest idea.
  • Reply 279 of 290
    It sells more.
  • Reply 280 of 290
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I think it's funny that, as time goes on, the system you have right now actually gets slower. The 2.5Ghz G5 with 2GB RAM you own now is really not acceptable since it's been so long between speed bumps in the line.

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