I am infuriated!

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Just bought a 20" iMac on December 20th. I never dreamed they would update this quickly. Now they have a machine with not just a speed bump, but a 2-3X performance gain, better graphics, etc...all for the same price.

I bought from Amazon. What are my options? I really want to return it. It's bullshit. I think the ebay value would be poor. I'd lose hundreds. Must...call...Amazon. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!



  • Reply 1 of 124
    lustlust Posts: 83member
    Maybe you should've listened when everyone was saying they'd be released in Jan.?
  • Reply 2 of 124

    Originally posted by Lust

    Maybe you should've listened when everyone was saying they'd be released in Jan.?

    I don't remember anyone saying that iMacs would be updated so soon. iBooks, even PowerBooks, but not iMacs...
  • Reply 3 of 124
    lustlust Posts: 83member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    I don't remember anyone saying that iMacs would be updated so soon. iBooks, even PowerBooks, but not iMacs...

    No one said they wouldn't, either. One might think it best to wait and see just to make sure. Wouldn't have been that long of a wait.
  • Reply 4 of 124
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    your an idiot for buying a new computer right before macworld. return it to amazon, and get the new imac.
  • Reply 5 of 124
    19841984 Posts: 955member
    We all need to remember that Appleinsider has a front page...

    November 4th

    Without getting into specific dates at this time, sources familiar with Apple's Macintosh hardware roadmap say the company is striving to unveil a completely redesigned set of Intel iBook laptops just in time for next year's K-12 educational buying season, which takes place around April or May.

    Apple currently offers iBooks with either a standard 12- or 14-inch screen, but looks poised to introduce a completely new model built around (what appears to be) a 13-inch widescreen. Whether the company will offer other iBook models or standardize around the new widescreen model remains unknown.

    Expected to make its debut even earlier than the new iBooks will be Apple's first Intel-based PowerBook, sources added. The new 15-inch PowerBook will carry over many of the design elements and styles that have made its aluminum PowerBooks so successful, but will be about 20- to 25-percent thinner than today's model.

    The 12-inch PowerBook is no longer on Apple's roadmap -- as reported in August -- and the new Intel-based 17-inch model is slated for release several months later.

    November 11th

    Surprisingly, the most reliable information indicates that the iMac and PowerBook -- two of the company's most recently revised Mac offerings -- are targeted to be the first two Mac models to receive Intel processors in January. The iMac and PowerBook are also believed to be Apple's best-selling Mac models, which explains why the company will be upgrading them with Intel processors first and refreshing their associated product lines for the second time in as little as four months.

    While it's too early to be certain if the Intel-based 15-inch PowerBook will be completed for its targeted introduction during the second week of January, a company roadmap described to AppleInsider lists both a 17- and 20-inch Intel-based iMac as being "on track" to debut at the annual Macworld Expo conference planned for the same week.

    According to sources familiar with Apple's plans, the first Intel iMac won't usher in a slew of new bells and whistles, and instead will be based largely on the design and feature set of the current iMac. In fact, recent rumblings reveal that Apple will reuse the 'media center' iMac enclosure introduced at last month's special event in San Jose, Calif.

    I know I'm going to pay more attention to Appleinsider from now on. Damn.
  • Reply 6 of 124
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    No one predicted this. Apple completely lied about the mid-2006 date to move product. I saw NO rumors of a new iMac. I would have waited a lousy three weeks to upgrade had I had any clue.

    Amazon will give me an 80% refund. They said I'm likely to keep the mail-in rebate. All in all, a new one will probably cost $100 when everything is said and done.
  • Reply 7 of 124
    lustlust Posts: 83member
    Like I said, you still should've waited just to be safe. You knew they were going to announce *something*
  • Reply 8 of 124

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    No one predicted this. Apple completely lied about the mid-2006 date to move product. I saw NO rumors of a new iMac. I would have waited a lousy three weeks to upgrade had I had any clue.

    Well, I am bit ticked myself (bought my new iMac back in November). You are right about the predictions. That should teach us something about those. Finally, they did not lie about the release dates. Steve said by June of 2006. If I was as close as you were, I probably would have waited until today before ordering. It is life I guess.
  • Reply 9 of 124
    So you pretty much rented a new machine to use for $100....

    What are you bitching about again?

    I swear.. I see all these forums on teh intarweb where peeps are complaining about their obsolete hardware.... get over it. Hardware becomes obsolete the day you buy it.

    It still works as fine as the day you bought it no? If this hadn't come out today.. you would still be happy with your purchase, no?

    I dont get it...
  • Reply 10 of 124
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Just bought a 20" iMac on December 20th. I never dreamed they would update this quickly. Now they have a machine with not just a speed bump, but a 2-3X performance gain, better graphics, etc...all for the same price.

    I bought from Amazon. What are my options? I really want to return it. It's bullshit. I think the ebay value would be poor. I'd lose hundreds. Must...call...Amazon. DAMMIT!!!!!!!!


    Don't let the hype drag you down. It's "up to" 2-3x faster. Meaning that if you are running one of the few applications that were compiled as a Universal Binary, heavily optimized for Intel, and makes use of both processor cores, then you will see a significant speed increase.

    In other circumstances, you may very well see a reduction, or not much of an improvement. You have no legitimate reason to return your computer, and no real reason to be upset either. There's always new hardware.
  • Reply 11 of 124
    erbiumerbium Posts: 354member
    Sorry dude.. but ya gotta wait until right after a Macworld before buying stuff.. You probably knew MacWorld was coming, and you bought your mac just a couple weeks before the show.

    The worst time to buy a new Mac is right before a MacWorld keynote.
  • Reply 12 of 124
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Just bought a 20" iMac on December 20th. I never dreamed they would update this quickly. Now they have a machine with not just a speed bump, but a 2-3X performance gain, better graphics, etc...all for the same price.

    I feel for you. But if you managed to finally cost you only $100, then you should be happy.

    And no, it was not possible to predict that the iMac would get another update so soon. This is new in Apple. It got an update in May 2005, then in October 2005 (no one would expect it, given Apple's track on updates), and then in MWSF 2006 (massive update beyond anyone's expectations, despite the AI rumor which looked silly at the time). Never happened before with any Macintosh line. Apple is really unpredictable lately.
  • Reply 13 of 124
    voxappsvoxapps Posts: 236member
    SDW, this happens all the time with technology products. At this point, you have a decision to make: either enjoy the great computer you have, or endure some minor financial loss and inconvenience to get the latest and greatest (which will probably only be so for 6 months).

    Why don't you go to an Apple reseller to try out a new iMac and see whether the reality lives up to the hype? Then, if you can't return it, there's always eBay or the classified section of your local newspaper.

    Then, step back a moment and see how ridiculous your complaint sounds: "How dare Apple release better, more competitive products as soon as possible without warning me?" Perhaps there should be a rule that Apple can't release anything new until they've frozen sales of existing products for at least 180 days to avoid ticking off their installed base.

    Of course, it would suck to be an existing customer who actually *needed* a new computer, but hey, it isn't like Apple's in business to sell computers, is it?

    If it makes you feel better, I've got a 14-month old iMac 20-inch with a "crappy" video card and a "lame" 1.8 GHz G5. This poor, wood-burning excuse for a computer is simply the best, most productive hardware I've ever used. I think it's terrific that Apple is rolling out new hardware as fast as it can and I hope new customers enjoy their Intel Macs as much as I enjoy mine.

    (And to think, 15 months ago I was using a Rev. B iMac G3 233 with 6MB of video RAM, wishing I had a G4 800 MHZ iMac!)
  • Reply 14 of 124
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Voxapps

    (And to think, 15 months ago I was using a Rev. B iMac G3 233 with 6MB of video RAM, wishing I had a G4 800 MHZ iMac!)

    You mean, this was your main computer?
  • Reply 15 of 124
    SDW, I thought you were a capitalist.
  • Reply 16 of 124
    voxappsvoxapps Posts: 236member

    Originally posted by PB

    You mean, this was your main computer?

    Yup. Ran Office, kept my finances, handled my email, played my iTunes. Even made slide shows in iMovie with it (render transition - go out for coffee - render another transition - go out for dinner, etc.). Ran Panther fine with 320 MB of RAM. Gave it away to a PC-using friend and he was so impressed at the ease of use and lack of viruses that he paid me $200 without my asking.
  • Reply 17 of 124
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    This is the first Intel Mac, and we don't know how it performs yet. It may be fine, but there may be some problems, and it may not run all of your existing software. It certainly won't run much of your existing software at 2-3X, only the Apple software bundled with it. Hopefully Rosetta works great, but the safe bet is on the G5 for now.
  • Reply 18 of 124

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    No one predicted this. Apple completely lied about the mid-2006 date to move product. I saw NO rumors of a new iMac. I would have waited a lousy three weeks to upgrade had I had any clue.

    Amazon will give me an 80% refund. They said I'm likely to keep the mail-in rebate. All in all, a new one will probably cost $100 when everything is said and done.

    Nobody, huh?


    Saturday November 12, 2005 12:30 AM EST

    Appleinsider also reports that Intel-based Macs will make their debut at Macworld San Francisco (MWSF) 2006 in January.

    The rumor site expects that the iMac will be the first Intel-based Macs to be introduced in January. The Intel iMac is not expected to introduce any significant new features or case redesign, instead simply updating the processor with this revision. This is contrary to previous expectations that the Mac mini would be the first Intel Mac introduced at MWSF 2006.

    The Intel Powerbook is expected shortly after, perhaps as soon as February 2006. The new Intel Mac laptops are expected to be 20-25% thinner than current offerings.


    Sorry, dude, don't mean to be a jerk. I saw AppleInsider predict this way back in November so didn't go get the new iMac. Not many people believed that Apple would redo the iMac this quickly and many laughed off this prediction, but the rumor was certainly enough to hold out for a couple for months.

    Hope you can get a decent cash return...
  • Reply 19 of 124
    ryukyuryukyu Posts: 450member
    I can't understand people buying so close to a Macworld and then complaining because something new came out.

    Trusting rumors is not a very good basis for a purchase decision.

    Plus, doesn't the machine still do what you originally bought it for anyway?

    As for claiming Apple lied about the release, talk about your conspiracy theory. If it was later than they stated, then people would bitch about that, just like they did when the G5s were late.
  • Reply 20 of 124
    I bought an iMac in August and have seen 2 upgrades in 5 months. But bying this Mac was the best thing I ever did. People would never buy anything if they knew what was coming out ever 6 months. 2-3 times faster maybe..but i didnt think my iMac could be any faster.
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