Winner announced in Windows XP on Intel Mac contest



  • Reply 41 of 112
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    That, I don't get.

    It's an x86 mobo. It's running Windows. So why wouldn't the regular drivers work? Are we back to s00per seekrit speshul Apple video cards *again*?
  • Reply 42 of 112
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Ars mentions:

    "For most people that means they'll be playing EVE Online on their iMacs"

    WTF? I thought no video drivers yet......................
  • Reply 43 of 112
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    Originally posted by Dean812

    I just dont understand why any Mac user would want to boot Windows to begin with!! I mean arent we all Mac users because we dont like the way Windows runs? I know for me, Windows became increasingly frustrating and laborious. Macs run so much smoother and more sisinctly. Not to mention the entire OS is soooo much more stable.

    I guess I just dont get the whole interest in the ability to boot Windows.

    Also, I thought the contest was interesting at first but I def see where the prize money stopped all the creative conversations that we usually see on these forums about a solution to a particular problem. Like someone else said, it stopped everyone from working together. Was a bad idea imo. ( For everyone other than the winner that is.)

    Plus the solution is crazy!!!! I would have thought the solution was going to be relatively easy. Like something we all could do. I dont know about anyone else but I havent owned a PC since WIndows 98 and try not to ever even sit in front of one let alone own one. Seems like the solution that won the money was and is very difficult for the average user. So i just dont see how ANY of this helped any of us.

    Only thing prize money does is create greed, and stiffles a community from working together to achieve something. IMO anyway.

    People neved worked together to createDeaPeaJay a solution. That's wishful thinking.

    Prizes, and other rewards, such as patents, are there for the express purpose of creating incentive. Otherwise people just talk, and never actually spend the sweat.

    This solution is kinky, it's true. But, someone else will find a way to build upon it. Possibly, there is a way to put a Windows drive in a Mac and install from that so that no PC is needed right there. That would be another step.

    It's also possible that someone else can find errors in his process, or better ways of implementing it.

    There are other projects out these as well, as has been linked to on this thread.

    Why would someone who has bought a Mac want to run Windows? This has been commented upon so many times that it's difficult to add anything new.

    But, there are three reasons.

    The first is that Mac users may sometimes find that they need to run the occasional Windows program. Possibly for work or school. They may also be curious, and want to learn something about it. They may also want to play some games that are simply never going to be on this platform.

    The second is that there are people out there who run Windows, who also want to run OS X and/or want to use Apple hardware without committing themselves to the OS for everything. The opposite of the person above.

    Three is that there are gamers out there who really want a Mac, but who can't afford two machines. Buying a Mac that also boots Windows to run at full speed is just the combo they want.

    I didn't cover all of the details here, but you should get the idea.

    Don't be so blinded to think that everyone who is exposed to OS X is going to drop everything they use now and totally switch over. It ain't gonna happen!
  • Reply 44 of 112
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by grahamw

    Why would I want to boot windows on my gorgeous 20" iMac? For the odd time I want to play a $2000 (Canadian) Xbox. Seriously.

    If the game has a Macintosh version, I'll buy and play that version. If not - and I want to play it, I'll boot Windows. Be that as it may, it'll be a stripped down, barebones Windows that only has what it needs to get the gaming done.

    Damn I'm going to have to slipstream a thin (HA!) Windows SP2 when I get home. Now they just have to get the video drivers inline!

    Heh... At the end of the day once I get my job thing sorted out that's what I'll do. Kiss goodbye to Windows gaming. Get a sweet iMac/ Mac mini core duo and then get a PS3 for all my gaming. F.E.A.R and Half Life 2 have (are) superb but is it really worth all the Windows trouble if one were to use Windows primarily for games ???
  • Reply 45 of 112
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    Originally posted by minderbinder

    What's your source on that? Sounds like it may just be speculation.

    Regardless of whether VPC comes out, there will probably be other solutions that allow running windows apps without a reboot (wine, Q, etc). [/B]

    I can't quote a source right now, but numerous programmers on other sites have pretty much agreed to that. When I first brought up that concept, many rushed in to give rather detailed reasons why it would be. I have no doubt they are correct.

    In speaking to people from Connectix years ago as to why they couldn't hijack the video hardware of the Mac with VPC, the reason they gave was that one. They said that the PPC chip wasn't the problem. Only one OS can control that hardware. They were looking onto it, but couldn't find a solution.
  • Reply 46 of 112
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,580member

    Originally posted by Kickaha

    That, I don't get.

    It's an x86 mobo. It's running Windows. So why wouldn't the regular drivers work? Are we back to s00per seekrit speshul Apple video cards *again*?

    Windows biggest problem is drivers?even on the Windows platform!

    Apple implements things differently. There is likely enough of a difference to matter. don't forget that EFI handles these matters differently as well.
  • Reply 47 of 112
    WOw Great news this!...

    Just a thought, wonder how fast windows applications run on the dual core, i.e. photoshop? maybe this would be a get around using Roseta, until Adobe get there arse in to gear.

    what do people think on this?


  • Reply 48 of 112
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Prizes, and other rewards, such as patents, are there for the express purpose of creating incentive. Otherwise people just talk, and never actually spend the sweat.

    Too true.

    Also, I'm surprised at how, well, surprised people are by the economic model here. Think of it as 700 people prepaying a $20 shareware fee for something they wanted badly.
  • Reply 49 of 112
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally posted by melgross

    The first is that Mac users may sometimes find that they need to run the occasional Windows program. Possibly for work or school. They may also be curious, and want to learn something about it. They may also want to play some games that are simply never going to be on this platform.

    The second is that there are people out there who run Windows, who also want to run OS X and/or want to use Apple hardware without committing themselves to the OS for everything. The opposite of the person above.

    Three is that there are gamers out there who really want a Mac, but who can't afford two machines. Buying a Mac that also boots Windows to run at full speed is just the combo they want.

    Perfectly said.
  • Reply 50 of 112
    kim kap solkim kap sol Posts: 2,987member
    Maybe a similar contest incentive could push ATI to write special drivers for WinXP for Intel-based Macs.

    I'm sure the drivers would be on everyone's doorstep within 20 days since it's probably a few couple tweaks to existing drivers.
  • Reply 51 of 112
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member

    Originally posted by grahamw

    Why would I want to boot windows on my gorgeous 20" iMac?

    Why are you asking us? Or do you mean why do YOU want to boot windows? Oh, wait...that's already been answered about a dozen times.


    Originally posted by sunilraman

    [i]Originally posted by jms698


    that just blows it for me.

    FUCK. and i'm being serious here.

    What blows it? That they haven't fixed every last issue in the FIRST DAY that this solution was released?


    Originally posted by Kickaha

    So why wouldn't the regular drivers work?

    Looks like a combination of recent video hardware, plus it's laptop video chips. Most people running the x1600 have laptops which included a custom install/restore disk from the hardware vendor. The guys involved with this have said they don't think it will be a problem, it's just a matter of time.


    Originally posted by melgross

    In speaking to people from Connectix years ago as to why they couldn't hijack the video hardware of the Mac with VPC, the reason they gave was that one. They said that the PPC chip wasn't the problem. Only one OS can control that hardware. They were looking onto it, but couldn't find a solution.

    If that turns out to be true, there's still the possibility of running something like WINE that runs windows apps without actually having to run the windows OS.


    Originally posted by tommyt74

    Just a thought, wonder how fast windows applications run on the dual core, i.e. photoshop? maybe this would be a get around using Roseta, until Adobe get there arse in to gear.

    About the same speed as any other windows box with that core duo.
  • Reply 52 of 112
    would this be faster then using Roseta?

  • Reply 53 of 112
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member

    Originally posted by tommyt74

    would this be faster then using Roseta?


    Yes. If you don't mind rebooting just for that one app.
  • Reply 54 of 112
    would this mean, that when developing software, u could possibly use a generic programme that will run on Macs and Pc? if this was the case then, programmes would get much better rather then having too right two programmes.

  • Reply 55 of 112
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,744member
    To all the people who are complaining that VMWare hasn't been ported to Mac, and Virtual PC doesn't run on Intel Macs, have you tried this out?

    I haven't tried it myself, but it looks promising, and it reportedly runs well on Intel Macs.

    Probably not a solution for gamers I realize, but for all the people who've used Virtual PC, it looks like an option.
  • Reply 56 of 112
    grahamwgrahamw Posts: 575member

    Originally posted by minderbinder

    Why are you asking us? Or do you mean why do YOU want to boot windows? Oh, wait...that's already been answered about a dozen times.

    Maybe you missed that - it was a rhetorical question. No need to be a snark about it.
  • Reply 57 of 112
    minderbinderminderbinder Posts: 1,703member

    Originally posted by tommyt74

    would this mean, that when developing software, u could possibly use a generic programme that will run on Macs and Pc?



    Originally posted by grahamw

    Maybe you missed that - it was a rhetorical question. No need to be a snark about it.

    Sorry, I misread your post. After the multitude of "but why would I want to..." posts I've seen I tend to ignore everything else after that.
  • Reply 58 of 112
    catman4d2catman4d2 Posts: 174member
    LOOK!!!!! got to wal mart buy a $300 Emachine with flatscreen load it up with Mondo ram get a huge ass eSSSpensive Gourmet graphics card "make sure you never use this machine for internet to avoid maleware" and use that for games...

    and then shed app!!!! you windows lovin windows envying bitches.........
  • Reply 59 of 112
    noah93noah93 Posts: 168member
    Does anyone know if this will work on the Mac mini?
  • Reply 60 of 112
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member

    Originally posted by tommyt74

    WOw Great news this!...

    Just a thought, wonder how fast windows applications run on the dual core, i.e. photoshop? maybe this would be a get around using Roseta, until Adobe get there arse in to gear.

    what do people think on this?



    With this announcement why does Adobe even have to think about "getting their arse in to gear"? Just stop all development of Mac products right now and tell people to run Windows on their Macs. Ever think think about that, tommy74? Hmmmm?
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