Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD (2006)



  • Reply 1361 of 2106
    mellomello Posts: 555member
    I just managed to pre-order the $600 PS3 today at Gamestop (thanks to the heads-up

    on Interesting note...All 16 people reserved the premium PS3. The sales

    guy also mentioned that Sony has some agreement with Ebay so people can't sell PS3s

    over their retail price. Has anyone heard about that because it's news to me.
  • Reply 1362 of 2106
    lol I don't think anyone can tell you how much to sell something for, thats stupid. eBay can't tell you how much to sell something for, from what I understand, and as long as people keep bidding on it (if it's not through a store), eBay can't cap a auction, can they?...sounds like a whole lot of BS to me.
  • Reply 1363 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Obviously, you haven't been paying much attention to what has been stated in this thread...BD 50s have been delivered...

    Indeed, the format war is just getting started, and Blu-ray looks to be delivering...and there is a lot more to deliver with the PS3, the other BD 50s, multiple brand Blu-ray players. Things look good indeed.

    Well, I started off this Optical HD Home Theather venture since last year anticipating for PS3 or BD player and I might now be little out of touch on the BD industry side, since I've lost interest due to lack of product delivery in quality once promised. Well, what has changed since then?... Still no PS3, but now has two vendors making over priced BD players with only one BD50 Titles which is officially released today? Come on guys, this is nothing to boast about.

    Well, this is how well Blu-Ray's received in the HT industry expressed via consumer spending of the product...

    Who knows.... PS3 launch will increase the demand for HD-DVD, because BD25 in MPEG2 (which majority of titles) will turn consumers against itself.
  • Reply 1364 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Well, I started off this Optical HD Home Theather venture since last year anticipating for PS3 or BD player and I might now be little out of touch on the BD industry side, since I've lost interest due to lack of product delivery in quality once promised. .

    "product delivery in quality once promised"

    thats sony for ya.
  • Reply 1365 of 2106
    Originally Posted by Digital Disasta

    lol I don't think anyone can tell you how much to sell something for, thats stupid. eBay can't tell you how much to sell something for, from what I understand, and as long as people keep bidding on it (if it's not through a store), eBay can't cap a auction, can they?...sounds like a whole lot of BS to me.

    Well, seeing as how eBay *RUNS EBAY* I think they can pretty much do whatever they want.
  • Reply 1366 of 2106
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    How does Sony differ from Microsoft in delayed products? I'm not referring to the XBox, but their operation system. Not to make excuses for Microsoft and Sony, but its a tough tradeoff between keeping people informed about your plans and keeping things secret. If you keep quiet, customers will not know about the killer product you are developing, that you really want them to wait for. The risk of early disclosure is that projects change direction and get delayed for this and many other reasons. Things don't work out as planned and you must redesign to meet your quality and cost goals.

    Apple doesn't have this problem, and neither does any company that keeps far enough ahead of its competitors and always beats them to market. Just when a competitor announces something that beats your product A, you introduce and immediately start shipping product B, which wipes them out. Sony doesn't seem to be that kind of company.
  • Reply 1367 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Well, I started off this Optical HD Home Theather venture since last year anticipating for PS3 or BD player and I might now be little out of touch on the BD industry side, since I've lost interest due to lack of product delivery in quality once promised. Well, what has changed since then?... Still no PS3, but now has two vendors making over priced BD players with only one BD50 Titles which is officially released today? Come on guys, this is nothing to boast about.

    Well, this is how well Blu-Ray's received in the HT industry expressed via consumer spending of the product...

    Who knows.... PS3 launch will increase the demand for HD-DVD, because BD25 in MPEG2 (which majority of titles) will turn consumers against itself.

    Ahh, the whole look now because things aren't going to change argument. I've already got my heaping of this from Murch thank you, but luckily most of us here are capable of seeing past our noses in terms of what is coming and already has been delivered.

    BD50 is certainly something to boast about, because there are a good number slated to come out in the coming weeks--Descent, Black Hawk Down, Taladehga Nights, League of Extraordinary Gentlement, Ice Age 2, Warner's yet announced third wave of Blu-ray movies, and so on. Not to mention that most if not all Fox Titles will be using H.264 as a codec and Disney has already released movies utilizing H.264 as well. Moreover, Warner's releases on Blu-ray have been utilizing VC-1 codec for a while, so your whole attempt at claiming that Blu-ray will remain 1) single layered and 2) using the MPEG2 codec is simply a misinformed (and voluntarily misinformed it seems) attempt. Regardless, it has been shown that MPEG2 is not the cause of the early problems on Blu-ray discs, but moreso with the source material/transfer. The review of Tears of the Sun being remarkable and other quality MPEG2 releases are proof of this enough.

    So when you ask what has "changed since then" (ya know a whopping 3 months ago when Blu-ray launched, soooo long ago so bear with them in the whole "lack of product delivery in quality" [insert dripping sarcasm here]), there is much that has changed. BD50s are out, H.264 is on current releases, VC-1 is on current releases, MPEG2 transfers have muched improved equaling or bettering their more advanced codec counterparts, Panny has released their player, Samsung has fixed their firmware issues, etc. I'd say that is quite a bit that has changed. You just needn't turn a blind eye to the BDA's progress and remove your HD DVD tunnel vision--that's all--to see that much has changed since 3 months ago.

    And speaking of the PS3, I'd say you'd be well in the minority of those thinking that it would somehow increase the demand for HD DVD. Actually I found your statement there quite entertaining, if by entertaining you mean completely ridiculous and void of logic and reason.

    I'm already seeing on the blogs and other forums (including here) that the PS3 is being pre-ordered at stores everywhere, and that both systems, higher end and lower end are being reserved in a matter of minutes and to capacity. So much for the too expensive theory--heck all one has to do is think about how iPod's are selling at $399 (I think $350 now) and they are selling quite well, and that one can get a full fledged HD system in the PS3 that plays Blu-ray movies and state of the art games for $100-$150 more. I don't think it is a stretch to say that there will be many who won't find the price of the PS3 an issue. But what do I know,...we'll know for sure here at the end of the year when the PS3 sells out of 1 million units, that ought to be proof enough.
  • Reply 1368 of 2106
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    Ahh, the whole look now because things aren't going to change argument. I've already got my heaping of this from Murch thank you, but luckily most of us here are capable of seeing past our noses in terms of what is coming and already has been delivered.

    BD50 is certainly something to boast about, because there are a good number slated to come out in the coming weeks--Descent, Black Hawk Down, Taladehga Nights, League of Extraordinary Gentlement, Ice Age 2, Warner's yet announced third wave of Blu-ray movies, and so on. Not to mention that most if not all Fox Titles will be using H.264 as a codec and Disney has already released movies utilizing H.264 as well. Moreover, Warner's releases on Blu-ray have been utilizing VC-1 codec for a while, so your whole attempt at claiming that Blu-ray will remain 1) single layered and 2) using the MPEG2 codec is simply a misinformed (and voluntarily misinformed it seems) attempt. Regardless, it has been shown that MPEG2 is not the cause of the early problems on Blu-ray discs, but moreso with the source material/transfer. The review of Tears of the Sun being remarkable and other quality MPEG2 releases are proof of this enough.

    So when you ask what has "changed since then" (ya know a whopping 3 months ago when Blu-ray launched, soooo long ago so bear with them in the whole "lack of product delivery in quality" [insert dripping sarcasm here]), there is much that has changed. BD50s are out, H.264 is on current releases, VC-1 is on current releases, MPEG2 transfers have muched improved equaling or bettering their more advanced codec counterparts, Panny has released their player, Samsung has fixed their firmware issues, etc. I'd say that is quite a bit that has changed. You just needn't turn a blind eye to the BDA's progress and remove your HD DVD tunnel vision--that's all--to see that much has changed since 3 months ago.

    And speaking of the PS3, I'd say you'd be well in the minority of those thinking that it would somehow increase the demand for HD DVD. Actually I found your statement there quite entertaining, if by entertaining you mean completely ridiculous and void of logic and reason.

    I'm already seeing on the blogs and other forums (including here) that the PS3 is being pre-ordered at stores everywhere, and that both systems, higher end and lower end are being reserved in a matter of minutes and to capacity. So much for the too expensive theory--heck all one has to do is think about how iPod's are selling at $399 (I think $350 now) and they are selling quite well, and that one can get a full fledged HD system in the PS3 that plays Blu-ray movies and state of the art games for $100-$150 more. I don't think it is a stretch to say that there will be many who won't find the price of the PS3 an issue. But what do I know,...we'll know for sure here at the end of the year when the PS3 sells out of 1 million units, that ought to be proof enough.

    Maybe you've only been following BD for 3 months, but Sony and others have been delaying much longer than that..... March2005? Either way, I'm not about to argue with a deluded person on the internet. so, BD25, MPEG2, and long movies has nothing to do with bad PQ, but how it was transferred?...... Obviously, you deserve to be a Sony fan. BTW, do you own BD player at all?... You sound like you've been reading Sony brochures too many times without being able play with a real thing.... I ask because real owners aren't this delutional.
  • Reply 1369 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    NEC ready to ship hybrid HD DVD-Blu-Ray chipset


    In what sources are describing as the first serious attempt by a major electronics firm to bridge the arguably short technology gap between Blu-ray and HD DVD, NEC Electronics revealed to the Japanese trade publication AV Watch today that it is now shipping an LSI chipset that incorporates all the logic necessary for manufacturers to produce either HD DVD or Blu-ray players and recorders.

    Naturally, this has led many to speculate that a hybrid high-definition disc player/recorder for both formats could be in the works. But at present, the number of consumer electronics manufacturers committed to producing such a device is zero, with the recent waffling by LG Electronics over whether it actually said it would produce a hybrid player by the end of the year.

    Very interesting. NEC just announced a Blu-Ray enabled liquid cooled PC in Japan. I have absolutely no qualms about this as I believe that the consumers should be the ones that choose the nextgen format and not companies or studios. I'd love to see re-invigorated efforts to make hybrid universal players next year.

    also in the article


    Another extremely important revelation from NEC's news this morning is that its hybrid chipset also contains the full logic for implementing Advanced Access Copy System (AACS) copy protection, which is formally supported by the architects of both HD DVD and Blu-ray even though the first players for both formats left this scheme out.

    Once implemented, AACS will enable users to connect their players and recorders directly to the Internet, ostensibly so that they can enter into a sophisticated bartering process with content providers as to whether they can make backup copies of discs they've purchased. Content providers can allow or disallow copies on a case-by-case basis, through an AACS process with the historically confusing title "mandatory managed copy" (MMC).

    Even though the final AACS specification has been completed, content providers and electronics manufacturers who participated in the process continue to disagree as to what MMC will actually mandate. While content providers contend it will make certain they have final say over whether copies can be made, manufacturers state it will certify the user's right to make copies of legitimately purchased discs, once they've been authenticated.

    In either event, AACS inclusion could conceivably create a whole new ballgame for high-definition content, as it becomes feasible that movie studios could enter into the direct sales business. Under this model, consumers would simply download purchased content directly through the AACS Internet stream, bypassing video stores and rental outlets.

    This is exactly why I've championed having ethernet on every player as a must. HD DVD mandates ethernet but Blu-Ray does not. Once we have the ability to refresh content from the web the whole ballgame changes.
  • Reply 1370 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by marzetta7

    AI'm already seeing on the blogs and other forums (including here) that the PS3 is being pre-ordered at stores everywhere, and that both systems, higher end and lower end are being reserved in a matter of minutes and to capacity. So much for the too expensive theory--heck all one has to do is think about how iPod's are selling at $399 (I think $350 now) and they are selling quite well, and that one can get a full fledged HD system in the PS3 that plays Blu-ray movies and state of the art games for $100-$150 more. I don't think it is a stretch to say that there will be many who won't find the price of the PS3 an issue. But what do I know,...we'll know for sure here at the end of the year when the PS3 sells out of 1 million units, that ought to be proof enough.

    and you call me a fanboy? i think you're a bit lost

    i dont think (and see how i said "i dont think" rather than give you some link to some site) anyone in this forum or any where else for that matter assumed that the ps3 wasn't going to sell out of its very low 400k or so systems being shipped to the U.S.

    if there were reports of the ps3 system possiby not selling out at launch or not being pre-ordered out than how could anyone in the right mind even hold on argument for the ps3? seriously?

    not to mention how would the state of the U.S economy look if the early adopters crowd were less than half a million people? goddamn we'd be in a crap situation for every industry.

    the too expensive theory isn't for the eager ps3 fanatic, tech dorks, or that early technology adopting crowd, its for the general gamers, the ones who make up the majority of the market.

    AND if you actually go ahead and do enough of your blog research, site scoping out you'd notice the PS3 has been in a dark PR hole for a good while. It's being beaten by the Wii in almost every poll out there
  • Reply 1371 of 2106
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by vinea

    Where is SW or LOTR? How about Harry Potter? The december titles look less than thrilling for either camp. Miami Vice? Devil Wears Prada? Come on.

    If authoring tools really are still not perfect and there still is work to be done then movie studios won't rush out the really big titles. Those are the titles that could sell HD. They'll want to wait until the full support for interactivity and functionality is added and ready to go before they release, so it'll be 2007 some time. The worst thing they could do is just a rehash of the DVD version, which is what virtually all HD-DVDs and Blu-Ray titles have been so far. I know Black Hawk Down is considered by Sony to be a first test of a big release for future Blu-Ray titles.

    Originally Posted by Elixir

    when your rivals will be pushing out about 5 million consoles this fall against your measly million or so then yes a recall would be a devastating blow.

    Newsflash for you since you seem to live in a dreamland right now. The top selling console maker this year for the holiday period will be Sony. The consoles are called the PSP and PS2. Add in a few PS3 sales as well just to bolster the numbers a tiny bit if you need it but the other 2 are enough alone. The single highest selling console will quite likely be the DS.

    Nothing there is next gen and even if Nintendo does put out 6 million Wiis worldwide I expect they'll do exactly the same as current 360 core packs, they'll sit on shelves in retail stores. Next Christmas next gen will be important to get an idea of the lay of the land. This year it's still all about current gen consoles, PSP, PS2 and DS.
  • Reply 1372 of 2106
    Originally Posted by vinea

    Where is SW or LOTR? How about Harry Potter? The december titles look less than thrilling for either camp. Miami Vice? Devil Wears Prada? Come on.

    It's significant, I think, that both the SW and LOTR franchises just got new, essentially repackaged releases. I have no doubt that this was one last attempt to squeeze some cash out of the DVD format before moving to high-def. But I don't think you'll see any blockbuster flagship HD releases until there are enough players out there to make a splash. No studio wants to release what will be a huge cash cow when it can only sell in the tens of thousands. And seriously, how long did George Lucas wait to release "Star Wars" on DVD in the first place? He controls the rights and he'll release HD versions when he thinks he can make the maximum amount of money.

    Oh, and Warners has shown an HD DVD "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" case, but has not announced a date. And to be fair, "Devil Wears Prada" was a surprise hit.
  • Reply 1373 of 2106
    the lego company revealed that a demo for one of their star wars themed lego video games will be packaged with the Saga boxed set to come out late next year!

    dont know if it will be hd or not but that would be cool!
  • Reply 1374 of 2106
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac

    Maybe you've only been following BD for 3 months, but Sony and others have been delaying much longer than that..... March2005? Either way, I'm not about to argue with a deluded person on the internet. so, BD25, MPEG2, and long movies has nothing to do with bad PQ, but how it was transferred?...... Obviously, you deserve to be a Sony fan. BTW, do you own BD player at all?... You sound like you've been reading Sony brochures too many times without being able play with a real thing.... I ask because real owners aren't this delutional.

    Umm, nice try, but again you best read through this thread and check who actually started this thread at the beginning of 2006 and had another identical one in 2005.

    I'm far from a Sony fan. Actually, I don't own a piece of electronic equipment YET (I'm going to be getting a PS3) from Sony. I just want the best format for the consumer, and I think it is Blu-ray. I can see past the initial high cost, as this is a natural progression for companies to recoup their R&D costs. It happened with happened with DVDs...and it is happening again with BDs. So goes an early adoption market.

    Moreover, it would be best to remember that Blu-ray is much more than Sony(170+ Companies), then that way your arguments don't have to resort to misinformation and Sony bashing. March 2005? Provide me a link where the BDA or heck even HD DVD planned on releasing either players or movies in March 2005 (as in a full launch).

    Fact is both formats were delayed due to the finalization of AACS and to my knowledge there was never plans on releasing either format in March of 2005.
  • Reply 1375 of 2106
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Telomar

    Newsflash for you since you seem to live in a dreamland right now. The top selling console maker this year for the holiday period will be Sony. The consoles are called the PSP and PS2. Add in a few PS3 sales as well just to bolster the numbers a tiny bit if you need it but the other 2 are enough alone. The single highest selling console will quite likely be the DS.

    Nothing there is next gen and even if Nintendo does put out 6 million Wiis worldwide I expect they'll do exactly the same as current 360 core packs, they'll sit on shelves in retail stores. Next Christmas next gen will be important to get an idea of the lay of the land. This year it's still all about current gen consoles, PSP, PS2 and DS.

    WOAH, nice try there. according to most analysts the 360 will be the highest selling console (console, not hand held device) in the U.S and europe , maybe even the wii according to some optimistic figures for that console. where do you get this crap from? the ps2 sold more last christmas because of 360 shortages genius.

    And are you forgettign the ps3 here? the ps3 will have a crippling effect on the ps2, maybe not as much as the 360 did with the xbox, but it will eat away at the ps2's numbers.

    seriously shocking reply you just decided to spit out, truly shocking.
  • Reply 1376 of 2106
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member
    Originally Posted by Elixir

    WOAH, nice try there. according to most analysts the 360 will be the highest selling console (console, not hand held device) in the U.S and europe , maybe even the wii according to some optimistic figures for that console. where do you get this crap from? the ps2 sold more last christmas because of 360 shortages genius.

    And are you forgettign the ps3 here? the ps3 will have a crippling effect on the ps2, maybe not as much as the 360 did with the xbox, but it will eat away at the ps2's numbers.

    seriously shocking reply you just decided to spit out, truly shocking.

    I would love to see these multiple analysts that think this because let me run the figures by you. Every month except April (the first month the 360 had abundant supply) the PS2 has outsold the 360 in the US, usually in the order of 25% more PS2s are sold per month. Are you going to tell me the 360 is still in short supply now? Those numbers are straight from NPD, the major tracker.

    In the European regions the figures are far worse for the 360 where it is outsold by 5 to 1 (around 100 000 per month compared to under 20 000 per month) on the back of very strong sales for the PS2 outside the major European nations. Lets not even touch Asia either.

    So the PS3 is going to shrink PS2 sales? Why? Unlike the 360 that had basically no backward compatibility it is possible to invest in a PS2 knowing the PS3 retains full backward compatibility so your investment now can be held when prices drop and people decide to upgrade. The PS3 will sell out over the Christmas period in the US as well.

    So lets just look at the US for a minute, which is Microsoft's strongest market. Lets take conservative estimates and go for 800 000 PS3 consoles over the November, December time frame, which is typically the holiday period in the US covering Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Last year the PS2 sold 2 million consoles. It is currently tracking down 35% for the year compared to last year and that is mainly on a weak early part of the year (it was outsold around 2 to 1 in the first couple months of this year compared to last year). It is actually tracking closer now so if trends hold it'll sell around we'll say 1.2 million, although it could conceivably drop to 1 million, although I doubt it. We'll assume it is 1.2 million and the thing most likely to hurt that is strong sales in the handheld console segment, particularly of the DS Lite of course. Combine that with PS3 sales of 800 000 by year end and that's 2 million Sony consoles sold in the US, excluding the PSP. Sony will certainly outsell Microsoft this Christmas as a whole.

    By contrast the 360 is tracking well below current PS2 sales and the sales of the PS2 in it's first year after release, which was also marred by shortages. In fact it is tracking 36% less than first year PS2 sales to be precise. In the Christmas period the year after the PS2s launch 2.8 million consoles were sold. You need to consider at that time the PS2 was following on from the dominant PS console too and really in a class of its own. The 360 is in a far more competitive market, every analyst agrees on that.

    Assuming the 360 holds proportions to the launch of the PS2 then that'd give it 1.8 million consoles. It'd be the top single selling console if you remove handhelds but it'd still be down on Sony's total numbers even if the PS2 hits the lower end of my estimate. In the european region Microsoft isn't even going to get close. In certain Western European countries like the UK it will do well but across all of Europe, it won't come close, unless you believe it can close a 5 to 1 gap, which would be incredibly naïve. The 360 is better than the Xbox but it isn't there yet. Stop being a fanboy.

    Edit: Small addendum to my post. Aparts from the overwhelming interest in the PS3 and Wii (10 to 1 higher than demand for the PS3 over the 360 although I wouldn't put much in the numbers), which isn't surprising given they are unreleased but there are 3 interesting statements.


    People are waiting to see the PS3 before buying a 360 or Wii

    Microsoft is still only attracting very hardcore gamers with 360

    Key driver for consumer purchases of new consoles are games (especially exclusives) not multimedia capabilities

    Can't say the disinterest in multimedia capabilities surprise me too much as they are consoles after all. People just need to remember the PS3 isn't an actual instant BD Player sale really. It is a potential one but not 100% of PS3 owners will use it. It would have been nice if they asked did you use your PS2 for DVDs but oh well.
  • Reply 1377 of 2106

    PS3 has already soldout (preorders) for the expected 400,00 US allotment at introduction, within minutes/hours of taking orders. I'd expect similar demand for in-store sales a la Wal-Mart, Target, etcetera. So that perhaps within a few days of November 17, that's 400,000 units SOLD already. Simply teh stocking stuffer to have this year, it's going to be a feeding frenzy I tell you! I'd even expect it to impact repeat buyer iPod sales slightly, but who knows, we'll see.

    Sony estimates 500,000 units (worldwide) at introduction, 2,000,000 units (worldwide, so prorating the previous allotment, that would be 1,600,00 US units) by end of this year, and 6,000,000 units (worldwide, so prorating that would be 4,800,000 US units) by end of 1st quarter '07. Whetever. IF Sony (and sales) holds to these numbers, that's 6,000,000 units worldwide, that's 6,000,000 Blu-Ray players on the market by 1st quarter '07, that's 6,000,000 HDMI players on the market by 1st quarter '07.

    I'm wondering if the rest of the entire HD-DVD/Blu-Ray player market will have sold 60,00 total units by end of 1st quarter '07? Potential 100:1 market penetration by end of 1st quarter '07, one word.


    So after you've played your PS1/PS2/PS3 gamez 24/7 on your brand new shiny PS3, what better to do then to sit back and relax, pop in a Blu-Ray movie (at $20 MSRP or $5 rental) and RELAX!

    Of course, I don't play gamez, so for me a $500 Blu-Ray player sounds pretty SWEET! And heck, I can see myself even buying a few gamez, just to you know, see what all the hubbub is about!

    I can see the Sony press release now, one word.


  • Reply 1378 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Telomar

    If authoring tools really are still not perfect and there still is work to be done then movie studios won't rush out the really big titles. Those are the titles that could sell HD. They'll want to wait until the full support for interactivity and functionality is added and ready to go before they release, so it'll be 2007 some time. The worst thing they could do is just a rehash of the DVD version, which is what virtually all HD-DVDs and Blu-Ray titles have been so far. I know Black Hawk Down is considered by Sony to be a first test of a big release for future Blu-Ray titles.

    Sure, and I agree to a great extent. But without these major titles the studios look tepid in support of the media meaning that while both formats have launched, neither side has traction. Early numbers seem to me to be pretty meaningless until the real push occurs...and that's, as you say, 2007 and not this Christmas.

    I dunno that I would agree that the worst thing is a DVD rehash...early adopters are stupid that way. We'd buy the first version and then the later super duper enhanced version after. But there were, IMHO, a fair number of early adoptors that sat this one out (like me). If either side wanted an early swing for the fences to jumpstart the competition they'd have released one of these titles that folks would jump in regardless of other concerns (like owning the next beta). Not sure that Potter is in this category and BHD is not IMHO...for a war title I might pick Saving Pvt Ryan. Even then that's thin.

    I'm not saying there aren't good movies that have been released...just none that I'm willing to rebuy on HD given the format war. Upconverted anamorphic Devil Wears Prada is probably good enough for that kind of movie.

    What I really consider funny is that neither of the two major "contributors" to this thread own either technology. At least Marzetta has the excuse that the PS3 isn't out yet.

  • Reply 1379 of 2106
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Originally Posted by franksargent

    I'm wondering if the rest of the entire HD-DVD/Blu-Ray player market will have sold 60,00 total units by end of 1st quarter '07? Potential 100:1 market penetration by end of 1st quarter '07, one word

    Toshiba said they were at 50k units worldwide a month ago. They plan to have 200k players shipped by years end worldwide. RCA will ship maybe 30k badged units. These numbers pale in comparison the PS3 numbers but we can't assume that every PS3 owner has a HDTV like we can with HD DVD or dedicated Blu-Ray players.

    Originally Posted by vinea

    What I really consider funny is that neither of the two major "contributors" to this thread own either technology. At least Marzetta has the excuse that the PS3 isn't out yet.

    Agreed. I already have HD DVD movies (Serenity and Ray) waiting. I'm probably going to grab a couple of combo discs that I can enjoy right now and view the HD portion. I've pretty much decided to go with the second generation Toshiba HD-A2. I don't need HDMI 1.3 I don't give a damn about 1080p resolution either. However I have to buy a new HDTV and I've pretty much decided on a 32" LCD running at 1366x768. That's solid for the size. The reason why Marzetta7 and I are major contributors is because we're in that process of definining what we want for a purchase. I'll probably not worry too much about keeping up to date after the purchase. I'll just be buying and renting movies.
  • Reply 1380 of 2106
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison

    However I have to buy a new HDTV and I've pretty much decided on a 32" LCD running at 1366x768.

    Is that the westinghouse? I seem to recall that Toshiba bought Westinghouse but perhaps I mis-remember.

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