Apple's wireless Mighty Mouse now available



  • Reply 61 of 111
    666666 Posts: 134member
    The mighty mouse is a joke by Apple to check if Apple fans will take any kind of shit and claim it's the 2nd coming of jesus.

    I've used one extensively and can say it's just not as good as even my logitech mx500. That trackball kinda sucks, and by kinda I mean totally. I read the Bluetooth 2 compatibility, does that mean it wont' work with Bluetooth 1 devices, like the G4 powerbook?
  • Reply 62 of 111
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member

    Originally posted by 666

    The mighty mouse is a joke by Apple to check if Apple fans will take any kind of shit and claim it's the 2nd coming of jesus.

    I've used one extensively and can say it's just not as good as even my logitech mx500. That trackball kinda sucks, and by kinda I mean totally. I read the Bluetooth 2 compatibility, does that mean it wont' work with Bluetooth 1 devices, like the G4 powerbook?

    Where does it say Bluetooth 2 only?
  • Reply 63 of 111

    Originally posted by 666

    The mighty mouse is a joke by Apple to check if Apple fans will take any kind of shit and claim it's the 2nd coming of jesus.

    I've used one extensively and can say it's just not as good as even my logitech mx500. That trackball kinda sucks, and by kinda I mean totally. I read the Bluetooth 2 compatibility, does that mean it wont' work with Bluetooth 1 devices, like the G4 powerbook?

    You can use the BT Mighty Mouse with ANY bluetooth Mac. Some PowerBook G4's had BT 2.0 in them. If its 1.5 GHz or faster then it has a damn good chance of have BT 2.0 in it anyways. Nearly all Macs within the past 2 years have been shipping with at least BT 1.1. I wouldn't worry about it and just buy it if you want. If it doesn't work, send it back, or ask just to make sure before you buy it.
  • Reply 64 of 111

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Left-handed use of this mouse is exceedingly irritating too because it would assume the secondary button for every click.

    Are you actually left handed?

    Because as a left handed person myself, I smudge when I write, I find it awkward to use buttons on phones (particularly on my mom's Blackberry, which whenever I grab it, I hang up on people), and things like binder-rings are ALWAYS getting in my way and generally pissing me off.

    But mouse buttons? I just use my middle finger to click instead of the pointer finger like everybody else.

    Just because lots of things designed for right handed people are bothersome for lefties, doesn't mean EVERYTHING is. I move the mouse to the left side. I didn't think anyone actually changed the buttons.
  • Reply 65 of 111

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    Are you actually left handed?

    Because as a left handed person myself, I smudge when I write, I find it awkward to use buttons on phones (particularly on my mom's Blackberry, which whenever I grab it, I hang up on people), and things like binder-rings are ALWAYS getting in my way and generally pissing me off.

    But mouse buttons? I just use my middle finger to click instead of the pointer finger like everybody else.

    Just because lots of things designed for right handed people are bothersome for lefties, doesn't mean EVERYTHING is. I move the mouse to the left side. I didn't think anyone actually changed the buttons.

    I'm left-handed, and I use it fine. The scroll ball is the only thing that pisses me off.
  • Reply 66 of 111
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by gregmightdothat

    Are you actually left handed?

    Because as a left handed person myself, I smudge when I write, I find it awkward to use buttons on phones (particularly on my mom's Blackberry, which whenever I grab it, I hang up on people), and things like binder-rings are ALWAYS getting in my way and generally pissing me off.

    But mouse buttons? I just use my middle finger to click instead of the pointer finger like everybody else.

    Just because lots of things designed for right handed people are bothersome for lefties, doesn't mean EVERYTHING is. I move the mouse to the left side. I didn't think anyone actually changed the buttons.

    I am right handed, I only mouse left handed half the time. I overstressed myself mousing around in the past, so I switch every so often. I did finally get my MM to work properly left handed, though only under USB Overdrive, so that one issue (of three that I have) is laid to rest.
  • Reply 67 of 111
    trans9btrans9b Posts: 97member
    after reading this thread, i have decided that the Appleinsider forums are the new Spymac. bunch of third grade idiots the bulk of you are.

    front page only for me.
  • Reply 68 of 111

    Originally posted by Trans9B

    after reading this thread, i have decided that the Appleinsider forums are the new Spymac. bunch of third grade idiots the bulk of you are.

    front page only for me.

    You sure showed us
  • Reply 69 of 111
    dacloodacloo Posts: 890member

    The mighty mouse is a joke by Apple to check if Apple fans will take any kind of shit and claim it's the 2nd coming of jesus.

    I've used one extensively and can say it's just not as good as even my logitech mx500. That trackball kinda sucks, and by kinda I mean totally. I read the Bluetooth 2 compatibility, does that mean it wont' work with Bluetooth 1 devices, like the G4 powerbook

    AMEN! Away with Mighty Mouse!
  • Reply 70 of 111
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    The Mighty Mouse is not a true 2 button mouse, although it functions like one.

    Try playing any game that utilizes 2 buttons... like Halo for example. You can't hold one button down and click the other. Just not possible.

    So if you like to game once in a while, this mouse is not for you.

    As far as the wireless mouse goes, mice with batteries suck for those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrom. The extra weight wrecks havoc on a damaged wrist, and can also initiate the syndrom.

    They don't advertise the weight of the mouse with the batteries included.
  • Reply 71 of 111
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member
    If there's one thing this thread shows, there's lots of different preferences in mice.

    666 likes the logitech mx500. Fine. Personally I find those humped back 'ergonomic' mice with buttons all over the place annoying at best but then even on Windows the best mouse Microsoft ever made IME was this one...

    I've still got a couple in a box somewhere which I've had since 1987 but they're serial port mice and I've no PC anymore. I'd use them on a Mac if I could. Just the right number of buttons, right shape and size. Perfect click action.

    So for me, Apple's soap bar shaped mice are an extension of that original design. Small, simple and light in your hand but not too light. I'm not the sort that rests my whole hand on the mouse, just my finger tips. I could probably live without any shell at all on a mouse. I can see though that if you're the sort that uses huge hand movements and you rest your palm on the shell then the Apple mice won't work for you. All the negative insults at anyone obviously stupid enough to prefer Apple's mice is plainly misguided. Everyone has their own tastes in things as personal as mice when they've got to hold them for 8 hours a day or so.
  • Reply 72 of 111
    aegisdesignaegisdesign Posts: 2,914member

    Originally posted by rain

    As far as the wireless mouse goes, mice with batteries suck for those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrom. The extra weight wrecks havoc on a damaged wrist, and can also initiate the syndrom.

    They don't advertise the weight of the mouse with the batteries included.

    That's one of my grumbles with the old Bluetooth mouse. However, in this new mouse, you can run with just one battery instead of two. The batteries in the BT mouse account for about 2/3rds the weight. So running with just 1 battery will drop the weight by a third. I'd guess that would put it at about the same weight as a corded mouse with the old balls in.

    If you need lighter than that, then it's not for you.
  • Reply 73 of 111
    I noticed a few weeks ago when I was scoping out my desired iMac that it gave the option to upgrade to wireless mouse (not mighty mouse of course) and keyboard. I then read up on some reviews with most saying the keyboard was great but the wireless generic mouse sucked.

    Now as I check the applestore it no longer lets you upgrade to wireless mouse or keyboard for the iMac. Seems to me they might be waiting for enough of the new wireless mm's to be in stock to offer this as the new upgrade as well as a new price point. I can't remember what the previous upgrade's price was but I would like to say it was around $50-$70 for both.

    I for one would like this to be an option when I purchase my iMac at the end of September. Along with hopefully an upgraded (even if slightly) iMac.
  • Reply 74 of 111
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member

    Originally posted by FrenchMac

    It's now official! Available for $69!

    Only on the US Apple site at least...

    I think i'll wait until the new operating system is launched to upgrade both my operating system (from 10.3.9) and buy a new mouse. I've always wanted a mighty mouse but now i have a reason to buy one
  • Reply 75 of 111
    i saw someone post at macrumors forums that it is not compatible with windows. I'm assuming they are wrong. Anyone?
  • Reply 76 of 111
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Dunebug38

    i saw someone post at macrumors forums that it is not compatible with windows. I'm assuming they are wrong. Anyone?

    Even Apple says it's not compatible with Windows. Without someone trying it out, there's no way to tell. I guess anyone wishing to use BootCamp should hold off or just buy a more reliable and more compatible mouse from some other brand.
  • Reply 77 of 111

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    Even Apple says it's not compatible with Windows. Without someone trying it out, there's no way to tell. I guess anyone wishing to use BootCamp should hold off or just buy a more reliable and more compatible mouse from some other brand.

    really? was that in the press release or just the product page? I know for a fact I read on apple's product page for the original mighty mouse that it was compatible with windows 2000 and XP
  • Reply 78 of 111
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Dunebug38

    really? was that in the press release or just the product page? I know for a fact I read on apple's product page for the original mighty mouse that it was compatible with windows 2000 and XP

    I'm not lying or imagining things. The wired mighty mouse is indeed compatible with 2k and XP, but the wireless is not, at least according to Apple.

    The new product page shows the wireless version as only compatible with 10.4.6:

    Maybe there are drivers in the works but unless someone tries it and confirms it works as-is, I wouldn't use it with a computer intended for BootCamp use.
  • Reply 79 of 111

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    I'm not lying or imagining things. The wired mighty mouse is indeed compatible with 2k and XP, but the wireless is not, at least according to Apple.

    The new product page shows the wireless version as only compatible with 10.4.6:

    Maybe there are drivers in the works but unless someone tries it and confirms it works as-is, I wouldn't use it with a computer intended for BootCamp use.

    right you are. I suppose I was looking for the 20 pt font neon flashing sign that said not windows compatible. Not that apple should have to make it windows compatible by any means, I just assumed it would be given the recent willing accomodation on apple's part.
  • Reply 80 of 111
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member

    Originally posted by Dunebug38

    right you are. I suppose I was looking for the 20 pt font neon flashing sign that said not windows compatible. Not that apple should have to make it windows compatible by any means, I just assumed it would be given the recent willing accomodation on apple's part.

    I really don't understand the problem either, there is a basic standard it should be compatible with. Maybe it is compatible as a plain 2 button mouse with vertical scrolling, this could be Apple's way of saying the advanced features don't work, like the side scrolling and the goofy side buttons. Until someone forks up the $69 US to get one and try it, we don't really know.
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