Apple releases Mac OS X 10.4.3



  • Reply 101 of 142
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    Updated this morning, and rebooted.

    None of my rules in Mail work anymore.

    I can delete them.

    If I add a new rule the Mail pref window wont close anymore.

    So, no more rules in mail.

    Doesnt work before or after repairing permissions.
  • Reply 102 of 142
    For me, just fine, 9/10 - because the permissions on my widgets keep showing up as wrong in Disk Utility, though effects nothing in real usage.

    But I see a whole lot of varying mileage here. I thought we were driving Macs, not Hummers and Volkswagens!

    My own notes:

    - download size depends on system config, nothing else.

    - widget 'dock' background is the same, 'that guy' had just installed a 3rd party mod he forgot about

    - spotlight did not need to re-index my drive (thank god, laptop drive+tons of files)

    - safari seems a bit faster

    - get info shows application architecture in the More Info section

    - Mighty Mouse software installed automatically, systems with no Mighty Mouse preferences set beforehand have both buttons set to default as 'one button mouse mode'

    - starts up from power on to full desktop in 70 seconds on my ageing 2003 powerbook, comparable to before

    - my trusty .kext hack from back in the Panther days still keeps my fan from coming on all the damned time - hurray for kernel extensions!
  • Reply 103 of 142
    Clean install and works great.

    One third-party app break to report - artlantis R loses the ability to draw in the 2D view .. making it quick tricky to place lights and cameras. :-)

    Otherwise looks like a great update.
  • Reply 104 of 142
    I'm finding Safari a lot faster now also Firefox so I'm contributing that to fixes to Airport.
  • Reply 105 of 142

    Originally posted by AquaMac

    So people...

    -- Mac OS X 10.4.3 -- is it a hit or a miss? 10 out of 10 stars?

    Only 8/10 over here. Had some weirdness with the Finder before (disappeared from the dock, and did not appear when you did the Apple-TAB thing, even though it was definitely open) but it has not happened since so I can ignore that. However, the permissions are not quite right - the same files, mostly widgets, get repaired every time. Seems a bit laggy booting up now - there is a delay in loading my menu bar icons (bluetooth, internet, wireless, system volume etc) which was not there before.
  • Reply 106 of 142
    tinktink Posts: 395member

    Originally posted by tink

    Ahhhh nothing like a wonker like myself working on a production machine.

    Restarted my dual 2Ghz G5 to clear out memory, etc and repaired permissions. Downloaded the 56 mb download while I cleaned my desk and let the installer have the whole computer to itself.

    The update installed and my computer restarted. Text input went wonky and my G5 went into a Kernel Panic in the first 30 seconds! WEEEEEEEEE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    Hard shut down and straight home. I'll see if she starts up and plays nice tomorrow. Ahh the looming deadlines...

    Got to love giving into temptation and loading a virgin OS update on a production machine before it's been vetted.



    Got to work, started up, and everything is cruzen. I have a KVM switch with a second keyboard that was somehow jamming underneath a second monitor, yadda, yadda, yadda. That caused the Kernal Panic on Start up.





    >Everything cool here!
  • Reply 107 of 142
    fahlmanfahlman Posts: 740member
    I've schedule ARD to update my computers this evening at 7:30 PM and restart the computers. I'll let you know how it works tomorrow when my designers call me at 6 AM, wake me from sleep, to tell me their computers aren't working.
  • Reply 108 of 142
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by fahlman

    I've schedule ARD to update my computers this evening at 7:30 PM and restart the computers. I'll let you know how it works tomorrow when my designers call me at 6 AM, wake me from sleep, to tell me their computers aren't working.

    Sounds like a plan.

    What's ARD?
  • Reply 109 of 142

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    Sounds like a plan.

    What's ARD?

    Apple Remote Desktop:

    Its a remote admin thing, kind of like VNC but given the Apple treatment so it doesn't suck as much and can do things!

    I'd love one for Windoze actually. My current setup is through M$'s own Remote Desktop Connection, fortunately to only 1 remote pc! In typical style, where Apple took VNC and made it pretty sweet, Microsoft took it and ... gave it sound. Laggy crappy sound at that. Nice that they released it for Macs to admin XP boxes though. Shows they know the humans like to get their hands on the opposition's computer in preference!
  • Reply 110 of 142
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by MacCrazy

    What's ARD?

    google apple ard
  • Reply 111 of 142
    sjksjk Posts: 603member

    Originally posted by RichardH

    For what it's worth, I used to have various random weird issues that rose up and reared their ugly heads in a variety of problems, ranging from kernel panics to strange hangs.

    Flakey RAM (or other hardware) often causes that random misbehavior. Of course it's sometimes software-related, as you discovered:


    I did exactly one thing a while ago (6+ months, so it may no longer pertain to current versions and I don't want to dis the developer(s) of what appear to be pretty cool, but not exactly essential programs and m0dz), I removed all the Unsanity haxies and the APE Application Framework.

    Presto. All the weirdness went away.



    I like the APE framework and many of the haxies are highly neato. But I just don't have the time to dick around searching for obscure problems with no apparent resolution -- or waiting for another .dot update from UnSanity every time a new 10.4.x release arrives -- I need to USE my computers, like, NOW.

    This is sorta a bummer since some cool programs depend on the APE framework for additional functionality, but the positives far outweigh the negatives in this case, for me anyway.

    If you're not using APE I think you want to invert "positives" and "negatives" for that final sentence to make sense.

    For me, the potential negative risks of running APE+haxies still outweigh the positive benefits. I tinkered with them a bit in 10.1/10.2 but with every major OS X update I've gotten more conservative with what end up reinstalling from the previous release. Experience has tamed my necessities; a fast Tiger is more satisfying than a fat one.

    I've run CodeTek VirtualDesktop for a few years and have never noticed any system instability caused by its use of mach_inject and mach_override. All of my rare kernel panics have been hardware-related.
  • Reply 112 of 142
    Safari's threading Model vs. OmniWeb's threading Model.

    Clearly, OmniWeb 5.1.2 is highly threaded with less ram requirements, but more virtual memory. It doesn't pass the Acid 2 Test, but very close. This means they haven't updated their WebCore Kit yet.

    We already know Safari was bloat:

    From serious testing to this basic three tabs test identical to OmniWeb it is clear that they focused on Acid2 compliance and behind the scenes threading and memory issues never made it in.

    The jpeg-2000 saved screenshot doesn't render correctly in Safari: Guess they didn't make that into the release.

    Here is a larger JPG. (244KB)

  • Reply 113 of 142
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member

    Originally posted by sjk

    Seems to or does?

    Thanks for the info. I didn't want to update my wife's eMac before getting positive reports of EyeTV working with 10.4.3.

    [edit: Just saw sloanlo's post about the EyeTV problem. Maybe I'll hold off updating the eMac a bit longer.]

    I've seen more reports of EyeHome problems with 10.4.3 than with previous updates. It's been working fine for me through 10.4.2.

    Works perfectly.

    Rock solid with no issues whatsoever.
  • Reply 114 of 142
    I've had flaky wireless since 10.4.1 and this fixed it. It would just drop out every 2-5 seconds for no reason. I have no idea what they did, but it worked.
  • Reply 115 of 142
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by mdriftmeyer

    Safari's threading Model vs. OmniWeb's threading Model.

    Clearly, OmniWeb 5.1.2 is highly threaded with less ram requirements, but more virtual memory. It doesn't pass the Acid 2 Test, but very close. This means they haven't updated their WebCore Kit yet. We already know Safari was bloat: From serious testing to this basic three tabs test identical to OmniWeb it is clear that they focused on Acid2 compliance and behind the scenes threading and memory issues never made it in. The jpeg-2000 saved screenshot doesn't render correctly in Safari: Guess they didn't make that into the release. Here is a larger JPG. (244KB)

    cool. looks like OmniWeb will benefit more from multiple core machines, since all those threads can be handled by different cores at once. may not be strong enough a case for using omniweb specifically over safari on single-core machines, unless RAM is a critical bottleneck ?
  • Reply 116 of 142
    sjksjk Posts: 603member
    Re: EyeTV

    Originally posted by Cake

    Works perfectly.

    Rock solid with no issues whatsoever.

    Glad to hear it. I wonder what's causing sloanlo's problem.

    Re: EyeHome. Got this note earlier:

    Adam Steinberg at Elgato has confirmed that 10.4.3 breaks the EyeHome application necessary to stream content to the Elgato EyeHome hardware device.
  • Reply 117 of 142

    Originally posted by acacio

    Did my upgrade last night on my PM G5 dual 2.0 and NO problems whatsoever.

    I also have to say that I *never* had any problems with upgrades, *ever*. And I, being a Unix geek, do substantial tweaking on my system (from sudo, to Apache, to changing the Tcl system package, upgrading Perl, PHP, adding fink and darwinports, etc....)


    Wow. Clearly, this guy doesn't believe in the jinx gods!
  • Reply 118 of 142
    maccrazymaccrazy Posts: 2,658member

    Originally posted by fuyutsuki

    Apple Remote Desktop:

    Its a remote admin thing, kind of like VNC but given the Apple treatment so it doesn't suck as much and can do things!

    I'd love one for Windoze actually. My current setup is through M$'s own Remote Desktop Connection, fortunately to only 1 remote pc! In typical style, where Apple took VNC and made it pretty sweet, Microsoft took it and ... gave it sound. Laggy crappy sound at that. Nice that they released it for Macs to admin XP boxes though. Shows they know the humans like to get their hands on the opposition's computer in preference!

    Oh I know Remote Desktop I just couldn't think what the acronym was representing!

  • Reply 119 of 142

    Originally posted by fuyutsuki

    For me, just fine, 9/10 - because the permissions on my widgets keep showing up as wrong in Disk Utility, though effects nothing in real usage.

    The permissions keep showing up as information, not as a problem. This is similar to previous updates when Apple modified the permissions on other items, and Disk Utility would throw up an informative note "blah blah app is using special permissions. They are now using blah blah blah."

    I guess it's important to developers or something to know that something their app may integrate with uses different permissions.
  • Reply 120 of 142
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by MasonMcD

    The permissions keep showing up as information, not as a problem. This is similar to previous updates when Apple modified the permissions on other items, and Disk Utility would throw up an informative note "blah blah app is using special permissions. They are now using blah blah blah."

    I guess it's important to developers or something to know that something their app may integrate with uses different permissions.

    It is, in many cases, important for sys admins or unix geeks ot know what permittions are what but that is usually done by dumping the output of the ls command into a colen delimited file and awk-ing just the stuff you want...

    The disk utility output id more than likely a referance for Apple Tech Support...
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