Apple Hypes MWSF 2002



  • Reply 321 of 1761
    Man. How many hours until the next update of the Apple website?? I can't wait. I CAN'T...I WON'T!!!

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 322 of 1761
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,461member
    Haha, this is great. Three postings on their home page and they've got the AI forums wound tighter than a drum. Maybe they're hoping they'll start causing anurisms with the next one... it'll be something like:

    4 Days to MacWorld.

    AI Forums is off the mark. Way Off.

    Take a valium or two guys, otherwise you won't make it through the next 5 days. I can see it now, reports of the Macintosh's vaunted productivity advantage will disappear because all Mac users are constantly checking AI Forums and the Apple home page.

    I have no idea what they're up to, but I don't they talking about the new processors. It might be the new iMac/iBook(s?) since both are clearly EOL. More likely they've got some killer-app hardware/software combination that is coming out of a top-secret skunkworks project. A Segway with integrated iMac, or something. Its probably something that some engineer managed to build out of a bunch of off-the-shelf components and write a bit of innovative software for. If anybody does manage to guess before Steve shows it off, I'm sure we wouldn't be able to tell the guess apart from all the other guesses being generated.
  • Reply 323 of 1761
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    Most programs are written in Microsoft compilers. That's not going to change, unfortunately. But it's better to run the Windows apps then to continue to have arguments of 'no software' destroy the platform. Imagine if all Windows apps could run in Mac OS X. Add in the Mac apps, and you have more apps for the Mac than you do for PCs! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    What microsoft compilers? C compilers, for C programs, Codewarrior comes in Mac, Java or win only versions, What Microsoft Unix, Microsoft C,and Microsoft Java Compilers, are we using now? I don't wan't to get into an arguement, but I stand by my first post apposed to MS, and their .Net hell.
  • Reply 324 of 1761
    [quote]Take a valium or two guys, otherwise you won't make it through the next 5 days<hr></blockquote>

    THIS would be a great slogan !

    [ 01-02-2002: Message edited by: Hello (again) ]</p>
  • Reply 325 of 1761
    G3 iBook "sahara" 1Ghz+

    G4 Powerbook 1.2GHz+

    G5 iMac 1.5GHz+

    G6 PowerMac 2.4GHz+

    remember you heard it here first.

    Does anyone else get all gitty just from looking at apples home page?
  • Reply 326 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong>Take a valium or two guys, otherwise you won't make it through the next 5 days. I can see it now, reports of the Macintosh's vaunted productivity advantage will disappear because all Mac users are constantly checking AI Forums and the Apple home page. </strong><hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 327 of 1761
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by dartblazer:

    <strong>G3 iBook "sahara" 1Ghz+

    G4 Powerbook 1.2GHz+

    G5 iMac 1.5GHz+

    G6 PowerMac 2.4GHz+

    remember you heard it here first.

    Does anyone else get all gitty just from looking at apples home page?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    G6 at 2.4 GHz would be disapointment to me.

    Motorola's original PPC roadmap released after the G4 came out had the G5 starting speed at 2.2 GHz.

    Add 200MHz, and call it a G6. I'd be pissed!

  • Reply 327 of 1761
    al02al02 Posts: 11member
    perhaps moto have been quicker off the mark with their 70ghz processor technology than we expected.

  • Reply 329 of 1761
    slackerslacker Posts: 127member
    What about the possiblility of the multi-core chips? G4 Apolloo and G5 both multi-core?

    I doubt it, but there hasn't been much talk about it lately (has there?).
  • Reply 329 of 1761
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    beyond...way vague....beyond does not = faster or better.....pluto is beyond earth, but i'd rather live can release something other than G5 and super fast computers and still fit the "beyond" tagline....still i expect great stuff...g
  • Reply 331 of 1761
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    Most programs are written in Microsoft compilers. That's not going to change, unfortunately. But it's better to run the Windows apps then to continue to have arguments of 'no software' destroy the platform. Imagine if all Windows apps could run in Mac OS X. Add in the Mac apps, and you have more apps for the Mac than you do for PCs! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    In the end 2 things would probably happen

    1. MS would try to break it every chance it got (just like it did with IBM's OS2 Win Compatibility)

    2. It's still emulation so we'd have nothing but poor preforming apps/games, and even fewer companies would decide to make actual Mac apps reasoning that they don't need to.

    I think Windows Emu should be left with 3rd Party. There's already some companies who suggest this since they don't have mac products, image how many more would say to do this if it was built into the OS.

    Anywho, bring on MWSF! I can't wait! I'm negotiating right now for the sale of my G4, C'mon G5!!!
  • Reply 332 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]It's still emulation so we'd have nothing but poor preforming apps/games, and even fewer companies would decide to make actual Mac apps reasoning that they don't need to.<hr></blockquote>

    I said this would only be good if the apps peformed as well as their Mac counterparts (without performance degredation).
  • Reply 333 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by X704:

    <strong>Anywho, bring on MWSF! I can't wait! I'm negotiating right now for the sale of my G4, C'mon G5!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I think it's a big mistake to be selling now when there will be no G5s introduced. Unless, of course, you're interested in buying a Gigahertz+ G4 w/DDR.

    This hype has reached the point of insanity! I'm waiting for the whining & bitch sessions to begin next week.
  • Reply 334 of 1761
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    Oh, and it will be more than the boards can take.
  • Reply 335 of 1761
    [quote]Originally posted by thinklikeacriminal:


    This hype has reached the point of insanity! I'm waiting for the whining & bitch sessions to begin next week. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    4 days to Macworld. This one ends whining and bitching once and for all. :eek:
  • Reply 336 of 1761
    nonsuchnonsuch Posts: 293member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    Imagine if all Windows apps could run in Mac OS X. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hmm, OK, closing my eyes ...

    I see Adobe and Macromedia announcing that, owing to Mac OS's newfound Windows compatibility, the Windows versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, GoLive, Dreamweaver, Fire, et al will run acceptably on the Macintosh and that therefore Macintosh-specific development will cease. (Why maintain two separate development streams when one can do the job nearly as well?) I see dozens of companies following suit, with the possible exception of Microsoft, which maintains the MacBU solely for the good publicity.

    I see thousands of Mac users, getting a whiff of the stench of imminent death, begin migrating to Windows full-time (after all, they're already running Windows apps on their boxes--why not run them on their native OS, and on hardware that's fast and cheap too?).

    I see a desperate Apple porting OS X to the Intel platform--by which time, of course, it's already too late. The Mac becomes a hobbyist platform, useful only to geeks and to the few market segments not yet completely dominated by Windows (biotech, professional audio). In other words, the Mac joins Be, Amiga, and OS2/Warp in the ranks of the Little OSes That, Ultimately, Couldn't.


    Lots of people have advanced this idea that the Mac should be the Rosetta Stone of computers, able to run applications written for any platform. In a perfect world, all computers should be like that. In a world dominated by Microsoft, it's a recipe for obsolesence and irrelevance.
  • Reply 337 of 1761
    Here's a scary thought... What if they mean "beyond" as in no G5 PowerMacs or G4 iMacs but rather they are referring to something completely different?
  • Reply 338 of 1761
    Nah. Anyway, here is what IDG had to say about the keynote rescheduling:

    "Due to the impact of new announcements from Apple, Steve Jobs' keynote was moved to one day earlier than previously scheduled."
  • Reply 339 of 1761
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    I said this would only be good if the apps peformed as well as their Mac counterparts (without performance degredation).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well ... any way you look at it it'd be emulation. Emulation always has a penalty due to the extra overhead. Even with Apple's knowledge it would still be considerable. I mean, it's nice in theory (I'd love to be able to run any windows app) but in the long run I can see it doing only bad for Apple (unless they planned on abandoning PPC, then this may be a very plausable idea)
  • Reply 340 of 1761
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    [quote]Originally posted by thinklikeacriminal:


    I think it's a big mistake to be selling now when there will be no G5s introduced. Unless, of course, you're interested in buying a Gigahertz+ G4 w/DDR.


    I'd settle for that. Just means when MWNY came around I'd have to sell it in anticipation of the G5


    I'm currently negotiating to sell my beefed up G4 466 for around $1500 (gotta love ebay buyers), if a G4 800 Mhz or so comes out for $1699, I'd say I'll still be lookingn pretty good for $200 (all I'd need to do is upgrade the ram, add $50-$100).
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